Overnight Wednesday to Thursday we experience the first of two eclipses — a rare hybrid annular/total, followed by Mercury stationing retrograde on Friday. This short podcast gives an overview.
Man, this eclipse is already hitting sensitive spots for me! I don’t know the astrology to know what in my chart might make that so, but four or five things came up for me today that had an uncomfortable emotional charge to them. Potential new life changing possibilities are floating on my horizon but these possibilities are bringing up old wounds. AND stress arises in me like hot steam from a kettle. I wonder if I will make the best decision for myself and the one that is most in resonance with the core of who I am at my being.
The timing of this all will be interesting because the metal magnet planet will soon be pedaling backwards in the sky. Simultaneously there seems to be some urgency to make the decisions soon. Urgency stemming from a sense I will miss a great opportunity and stemming from someone else’s sense of urgency! But this could all be in my mercurial mind! (I thought the NY study you brought up was interesting.)
So yeah! I appreciate the suggestion to wait until Mercury Retrograde stations direct BECAUSE more information will *shake out* at the end of the retrograde that could be pertinent to the decision. Yes, so this could be interesting. There is one possibility that has recently arisen that supports me getting me much closer to a dream of mine. But can the person who is a part of the decision wait? Can they creatively meet me half way? We shall see. I remind myself to trust that my frequency will bring me what I need. 🤩😜🤓
Man, this eclipse is already hitting sensitive spots for me! I don’t know the astrology to know what in my chart might make that so, but four or five things came up for me today that had an uncomfortable emotional charge to them. Potential new life changing possibilities are floating on my horizon but these possibilities are bringing up old wounds. AND stress arises in me like hot steam from a kettle. I wonder if I will make the best decision for myself and the one that is most in resonance with the core of who I am at my being.
The timing of this all will be interesting because the metal magnet planet will soon be pedaling backwards in the sky. Simultaneously there seems to be some urgency to make the decisions soon. Urgency stemming from a sense I will miss a great opportunity and stemming from someone else’s sense of urgency! But this could all be in my mercurial mind! (I thought the NY study you brought up was interesting.)
So yeah! I appreciate the suggestion to wait until Mercury Retrograde stations direct BECAUSE more information will *shake out* at the end of the retrograde that could be pertinent to the decision. Yes, so this could be interesting. There is one possibility that has recently arisen that supports me getting me much closer to a dream of mine. But can the person who is a part of the decision wait? Can they creatively meet me half way? We shall see. I remind myself to trust that my frequency will bring me what I need. 🤩😜🤓
I am weird and love Mercury Retro!
I just feel better... after a nap. HA.