Eric, thank you for addressing this topic. The bottom line is that is none of these so called 'flat Earthers' give any indication that they sincerely believe the Earth is flat.

In order to qualify as a flat Earther (a flat Earth theorist) a person must - at the very least - reject the standard globe Earth model. This means rejecting all standard globe Earth maps, distances, dimensions .... as well as the entire global supply chain, infrastructure, airline industry, truckers, shipping companies etc ... all of which rely on the standard globe Earth maps and distances to run their respective operations.

The Earth is not a hypothetical, abstract place. We are all living on the Earth and we all rely on global communications, global infrastructure and global travel (or shipping) every day. All of these things are all based on the standard globe Earth dimensions. If the Earth is not a globe then the established distance between any two cities on Earth are necessarily WRONG because those distances ONLY fit onto a globe model. If the Earth is not a globe then the global supply chain should instantly collapse (planes dropping out the sky due to running out of fuel, ships getting lost at sea etc).

To reject the globe is to claim all distances further than a horse and cart are capable of are incorrect. This means you cannot reject the shape of the Earth, while still adhering to its dimensions and distances! You cannot reject the shape of the Earth and continue to rely on globe Earth maps!

If you claim the Great Pyramid is flat than you are (by definition) claiming the distances between its 5 corners are incorrect. Those distances DEFINE its shape as a pyramid.... just as the distances between Sydney- Cape Town, Cape Town- Tokyo and Tokyo-London all combine to define the shape of the Earth as a sphere. If you take the distances between every capital city on Earth and create a geometric shape with around 200 corners, that shape is - for all intents and purposes - will be sphere the size of the Earth.

If the Earth is flat those distances cannot be correct, therefore if you are a 'flat Earther' you must give up airline travel for a start. You cannot participate in the globe Earth model while claiming the Earth to be flat. That is as absurd as climbing the Great Pyramid and taking a selfie on the top, which claiming the Great Pyramid is flat. This is essentially what 'flat Earthers' are doing.

I do not know any so called 'flat Earther' who actually rejects any aspect of the globe Earth model in their own daily lives. They are all happy to use standard globe Earth maps, to use airlines to fly internationally, use GPS, google maps etc.

This means there are effectively no 'flat Earthers'. At best there are just people who 'identify' as flat Earthers, but that is not the same thing. To qualify as a 'flat Earther' (a flat Earth theorist) you should do the following as a bare minimum:

(1) Stop participating in the globe Earth model that everyone else adheres to, which means stop using standard globe Earth maps and distances, GPS, international air travel etc.

(2) Present a scale map of a flat Earth with a whole new set of distances marked on it.

(3) Use that map in your daily life to prove you genuinely believe the world is flat.

This video demonstrates how the established distances between various cities cannot be made to fit onto a flat plane.


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History never repeats itself . . . Time is linear, a circle is a line, we use a circular clock to measure time, we used a circular sundial that measures the rotation of the earth before we had the learned machinations of springs and gears, because the earth is not flat . . .

. . . If you draw a circle with x=cos(t) and y=sin(t) and pull it evenly in z-direction, you get a spatial spiral called a cylindrical spiral or helix.

The idea that history repeats is in itself wholly illogical, but it serves a propaganda purpose to its users . . . meaning . . . you can’t go back to older cultural ways of doing things because that makes you a sinner, a nazi, or some kind of pagan devil.

The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death.

Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.


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Eric I would be more than happy to have a mature private conversation with YOU regarding both "Stateism" AND "Flat Earth" anytime you want!!!

I am also in New York, so there is no issue regarding "time"

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Sure, but for now, are you of the position that the Earth is "flat"?

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Yes, I am

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Then how does the Sunrise equation work correctly every time, everywhere?

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To be honest, I'd rather have this conversation via phone but I'll answer your question...

What came first, the sun "rising"? Or your "equation"? All you gotta do is observe the sun's behavior/patters for a period of time, and then you can make a "math equation " that fits its patterns.

Did "They" develop the "recipe" to cook a pound of spaghetti first or did thry first make the spaghetti and then figure out how l9ng it takes to cook it?

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That is a rhetorical answer and does not address the issue. There was no cooking. It is trigonometry.

And it does not matter which came first.

The Sunrise Equation can accurately predict the time and direction of sunrise (or sunset) anywhere on the planet for any location between the Arctic and Antarctic circles.

The result is verifiable by sight and timing. You can try it for sunset tonight, and go and watch it. The Sun will set at Kingston at 4:26:16 pm EST today. I know that because I used the Sunrise Equation. We can adjust for your locale and test it. Depending on where you are, the result will be within 20 clock minutes. (Sunset at Jamestown, in Western New York, is 4:48:39 pm EST.)

The Sunrise Equation uses the following assumptions to get a perfect prediction every time:

1. Coordinates for the locale on a spherical Earth.

2. Earth spins on an axis 23 degrees relative to its path

3. Spherical Sun located 93 million miles away.

The fact that it works every time demonstrates that all of those "assumptions" are true and if any one is changed, it will fail. This is not word play; it's the scientific method, because there is an independent variable (the location on Earth), and the same result any time, anywhere, verifiable directly by any person with a wristwatch or phone.

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Yes it does matter which came first!

You wanna "die" on this hill of the stupid surise/sunset equation that would work just the same on a "flat earth", and I know that's not what you wanna hear.

There is nothing you can say that only works on a ball/globe earth and won't work on a flat plane earth.

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As far as observation, when I look out my front door I see a tree covered hill (small mountain) above a river. From here, I watch the sun rise every morning and depending on what time of year it is, it rises over the mountain to my left, which is east and sets, to my right (west). In summer it rises almost directly in front of my front door and sets where I can see it only if I am on the back hill. If the earth was flat and the sun just moving further away or nearer, it would not come up from behind the hill and go down behind another part of the hilly terrain in the evening. Instead, I would see it get smaller in the sky as it moved away and larger as it moved nearer, but it would not appear to go down behind the hill/mountain. I have watched this every day for the 12 years I have lived here. Also, what the hell was that Flipper stuff about> Did you understand what he was trying to say by posting it?

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"Yes, I am"

Do you mind PROVING that you are a flat Earther? No offence, but I doubt you actually believe the Earth is flat.

Here's how you can easily prove you are a flat Earther....

1. There are 5 corners to the Great Pyramid, 4 at the base and 1 at the apex.

2. If you take the official distances between each corner (ie the length of each side) and convert them into bits of stiff wire and then join them together the ONLY shape you can produce is a pyramid (ie a scale model of the great pyramid). The distances between each corner determine the shape.

3. There are (approx) 200 countries in the world, each with a capital city.

4. If you take the distances between each capital city and its neighbouring cities and convert each distance into a length of stiff wire and then join those wires together you will end up with a set of polygons forming a spherical wire frame with 200 corners. As with the pyramid example, this is the only shape that those distances can produce. The distances between each corner of an object defines its shape ... and vice versa.

5. Therefore, given that the accepted distances between each capital city ('each corner of the globe') forms a spherical shape, if you are indeed a flat Earther you must reject those distances as completely wrong. Not just a bit wrong, but with errors up to thousands of miles or even tens of thousands of miles (in the southern hemisphere). And not just the distances between capital cities, but all cities. All places. As a flat Earther you must - by definition - reject all standard maps, all GPS .... and therefore all airlines, shipping companies and trucking companies that rely on those standard globe Earth distances that you claim are erroneous.

You cannot reject the shape of the Earth (or the Great Pyramid) without also rejecting the distances between its corners (the length of its sides).

6. And so to prove you really are a flat Earther you must prove that you have rejected the standard distances between all places on Earth in your daily life - which is to say rejected all standard maps, GPS, road signs etc. If you believe these distances are wrong you must presumably also refuse to take international flights, given that airlines rely on distances that you believe are potentially thousands of miles short of the true distance.

7. If, however, you continue to rely on standard maps, GPS etc and continue to fly and order goods that require international shipping, then you cannot claim - in good faith - to be a flat Earther.

So the question is this:

Do you dispute any of the standard distances between places on Earth, as shown on standard maps?

If so, which distances do you dispute? Be specific please.

If not, then you cannot claim to have any issue with the shape of the Earth.

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On edit: Michael Kagan - This post is not really for you as I agree w/you re: flat earth but just wanted to post it under your comment so you see it - & hopefully many others too.

Interesting that globe-ers insist that the earth rounds into a ball shape but can never say when - exactly when - the "solid earth" begins to turn downwards from the north pole into that shape.

And someone please explain HOW the gigantic oceans of water curve around a big ole ball when the earth's waters never, ever curve, never run uphill but always, always seek their level??

p.s. Just don't use that totally magickal & completely unproveable theory of so-called "gravity".

> LEVEL (2021) - The Truth is Hard to Swallow - Water is LEVEL - Flat Earth Documentary HD -

Watch - https://www.bitchute.com/video/4SiTwJSONQk9/

Explain why everyone calls the ground at the ocean's beaches "sea level" if the oceans curve??


This brief video below is clear in its simple explanation of why the flat earth explanation is the best one over the complicated globe calculations. Watch this 10+ minutes of clarity on FE. >

> Flat Earth and Occam's Razor - Watch - https://www.bitchute.com/video/3DzD48DZXR0a/

> Occam's Razor is a scientific and philosophical rule stating that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily, or in other words, a principle purporting that the simplest of competing theories is preferred to the more complex.

Occam's Razor suggests that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities, without adding any extraneous postulations, assumptions, or conclusions.

When applied to the current hot button topic of the flat vs. globe earth cosmologies, Occam's Razor time and again applies to only one side of this debate, whilst the other is constantly found "multiplying entities unnecessarily" in defense of their theory...


“Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know.”

— Aldous Huxley

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Thank You Lucinda. What truly fascinates me is the fact Eric sees through the bullshit germ/virus THEORY but can not let go of his precious ball earth model. Reason for that is, it would ruin his astrology business. He uses the "sunrise/sunset equation" as his proof of a globe.

Beyond frustrating!

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Agreed! We shouldn't conflate 2 separate and unrelated issues. However, we now know it is possible for group think to be used to convince the public AND experts to that field, over time, with conviction and documentation, to validate a wrong understanding of reality. Of course, I am talking about globe earth, OOPS..., I meant virology..., oh well, I won't correct that particular error because everyone knows the truth anyway.

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The Jewish Vaccine: The Truth ‘Truthers’ Ignore . . .



PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞



Jewish Scientist Who Developed New Vaccine “Saved the World” . . .



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the issues are not separate. the vast common ground is the scientific method.

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So the dilemma is, why are talking fish and otherwise scientifically minded, smart humans arriving at the conclusion that the earth is flat? Something in the waters?

Snake venom? Mind control? Out of control?

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Electricity. Digital. They are uploaded, where everything is dimensionless and fake.

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Explain why the Sunrise Equation ALWAYS works, if the earth is not a rotating sphere.

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dude man, rotating on its axis. but why is Miami located near the Tropic of Capricorn?

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smoke a doobie bro I'm joshin' ya. :-)

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I no longer smoke doobies. I.. stick to pipes, especially bongs. :-)

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The sun doesn't rise, it just gets closer. Math does work with constancy, no surprise there. Finally, the horizon line in this video is conclusive evidence. Thank me later. see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6PqrTZsho0

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It sounds like you've never watched this happen. have you ever been outside?

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Nice try, telling me to consult the New York Public Library main branch in response to a simple question. Even young kids can see brightness along the horizon, and then the sun showing up at the brightest spot, slowly becoming more and more visible. Why would math with consistency (i think that's the word you mean) if the model is wrong? Does a spherical model work if making predictions about a cylinder? Or about a plane? Why was Eratosthenes able to predict the length of the equator so accurately via sun observations, distance measuring via a human taking footsteps, two sticks, and the assumption of a spherical earth? If the sun is just a light which "gets closer" and "moves away," why does the sun's angular diameter, the angle formed at the observer's eye by two lines drawn from opposite edges of the sun's disk, remain constant, rather than changing size?

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Why is it now 6:20 am in Manila now?

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Because the government says so. 🤣🤣🤣

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I watched that Flipper intro and outro and cannot figure out why conceptualVoice is using it to "prove" flat earth

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No answers, eh? 🤣

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Really weird, yeah ... Clarke imagined that off-site information storage was pretty cool stuff. But humans have been in information storage - called ‘the human body’ - already for eons. Somehow, Clarke apparently entirely forgot about this and became caught up in a Darwinian evolution leading to cybernetics instead.

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Hi Eric, you mentioned your love of physics so this should blow your mind: A Simple Experiment Proves π = 4


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Oh and before I forget, thanks Eric for a great 2023 wrap-up show. I finally got a chance to listen.

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Why do we never see the back side of the moon?

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Last segment is as good and eclectic as usual. BTW, loved the Dead Can Dance selections. And no surprise, loved the DP10 material. I was at the 12/29/77 show, thought about it a bunch yesterday, a great point in the band's history. Never heard the Eyes before (i didn't get every single DP), it's probably the best version i've heard from the second Godchaux era (i.e. '76-9, post hiatus), loved how they played with a B chord and a B Mixolydian theme for quite a while at the very end, a totally smooth transition from the tune's basic E major (i.e. Ionian) motif, as those two scales are parallel (same 7 notes, different tonal center), but changes the sound so much. They were masters at doing that.

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Great astrology reading to start the year - if that doesn’t get you out of the starting blocks nothing will! All things cyber? Ya betcha! Cool it on the consumption? Better believe it!

Macro - you know, the brown rice, seaweed & miso soup people, the ones who encouraged you to chew and meditate - has had this historical point in view for a good many years. Full disclosure: Wasn’t Arthur C Clarke of the opinion 60 years ago that flesh-and-blood evolution had probably run its course and that we were embarking on machine evolution? Tough sledding. Hey, hang on for the moguls straight ahead!

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well, I don't think flesh and blood goes right to machine. in between is mind and that usual but unusual part of mind called spirit.

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This is the elephant in the room, so to speak … the development of machine evolution. We started out with Sophia in HK some years back, and then Sophia gave a commencement address at RhodeIslandSchoolofDesign … a lot of steps forward in the process, and then what happens with the introduction of that ‘spirit’ thing!

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WOW regarding the facial recognition cameras in Woodstock, and the ones in Madison Square Garden used to expel anyone associated with any law firm which has a case dealing with the owners of MSG.

Regarding the second segment. Yes, we will need all the mental capacity we can muster to get through the coming period. But the problems are not simply spiritual and mental. We face very real problems in terms of sources of energy and of critical raw materials, and a very real collapse of the ecosystem, with the population of living entities on the planet (talking about numbers) having collapsed 70% since 1970, 95% decline in fish.

GREAT going in segment three, calling out of those within the "health freedom movement" who continue to push the fraud narrative that there is a virus which has been identified (plus "variants") that causing people to get sick and spreading via contagion, in fact a supposed bio-weapon, in the face of total lack of proof for the existence of such entity and its pathogenic nature. And likewise calling out those in the "no proof of virus" camp who have fallen for the flat earth nonsense. Yeah, let them try to explain why the Sunrise (and Sunset) equation works everywhere, every date chosen.

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Dec 31, 2023
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Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,

A tale of a fateful trip

That started at this New York airport

Aboard this tiny jet.


Gates was a mighty molesting man,

A gimper sick and queer.

Five pederasts took flight that day

For a three hour screw, a three hour screw.


The pedos started getting rough,

The tiny kid was tossed,

If not for the courage of the Disney crew

The Lolita would be lost, the Lolita would be lost.


The jet touched down on the shore of this secret tropic isle

With Jeffrey And Brunel too,

The Microsoft billionaire and his wife,

The movie stars

Paul Pelosi and Ghislai-anne

Here on Epstein's Isle.



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