Or how about the distance around the latitudes below the equator. That should be the only observation you need to determine a flat plane versus a globe. But I guess we can't ask those simple questions?
they are getting off on not having any coherent answers to this. "Flat" Earth means they are disabusing themselves from the necessities of logic, observation, and having to explain themselves; and it must be thrilling to utter such vivid bullshit and have people tumble along with them.
why didn’t you ask why the “firmament” spins counterclockwise around Polaris above the equator but clockwise around an entirely different region of the sky below (or is it beyond the equator for FE?), and straight up and over when viewed from the equator?
No FE proponent has a rational explanation for this observation that literally anyone can do.
And one more. Regarding the music. Enjoyed the selections. I must say, "Music For Cunnilingus" seemed more aligned with the subject and Eno's music in general than "Music For An Orgy." But this may have been due to the first one's..... vocals. :-)
Funny, several of my sex partners were steadfast in refusing to have anything to do with that practice. OTOH, a couple seemed to greatly prefer it to genital intercourse. I came to favor initiating any interaction with it, seemed to ... ease the way for the rest.
In the third segment, Eric and i talk about Henry Kissinger, who left this space-time coordinate system on Thursday, 11/29/23, at age 100. His passing was noted in a rather long obituary in the New York Times, written by its senior reporter David Sanger, himself a ruling elite figure, like Kissinger a graduate of Harvard, member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Aspen Study Group subsidiary of the elite policy design outfit, the Aspen Institute. It was only during the conversation itself that i as well as Eric became cognizant of the fact that Kissinger was probably THE architect of the current global order and also editor/shaper of the changes which this order has been undergoing over the last 50 years, with the shift into 4IR being the current phase.
Kissinger was active in reshaping the order right to his last days. He traveled to Beijing in July, and met not only Xi, but the defense minister, who refused to meet the US sec of defense. Supposedly he managed to get the US and Chinese governments to start talking again.
Henry the Great on September 11. I. Berg [My late colleague Tod Fletcher], posted April 2002 at Indymedia.
Reprinted below is a remarkable text by that remarkable man, Henry Kissinger. It was posted online at Washington Post dot com not much more than twelve hours after the first airliner struck the north tower of the World Trade Center. The text is notable for a number of reasons, but has gone largely unnoted to date. It seems to express the measured, even reassuring, view of a major, widely (not universally!) respected statesman, calling for a new approach to the threat of terrorism, reassessed in the light of the morning¹s events. Its publication didn¹t elicit much comment -- it was just a drop in a mass media tidal wave.
In the first two segments, Eric discusses astrology. He also discusses at length what i think can best be called as “digital derangement.” On one hand, the entire world was willing to be placed under house arrest on the basis of assertions that a novel virus, SARS-Cov-2, was discovered in human patients, and was running amok, causing a deadly new respiratory disease, “COVID-19,” possessing unique symptoms, and this was leading to a global “pandemic.” All three facets of this narrative have been shown to be false. But most of the world continues to believe this fraud. On the other hand, many of those who were shaken loose of dominant narratives via becoming aware of this fraud have come to believe that everything they’ve been told and taught is false, and thus think the earth is flat, there are no nuclear weapons, the Beatles were completely fake, doing no more than singing on their albums,……. Trump-centrered misogyny followed by “Me-Too” centered misandry,….
Good comments about how identity politics brought on the ruin and degeneration of the “Sixties” general social change movement. I do need to say that identity politics were in big part introduced by COINTELPRO as a divide-and-rule tactic.. but also were the result of the general movement giving up its goal of a complete transformation of society. Once the social hierarchy was accepted as “here to stay,” it was quite easy to then seek to secure a place within it on the basis of either one’s identity or one’s narrow programatic focus like peace, the environment, gay rights,….[
Skipping to Tantra Studio (i deal with my segment in a separate comment). Eric's message to young women basically has four parts.
a. Acting as a responsible and autonomous individual, or playing victim (the favorite commodity in contemporary society), the choice is yours.
b. Ask yourself what's special about yourself, beyond your sexuality and attractiveness. You need to understand you are not a sex object, there's more about you to like than sex.
c. Avoid being turned into a commodity, evaluating relationships via monetary value.
d. Masturbation is a key component of healthy sexual relations and one's own sexual development. [On that, i have to say, once one learns good masturbation techniques, why bother with troublesome relationships? Napoleon Solo rules the day. LOL. Says something that all the many women i regretted encountering and discovering i could not couple with, often because they were coupled already, turned out to be people i would have been mismatched being with, i'm glad they found the partners they did]
I think what you’re missing is that observation is not allowed.
Or how about the distance around the latitudes below the equator. That should be the only observation you need to determine a flat plane versus a globe. But I guess we can't ask those simple questions?
they are getting off on not having any coherent answers to this. "Flat" Earth means they are disabusing themselves from the necessities of logic, observation, and having to explain themselves; and it must be thrilling to utter such vivid bullshit and have people tumble along with them.
Question for Eric:
just watched your interview with ADV re FE
why didn’t you ask why the “firmament” spins counterclockwise around Polaris above the equator but clockwise around an entirely different region of the sky below (or is it beyond the equator for FE?), and straight up and over when viewed from the equator?
No FE proponent has a rational explanation for this observation that literally anyone can do.
What am I missing?
And one more. Regarding the music. Enjoyed the selections. I must say, "Music For Cunnilingus" seemed more aligned with the subject and Eno's music in general than "Music For An Orgy." But this may have been due to the first one's..... vocals. :-)
Funny, several of my sex partners were steadfast in refusing to have anything to do with that practice. OTOH, a couple seemed to greatly prefer it to genital intercourse. I came to favor initiating any interaction with it, seemed to ... ease the way for the rest.
In the third segment, Eric and i talk about Henry Kissinger, who left this space-time coordinate system on Thursday, 11/29/23, at age 100. His passing was noted in a rather long obituary in the New York Times, written by its senior reporter David Sanger, himself a ruling elite figure, like Kissinger a graduate of Harvard, member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Aspen Study Group subsidiary of the elite policy design outfit, the Aspen Institute. It was only during the conversation itself that i as well as Eric became cognizant of the fact that Kissinger was probably THE architect of the current global order and also editor/shaper of the changes which this order has been undergoing over the last 50 years, with the shift into 4IR being the current phase.
Kissinger was active in reshaping the order right to his last days. He traveled to Beijing in July, and met not only Xi, but the defense minister, who refused to meet the US sec of defense. Supposedly he managed to get the US and Chinese governments to start talking again.
Here's an article about his 9/11 role
Henry the Great on September 11. I. Berg [My late colleague Tod Fletcher], posted April 2002 at Indymedia.
Reprinted below is a remarkable text by that remarkable man, Henry Kissinger. It was posted online at Washington Post dot com not much more than twelve hours after the first airliner struck the north tower of the World Trade Center. The text is notable for a number of reasons, but has gone largely unnoted to date. It seems to express the measured, even reassuring, view of a major, widely (not universally!) respected statesman, calling for a new approach to the threat of terrorism, reassessed in the light of the morning¹s events. Its publication didn¹t elicit much comment -- it was just a drop in a mass media tidal wave.
In the first two segments, Eric discusses astrology. He also discusses at length what i think can best be called as “digital derangement.” On one hand, the entire world was willing to be placed under house arrest on the basis of assertions that a novel virus, SARS-Cov-2, was discovered in human patients, and was running amok, causing a deadly new respiratory disease, “COVID-19,” possessing unique symptoms, and this was leading to a global “pandemic.” All three facets of this narrative have been shown to be false. But most of the world continues to believe this fraud. On the other hand, many of those who were shaken loose of dominant narratives via becoming aware of this fraud have come to believe that everything they’ve been told and taught is false, and thus think the earth is flat, there are no nuclear weapons, the Beatles were completely fake, doing no more than singing on their albums,……. Trump-centrered misogyny followed by “Me-Too” centered misandry,….
Good comments about how identity politics brought on the ruin and degeneration of the “Sixties” general social change movement. I do need to say that identity politics were in big part introduced by COINTELPRO as a divide-and-rule tactic.. but also were the result of the general movement giving up its goal of a complete transformation of society. Once the social hierarchy was accepted as “here to stay,” it was quite easy to then seek to secure a place within it on the basis of either one’s identity or one’s narrow programatic focus like peace, the environment, gay rights,….[
Skipping to Tantra Studio (i deal with my segment in a separate comment). Eric's message to young women basically has four parts.
a. Acting as a responsible and autonomous individual, or playing victim (the favorite commodity in contemporary society), the choice is yours.
b. Ask yourself what's special about yourself, beyond your sexuality and attractiveness. You need to understand you are not a sex object, there's more about you to like than sex.
c. Avoid being turned into a commodity, evaluating relationships via monetary value.
d. Masturbation is a key component of healthy sexual relations and one's own sexual development. [On that, i have to say, once one learns good masturbation techniques, why bother with troublesome relationships? Napoleon Solo rules the day. LOL. Says something that all the many women i regretted encountering and discovering i could not couple with, often because they were coupled already, turned out to be people i would have been mismatched being with, i'm glad they found the partners they did]