The Mercury-Psyche-Zeus Conjunction
Today's eclipse included an aspect I didn't mention in yesterday's post — a conjunction of Mercury, Psyche and the hypothetical point Zeus. This is about the weaponization of unhappiness.
Note to Readers: This mailing is from Chiron Return. Please click the headline for better formatting. — efc
Dear Friend and Reader:
This is a brief follow-on to last night’s post about this morning’s partial solar eclipse.
The alignment seems to have released some pressure and tension, of which there is plenty these days. In the current pattern, we go from a New Moon partial eclipse to a Full Moon total eclipse in two weeks — this can carry a lot of momentum.
I’ll come back to that soon. I’m writing because the article was getting long last night and I didn’t want to add a section. However, it’s too signifiant to skip over.
Take a look at the chart above. You will see Mercury in green with the number 22 next to it. Then there are two penciled in points, which also have the number 22 next to them. That means they are in an exact conjunction with Mercury. All three points are in one degree — which means emphasis. By the way this is technically within degree 23, sometimes noted as 22+. In using minor planets, it’s crucial to stick to very close aspects, because their use calls for precision.
Mercury is about sentient awareness, communications and the ability to think. It’s also about commerce, which is inherent in the ability to communicate. Our language was devised first for business, not for poetry or pleasure.
The Influence of Psyche
Psyche is one of the most important asteroids. In such a close conjunction to Mercury, the two elements fuse into one. Mercury becomes the asteroid that influences it.
Nothing quite says hopeless, faithless despair like Psyche. It is the sense of the spiritual wound that will not heal. Unlike Chiron, which turns wounds into power, with Psyche they can just linger on, seemingly endlessly. And the primary thing injured is trust. This was already difficult enough for most people — and impossible for some — prior to the events of 2020.
The deepest injury inflicted the past three years was to the essential human capacity for confidence, fidelity and trust. Many people feel good about this — making life a kind of grudge match, and having more excuses to withhold goodwill. However, this really ends up about being about the ability to trust oneself. No chip on the shoulder can heal that.
Psyche conjunct Mercury describes this as an essential quality of living in our times, one thast is difficult to heal because so few people admit it exists, and so few approaches are used to rebuild that confidence.
The Influence of Zeus
Zeus is a hypothetical point, part of an obscure system of astrology from the early 20th century. Along with seven other points, it exists only in mathematics and in the minds of a very few astrologers, and it has a very long orbit — several centuries.
Arlene Kramer describes Zeus: “Controlled, directed energy. Machines; creativity; leadership. All things military. Combustion engines. Compulsion. Drive.”
It is about weaponization, in the current instance, the weaponization of an injury inflicted on people. The psychic wound, the soul wound, so meticulously inflicted during the past three years, is now once again being used against us. This is part of a military rather than civilian action. Ripping apart relationships, families and communities are all military tactics. Any humane civilian government would protect those very things first. Instead, that was the point of division and assault.
Our own lack of faith in ourselves and one another is being used against us. This is crucial because in challenging times, all we have is one another. Yes, we are all we ever have, though when things are tough, this becomes especially important.
The Happiness Issue
One last thought. The Sabian symbol for this degree — 23 Libra — is “A Chanticleer’s voice herald’s sunrise.” This is a degree about happiness, and this is where the blade was inserted and twisted. In modern political thought, there is an obligation laid on people to be miserable, cranky and resentful of the good vibes of others. We must see this for what it is.
There is only failure in misery — and no success. And misery wants company. You are not stupid for wanting to be happy, and it’s not “politically incorrect.”
Please add your thoughts in the comments. Thank you for reading.
I’ve included the full chart below.
Ok, but there is such hope in the Psyche myth as well! the story of the relationship between Eros (Love) and Psyche (the Soul)... She seeks and finds equality in her marriage. She accomplishes each task set her by Venus, Goddess of Love, with help from the forces of nature - she learns how not to sacrifice herself to take care of others - she earns back the love of Eros (which he took from her when she broke his taboo about not seeing him for who he really is) -in the end, she wins immortality and gives birth to a daughter named Pleasure - - there is so much to learn from and celebrate in the Psyche myth. The moment of "hopeless faithless despair" is just that, only one moment in a long narrative of resistance and self-actualization. I recommend psychologist Carol Gilligan's book, "The Birth of Pleasure," for an in-depth examination of this and other stories, as well as case histories, illustrating "a radical geography of love."
Loving this thread, it's adding useful layers to my understanding - thanks, both.