I work nights yet on Friday night I still try to listen to your show. It is a new highlight of my week! Usually I have to finish listening to your program later on Saturday or Sunday. I was too tired to compose my thoughts before dozing off tonight, but here I am awake at 2:30 a.m. from the impact of your closing pie…
I work nights yet on Friday night I still try to listen to your show. It is a new highlight of my week! Usually I have to finish listening to your program later on Saturday or Sunday. I was too tired to compose my thoughts before dozing off tonight, but here I am awake at 2:30 a.m. from the impact of your closing piece. The Erotic Yes and Erotic No was profound for me. It had the effect Tom Kenyon’s Hathor-channeled sound pieces can have on me. They move energy! They bust up blockages. Sound is definitely a medium of healing for me whether through music or words.
Listening to the presentation of Erotic Yes Erotic No was the most jarring, unpleasant and awful experience I have had in quite awhile! It hit me right in my solar plexus and uncomfortably so. The message itself (words) was intriguing and mind opening/altering, but the sound or vibratory aspects were like having an encounter with Kali! It was the last thing I listened to before falling asleep, and the energetics carried into my dream time. I had dreams that shook me to my core!
In my dreams, I encountered close up and radically in my face experiences energetically similar to ones I have experienced in my waking life and from my past. I re-experienced episodes in which I suppressed my NO and externally went along with something because I felt guilt about saying no. These dream vignettes were interspersed with very intense in my face dream experiences in which something terrifying and threatening is rapidly approaching me and invading my personal bodily and energetic space. One example is a murder of crows rapidly descending on me in a chaos of screeches, talons and flying feathers. In this dreamscape, I stood solidly in place and stood in my NO. I found I didn’t die. I wasn’t tortured. The threatening person or energy melted away upon contact with me. In one case I threw lemons right in the face of the Freddy Krueger type character and he dissolved. My dream was a continuous succession of these intense brief episodes.
The grand finale of the dream-before I woke up with a start- was me shouting my truth to all the “establishment-energy” people in my waking life who had not, did not and still would not hear my NO in regard to going along with all the covid b.s. of the past three years. Their response was, “But we had/have to hold down the fort and keep the program going to and keep society going.” (The play must go on!) But in the dream I continued to shout my truth (which I have kept so silent in so many circles) because people would not hear me. Exploding my truth felt like such an immense release and relief in the dream.
So, YES to the EROTIC NO! A no without guilt. A no that is received with pleasure. wow. BIG energy there!
Hi Eric and everyone,
I work nights yet on Friday night I still try to listen to your show. It is a new highlight of my week! Usually I have to finish listening to your program later on Saturday or Sunday. I was too tired to compose my thoughts before dozing off tonight, but here I am awake at 2:30 a.m. from the impact of your closing piece. The Erotic Yes and Erotic No was profound for me. It had the effect Tom Kenyon’s Hathor-channeled sound pieces can have on me. They move energy! They bust up blockages. Sound is definitely a medium of healing for me whether through music or words.
Listening to the presentation of Erotic Yes Erotic No was the most jarring, unpleasant and awful experience I have had in quite awhile! It hit me right in my solar plexus and uncomfortably so. The message itself (words) was intriguing and mind opening/altering, but the sound or vibratory aspects were like having an encounter with Kali! It was the last thing I listened to before falling asleep, and the energetics carried into my dream time. I had dreams that shook me to my core!
In my dreams, I encountered close up and radically in my face experiences energetically similar to ones I have experienced in my waking life and from my past. I re-experienced episodes in which I suppressed my NO and externally went along with something because I felt guilt about saying no. These dream vignettes were interspersed with very intense in my face dream experiences in which something terrifying and threatening is rapidly approaching me and invading my personal bodily and energetic space. One example is a murder of crows rapidly descending on me in a chaos of screeches, talons and flying feathers. In this dreamscape, I stood solidly in place and stood in my NO. I found I didn’t die. I wasn’t tortured. The threatening person or energy melted away upon contact with me. In one case I threw lemons right in the face of the Freddy Krueger type character and he dissolved. My dream was a continuous succession of these intense brief episodes.
The grand finale of the dream-before I woke up with a start- was me shouting my truth to all the “establishment-energy” people in my waking life who had not, did not and still would not hear my NO in regard to going along with all the covid b.s. of the past three years. Their response was, “But we had/have to hold down the fort and keep the program going to and keep society going.” (The play must go on!) But in the dream I continued to shout my truth (which I have kept so silent in so many circles) because people would not hear me. Exploding my truth felt like such an immense release and relief in the dream.
So, YES to the EROTIC NO! A no without guilt. A no that is received with pleasure. wow. BIG energy there!
Thanks for sharing this, Eric!