Hundreds of suspected cat and dog deaths from pet foods — particularly Purina
Traditional pet food is a toxic waste dump. It's ALL disgusting and toxic. Please feed your beloved canines and felines actual food that you prepare and know for sure what's in it. Thank you.
Good morning,
Here are the videos I promised on last night’s Planet Waves FM, both courtesy of Cindy Tice Ragusa.
Pet “foods” contain the bodies of ‘euthanized’ animals and therefore pentabarbatol. This causes thousands of deaths and cases of horrid sickness. There are many other toxins and wastes in the can.
Rendered food is inherently rancid. Kibble is about as wholesome as Doritos.
Would you eat from a can of ANY cat food or dog “food”? Spread a little on a cracker? Go ahead! Try it!
Please give your critter friends only foods that you would eat. If you consider them members of your family, feed them as such.
These videos are on fire. Dr. Judy is outraged, honest, and very intelligent. I know she is right because I have a source in the EPA (Dr. Cate Jenkins, who was given a special assignment of pet food safety after beating them in two lawsuits).
Cate is the one who personally explained the issue about dead cats and dogs in the cans. (She is famous for her gutsy positions on dioxin contamination.)
This article includes information about how I fed my canines. Keep it simple. Please pass this forward. Thank you.
I've been following Dr. Judy for a couple of years now and rely on her recommendations and reporting. My 10 yr. old Golden lost control of both her bladder and bowels last spring after her 3 yr. rabies vaccine when a raging hot spot ensued and then my single mother neighbor dosed her yard with roundup. Clean blood panel and a shrug later from my vet I then went into a period of research and she finally turned the corner last month. If your lovebug's are suffering from gut issues I highly recommend the GastroElm product on her website. Take good care everyone ~
Yes that;s why my dogs get my home made puppy loft from Dr, Judy Morgon and wonderful vet with holistic treatments. Easy to make and my dogs love it. Just saw that you have videos of Judy. She has been my Vet for years while we lived in NJ. She's been right about most things ans treatments.