Corrected Covid Chronology Published
Our proofreader Alison Ogden spent months removing untold hundreds of words joined by a code error. This is on the long list of things nobody wants to do twice.
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Dear Chiron Return Reader:
An edition of the Covid Chronology that I’ve just published finally corrects the spacing problem created when we converted the chronology from Word to Pages. Words would randomly stick together and the error would not be visible to spellcheck. And you could not just bang in another space — the whole phrase would need to be retyped. This must have happened 500 to 1,000 times.
If not for the impeccable patience of Alison Ogden, who took months to pick through the text line by line, we might still have this problem. Lord knows I was not going to be able to do it myself. It was quite enough to research, compile, write and edit the thing. I’m so glad that’s over.
That said, there are still some little text errors that need to be cleaned up, and the whole document will benefit from a careful review. It will happen, though I’m not sure when. Links will go bad; I’ve quoted documents as copiously as possible for that reason. Also, this was mainly written in the era before we had the benefit of Drs. Mark and Sam Bailey completely eviscerating the virus issue, and Mike Stone of confirming all of their findings. Take that!
What I Would Like to Do, Among Other Things
I have plans for what I want to do as addendum projects, mainly little sidebars.
One is sussing out the unusual day of Oct. 6, 2020, where several different films and books were released simultaneously — and Trump getting “out of the hospital” because “he had covid” was on page one of The New York Times. Does anyone remember the hostage video he made “from the hospital” that week? The one that looked like it was made aboard a ship pitching in the waves? OMFG even the president can “get it.”
I’m also building a file of UFO disclosures in 2020, some of which we captured but not all. Perhaps one day soon, I will bang those in — it would take me an afternoon to do them both. The research is basically done.
These disclosures, while credible, seemed intended to further destabilize people and add to the chaos and confusion — to the sense that there was no longer any such thing as your basic consensus reality.
Despite this, I consider the film The Phenomenon by James Fox to be informative and entertaining, particularly with its coverage of the Ariel School incident that occurred on Sept. 16, 1994. I would rate this as the among highest credibility UFO incidents in history, and many people learned about it in 2020.
When we were in the thick of the mess, Spencer Stevens, a young reporter, poet and musician who contributed significantly to this chronology and to our coverage of the “covid” incident, used to joke that this all, as in the pandemic scenario, was going to end up with a false-flag alien invasion.
That’s what it felt like it was anyway.
Summing Up Oct. 6, 2020
To sum up Oct. 6, 2020, there were several events that seem interesting to happen the same day.
One was the release of former CIA Director John Brennan’s memoir, Undaunted: My Fight Against America's Enemies, at Home and Abroad.
Robert F. Kennedy and Dick Russell's Climate in Crisis: Who's Causing It, Who's Fighting It, and How We Can Reverse It Before It's Too Late was released.
And Zeitgeist movement founder Peter Joseph’s historic multi-genre experimental work, InterReflections, was released. I don’t know enough about these works to comment on any thematic connections they may have, and we will likely dredge up plenty more.
Have a look at October 2020 (the link takes you to Covid19 News), that freakin’ weird month when public officials were trying desperately to keep the pandemic narrative alive long enough to start their forced vaccine program — which we knew then and know now was a disaster.
In this glorious month, The New York Times released another article on the numbers of false positives created by the PCR. Then as now, the purpose of this kind of spiked story is obvious: if there are false positives, there must be real ones as well, and that means that the “virus” is real.
Missing Virus Issue Percolates Up
Around this time was the revelation of a CDC document titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It is dated July 13, 2020, and has origins earlier int he year — but it was a sleeper. It’s the government’s open admission that it’s pretending a computer-generated sequence is a virus.
Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…” [i.e., metagenomic bullshit — that is, computer code].
The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…” Do you remember how all the virus pushers were having conniptions about how this simply had to be meaningless. Who was that guy we all wasted so much time arguing with? Jeremy Hammond?
Anyway, thanks to “that woman in Canada” Christine Massey, we now know that 220 governments (including state, provincial and federal, as well as many institutions within them) have all admitted the same thing over and over — sorry bro. No actual samples of virus exist.
Said another way, no government or institution anywhere in the world can produce a paper from anywhere in the world showing that “SARS CoV-2” has ever been found. And this turns out to be true with every virus. Moreover, the greater thing that actually doesn’t exist is virology.
And so on and on. It was all so strange, such an onslaught, such raw, unvarnished abuse of people and our fragile lives. I’ve mostly gotten over it, but not entirely. I’m still dealing with the aftermath of the confusion of that time. And whatever that thing was that created that thing, that thing ain’t over.
So keep your ears on, and stay in touch with your friends, the Earth and with old-fashioned reality.
Your faithful editor,
Thank you, Eric Francis, for your dogged, smart and warm hearted persistence.
as regards your last paragraph, Covid was the Great Dis-locator, and the Great Dis-lodger, and the 'World' may well be 'over it', but as to the 'Sequelae'- well, I think we're all feeling it...