Our search for the scientific credentials of the latest 'covid truth' celeb turns up nothing. Poornima Wagh claims to have worked on analysis of 756 samples proving SARS-CoV-2 does not exist. Did she?
Poornima Wagh is not saying she merely attended the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and did not get a degree, as some suggest is possible. She is saying she received two degrees. There is no trace of them anywhere inside or outside her claimed institution. She claims credentials she does not have.
She also said that a faculty member “pulled strings” to get her her doctorates.
Wagh is special as she is claiming a double doctorate from LSHTM, and NIH (United States federal government) affiliation — the area where Anthoni Fauci serves as well.
She claimed to have spoken to then-CDC director James Redfield personally, whom she claimed in one interview, order her to quash the results other study “proving" non-isolation.
She claims to have personally proved the nonexistence of the virus from an astounding 1,500 samples of lung lavage from “covid positive” pneumonia patients — and to have written a scientific paper about this that she will not produce.
Then she says her backing data was taken by the FBI even though she was proceeding under NIH go-ahead.
Then top presenters such as Lee Merritt and Regis Tremblay ran her up the flagpole unquestioned, and then nobody points out the gross errors in her statements. Then they don’t retract her broadcasts. Merritt is even defending her.
This story is about standards and practices in the new media as much as anything.
Problematic Scientific Assertions: Ignorance of Multiple Sequences
Regarding her “scientific" assertions, the opinions of a scientist are not the findings of science. All scientists must present their data if their claims are to be accepted. That is the whole point of science.
Apart from any specific and unverifiable experiment she claims to have conducted, let’s consider just one detail that is verifiable.
In our discussion on Friday, Aug. 26, 2022, Wagh — while claiming to be an accredited virologist and infectious disease specialist — said this was the first time she was hearing that there were multiple in silico sequences of SARS-CoV-2!
She said she thought there was only "Patient Zero” (who was actually claimed to be an AIDS patient and who died in 1984). And that, she says, is what she was trying to match against in her experiment on 756 lavage samples.
She had no idea there were multiples even though she claimed to be using the Blast database, where most of them are!
Corman and Dosten in their Jan. 23, 2020 Eurosurveillance paper establishing the World Health Organization’s PCR assay said they used six in silico sequences. Like it or not, it is one of the most famous papers in the history of virology, and it was world famous out of the gate. It “proved” the “reality” of the “pandemic” and the “test."
In fact by that same week (the last week in January 2020) there were at least 28 in silico sequences of “SARS-CoV-2” documented. Today there are 12 million versions of in silico "SARS-CoV-2” transcripts deposited into genetic libraries.
This is the whole problem. There is no original to match against — and everyone knows this.
Someone claiming to be working as a virus investigator — tasked with finding the particle — under the authority of the federal government — says she not only did not know that at the time of her experiment; she did not now it in late 2022.
She admitted openly that she heard about multiple versions of in silico sequences from me — for the first time, last week. She thought there was just one, on the day there were 12 million.
This is like someone getting on TV claiming to be an orthopedics expert and claiming the femur is in the elbow — that there are 16 bones in each foot.
Ms. Poornima Wagh lives in my area. I first met her when she hijacked a local medical freedom meeting claiming there is no such thing as viruses, claiming to have two PhDs, and claiming to have worked on the research of 1500 COVID samples being Influenza A and B that had already been deemed a hoax. My efforts to find evidence of her PhD theses in google scholar came up empty, so I confronted her about her claims. She ignored my request for an explanation for why her PhD theses do not show up in google scholar as mine does. Another local activist asked her if she could provide any references. She responded through a friend claiming she had to leave town because the FBI was hounding her and somehow she claimed this hounding was due to people like us asking her questions! Not long after that she was seen around town, attending events and did not seem to be needing to live underground to avoid the FBI. I came to the conclusion from this behavior that she is either a mentally ill pathological liar or she is a paid agent of chaos for one entity or another. Her friend who was not troubled by any of this behavior moved to town shortly after the pandemic began and has already moved on. She says her name is Faye Brandmaier. She is rather masterful at manipulating groups, but not sincere in my experience. Our area also experienced the troubling and mysterious death of vaccine safety campaigner Brandy Vaughn. I consider it wise to be skeptical about people's claims and to seek verification where possible.
Denis Rancourt & colleagues have examined all causes mortality by state, sex & date of occurrence in USA for a 100 week period extending from just before the alleged pandemic and into 2022.
Two options for interested parties:
-listen to the interview with Jeremy of Jerm Warfare
-read the very large manuscript for findings. I recommend reviewing the figures & tables once you’ve digested the abstract. It is a huge work.
Either way, unless the raw data are in severe error, the findings deal a devastating blow against the narrative that there’s a new virus causing mass scale illness & deaths.
Respiratory illness & deaths, assumed to be caused by viruses, characteristically are associated with elevated death rates, with markedly greater proportionate increased in deaths as age at death increases. It is known as the “respiratory illness death signature” & it’s evident in the death statistics in every northern hemisphere winter.
It is missing in the COVID era.
It’s up to you what you make if it.
I conclude that, whatever caused the increased mortality in USA, it was inconsistent with a virus causing severe respiratory illness and deaths.
If there indeed is a novel virus circulating, it’s not the cause of the deaths.
I made no comment in lab results by anybody. These aren’t capable of answering the key question, which is “Are the deaths data consistent with the narrative?”.
The answer is “No”.
Are there other, plausible explanations for the illnesses & deaths which definitely occurred?
The answer is “yes”.
Again, everyone, it’s up to you to decide what you think this means.
Be rigorous scientists & focus only on the evidence. If the raw data is suspect, the results may be undermined & the conclusions unsound.
But I submit you cannot just dismiss it because it’s uncomfortable. I didn’t begin with the position I now hold. It’s extremely uncomfortable, I assure you. I’ve been driven here by the evidence.
MIke thank you. From the outset, the argument could be made that there was no circumstantial or medical evidence for community spread of a pathogen, right back to the claimed early cases in China. This goes back to the May 10 2020 paper by David Crowe, "Flaws in the coronavirus pandemic theory."
Pathogens see no border. Yet elevated death rate (beginning of 2020) only happened in the Western EU member states(BE, ES, IT, NL, UK plus Israel). A logical conclusion could be that these excess deaths were the consequences of a new vaccine technology pushed onto the Western elderly in a much tightly controlled medical environment.
Another graph 'Pooled number of deaths by age group' clearly shows excessive death after the vaccination campaign in 2021.
Thank you. Each example of impossible occurrences disprove the narrative.
I was persuaded by Rancourt’s analyses of US all causes mortality data that is inconsistent with the respiratory virus death narrative.
As I’ve said, this means either the new virus isn’t circulating or if it is it’s not a major contributor to deaths. Because if it was, the age profile of deaths would be radically different than the official data from 50 US states.
While it may look like Wagh is the subject of the article, that is not really true.
This is ALL on Regis Tremblay and Dr. Lee Merritt for allowing her to go on and on the way they did. They gave Wagh her original platforms. The medium is the message.
I am reaching out to them for comment and will “press" them on this matter.
Lee Merritt, who is VERY highly regarded, especially has some ’splainin to do. I will also reach out to Exposé News as well and ask them to explain their comment, “We couldn’t find a bio so we took her word for it.” I mean really! (Great find on that quote.)
We may forgive the Malaysian webinar from Sunday, but not Reiner Füllmich — a fraud attorney — for inviting her on. Their whole specialty, their whole reason for existence, is supposed to be seeing through this kind of bullshit.
Yet he glad-handled her and invited her onto “investigative” committee that evidently does not really do much investigating. People noticed that and this does not reflect well on him.
All of the entities who promoted her should issue a retraction and give equal time — and I suggest we hold them to it.
You're not saying anything here Steve. You label anyone that does not believe that viruses exist as a con artist. No surprises there. Eric Coppolino has done the work to expose the lack of bonafides but that doesn't mean that viruses now magically exist.
Eric has lied about you claiming you are involved in a conspiracy with pharmaceutical companies. Think twice before believing he has vetted Poornima to the fullest extent. After all, he is claiming falsehoods about you that have no evidence.
The greater point was that Coppolino fabricated a libelous story about Jeff Green being in a conspiracy with Steve Kirsch, when the two have never even communicated personally with each other.
In that case, no one can trust this supposed "investigation" being carried out by Eric and friends. He has already shown he is willing to concoct defaming false stories with zero evidence…
Here is what I wrote, DL. I said I wanted to send him CBD gummies so he can calm down...
There’s another Substacker named Jeff Green. He too is upset that anyone thinks viruses might not exist, and he’s blaming Christine. He has made an open challenge to anyone who can prove her wrong.
Green loves viruses and takes personal offense at anyone who insults them. You would think he cuddles up at night with a covid plushy toy and a cup of warm ivermectin. He seems to spend his whole life defending viruses, as if he’s president of the Virus Anti-Defamation League.
Green writes such stressful replies to my comments on his blog that I want to send him a case of CBD gummies so he can finally get some rest.
I cannot say for sure that Jeff Green and Steve Kirsch are industry ringers — that is, paid shills whose job it is to run interference against journalists, activists and legit scientists. But they put on a performance so convincing, I could hardly tell the difference if they weren’t. And this certainly lends credibility to Massey’s project.
Yes, and what you wrote is fairly clear. You are suggesting something is true with no evidence and are engaged in defamation against Jeff Green by making false claims or suggestions against him. You suggested he is involved in a conpiracy as a "paid shill". He along with Kirsch. You are now doing the same to Poornima.
You can't look up her degree without a 'hand signed' permission from her. I know this for a fact. I have been in contact with The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine myself. So, how exactly did you do it?
There is no need to look for her degree. We searched the official academic records in England high and low, and have three different confirmations from London Hygiene that she never received one degree much less two. I have been in direct contact with them via their public office, and we have a contact that has been in touch with the dean who would have overseen her section.
Here is that data —
UPDATE: The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has checked in with the following statement this morning from their press office: “Nobody by the name of Poornima Wagh has obtained a degree from our institution.”
We have also received a second confirmation from Roger Watson: “I have it from the dean of Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at LSHTM, Alison Grant, that nobody of her name has obtained any degree from their institution.”
Update Thursday, September 1: The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has confirmed: “Nobody with the last name Wagh, including as part of a hyphenated surname or as part of a surname containing the letters in that order, has obtained a degree from this institution.”
I can't imagine why you are going to such lengths - the woman was being interviewed and gave her opinions. She is not dictating public health. So what if she embellished her qualifications a bit? I consider that to be a very minor con indeed. A lot less than pretending there is a killer virus and faking a pandemic.
you say " I consider that to be a very minor con indeed "
I say that it's very possible that everthing she says is also false - The lab, her 20 staff, her results. In other words it may be total fiction. Why dont you do some checking yourself ?
None of it's true. Read the article; it's not just about her credentials. She is clueless about lab technique and basic covid history. Also, this story has been bouncing around in many forms -- the 1500 samples -- since early 2020. It's taken many forms, been attributed to at least four different people, and finally she turned it into a video series. Anyone who thinks this is cool deserves Tony Fauci.
I agree that people can easily be scrubbed from google search.
This whole story stems from not being able to find her from a google search?
Are you kidding me?
Google is well known for hiding people and other topics. Anyone who says that a basic google search of a person is journalism 101 is retarded.
I have personally seen published peer review articles scrubbed from individual researchers' public pages and their names removed entirely from online archives.
This is a common occurrence done to anyone that goes against the official narrative.
Lots of these websites and services are easily manipulated by the owners and by google and any other entity that has oversight or power over the web site developers.
Dissenters are silenced, not praised.
The attack on this woman's "credentials" is absolutely retarded and pointless especially coming from people who claim that these degrees mean nothing because it's a degree of indoctrination. 🤷♂️
You have this wrong. We have conducted every conceivable academic search, including the institution where she said the dissertation was deposited, and the British Library where all dissertations in England are deposited. Read the story. Most notably, she refused to provide so little as the proper title and citation reference, much less a copy of the document.
Eric, here's a copy of the letter I received from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine when I enquired about Poormina Wagh's qualifications. They would not tell me anything without a properly signed declaration of consent from the individual.
Dear Mike,
Thank you for your email. I am writing with regards to your recent request for a confirmation of qualification for the applicant.
We cannot accept the request as it does not contain a handwritten signature from the applicant. Before I can confirm any details, I will need to receive a properly signed declaration of consent from the individual. It should clearly state that the applicant gives me permission to share any details we may have regarding them. This is in accordance with the Data Protection Act and GDPR.
If you can supply me with the hand-signed declaration, then I can take your request forward. Kindly note, if the applicant studied via Distance Learning please forward your request to that team directly – distance@lshtm.ac.uk
Jeezus. I really hope that Poormina Wagh is not working for the Globalists and is carrying out some kind of disinformation strategy designed to ridicule the people who believe that viruses do not exist. Does anyone think that might be the case? I have a PhD in Organic Chemistry. And, after careful study, I don't believe that viruses exist any more. I used to believe they existed. But I don't believe it now. The science of Lanka, Cowan, Kaufman, the Baileys , et al, is completely valid, if you ask me. And, theoretically at least, I should know what I am talking about.
My best friend did her PhD in molecular biology at Cambridge; I know, because I attended the ceremony. However, she’s changed surnames, moved country, and there is not a single google reference to her (either name) or her alma mater. She’s very proud of being un-google-able.
I too went to Harvard, and there isn’t any real trace of that online. (I don’t have Facebook or LinkedIn.) I have a diploma on my wall but I can’t remember where my final transcript is. Doesn’t mean I didn’t go. So far, you are correct.
HOWEVER, if you asked my friend directly what her thesis title from 2001 was, she will tell you. If you ask for specifics about department, date of graduation, house, advisor, ask her about methodology - she’ll have that for you. And show you a physical copy at the very least. Even I got a physical copy. And I’m sure she has some certificate from Cambridge.
Similarly, I remember all my important dates and courses, graduation date, department affiliations, etc at Harvard. I can defend it. That’s what this Poornima doesn’t seem to want to do. And that’s what’s alarming.
Wagh provided all of us the spelling of her name. And she refused to provide so little as the title of her thesis. So we did topic searches throughout the British academic system, especially the British national library, and came up with nothing. Additionally, we have tracked her career since undergrad; and finally, she is not married and never said she was married. She has provided all the needed identifying information to confirm or deny the existence of her academic record. All of her CVs, Linked In, commencement program from Salisbury, all say POORNIMA WAGH.
Yeah what did the LSHTM say? They told us that she does not have a PhD with them. Are you suggesting they have said something different, and do you have the name of the contact?
Thanks for taking the time to write. I’ve had a little sleep finally.
She is not saying she merely attended the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). She is saying she received two degrees. There is no trace of them anywhere inside or outside her claimed institution. She claims credentials she does not have.
Regarding her “scientific" assertions, the opinions of a scientist are not the findings of science. All scientists must present their data if their claims are to be accepted. That is the whole point of science.
Apart from any specific and unverifiable experiment she claims to have conducted, let’s consider just one detail that is verifiable.
In our discussion on Friday, Aug. 26, 2022, Wagh — while claiming to be an accredited virologist and infectious disease specialist — said this was the first time she was hearing that there were multiple in silico sequences of SARS-CoV-2!
She said she thought there was only "Patient Zero” (who was actually claimed to be an AIDS patient and who died in 1984). And that, she says, is what she was trying to match against in her experiment on 756 lavage samples.
She had no idea there were multiples even though she claimed to be using the Blast database, where most of them are!
Corman and Dosten in their Jan. 23, 2020 Eurosurveillance paper establishing the World Health Organization’s PCR assay said they used six in silico sequences. Like it or not, it is one of the most famous papers in the history of virology, and it was world famous out of the gate. It “proved” the “reality” of the “pandemic” and the “test."
In fact by that same week (the last week in January 2020) there were at least 28 in silico sequences of “SARS-CoV-2” documented. Today there are 12 million versions of in silico "SARS-CoV-2” transcripts deposited into genetic libraries.
This is the whole problem. There is no original to match against — and everyone knows this.
Someone claiming to be working as a virus investigator — tasked with finding the particle — under the authority of the federal government — says she not only did not know that at the time of her experiment; she did not now it in late 2022.
She admitted openly that she heard about multiple versions of in silico sequences from me — for the first time, last week. She thought there was just one, on the day there were 12 million.
This is like someone getting on TV claiming to be an orthopedics expert and claiming the femur is in the elbow — that there are 16 bones in each foot.
That's far too complex an example. Just stick to the fact that she does not have a PhD granted in the UK. If she did it would be on the ETHOS database and the LSHTM would be able to confirm her.
You and your ilk have been lying about 'virus isolation' for fifty years, to the horrific consequence that millions of children - and everybody - got repeatedly injected with rotting tissue cultures.
Shame on you. May your fate be that of Gates and Fauci.
It looks as though she might have embellished her qualifications a bit. She was a whistleblower in finance and banking and had seen through the fraud there so I doubt the dons at Cambridge would have welcomed her with open arms. Oxbridge has been totally corrupted by the likes of BMGF who have dumbed down education to the point where a Harvard drop-out gets away with dictating not just public health police but removing personal liberty on the basis of fraud. If she is a con, then what does that make Bill Gates, Klaus, Schwab, Tony Blair et al? She probably ruffled the feathers in a few educational institutes who then 'punished' her by derailing her academic career. It happens all the time especially now. Last time I tried to have a discussion with an Oxford professor about the scamdemic and told him that there are lots of doctors, lawyers, scientists etc who do not believe the official version his response was 'bully for them'. End of discussion. His students must find his lectures riveting (not).
(My opinion: I don't care about degrees anymore. Holding a degree can be used as leverage against you. Though making a false claim is bad. She wouldn't give her information to a neutral party which is strange.)
Appreciate you calling out what appears to be a blatant BS attempt. And I have a little suspicion that she may not be unemployed. This is exactly what part of a infiltration/subversion operation would look like: having the community adopt a few charlatans, and then out & humiliate the whole group in the mainstream press.
I was annoyed, though, with the insinuation that she'd have been trustworthy had she really had the PhD's. I'd trust her less if she actually had the claimed PhD's. Makes me curious about how many of the real PhD's from the London School are admitting publicly that no virus has ever been isolated and sequenced. Aren't the 'real' PhD's even worse charlatans than this pretender?
Sadly, I'd come to the same conclusion about Fuellmich. I wrote to him about a year ago to ask if he was investigating the virus isolation issue (seems to me a critical issue to exposing the con and collusion), and got no reply. Then hearing how he treated Lanka and Kaufmann, it made sense.
This reminds me of the massive exposure the alternative press gave Judy Mikovits in 2020. She was a 'covid truther's' celebrity for a while, and obviously lying about her background from the beginning.
I don't remember all of the details, as it was a couple years ago when I looked into it, but basically after she left her government job she was hired by a friend to help set up a new research lab, and then got caught fabricating research when some associates became suspicious about her claims and tried to duplicate her claimed lab procedures. She was fired, and then when it was made public (because the police came to her house to recover the company laptop she'd taken) she made herself out to be the victim. And she made claims about having played a key role in isolating viruses while working for Fauci's operation, which immediately revealed her as a liar to me, as I'd been already following Stefan Lanka's work for 20 years. She has zero credibility in my view, and perfectly represents the field of virology.
So, whistle blowers or not, anyone with credentials in virology has zero credibility?
My advice is don't paint floors. Mikovits is well published, knows her subject material, timeline, and comes across as credible albeit uncomfortably (for some) religious. Lots of people find religion on the battlefield. With what she has gone through, Judy's default state for navigating PTSD is not uncommon. I suppose, deducing from credentials, you lump Dr. William Thompson in with her lot? Regardless I must disagree. While Wagh comes across completely incredible from a technical point of view, these other whistleblowers are well educated and scientifically on point despite well funded institutuional attempts at discreditation. The institutions doth protest too much? I believe Wagh is a confounder meant to dilute acutal arguments of crimminality and fraud concerning bio-weaponry, to distract and obfuscate from the truth. Institutional discreditation is suspiciously silent with Wagh. Seems convenient. Look how far she got. Props to Steve Kirsch for calling out her BS., but please don't lump her in with credentialed whistleblowers. We need to exhault honest seekers of truth in scientific research when they break ranks to expose fraud. All other so called "science" is pathologic. Don't Wagh the dog.
You missed the critical part of my comments about credibility of virologists. I have deep respect for the virologists & other scientists & doctors who are the true whistleblowers who've faced the fact that the established 'science' of virology is pure fraud that goes back a century, and gone public. The virologists who won't face this truth and continue defending the fraud are soldiers of darkness in my view, and deserve no respect.
If Mikovits would actually come clean and become a true whistleblower by looking at and admitting the foundational fraud of virology, I could forgive her past sins. So far, she's just got a sob story that helped to vilify Fauci, and while I have compassion for the rough time she's had working for ruthless people, that doesn't give her a pass regarding the elephant-in-the-room fraud that she won't face because she's too invested in the lies. I think she has the whistleblower status she has only because there's still very few people who understand the virology fraud and it's profound implications.
I don't think I suggested that Mikovits and Wagh were similar. Agreed, they are not.
My guess is that JM inadvertently exposed that the blood supply contains uncharacterized (and probably harmless) exosomes, and that these findings had to be violently suppressed by Fauci's Pinkertons.
Top editors of the journal 'Retrovirology' bit the dust in the most violent of ways - surely not related though.
I am sure you are aware of this unofficial bio of Ms. Wagh back in 2013 (source: https://www.witts.ws/130, accessed August 31, 2022). If she is lying, she would have been lying to everyone (including herself) for almost ten years since.
On the two PHDs question. It could be that she had done so much foundational classes in Santa Barbara that the UK schools just took her as a dissertation student. I personally know someone getting a music PHD (yes, what does that even mean?) within a year. The PHD student only needed to hand in the dissertation.
On the missing PHD dissertation. Why wouldn't London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine hide it in a safe if the paper is a ticking bomb for the whole virology field?
The freedom of speech culture of the West always assumes innocence until proven guilty. Of Ms. Wagh turned out to be a fraud it is the open forum platform that allows the truth to appear by itself. As long as journalists(e.g. You) are doing their jobs, more speech is better than less.
My personal speculation is that there is always a love story behind. Doctor Wagh would have had never spoken out had she settled in Alaska with a typical big Indian family. She chose to show her identify exactly because she has nothing to lose (similar to Ms. Massey).
"I was born in Bombay (now Mumbai, India) in 1972. Came to the United States in 1991 when I was 18 years of age to attend university. Obtained my Bachelor’s degree in finance from Salisbury University in Salisbury, Maryland in 1995 and then my MBA (Master’s in Business Administration) from the University of Alaska Fairbanks in finance in 2000. Worked in the finance, government, non-profit and banking industries combined for over 16 years. Then in 2007, I took a detour into biology. Took several courses in plant biology, animal biology, chemistry, molecular biology and medical microbiology from Santa Barbara City College with the intention of obtaining a SECOND Master’s degree and eventually a PhD in microbiology and infectious diseases from Cambridge University, England. I’m 2/3rd’s of my way there. Most of my foundation courses in biology are completed, now I have to apply and get into graduate school in England. I’m looking into the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine to get a Master’s degree and then on to Cambridge University for the PhD."
The credentials listed on the 'video presentation card' (created by Wagh) in the Charlatan's Web article state that Wagh worked as a Lab Technician starting in 2005. The 'unofficial bio' (also written by Wagh) that you have given here states that she began taking science courses in 2007, which is two years after her claimed start to working in a lab, so that makes no sense. You can't work as a lab technician without first having credentials too (at least a certificate or something), so there's no way she could have worked as a lab technician as an undergraduate student. You could certainly work in a lab doing research projects as a student, but it would be difficult (impossible?) to line that up before you have completed some courses. A degree in finance would not help getting a job or a research project in a microbiology lab, especially if you have no experience performing microbiology lab techniques.
The unofficial bio also claims that she was working toward a degree for 6 years (from 2007 to 2013, when the bio was written - presumably full time, since her 16 years in industry appears to have ended in 2007 according to her bio) and was only 2/3 of the way there... to a bachelor's? Since she wanted to get into LSHTM to get her master's? But wound up getting two PhDs there instead of the master's. Also, if LSHTM is so prestigious, why would she want to get a master's there and then go to cambridge for a PhD?
Also, since unofficial bio was written in 2013, when she claimed to have been 2/3 of the way to some degree at Santa Barbara and was still just hoping to get into LSHTM (perhaps starting in 2014), how could she have been at LSHTM getting two PhD's from 2011 to 2016? Transfer credits do not explain that at all, since "foundation courses" at a community college in the US would definitely not contribute to graduate degrees at a university in the UK. Even the most accomplished PhD candidates would not be able to complete ONE PhD (much less two) in less than 4 years - actual research is required! Research takes time! And most PhD programs involve publishing some papers, so where are her published papers? I only did a master's and I have 4 published peer-review papers with my name on it. Not first author on any of them, but still there are papers. Where are hers? There should be review articles or something!
Also, if she really worked as a lab technician and clinical lab scientist for 6 years (2005-2011), she should have her name on published papers for that too, even just as a third, fourth or fifth author. Any contribution to research that gets published would entitle her to authorship on a paper. I know plenty of lab technicians who get paper authorship for doing work that contributes to published results.
Lab competence is never trivial, unless her scientist father (where was that information provided?) bribed the lab to let her be a computer jockey claiming to be a lab technician. And then bribed even more to let her be a clinical lab scientist. With no published papers.
The video unfortunately does not resolve any of the issues I brought up in my comment. In fact, it brings up even more issues.
In the video, Wagh states that she moved to California in 2005 and stayed there ever since, except for 3.5 years in Texas (2016 - 2019). Despite giving a lot of detail about her life prior to 2005, once the interviewer asks what she was doing in Texas she suddenly starts skipping over huge swaths of detail as if the details no longer mattered.
She said that by the time she got to Austin (in March of 2016) she had already been accepted into her PhD program, that she was doing that in England, so by the time she got to austin she was doing a lot of lab work at the university in Texas and then finally got her two PhDs in December 2016. She gives months and years for many other things, but strangely no mention of when she started the PhD program or of actually going to England (since she already said she was in California from 2005 - 2016). So somehow she got two PhDs from a university in England without ever being in England, over an unspecified period of time (seemingly from March of 2016 to December of 2016), all while working as a government tax consultant. Interesting.
None of this adds up. Her body language is a bit odd at that part of the interview too - suddenly extra loud, almost stammering, blinking more, looking around more as if trying to remember something that didn't actually happen. Rushing past details too, telling the interviewer the degrees are worthless, as if to signal that he shouldn't ask more about them.
She also claims to have gone back to Texas for 5 months just to work on lab samples, but suggests she would have to move to Florida (or Russia) in order to work without getting injected. Why not Texas? Surely she could work as a tax consultant in Texas?
Many elite schools don’t allow you to transfer credits from other schools, much less from other countries, at least not to the point of doing all your coursework elsewhere and getting a degree from them. They aren’t in a hurry to churn out graduates, they have their reputations to think about and would rather you go through their entire system, paying all the requisite course fees and then be the final arbiter of your degree. A few courses here and there are fined but my experience is that they want to be sure who they are endorsing through the granting of a degree. That’s what I’d do if I was the dean of a prestigious institution. Cambridge and LSHTM aren’t going to accept credits from Santa Barbara City College 🙄
Poornima Wagh got into the biology degree study by her own choice. Her lab experience might have impressed the dean. Virologist isn't exactly a hot career path for 20 something with no college degrees. Wagh had an MBA before getting into biology study.
I am not sure whether she got the PHDs eventually, but the text from the witts.ws site plus the following interview might bring light to her true character:
She could discredit some of the platforms that had her on if it's true that she is a fraud. That could be very damaging. Dr. Merritt is very good and I really hope her reputation isn't damaged because of this.
Lee Merrit is under the same kind of character assassination attach being meted out to this woman Wagh. I know nothing about her but do know quite a bit about the propganda machine operating and funded heavily by the govt itself. This article is written by someone who i believe sees himself as a liberal/progressive, an intellectual elite. Like many of his ilk he cannot see how he has fallen for the propaganda and it supporting censorship. Merritt has had her license threatened even tho she is not opposed to vaccines but questions the covid drugs and their flaky science as well as the erroneous treatments for the illness which is killling people, way more than the illness itself.
Having listened to her present several times I think she has. However, censorship has prevented her and many others from sharing their studies and experience. I wonder if you have any understanding of the government supported censorship for anyone that question the mainstream narrative. The statement is that all questioning must be stopped whether it is correct or not and all those who do question must be destroyed one way or another. Medical people, both practitioners and researchers have been frightened into silence no matter what they see. They are afraid of losing their licenses and reputation and livelihood. They have no courage and are a main part of the problem. Those who do speak out really show courage and are to be admired and supported, not trashed.
Sorry, what propaganda? If a person claims to hold TWO PhDs from one of the most prestigious and competitive institutions in the world, won’t they want to prove it?? Is that too much to ask, really??
I listened to her videos, and she was switching subjects too fast for my liking. My takeaway was she came across like a con artist. Why con artists do what they do? Because it's a form of art...
You can't look up her degree without a 'hand signed' permission from her. I know this for a fact. I have been in contact with The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine myself. So, how exactly did you do it?
He's not looking up her degree asking to see it, he's asking have they ever issued a degree of any type to a person with the same name. The answer? No.
Hi all, she asserted that her doctoral thesis from LSHTM — in the hard sciences, not the social sciences — "proved" that there was no HIV infection but all she cites is Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR, who said in many interviews that there was no paper that proved that HIV caused AIDS. This cannot be the basis of a hard-science thesis. And there is no way that she proved that malaria is not caused by a protozoa at the London School of Hygiene and TROPICAL Medicine without overturning their whole curriculum. However, this is a ridiculous discussion until we have the claimed thesis and can evaluate its methods, data and conclusions; it should all be in there; but she does not release this thesis she says she has, it's not in the British Library system where it belongs, and the school confirmed that she never received a degree. What else is left?
Journalists are entitled to follow Ms. Wagh's own words to contact her schools to verify her credentials. Otherwise, I am guessing her 'lawyer' is preparing to sue two of her alma maters.
However, it is also logical that LSHTM, a military controlled school, hides any paper going against the germ theory.
She has no lawyers that will sue anyone, she's a total fake, if she wasn't you would have at the least seen her produce EVIDENCE to back up her claimed credentials.
Personally, I try to verify every claim that's made about the "virus". I like everyone else that has made the "transition" believed that viruses existed. It was only after listening to the likes of Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, Stefan Lanka etc AND verifying what they were saying by reviewing the source documents and studies did I wake up. I didn't just take their word for it. These speakers planted a seed and I used my own reasoning and investigative work to come to the conclusion that Virology is a fraud. From my own deep dive into the material I could see that Poornima, though saying some of the right things, didn't have the expertise that you would expect of someone fully versed in the field. If a person can't produce the receipts they likely don't have them to produce. This is how many cons work, they rely on your belief without verification.
Rather than be suppressed, a look at the Google search results showed that Wagh was seemingly being actively promoted. Many uncritical links to her videos were listed, with none of the smears and take-downs that beset the actual scientists who have challenged the official Covid narrative. She may have been set up for a fall, which is one of the main reasons why it was good to expose her fraud early and take her out of circulation before she trashed everyone’s reputation.
I think you have shown that she is likely not telling the truth about her degrees which casts doubt on her other statements. If she was just trying to find community with people of similar mind and thought she needed to lie to do so, I have empathy for her and would not want her to be publicly shamed but rather to stop the tainting of reputation of others.
Are the questioning of pathogenic viruses dangerous to the pharma and medical cartel? That's a question I'm asking myself and wondering why she came forward at this time. It does bring attention to the topic and sometimes it is said that there is no bad publicity.
I just have a bad feeling about how this played out.
I think that the vetting process should have been more thorough to avoid shaming someone in public.
There are some who deserve to be shamed, and I have doubts she is one of them. This could have been handled internally and more privately.
I mean has anyone dug up Dr. Malone or any of these other players and called their institutions? I kid of think this lady was made an example of and regardless if it was the right thing to do, it felt wrong to me in retrospect.
I mean she provided no hard evidence for her claims in the beginning right? So why even give her a platform if what she's saying might not be true? You say it is about who promoted her, and yes I think that's right, but people make mistakes.
Public humiliation of people who are trying to do good work just feels wrong to me. Maybe I am wrong. I just don't like to hurt people, people who may not have any evil intention.
I agree that the blowback feels like a public hanging. She may have been dishonest re: her credentials, but she did report correctly on many aspects of the discussion. It's a bit too much vitriol for me. It's unnecessary, unless there is something the 'executioners' see to gain from it.
Thanks, Eric. Really great and important article. As I wrote on Steve Kirsch's page, "Viruses exist and Covid was created in a U.S. military lab. (Please try to understand why the CDC actually shut down USAAMRIID at Fort Detrick in 2019 a few months before the pandemic hit.) The "they don't exist" crowd (well, "crowd" is too generous a term) is one "fall back" position projected by forces in the U.S. government (CIA, for one) just when we're getting close to the truth, to divert thinkers and activists into ridiculous and easy-to-debunk assertions. This is not the only issue where this is standard U.S. government procedure; the "agencies" in the US government seek to divert on EVERY important issue. Thank you so much, Steve (and ERIC) for calling out the disinformation specialists within our ranks. It's really important to do so, but please WATCH YOUR BACK .... "
Right, 'viruses' exist because you, the Rockefeller medical cartel, and sociopathic politicians all agree. You're in good company there.
So obviously you intend to accept the challenge of Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey, and prove for the first time ever that there's really a physical, contagious virus particle, that no one has been able to prove to date? Or will you just stick with the group ad hominem attacks because it's a lot easier?
David. I have a PhD in Organic Chemistry. I am retired and I have no agenda. I have studied the work of Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey, etc, and I have come to the conclusion that there is no valid scientic proof for the existence of viruses as we know them. I firmly believe that Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey, etc, are correct. I'm not blowing my own trumpet, but I am 100% confident that Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey, etc, are not able to 'fool' me. I also believe that any scientist who doubts their work is either working with an agenda, suffering from cognitive dissonance or does not actually understand what they are saying. Actually, their work is really not that difficult to understand.
Ditto. Modern virology is sorcery. There is nothing biology in the 'virus isolation' process. The (non-existent) person beyond Silicon based sequencing machine deserves 10 Nobel Prizes as he has solved the 'virus isolation' and DNA/RNA sequencing in one go.
Well said. Agreed, it's really not that difficult to understand. I discovered Lanka's work about 20 years ago, and without the recent work of Kaufman & Cowan to distill the explanation into lay-person terms it took a lot more work back then to find the truth. For 18 of those 20 years there was virtually no one to discuss this issue with. Seeing statements like yours, and groups like Eric has here, makes me very happy, and hopeful that something really good might emerge from the wreakage of the 'covid' scam.
All you need is to have solid cognitive standards to understand that alleged biological viruses are unproven, i.e., logic, scientific method and shared human experience through five senses.
Have you ever looked at your organic chemistry this way?
I guess all of the doctors who work for the Rockefeller cartel and are poisoning people to supposedly treat a 'virus' have no allegiance to the 'business model', right?
has all the interviews out there, most of which I saw, some multiple times... Do you know which session on Wagh was interviewed??? I do not recall her at all.
Btw. acu2020 interviewed MANY specialists, most of them are on the right site, but there were also very questionable individuals among the interviewers.. I do believe this is on purpose.
Although, given the fact, that they have SO MUCH PROOF for crime and fraud already, and do nothing with it (while in the same time people are dying) as 'the best lawyers', makes me suspicious. Maybe that's indeed the same criminal FRAUD AS TRUMP and his swamp.....
I'm surprised they didn't run a basic background check. They cost like 50-80 bucks. If I had a reputation to uphold, I would have my guest consent to a background check especially since only her finance degree comes up online.
It's very bizarre that someone would do that and lie so much if she is lying, which it sounds like she may be to some extent.
I'm confused. Is her degree in finance or liberal studies - whatever that means....? Ive seen twice now where no one could even corroborate her finance degree, and that it was liberal studies. Weird thing to lie about.
It is weird, but it might also be a classification issue of how the university names/titles their degrees. My sister had a BA in Liberal Arts but her major field of study was dance. So she said she majored in dance, which was true, but her degree said liberal arts. I wouldn't put too much weight on this single item.
The issue is that it seems she sometimes says she has a degree in Finance, and sometimes a degree in liberal arts. Theres no consistency with this woman.
(Also, as much as it makes me cringe to think that any college would classify Finance under Liberal Arts - I suppose that's a small possibility. But if that is the case, kinda makes it an even less credible college lol as an Accountant who also enjoys the arts, I would NEVER conflate the 2)
It sounds like you’re leaving a wide berth for her finance degree possibly falling into a liberal arts category. Which to most would be quite counter-intuitive.
Please read my articles. You are out of line sir. Who are you to lecture these accomplished people? These courageous people. Unbelievable. You are trying to hide the evidence of what is in the vials.
I understand that this woman is not clear! ask ourselves the question why?? she's not a scammer! this woman is AFRAID and despite everything she tries everything for everything. business to follow. why ignore well-known New Zealand doctors who are buzzing...who claim to be in research...with so far no research exposed. honestly i have nothing against nobody but just tired of false prophets!🙏
Statement about Poornima Wagh coverage, Sept. 3, 2022
Poornima Wagh is not saying she merely attended the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and did not get a degree, as some suggest is possible. She is saying she received two degrees. There is no trace of them anywhere inside or outside her claimed institution. She claims credentials she does not have.
She also said that a faculty member “pulled strings” to get her her doctorates.
Wagh is special as she is claiming a double doctorate from LSHTM, and NIH (United States federal government) affiliation — the area where Anthoni Fauci serves as well.
She claimed to have spoken to then-CDC director James Redfield personally, whom she claimed in one interview, order her to quash the results other study “proving" non-isolation.
She claims to have personally proved the nonexistence of the virus from an astounding 1,500 samples of lung lavage from “covid positive” pneumonia patients — and to have written a scientific paper about this that she will not produce.
Then she says her backing data was taken by the FBI even though she was proceeding under NIH go-ahead.
Then top presenters such as Lee Merritt and Regis Tremblay ran her up the flagpole unquestioned, and then nobody points out the gross errors in her statements. Then they don’t retract her broadcasts. Merritt is even defending her.
This story is about standards and practices in the new media as much as anything.
Problematic Scientific Assertions: Ignorance of Multiple Sequences
Regarding her “scientific" assertions, the opinions of a scientist are not the findings of science. All scientists must present their data if their claims are to be accepted. That is the whole point of science.
Apart from any specific and unverifiable experiment she claims to have conducted, let’s consider just one detail that is verifiable.
In our discussion on Friday, Aug. 26, 2022, Wagh — while claiming to be an accredited virologist and infectious disease specialist — said this was the first time she was hearing that there were multiple in silico sequences of SARS-CoV-2!
She said she thought there was only "Patient Zero” (who was actually claimed to be an AIDS patient and who died in 1984). And that, she says, is what she was trying to match against in her experiment on 756 lavage samples.
She had no idea there were multiples even though she claimed to be using the Blast database, where most of them are!
Corman and Dosten in their Jan. 23, 2020 Eurosurveillance paper establishing the World Health Organization’s PCR assay said they used six in silico sequences. Like it or not, it is one of the most famous papers in the history of virology, and it was world famous out of the gate. It “proved” the “reality” of the “pandemic” and the “test."
In fact by that same week (the last week in January 2020) there were at least 28 in silico sequences of “SARS-CoV-2” documented. Today there are 12 million versions of in silico "SARS-CoV-2” transcripts deposited into genetic libraries.
This is the whole problem. There is no original to match against — and everyone knows this.
Someone claiming to be working as a virus investigator — tasked with finding the particle — under the authority of the federal government — says she not only did not know that at the time of her experiment; she did not now it in late 2022.
She admitted openly that she heard about multiple versions of in silico sequences from me — for the first time, last week. She thought there was just one, on the day there were 12 million.
This is like someone getting on TV claiming to be an orthopedics expert and claiming the femur is in the elbow — that there are 16 bones in each foot.
Eric F. Coppolino
Executive Producer
Planet Waves FM - Pacifica Radio network
Great work Eric! This comment section illustrates why it was so easy for governments to fool their populations with this scamdemic.
At this point, I don't give a flying duck if she has any degrees or not.
All I care, is how much truth is in her words.
And so far.. she's been pretty much spot on..
Ms. Poornima Wagh lives in my area. I first met her when she hijacked a local medical freedom meeting claiming there is no such thing as viruses, claiming to have two PhDs, and claiming to have worked on the research of 1500 COVID samples being Influenza A and B that had already been deemed a hoax. My efforts to find evidence of her PhD theses in google scholar came up empty, so I confronted her about her claims. She ignored my request for an explanation for why her PhD theses do not show up in google scholar as mine does. Another local activist asked her if she could provide any references. She responded through a friend claiming she had to leave town because the FBI was hounding her and somehow she claimed this hounding was due to people like us asking her questions! Not long after that she was seen around town, attending events and did not seem to be needing to live underground to avoid the FBI. I came to the conclusion from this behavior that she is either a mentally ill pathological liar or she is a paid agent of chaos for one entity or another. Her friend who was not troubled by any of this behavior moved to town shortly after the pandemic began and has already moved on. She says her name is Faye Brandmaier. She is rather masterful at manipulating groups, but not sincere in my experience. Our area also experienced the troubling and mysterious death of vaccine safety campaigner Brandy Vaughn. I consider it wise to be skeptical about people's claims and to seek verification where possible.
Aimee, this is really an interesting account. Thank you. Write to me if you want - efc@chironreturn.org
Dear all,
Denis Rancourt & colleagues have examined all causes mortality by state, sex & date of occurrence in USA for a 100 week period extending from just before the alleged pandemic and into 2022.
Two options for interested parties:
-listen to the interview with Jeremy of Jerm Warfare
-read the very large manuscript for findings. I recommend reviewing the figures & tables once you’ve digested the abstract. It is a huge work.
Either way, unless the raw data are in severe error, the findings deal a devastating blow against the narrative that there’s a new virus causing mass scale illness & deaths.
Respiratory illness & deaths, assumed to be caused by viruses, characteristically are associated with elevated death rates, with markedly greater proportionate increased in deaths as age at death increases. It is known as the “respiratory illness death signature” & it’s evident in the death statistics in every northern hemisphere winter.
It is missing in the COVID era.
It’s up to you what you make if it.
I conclude that, whatever caused the increased mortality in USA, it was inconsistent with a virus causing severe respiratory illness and deaths.
If there indeed is a novel virus circulating, it’s not the cause of the deaths.
I made no comment in lab results by anybody. These aren’t capable of answering the key question, which is “Are the deaths data consistent with the narrative?”.
The answer is “No”.
Are there other, plausible explanations for the illnesses & deaths which definitely occurred?
The answer is “yes”.
Again, everyone, it’s up to you to decide what you think this means.
Be rigorous scientists & focus only on the evidence. If the raw data is suspect, the results may be undermined & the conclusions unsound.
But I submit you cannot just dismiss it because it’s uncomfortable. I didn’t begin with the position I now hold. It’s extremely uncomfortable, I assure you. I’ve been driven here by the evidence.
Thanks for reading my post,
Best wishes
Mike Yeadon
MIke thank you. From the outset, the argument could be made that there was no circumstantial or medical evidence for community spread of a pathogen, right back to the claimed early cases in China. This goes back to the May 10 2020 paper by David Crowe, "Flaws in the coronavirus pandemic theory."
Dear Doctor Mike,
Please have a look at the EUROMOMO Z-scores by country graph:
Pathogens see no border. Yet elevated death rate (beginning of 2020) only happened in the Western EU member states(BE, ES, IT, NL, UK plus Israel). A logical conclusion could be that these excess deaths were the consequences of a new vaccine technology pushed onto the Western elderly in a much tightly controlled medical environment.
Another graph 'Pooled number of deaths by age group' clearly shows excessive death after the vaccination campaign in 2021.
Thank you. Each example of impossible occurrences disprove the narrative.
I was persuaded by Rancourt’s analyses of US all causes mortality data that is inconsistent with the respiratory virus death narrative.
As I’ve said, this means either the new virus isn’t circulating or if it is it’s not a major contributor to deaths. Because if it was, the age profile of deaths would be radically different than the official data from 50 US states.
The COVID narrative is literally all lies.
While it may look like Wagh is the subject of the article, that is not really true.
This is ALL on Regis Tremblay and Dr. Lee Merritt for allowing her to go on and on the way they did. They gave Wagh her original platforms. The medium is the message.
I am reaching out to them for comment and will “press" them on this matter.
Lee Merritt, who is VERY highly regarded, especially has some ’splainin to do. I will also reach out to Exposé News as well and ask them to explain their comment, “We couldn’t find a bio so we took her word for it.” I mean really! (Great find on that quote.)
We may forgive the Malaysian webinar from Sunday, but not Reiner Füllmich — a fraud attorney — for inviting her on. Their whole specialty, their whole reason for existence, is supposed to be seeing through this kind of bullshit.
Yet he glad-handled her and invited her onto “investigative” committee that evidently does not really do much investigating. People noticed that and this does not reflect well on him.
All of the entities who promoted her should issue a retraction and give equal time — and I suggest we hold them to it.
Nice work Eric. Jessica Rose and I both tagged her immediately as a con artist. Jessica had looked up her degree and found nothing, just like you did.
You're not saying anything here Steve. You label anyone that does not believe that viruses exist as a con artist. No surprises there. Eric Coppolino has done the work to expose the lack of bonafides but that doesn't mean that viruses now magically exist.
Steve, do you know Coppolino has written defamatory/negative against you?!?! Here is one example: https://planetwavesfm.substack.com/p/blame-canada
Eric has lied about you claiming you are involved in a conspiracy with pharmaceutical companies. Think twice before believing he has vetted Poornima to the fullest extent. After all, he is claiming falsehoods about you that have no evidence.
Steve and I follow one another's work. I know the rules of fair play and I stick to them.
The greater point was that Coppolino fabricated a libelous story about Jeff Green being in a conspiracy with Steve Kirsch, when the two have never even communicated personally with each other.
In that case, no one can trust this supposed "investigation" being carried out by Eric and friends. He has already shown he is willing to concoct defaming false stories with zero evidence…
Here is what I wrote, DL. I said I wanted to send him CBD gummies so he can calm down...
There’s another Substacker named Jeff Green. He too is upset that anyone thinks viruses might not exist, and he’s blaming Christine. He has made an open challenge to anyone who can prove her wrong.
Green loves viruses and takes personal offense at anyone who insults them. You would think he cuddles up at night with a covid plushy toy and a cup of warm ivermectin. He seems to spend his whole life defending viruses, as if he’s president of the Virus Anti-Defamation League.
Green writes such stressful replies to my comments on his blog that I want to send him a case of CBD gummies so he can finally get some rest.
I cannot say for sure that Jeff Green and Steve Kirsch are industry ringers — that is, paid shills whose job it is to run interference against journalists, activists and legit scientists. But they put on a performance so convincing, I could hardly tell the difference if they weren’t. And this certainly lends credibility to Massey’s project.
Here is what I actually wrote.
Yes, and what you wrote is fairly clear. You are suggesting something is true with no evidence and are engaged in defamation against Jeff Green by making false claims or suggestions against him. You suggested he is involved in a conpiracy as a "paid shill". He along with Kirsch. You are now doing the same to Poornima.
You can't look up her degree without a 'hand signed' permission from her. I know this for a fact. I have been in contact with The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine myself. So, how exactly did you do it?
There is no need to look for her degree. We searched the official academic records in England high and low, and have three different confirmations from London Hygiene that she never received one degree much less two. I have been in direct contact with them via their public office, and we have a contact that has been in touch with the dean who would have overseen her section.
Here is that data —
UPDATE: The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has checked in with the following statement this morning from their press office: “Nobody by the name of Poornima Wagh has obtained a degree from our institution.”
We have also received a second confirmation from Roger Watson: “I have it from the dean of Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at LSHTM, Alison Grant, that nobody of her name has obtained any degree from their institution.”
Update Thursday, September 1: The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has confirmed: “Nobody with the last name Wagh, including as part of a hyphenated surname or as part of a surname containing the letters in that order, has obtained a degree from this institution.”
I can't imagine why you are going to such lengths - the woman was being interviewed and gave her opinions. She is not dictating public health. So what if she embellished her qualifications a bit? I consider that to be a very minor con indeed. A lot less than pretending there is a killer virus and faking a pandemic.
you say " I consider that to be a very minor con indeed "
I say that it's very possible that everthing she says is also false - The lab, her 20 staff, her results. In other words it may be total fiction. Why dont you do some checking yourself ?
None of it's true. Read the article; it's not just about her credentials. She is clueless about lab technique and basic covid history. Also, this story has been bouncing around in many forms -- the 1500 samples -- since early 2020. It's taken many forms, been attributed to at least four different people, and finally she turned it into a video series. Anyone who thinks this is cool deserves Tony Fauci.
I agree that people can easily be scrubbed from google search.
This whole story stems from not being able to find her from a google search?
Are you kidding me?
Google is well known for hiding people and other topics. Anyone who says that a basic google search of a person is journalism 101 is retarded.
I have personally seen published peer review articles scrubbed from individual researchers' public pages and their names removed entirely from online archives.
This is a common occurrence done to anyone that goes against the official narrative.
Lots of these websites and services are easily manipulated by the owners and by google and any other entity that has oversight or power over the web site developers.
Dissenters are silenced, not praised.
The attack on this woman's "credentials" is absolutely retarded and pointless especially coming from people who claim that these degrees mean nothing because it's a degree of indoctrination. 🤷♂️
You have this wrong. We have conducted every conceivable academic search, including the institution where she said the dissertation was deposited, and the British Library where all dissertations in England are deposited. Read the story. Most notably, she refused to provide so little as the proper title and citation reference, much less a copy of the document.
Eric, here's a copy of the letter I received from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine when I enquired about Poormina Wagh's qualifications. They would not tell me anything without a properly signed declaration of consent from the individual.
Dear Mike,
Thank you for your email. I am writing with regards to your recent request for a confirmation of qualification for the applicant.
We cannot accept the request as it does not contain a handwritten signature from the applicant. Before I can confirm any details, I will need to receive a properly signed declaration of consent from the individual. It should clearly state that the applicant gives me permission to share any details we may have regarding them. This is in accordance with the Data Protection Act and GDPR.
If you can supply me with the hand-signed declaration, then I can take your request forward. Kindly note, if the applicant studied via Distance Learning please forward your request to that team directly – distance@lshtm.ac.uk
Very best,
Tammy Lall
Student Records Administrator
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7299 4647
Email: studentrecords@lshtm.ac.uk
Web: www.lshtm.ac.uk
But you are not a member of the press. They responded to me directly. I have posted that above, and also at the top of my article.
Jeezus. I really hope that Poormina Wagh is not working for the Globalists and is carrying out some kind of disinformation strategy designed to ridicule the people who believe that viruses do not exist. Does anyone think that might be the case? I have a PhD in Organic Chemistry. And, after careful study, I don't believe that viruses exist any more. I used to believe they existed. But I don't believe it now. The science of Lanka, Cowan, Kaufman, the Baileys , et al, is completely valid, if you ask me. And, theoretically at least, I should know what I am talking about.
You're asking a different question than what Eric did and language does matter.
My best friend did her PhD in molecular biology at Cambridge; I know, because I attended the ceremony. However, she’s changed surnames, moved country, and there is not a single google reference to her (either name) or her alma mater. She’s very proud of being un-google-able.
I too went to Harvard, and there isn’t any real trace of that online. (I don’t have Facebook or LinkedIn.) I have a diploma on my wall but I can’t remember where my final transcript is. Doesn’t mean I didn’t go. So far, you are correct.
HOWEVER, if you asked my friend directly what her thesis title from 2001 was, she will tell you. If you ask for specifics about department, date of graduation, house, advisor, ask her about methodology - she’ll have that for you. And show you a physical copy at the very least. Even I got a physical copy. And I’m sure she has some certificate from Cambridge.
Similarly, I remember all my important dates and courses, graduation date, department affiliations, etc at Harvard. I can defend it. That’s what this Poornima doesn’t seem to want to do. And that’s what’s alarming.
Wagh provided all of us the spelling of her name. And she refused to provide so little as the title of her thesis. So we did topic searches throughout the British academic system, especially the British national library, and came up with nothing. Additionally, we have tracked her career since undergrad; and finally, she is not married and never said she was married. She has provided all the needed identifying information to confirm or deny the existence of her academic record. All of her CVs, Linked In, commencement program from Salisbury, all say POORNIMA WAGH.
Yes, I am in agreement with you. While it’s possible to have no info out there, the biggest red flag is her refusal to cooperate or corroborate.
Yeah what did the LSHTM say? They told us that she does not have a PhD with them. Are you suggesting they have said something different, and do you have the name of the contact?
Reply To Dr. Lee Merritt, the Medical Rebel
Good morning Lee,
Thanks for taking the time to write. I’ve had a little sleep finally.
She is not saying she merely attended the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). She is saying she received two degrees. There is no trace of them anywhere inside or outside her claimed institution. She claims credentials she does not have.
Regarding her “scientific" assertions, the opinions of a scientist are not the findings of science. All scientists must present their data if their claims are to be accepted. That is the whole point of science.
Apart from any specific and unverifiable experiment she claims to have conducted, let’s consider just one detail that is verifiable.
In our discussion on Friday, Aug. 26, 2022, Wagh — while claiming to be an accredited virologist and infectious disease specialist — said this was the first time she was hearing that there were multiple in silico sequences of SARS-CoV-2!
She said she thought there was only "Patient Zero” (who was actually claimed to be an AIDS patient and who died in 1984). And that, she says, is what she was trying to match against in her experiment on 756 lavage samples.
She had no idea there were multiples even though she claimed to be using the Blast database, where most of them are!
Corman and Dosten in their Jan. 23, 2020 Eurosurveillance paper establishing the World Health Organization’s PCR assay said they used six in silico sequences. Like it or not, it is one of the most famous papers in the history of virology, and it was world famous out of the gate. It “proved” the “reality” of the “pandemic” and the “test."
In fact by that same week (the last week in January 2020) there were at least 28 in silico sequences of “SARS-CoV-2” documented. Today there are 12 million versions of in silico "SARS-CoV-2” transcripts deposited into genetic libraries.
This is the whole problem. There is no original to match against — and everyone knows this.
Someone claiming to be working as a virus investigator — tasked with finding the particle — under the authority of the federal government — says she not only did not know that at the time of her experiment; she did not now it in late 2022.
She admitted openly that she heard about multiple versions of in silico sequences from me — for the first time, last week. She thought there was just one, on the day there were 12 million.
This is like someone getting on TV claiming to be an orthopedics expert and claiming the femur is in the elbow — that there are 16 bones in each foot.
Eric F. Coppolino
Executive Producer
Planet Waves FM - Pacifica Radio network
That's far too complex an example. Just stick to the fact that she does not have a PhD granted in the UK. If she did it would be on the ETHOS database and the LSHTM would be able to confirm her.
You and your ilk have been lying about 'virus isolation' for fifty years, to the horrific consequence that millions of children - and everybody - got repeatedly injected with rotting tissue cultures.
Shame on you. May your fate be that of Gates and Fauci.
It looks as though she might have embellished her qualifications a bit. She was a whistleblower in finance and banking and had seen through the fraud there so I doubt the dons at Cambridge would have welcomed her with open arms. Oxbridge has been totally corrupted by the likes of BMGF who have dumbed down education to the point where a Harvard drop-out gets away with dictating not just public health police but removing personal liberty on the basis of fraud. If she is a con, then what does that make Bill Gates, Klaus, Schwab, Tony Blair et al? She probably ruffled the feathers in a few educational institutes who then 'punished' her by derailing her academic career. It happens all the time especially now. Last time I tried to have a discussion with an Oxford professor about the scamdemic and told him that there are lots of doctors, lawyers, scientists etc who do not believe the official version his response was 'bully for them'. End of discussion. His students must find his lectures riveting (not).
Eric F. Coppolino) Sept 1 2022:
17:50 Poornima Wagh claims her school was London school of hygiene which she says the school will not release any information about a student.
(My opinion: I don't care about degrees anymore. Holding a degree can be used as leverage against you. Though making a false claim is bad. She wouldn't give her information to a neutral party which is strange.)
They did not release information about a student. They said she was not one.
God love you Steve, and praying for your work to continue, as diligent and sincere a researcher there never was.
Appreciate you calling out what appears to be a blatant BS attempt. And I have a little suspicion that she may not be unemployed. This is exactly what part of a infiltration/subversion operation would look like: having the community adopt a few charlatans, and then out & humiliate the whole group in the mainstream press.
I was annoyed, though, with the insinuation that she'd have been trustworthy had she really had the PhD's. I'd trust her less if she actually had the claimed PhD's. Makes me curious about how many of the real PhD's from the London School are admitting publicly that no virus has ever been isolated and sequenced. Aren't the 'real' PhD's even worse charlatans than this pretender?
Sadly, I'd come to the same conclusion about Fuellmich. I wrote to him about a year ago to ask if he was investigating the virus isolation issue (seems to me a critical issue to exposing the con and collusion), and got no reply. Then hearing how he treated Lanka and Kaufmann, it made sense.
This reminds me of the massive exposure the alternative press gave Judy Mikovits in 2020. She was a 'covid truther's' celebrity for a while, and obviously lying about her background from the beginning.
How did she lie about her background, Judy Mikovits?
I don't remember all of the details, as it was a couple years ago when I looked into it, but basically after she left her government job she was hired by a friend to help set up a new research lab, and then got caught fabricating research when some associates became suspicious about her claims and tried to duplicate her claimed lab procedures. She was fired, and then when it was made public (because the police came to her house to recover the company laptop she'd taken) she made herself out to be the victim. And she made claims about having played a key role in isolating viruses while working for Fauci's operation, which immediately revealed her as a liar to me, as I'd been already following Stefan Lanka's work for 20 years. She has zero credibility in my view, and perfectly represents the field of virology.
So, whistle blowers or not, anyone with credentials in virology has zero credibility?
My advice is don't paint floors. Mikovits is well published, knows her subject material, timeline, and comes across as credible albeit uncomfortably (for some) religious. Lots of people find religion on the battlefield. With what she has gone through, Judy's default state for navigating PTSD is not uncommon. I suppose, deducing from credentials, you lump Dr. William Thompson in with her lot? Regardless I must disagree. While Wagh comes across completely incredible from a technical point of view, these other whistleblowers are well educated and scientifically on point despite well funded institutuional attempts at discreditation. The institutions doth protest too much? I believe Wagh is a confounder meant to dilute acutal arguments of crimminality and fraud concerning bio-weaponry, to distract and obfuscate from the truth. Institutional discreditation is suspiciously silent with Wagh. Seems convenient. Look how far she got. Props to Steve Kirsch for calling out her BS., but please don't lump her in with credentialed whistleblowers. We need to exhault honest seekers of truth in scientific research when they break ranks to expose fraud. All other so called "science" is pathologic. Don't Wagh the dog.
You missed the critical part of my comments about credibility of virologists. I have deep respect for the virologists & other scientists & doctors who are the true whistleblowers who've faced the fact that the established 'science' of virology is pure fraud that goes back a century, and gone public. The virologists who won't face this truth and continue defending the fraud are soldiers of darkness in my view, and deserve no respect.
If Mikovits would actually come clean and become a true whistleblower by looking at and admitting the foundational fraud of virology, I could forgive her past sins. So far, she's just got a sob story that helped to vilify Fauci, and while I have compassion for the rough time she's had working for ruthless people, that doesn't give her a pass regarding the elephant-in-the-room fraud that she won't face because she's too invested in the lies. I think she has the whistleblower status she has only because there's still very few people who understand the virology fraud and it's profound implications.
I don't think I suggested that Mikovits and Wagh were similar. Agreed, they are not.
My guess is that JM inadvertently exposed that the blood supply contains uncharacterized (and probably harmless) exosomes, and that these findings had to be violently suppressed by Fauci's Pinkertons.
Top editors of the journal 'Retrovirology' bit the dust in the most violent of ways - surely not related though.
Dear Eric,
I am sure you are aware of this unofficial bio of Ms. Wagh back in 2013 (source: https://www.witts.ws/130, accessed August 31, 2022). If she is lying, she would have been lying to everyone (including herself) for almost ten years since.
On the two PHDs question. It could be that she had done so much foundational classes in Santa Barbara that the UK schools just took her as a dissertation student. I personally know someone getting a music PHD (yes, what does that even mean?) within a year. The PHD student only needed to hand in the dissertation.
On the missing PHD dissertation. Why wouldn't London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine hide it in a safe if the paper is a ticking bomb for the whole virology field?
The freedom of speech culture of the West always assumes innocence until proven guilty. Of Ms. Wagh turned out to be a fraud it is the open forum platform that allows the truth to appear by itself. As long as journalists(e.g. You) are doing their jobs, more speech is better than less.
My personal speculation is that there is always a love story behind. Doctor Wagh would have had never spoken out had she settled in Alaska with a typical big Indian family. She chose to show her identify exactly because she has nothing to lose (similar to Ms. Massey).
"I was born in Bombay (now Mumbai, India) in 1972. Came to the United States in 1991 when I was 18 years of age to attend university. Obtained my Bachelor’s degree in finance from Salisbury University in Salisbury, Maryland in 1995 and then my MBA (Master’s in Business Administration) from the University of Alaska Fairbanks in finance in 2000. Worked in the finance, government, non-profit and banking industries combined for over 16 years. Then in 2007, I took a detour into biology. Took several courses in plant biology, animal biology, chemistry, molecular biology and medical microbiology from Santa Barbara City College with the intention of obtaining a SECOND Master’s degree and eventually a PhD in microbiology and infectious diseases from Cambridge University, England. I’m 2/3rd’s of my way there. Most of my foundation courses in biology are completed, now I have to apply and get into graduate school in England. I’m looking into the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine to get a Master’s degree and then on to Cambridge University for the PhD."
The credentials listed on the 'video presentation card' (created by Wagh) in the Charlatan's Web article state that Wagh worked as a Lab Technician starting in 2005. The 'unofficial bio' (also written by Wagh) that you have given here states that she began taking science courses in 2007, which is two years after her claimed start to working in a lab, so that makes no sense. You can't work as a lab technician without first having credentials too (at least a certificate or something), so there's no way she could have worked as a lab technician as an undergraduate student. You could certainly work in a lab doing research projects as a student, but it would be difficult (impossible?) to line that up before you have completed some courses. A degree in finance would not help getting a job or a research project in a microbiology lab, especially if you have no experience performing microbiology lab techniques.
The unofficial bio also claims that she was working toward a degree for 6 years (from 2007 to 2013, when the bio was written - presumably full time, since her 16 years in industry appears to have ended in 2007 according to her bio) and was only 2/3 of the way there... to a bachelor's? Since she wanted to get into LSHTM to get her master's? But wound up getting two PhDs there instead of the master's. Also, if LSHTM is so prestigious, why would she want to get a master's there and then go to cambridge for a PhD?
Also, since unofficial bio was written in 2013, when she claimed to have been 2/3 of the way to some degree at Santa Barbara and was still just hoping to get into LSHTM (perhaps starting in 2014), how could she have been at LSHTM getting two PhD's from 2011 to 2016? Transfer credits do not explain that at all, since "foundation courses" at a community college in the US would definitely not contribute to graduate degrees at a university in the UK. Even the most accomplished PhD candidates would not be able to complete ONE PhD (much less two) in less than 4 years - actual research is required! Research takes time! And most PhD programs involve publishing some papers, so where are her published papers? I only did a master's and I have 4 published peer-review papers with my name on it. Not first author on any of them, but still there are papers. Where are hers? There should be review articles or something!
Also, if she really worked as a lab technician and clinical lab scientist for 6 years (2005-2011), she should have her name on published papers for that too, even just as a third, fourth or fifth author. Any contribution to research that gets published would entitle her to authorship on a paper. I know plenty of lab technicians who get paper authorship for doing work that contributes to published results.
You can watch her introducing her bio in this unrelated video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQtdmAxfHZM&t=1950s
If she really had a Pfizer scientist father, the lab competence is trivial.
Lab competence is never trivial, unless her scientist father (where was that information provided?) bribed the lab to let her be a computer jockey claiming to be a lab technician. And then bribed even more to let her be a clinical lab scientist. With no published papers.
The video unfortunately does not resolve any of the issues I brought up in my comment. In fact, it brings up even more issues.
In the video, Wagh states that she moved to California in 2005 and stayed there ever since, except for 3.5 years in Texas (2016 - 2019). Despite giving a lot of detail about her life prior to 2005, once the interviewer asks what she was doing in Texas she suddenly starts skipping over huge swaths of detail as if the details no longer mattered.
She said that by the time she got to Austin (in March of 2016) she had already been accepted into her PhD program, that she was doing that in England, so by the time she got to austin she was doing a lot of lab work at the university in Texas and then finally got her two PhDs in December 2016. She gives months and years for many other things, but strangely no mention of when she started the PhD program or of actually going to England (since she already said she was in California from 2005 - 2016). So somehow she got two PhDs from a university in England without ever being in England, over an unspecified period of time (seemingly from March of 2016 to December of 2016), all while working as a government tax consultant. Interesting.
None of this adds up. Her body language is a bit odd at that part of the interview too - suddenly extra loud, almost stammering, blinking more, looking around more as if trying to remember something that didn't actually happen. Rushing past details too, telling the interviewer the degrees are worthless, as if to signal that he shouldn't ask more about them.
She also claims to have gone back to Texas for 5 months just to work on lab samples, but suggests she would have to move to Florida (or Russia) in order to work without getting injected. Why not Texas? Surely she could work as a tax consultant in Texas?
It is a lot of nothingness, isn't it?
A sizable population still value a degreed person's comment on the non existent virus more than the facts itself.
Charlatans know that we know that.
Many elite schools don’t allow you to transfer credits from other schools, much less from other countries, at least not to the point of doing all your coursework elsewhere and getting a degree from them. They aren’t in a hurry to churn out graduates, they have their reputations to think about and would rather you go through their entire system, paying all the requisite course fees and then be the final arbiter of your degree. A few courses here and there are fined but my experience is that they want to be sure who they are endorsing through the granting of a degree. That’s what I’d do if I was the dean of a prestigious institution. Cambridge and LSHTM aren’t going to accept credits from Santa Barbara City College 🙄
Poornima Wagh got into the biology degree study by her own choice. Her lab experience might have impressed the dean. Virologist isn't exactly a hot career path for 20 something with no college degrees. Wagh had an MBA before getting into biology study.
I am not sure whether she got the PHDs eventually, but the text from the witts.ws site plus the following interview might bring light to her true character:
Ask yourself, on which following point do you not agree with her?
–What do you think of the US constitution and limited government? What do you think of central bank owners deciding who can run for president?
–Regarding the politics of the U.S.: WHAT IS THE SOLUTION?
–Was Ron Paul asked to step down? He was winning.
–FEMA is waiting and prodding folks to act-out so that they can go cherry picking. I think the solution is more spiritual.
–If you can find it view the documentary “LOOSE CHANGE.” Very good underground video about 911.
How about community college credits? Lol
You are asking what Zuckerberg or Gates is missing in life.
Check Pubmed
She could discredit some of the platforms that had her on if it's true that she is a fraud. That could be very damaging. Dr. Merritt is very good and I really hope her reputation isn't damaged because of this.
Lee Merrit is under the same kind of character assassination attach being meted out to this woman Wagh. I know nothing about her but do know quite a bit about the propganda machine operating and funded heavily by the govt itself. This article is written by someone who i believe sees himself as a liberal/progressive, an intellectual elite. Like many of his ilk he cannot see how he has fallen for the propaganda and it supporting censorship. Merritt has had her license threatened even tho she is not opposed to vaccines but questions the covid drugs and their flaky science as well as the erroneous treatments for the illness which is killling people, way more than the illness itself.
Merritt would be a wise lady if she shows her transparency.
Having listened to her present several times I think she has. However, censorship has prevented her and many others from sharing their studies and experience. I wonder if you have any understanding of the government supported censorship for anyone that question the mainstream narrative. The statement is that all questioning must be stopped whether it is correct or not and all those who do question must be destroyed one way or another. Medical people, both practitioners and researchers have been frightened into silence no matter what they see. They are afraid of losing their licenses and reputation and livelihood. They have no courage and are a main part of the problem. Those who do speak out really show courage and are to be admired and supported, not trashed.
Could you say more about this?
Sorry, what propaganda? If a person claims to hold TWO PhDs from one of the most prestigious and competitive institutions in the world, won’t they want to prove it?? Is that too much to ask, really??
Guess the date that she had her first interview, one to one, with Regis Tremblay - 1 April 2022 - Why did she choose the fool's day ?
You can see the date in the Title of the re-uploaded video still
oh that is brilliant.
i did that once with a science fiction series...
I listened to her videos, and she was switching subjects too fast for my liking. My takeaway was she came across like a con artist. Why con artists do what they do? Because it's a form of art...
You can't look up her degree without a 'hand signed' permission from her. I know this for a fact. I have been in contact with The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine myself. So, how exactly did you do it?
He's not looking up her degree asking to see it, he's asking have they ever issued a degree of any type to a person with the same name. The answer? No.
Did you see her recent video: https://odysee.com/@Truth_Comes_to_Light:6/Poornima-Wagh-Takes-The-Stand-To-Defend-Herself:9
I really think that questions should have been asked privately in retrospect.
Hi all, she asserted that her doctoral thesis from LSHTM — in the hard sciences, not the social sciences — "proved" that there was no HIV infection but all she cites is Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR, who said in many interviews that there was no paper that proved that HIV caused AIDS. This cannot be the basis of a hard-science thesis. And there is no way that she proved that malaria is not caused by a protozoa at the London School of Hygiene and TROPICAL Medicine without overturning their whole curriculum. However, this is a ridiculous discussion until we have the claimed thesis and can evaluate its methods, data and conclusions; it should all be in there; but she does not release this thesis she says she has, it's not in the British Library system where it belongs, and the school confirmed that she never received a degree. What else is left?
Dear Eric,
Journalists are entitled to follow Ms. Wagh's own words to contact her schools to verify her credentials. Otherwise, I am guessing her 'lawyer' is preparing to sue two of her alma maters.
However, it is also logical that LSHTM, a military controlled school, hides any paper going against the germ theory.
She has no lawyers that will sue anyone, she's a total fake, if she wasn't you would have at the least seen her produce EVIDENCE to back up her claimed credentials.
I don't think she isn't aware of her incoherence on tape. The question is:
Is this 'state power closing down on a whistle-blower' or 'fake whistle-blower being exposed'?
Journalism is important because everyone wants to know whether the vaccine testing actually happened.
Personally, I try to verify every claim that's made about the "virus". I like everyone else that has made the "transition" believed that viruses existed. It was only after listening to the likes of Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, Stefan Lanka etc AND verifying what they were saying by reviewing the source documents and studies did I wake up. I didn't just take their word for it. These speakers planted a seed and I used my own reasoning and investigative work to come to the conclusion that Virology is a fraud. From my own deep dive into the material I could see that Poornima, though saying some of the right things, didn't have the expertise that you would expect of someone fully versed in the field. If a person can't produce the receipts they likely don't have them to produce. This is how many cons work, they rely on your belief without verification.
Rather than be suppressed, a look at the Google search results showed that Wagh was seemingly being actively promoted. Many uncritical links to her videos were listed, with none of the smears and take-downs that beset the actual scientists who have challenged the official Covid narrative. She may have been set up for a fall, which is one of the main reasons why it was good to expose her fraud early and take her out of circulation before she trashed everyone’s reputation.
I think you have shown that she is likely not telling the truth about her degrees which casts doubt on her other statements. If she was just trying to find community with people of similar mind and thought she needed to lie to do so, I have empathy for her and would not want her to be publicly shamed but rather to stop the tainting of reputation of others.
Are the questioning of pathogenic viruses dangerous to the pharma and medical cartel? That's a question I'm asking myself and wondering why she came forward at this time. It does bring attention to the topic and sometimes it is said that there is no bad publicity.
I just have a bad feeling about how this played out.
She has a long history of "coming forward" as a "public intellectual." In this incarnation, she was a PhD virologist.
I think that the vetting process should have been more thorough to avoid shaming someone in public.
There are some who deserve to be shamed, and I have doubts she is one of them. This could have been handled internally and more privately.
I mean has anyone dug up Dr. Malone or any of these other players and called their institutions? I kid of think this lady was made an example of and regardless if it was the right thing to do, it felt wrong to me in retrospect.
I mean she provided no hard evidence for her claims in the beginning right? So why even give her a platform if what she's saying might not be true? You say it is about who promoted her, and yes I think that's right, but people make mistakes.
Public humiliation of people who are trying to do good work just feels wrong to me. Maybe I am wrong. I just don't like to hurt people, people who may not have any evil intention.
Personally I think you should be thanking Eric for the time and energy he and his team have put into informing the public by outing this charlatan.
I agree that the blowback feels like a public hanging. She may have been dishonest re: her credentials, but she did report correctly on many aspects of the discussion. It's a bit too much vitriol for me. It's unnecessary, unless there is something the 'executioners' see to gain from it.
Eric, I just listened to your conversation with Poornima. Was there a reason you didn’t ask about the immunology phd? It’s title and such.
It was a pre-interview. I asked inasmuch as I determined there were two claimed doctorates and one claimed thesis.
So many frauds and psyops.
Thanks, Eric. Really great and important article. As I wrote on Steve Kirsch's page, "Viruses exist and Covid was created in a U.S. military lab. (Please try to understand why the CDC actually shut down USAAMRIID at Fort Detrick in 2019 a few months before the pandemic hit.) The "they don't exist" crowd (well, "crowd" is too generous a term) is one "fall back" position projected by forces in the U.S. government (CIA, for one) just when we're getting close to the truth, to divert thinkers and activists into ridiculous and easy-to-debunk assertions. This is not the only issue where this is standard U.S. government procedure; the "agencies" in the US government seek to divert on EVERY important issue. Thank you so much, Steve (and ERIC) for calling out the disinformation specialists within our ranks. It's really important to do so, but please WATCH YOUR BACK .... "
Right, 'viruses' exist because you, the Rockefeller medical cartel, and sociopathic politicians all agree. You're in good company there.
So obviously you intend to accept the challenge of Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey, and prove for the first time ever that there's really a physical, contagious virus particle, that no one has been able to prove to date? Or will you just stick with the group ad hominem attacks because it's a lot easier?
David. I have a PhD in Organic Chemistry. I am retired and I have no agenda. I have studied the work of Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey, etc, and I have come to the conclusion that there is no valid scientic proof for the existence of viruses as we know them. I firmly believe that Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey, etc, are correct. I'm not blowing my own trumpet, but I am 100% confident that Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey, etc, are not able to 'fool' me. I also believe that any scientist who doubts their work is either working with an agenda, suffering from cognitive dissonance or does not actually understand what they are saying. Actually, their work is really not that difficult to understand.
Ditto. Modern virology is sorcery. There is nothing biology in the 'virus isolation' process. The (non-existent) person beyond Silicon based sequencing machine deserves 10 Nobel Prizes as he has solved the 'virus isolation' and DNA/RNA sequencing in one go.
Well said. Agreed, it's really not that difficult to understand. I discovered Lanka's work about 20 years ago, and without the recent work of Kaufman & Cowan to distill the explanation into lay-person terms it took a lot more work back then to find the truth. For 18 of those 20 years there was virtually no one to discuss this issue with. Seeing statements like yours, and groups like Eric has here, makes me very happy, and hopeful that something really good might emerge from the wreakage of the 'covid' scam.
All you need is to have solid cognitive standards to understand that alleged biological viruses are unproven, i.e., logic, scientific method and shared human experience through five senses.
Have you ever looked at your organic chemistry this way?
Those three charlatans mentioned are defending a business model; no more, no less.
Wow, that's a convincing argument.
I guess all of the doctors who work for the Rockefeller cartel and are poisoning people to supposedly treat a 'virus' have no allegiance to the 'business model', right?
I asked you this at Kirsch' thread and you didn't respond.
Here it is again:
"As you think this virus was created in a lab how deadly do you think this virus is/was and how transmissible?"
As an aside "Covid" isn't a virus it's a clinical condition (a fraudulent one) SARS-CoV-2 is the "virus."
Nice piece of sci-fi you wrote there.
Thank you Eric for this post. I just do not know what is happening with Dr.Merritt...
This page at:
has all the interviews out there, most of which I saw, some multiple times... Do you know which session on Wagh was interviewed??? I do not recall her at all.
Btw. acu2020 interviewed MANY specialists, most of them are on the right site, but there were also very questionable individuals among the interviewers.. I do believe this is on purpose.
Although, given the fact, that they have SO MUCH PROOF for crime and fraud already, and do nothing with it (while in the same time people are dying) as 'the best lawyers', makes me suspicious. Maybe that's indeed the same criminal FRAUD AS TRUMP and his swamp.....
I'm surprised they didn't run a basic background check. They cost like 50-80 bucks. If I had a reputation to uphold, I would have my guest consent to a background check especially since only her finance degree comes up online.
It's very bizarre that someone would do that and lie so much if she is lying, which it sounds like she may be to some extent.
Sounds like a personality disorder
I'm confused. Is her degree in finance or liberal studies - whatever that means....? Ive seen twice now where no one could even corroborate her finance degree, and that it was liberal studies. Weird thing to lie about.
It is weird, but it might also be a classification issue of how the university names/titles their degrees. My sister had a BA in Liberal Arts but her major field of study was dance. So she said she majored in dance, which was true, but her degree said liberal arts. I wouldn't put too much weight on this single item.
Dance maybe classified as liberal arts. Finance is not in the realm of the arts
Who said it was? Finance is in the realm of the MBA, is it not?
The issue is that it seems she sometimes says she has a degree in Finance, and sometimes a degree in liberal arts. Theres no consistency with this woman.
(Also, as much as it makes me cringe to think that any college would classify Finance under Liberal Arts - I suppose that's a small possibility. But if that is the case, kinda makes it an even less credible college lol as an Accountant who also enjoys the arts, I would NEVER conflate the 2)
It sounds like you’re leaving a wide berth for her finance degree possibly falling into a liberal arts category. Which to most would be quite counter-intuitive.
General Management
Capital Markets
Which one sounds more like finance to you?
Why not? It’s a potential pattern. Every degree has a sub story or deeper explanation. Something is not right here
Please read my articles. You are out of line sir. Who are you to lecture these accomplished people? These courageous people. Unbelievable. You are trying to hide the evidence of what is in the vials.
Is this what you're talking about https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355979001_DETECTION_OF_GRAPHENE_IN_COVID19_VACCINES
I understand that this woman is not clear! ask ourselves the question why?? she's not a scammer! this woman is AFRAID and despite everything she tries everything for everything. business to follow. why ignore well-known New Zealand doctors who are buzzing...who claim to be in research...with so far no research exposed. honestly i have nothing against nobody but just tired of false prophets!🙏
What's the deal with Reiner? I thought he was one of the good guys?