Misdirection is a classic strategy used to divert attention from one subject and direct it to another. Getting people to ask all the wrong questions ensures they will be kept from seeking answers to the right questions. The "leading lights" of the "health freedom movement" have been installed or do this of their own accord which serves t…
Misdirection is a classic strategy used to divert attention from one subject and direct it to another. Getting people to ask all the wrong questions ensures they will be kept from seeking answers to the right questions. The "leading lights" of the "health freedom movement" have been installed or do this of their own accord which serves the interests of the forces that run the operation. Whether they are hired hands or unwitting accomplices hardly matters.
The focus placed upon the phony “lab-leak” narrative is a classic tactic of misdirection in that it shores up the “deadly novel virus suddenly appeared” narrative. This provides the rationale for the biosecurity complex to siphon trillions from taxpayers through the aptly named “pandemic preparedness” industry. How many "freedom heroes" are pushing this nonsense? Quite a few.
Another classic strategy is to reify the Big Lie while allowing dissent around the edges. This is another role the primary actors of the "freedom movement" have embraced and again whether it is intentional, opportunistic or accidental does not matter- the effects are the same.
The fabrication of a controversy over "early treatments" from the start of the operation is intended to invent parallel narratives, reify the Big Lie and stop all other narratives from getting out of the gate. Installing this manufactured controversy on how to "treat" this alleged "new disease" serves to concretize the narrative that a "novel disease" existed and that the "novel pathogen" which caused this disease (rather than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen) was in fact a real problem requiring political and medical measures rather than an invented control narrative.
These and many other false trails are catapulted by "rogue anti-establishment doctors" and administrative types who quickly become the face of the "health freedom movement"- an unlikely coincidence.
Misdirection is a classic strategy used to divert attention from one subject and direct it to another. Getting people to ask all the wrong questions ensures they will be kept from seeking answers to the right questions. The "leading lights" of the "health freedom movement" have been installed or do this of their own accord which serves the interests of the forces that run the operation. Whether they are hired hands or unwitting accomplices hardly matters.
The focus placed upon the phony “lab-leak” narrative is a classic tactic of misdirection in that it shores up the “deadly novel virus suddenly appeared” narrative. This provides the rationale for the biosecurity complex to siphon trillions from taxpayers through the aptly named “pandemic preparedness” industry. How many "freedom heroes" are pushing this nonsense? Quite a few.
Another classic strategy is to reify the Big Lie while allowing dissent around the edges. This is another role the primary actors of the "freedom movement" have embraced and again whether it is intentional, opportunistic or accidental does not matter- the effects are the same.
The fabrication of a controversy over "early treatments" from the start of the operation is intended to invent parallel narratives, reify the Big Lie and stop all other narratives from getting out of the gate. Installing this manufactured controversy on how to "treat" this alleged "new disease" serves to concretize the narrative that a "novel disease" existed and that the "novel pathogen" which caused this disease (rather than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen) was in fact a real problem requiring political and medical measures rather than an invented control narrative.
These and many other false trails are catapulted by "rogue anti-establishment doctors" and administrative types who quickly become the face of the "health freedom movement"- an unlikely coincidence.
mmm hmmmm.