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Eleven would be counted 1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4 1-2-3

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The tune? It's 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2, fits with the chords A, D, E and back to A for 1-2.

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ah no wonder I could not get it to add up...so it's in three, skipping a beat every fourth measure...

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They stopped playing it because they increasingly found the time signature too confining, at least that's what Jerry said. I think it was partly just wanting to simplify things. Spun some GREAT jams out of it!!!

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Follow the kicks, they usually fall on a "1", the snare hits on three. I seems to me like 8 measures of four tagged with a turnaround of a measure of 5 and one measure of 3 across what seems like a phrase to me.

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Yeah, 11. I forgot four beats.

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what ever happened to the cha-cha?

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The needle jumped.

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