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Here is a short summary:

Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds are toxic at the parts-per-trillion level, with the toxicity manifesting mostly as endocrine disruption and immune issues (those, in turn, lead to cancer, though all of these compounds are cancer promoters and initiators).

These and other halogenated organic compounds are lipophilic (mixing carbon with bromine, fluorine and chlorine for thousands of purposes with the results concentrating in fat).

In humans, and what we eat, they concentrate in the fatty tissue of animals and each dose adds to what is already building up. They are not excreted. They magnify up the food chain (meaning parts-per-trillion in water can lead to a bird whose brain is 40% PCBs from eating fish).

It is worth reading Silent Spring by Rachel Carson to get a sense of this. The forest was silent because DDT contaminated the leaves of trees, then concentrated in worms who ate the leaves, which were eaten by song birds, whose eggshells were then rendered too thin for the eggs to be viable — the effects go RIGHT to reproduction across nearly all species — especially in females).

In 1900, these chemicals were extremely rare. The chemical revolution of the 20c made them prominent today (excess benzene from gasoline production; excess chlorine from bromine production, all recombined into countless substances, all of which produce dioxin and are also hormonally active themselves).

Now we have a massive plastics pollution issue at every level, from infiltration of plasticizers, to plastic nano particles showing up everywhere. The plastics problem is approximately the same as the dioxin problem.

At the time I was doing my major work on this issue circa 1992-1998, there was a lot of discussion…and I am certain that the hormone pollution issue (now discussed a “forever chemicals,” which are really 3rd generation chemicals) is at the root of the cancer problem, reproductive issues like endometriosis, and the sterility problem, lower sperm counts, feminization of many species, the TRANS issue is mostly about this (and digital), etc.

All this “gender dysphoria” is chemically induced, digitally enhanced (the tendency to want to amputate is an effect of electrical media) and then pushed by social and medical propaganda.

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