I read convincing evidence from multiple sources that the medical system had attempted to spin one of these "new" illnesses up into a full-blown pandemic a decade or so before their success in 2020 (IIRC it was swine flu back then), but all it took to shut it down at that time was a handful of doctors calling out the so-called experts at…
I read convincing evidence from multiple sources that the medical system had attempted to spin one of these "new" illnesses up into a full-blown pandemic a decade or so before their success in 2020 (IIRC it was swine flu back then), but all it took to shut it down at that time was a handful of doctors calling out the so-called experts at the CDC, et al, for their bs fear-mongering & bad science. Unfortunately at this point, practically ALL of our institutions are pretty much captured by an ideology for which there are many labels that reasonably apply, ranging from Marxist to Fascist to Gnostic to Satanic. It is strange & disturbing to see big government & big corporations behaving this way; so much for separation of church & state, we are all being forced to make way for the cult. Our technocratic overlords clearly favor a transhumanist future, but their arrogant assertion that they can simply disregard reality by declaring themselves to be their own gods seems to be causing them to overreach to an astonishing degree. Which in turn is FINALLY waking many of our fellow human beings up to the very things that us Cassandras have been screaming out to society for all our lives, even in the ever-present face of ridicule & scorn! For the first time in my life I actually feel hopeful things could turn around, potentially even within my own lifetime!.
[PS, Eric: Do you ever hear from TREVA these days???]
I read convincing evidence from multiple sources that the medical system had attempted to spin one of these "new" illnesses up into a full-blown pandemic a decade or so before their success in 2020 (IIRC it was swine flu back then), but all it took to shut it down at that time was a handful of doctors calling out the so-called experts at the CDC, et al, for their bs fear-mongering & bad science. Unfortunately at this point, practically ALL of our institutions are pretty much captured by an ideology for which there are many labels that reasonably apply, ranging from Marxist to Fascist to Gnostic to Satanic. It is strange & disturbing to see big government & big corporations behaving this way; so much for separation of church & state, we are all being forced to make way for the cult. Our technocratic overlords clearly favor a transhumanist future, but their arrogant assertion that they can simply disregard reality by declaring themselves to be their own gods seems to be causing them to overreach to an astonishing degree. Which in turn is FINALLY waking many of our fellow human beings up to the very things that us Cassandras have been screaming out to society for all our lives, even in the ever-present face of ridicule & scorn! For the first time in my life I actually feel hopeful things could turn around, potentially even within my own lifetime!.
[PS, Eric: Do you ever hear from TREVA these days???]