Regarding your first para. Many people will believe anything, especially if they get texted it. They can always claim "Stonewall Riot" or "Dan White Night Riot" precedents.
Regarding your first para. Many people will believe anything, especially if they get texted it. They can always claim "Stonewall Riot" or "Dan White Night Riot" precedents.
hahaha Stonewall! I tell the LGBTQs in my neighborhood I am glad they were not in charge of the movement that night. We needed some real men in dresses to throw chairs. And you're right тАФ whenever my SMS goes off I say, wow that must be true! ugh
Regarding your first para. Many people will believe anything, especially if they get texted it. They can always claim "Stonewall Riot" or "Dan White Night Riot" precedents.
hahaha Stonewall! I tell the LGBTQs in my neighborhood I am glad they were not in charge of the movement that night. We needed some real men in dresses to throw chairs. And you're right тАФ whenever my SMS goes off I say, wow that must be true! ugh
And there's also BLM, available 24/7 to start something once the text gets sent.