True, but he acts as if he doesn't even know the current mainstream version of the official explanation, still thinks the planes acted like bombs.
They put a Mixolydian spin on Ripple. The flattened 7 note, which is in tension with the root note (unresolved harmonic, vs major 7) creates a sense of dissonance, which is what makes the Mixolydian scale sound like a blue version of the "major" (Ionian) scale. This is what allows the smooth transition into The Other One theme (which is in E dorian, E5 (aka Eno3), Em, Esus4).
yes he's clueless about contagion and 9/11 as are most people. he has to do his job and be an acceptable mainstream guy.
Do you know who is playing guitar on that Ripple? And they do something with added's really great...
True, but he acts as if he doesn't even know the current mainstream version of the official explanation, still thinks the planes acted like bombs.
They put a Mixolydian spin on Ripple. The flattened 7 note, which is in tension with the root note (unresolved harmonic, vs major 7) creates a sense of dissonance, which is what makes the Mixolydian scale sound like a blue version of the "major" (Ionian) scale. This is what allows the smooth transition into The Other One theme (which is in E dorian, E5 (aka Eno3), Em, Esus4).