J.J. Couey is back. He's saying nothing; his host Doc Malik says less. There's a missing virus problem, and also a missing test. Doc, let's talk — with everyone listening. Call me at (845) 481-5616.
Once you have a basic handle, it's pretty easy to see. Viruses are an article of faith. They have never been seen or shown to exist. Nothing actually acts like one when you test transmission. The studies are all plainly bogus.
The genetic transcripts are utterly ridiculous. Then to "find" the thing you have to magnify the sample to the size of Jupiter and even then you find only its "genetic shadow."
I mean seriously.
It's utter, unmitigated fraud, and it's as popular as Elvis. But -- the idea that there is a problem has more understanding in the public than ever.
Wondered if you have heard christine massey and ‘dr. Dan Wilson’s’ talk on the actuality if isolation and purification? His show is ‘debunk the funk’ on fake book and articulates the computer generated ‘sequencing’ ..... he also has very low opinions of kaufman, cowan, lanka etc..... anywho, dr Wilson is very high on debunking anyone in the ‘no virus’ camp
I saw that one. It was pure agony. It made Couey seem like the 1969 World Series. All he could do was flog her with the tassel from his doctoral cap and gown.
among the many things I learned from Marshall McLuhan is that in a televised debate, the person who loses their cool loses the debate. Keep your cool and you win the debate, pretty much no matter what you say.
That's a factor no doubt, but that's not why you prevailed. Your great advantage was the element of surprise (Pink Panther) - he was completely ambushed by your command of the facts and reasoning skills, along with your unwillingness to just nod along - he saw a hippy with a hot pink headband and an astrology channel and thought it was gonna be a walk in the park - just drop some impressive sounding convoluted virology jargon and rock on - he was disabused of this misimpression quickly, which is when the panic set in. He greatly underestimated you, he would not have agreed to the interview had he understood your profound knowledge and unique understanding of this issue. You sliced him up like a kipper.
Oh dear. You don't say. MN, you are revealing all of my trade secrets! Whatsoever shall I do, now that my modus is exposed? Listen just do me a favor, make sure that Doc Malik does not see your comment, OK? We want him to be surprised by the groovy astrology channel too :-)
Eric, Malik IS the low hanging fruit, don't waste your cover. You should go for the tuna of the health freedom movement. Get McCullough on, and offer to read his horoscope to tenderize him, before you roll him into a hosomaki.
Wild stuff Johnny, wild stuff! First there is a virus, then there ain’t! Then there be new vaccine, then it ain’t! Then them old all cause mortality stats hit the ceiling an’ I gets a real bad feeling! New MNRA booster for all us folk be comin’ soon an’ my dog be howlin’ at the moon! 5G antenna right in front o’ my door, then Papa grab his chest an’ hit the floor!
Best I be headed for the border cause I damn sure don’t like this New World Order!
you might say that...three photo sessions of the gorge, two horoscopes, several articles, several podcasts, interviews on two other podcasts, and two clients.
I'm not interested in astrology, but from Radu Cinamar's "Forgotten Genesis," I learned it's a science. Here's a story about astrology from Al Bielek, a veteran of the Philadelphia Experiment and the first time traveler.
The MAJestic 12 couldn't kill him but wanted him out of the way. One reason was because he spent two years with the Wingmakers, the first group to fight against the NWO. So in 1953 they sent him to Montauk, and from then they sent him to 1983, where he was age-regressed to 9 months old and placed with the Bielek family. So, his date of birth was wrong and his astrological chart didn't make sense. When he found out his real date of birth, the new chart made sense. https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/06/01/al-bielek-autobiography-11/
I do not consider astrology a science as there is no possibility of a repeatable experiment. Therefore, no finding can be verified. Astrology is divination, like reading tarot cards only much more complicated.
Are you suggesting it’s necessary to provide an alternate/accurate explanation for disease (such as a chronic cough) otherwise “virus” must be the cause? I don’t think it’s necessary but I’m willing to hear your response.
I'm suggesting that saying "It must be a virus" for something because "what else could it be?" Is pretty poor science. It seems to be the gold standard for virus research.
Virus is a term used to codify the symptoms of environmental damage we experience from actual attack vectors into an alibi for vaccines. If vaccines were innocuous I would say that they were fighting windmills but it has become clear that they are yet another attack vector.
Big Pharma is trying to kill us and we are paying them to do it. Also see: Cancer treatments.
It’s in the water nineteen ninety seven apparently. Cobra and Krait venom coming through our showers. We are sucking it up from cups like flowers. They are finding it in our waste water. Viruses don’t come through our pee and poo, but venom do! All we need is a little daily nicotine patch. It’ll help overcome the sniffles or a bad vaccine batch. Want to know more? Dr. Ardis is the one to ask!
I listened to 36 minutes of the Odysee video. Cowan and Kaufmann display a lot of knowledge of lab work but didn't seem to care about clinical results. If nicotine relieves symptoms, and we all know it does, then what's the problem? If 100% of patients receiving monoclonal antibodies felt they had been cured, what's the problem? As a chiropractor, Dr. Ardis puts patients before being a know-it-all about lab work.
Here is top venom narrative promoter Dr Bryan Ardis, with Doctors Cowan and Kaufman, giving up on his "venom" rap after 3 minutes of questions by them.
Dr Malik made a big point of talking about how what he is interested in is "low hanging fruit" which he can easily go after, never mind "this virus stuff." It's a perfect analogy for limited hangouts. Go after the low hanging fruit, and don't pay attention to what's really *at the root* of all this. Go for what you think you can easily sell your followers, rather than get them to think, get them used to thinking.
Eric, you make really good points about how both Malik and Couey misrepresent terrain theory, what people like Doctors Bailey and Cowan have said re why they would not come on Malik's show, and "the last 50 years of Virology's findings." Couey wants to protect the bio-weapon narrative by any means necessary, it's crucial for his boss at CHD, RFK Jr. Serious disinformation.
One part i thought got a bit confusing. You *seemed* to make the problem with "harvesting wild virus sequences from nature and cloning them" as being how many cycles the PCR duplication is run through, at least people who wanna hear that rather than something more fundamental will think they heard it. You do stress that none of the "cloned sequences" (in-silico sequences, never shown to exist outside a computer) have never been shown to be pathogens.
The word which was missing is Mark Bailey's favorite, "provenance." None of the sequences which are obtained from the fluid results of cell cultures combined with patient extracts, antibiotics and Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)have ever been shown to be viral in origin.
There is a five minutes video out which explains the entire process of what passes for "isolation" and "sequencing." Its opening image is something taken from a Dr Cowan video, about FBS and how it by itself contains so many DNA and RNA sequences that a researcher could get out of the fluid resulting from a cell culture experiment whatever genome they wanted to get, it's like Alice's Restaurant of Virology, except here you can even get Alice. :-) https://rumble.com/v3m9kga-how-they-create-the-digital-virus-5-mins.html
How they create the digital computerised virus (5 mins), TJ45, 10/2/23, 5 minute
Nope. A bio weapon uses an organism as a means of transmission. The very notion of "bio-weapon" requires Contagion Theory to be correct. There is ZERO proof of that, after 120 years of attempts to do so, be it virus, bacteria or fungi.
Thank you for this, Jeffrey. I have been trying to make this distinction to people claiming both that “Covid” was being caused by bioweapons and that the shots contain bioweapons. Agents causing biological effects can only be bioweapons if they are biological to begin with, and since there are no viruses, it’s impossible that anyone has done gain of function on one or created one. It’s chemical toxins and non-living, non-biological entities that are at play.
contagion is the central issue. It's not like there is definite observable community spread and someone says, "a virus is not why it's happening."
also I would add at the outset, whenever there is the appearance of community spread, CDC is supposed to send a toxicological team to rule out a mass poisoning incident — and those are commonplace.
Tox teams are not.
Yet in fact — the contrary — at Love Canal in the 1970s, the NYS Dept of Health tried to convince poisoned residents that they had a virus; that a bird obviously killed by being poisoned had a virus; so the virus is the magical 'catch all' inbox that's the ready excuse.
The Rosenau experiments and many since all attempted to prove contagion and ended up proving the opposite.
Those issues are sums up that issue and many others, in short form:
By early May 2020, David Crowe had established the many problems with the pandemic theory. But mentally, this and other sources were difficult to hear not just above the din of what was coming through social media and the TV networks and all that, but also the violence in society direct by viroids at people who dared to question the religious television programming in their minds. We can blame the media but people were not only receptive -- they reacted with aggression against anyone and anything else. This did not foster honest inquiry and discussion.
The social conditioning around "contagion" and "virology" is incredibly deep. It was enormously helped by the banishment from public health discourse and medical training of any other notions, thanks to the Flexner Report and its recommendations, together with the work of its sponsors, the Rockefeller trust and the AMA, who got Congress in 1917 to give the AMA monopoly power to certify doctors and medical schools. 100+ years of propaganda reinforced daily, compounded by total mystification of "science" and "experts."
You are very welcome. Indeed, zero proof that the body can be made to produce anything via these shots or any other method of inducing mRNA into the body. Stefano Scoglio (who'll be on Planet Waves next week) discussed this with Torsten Engelbrecht here.
“That mRNA “vaccines” cause cells to produce spike proteins is a fairy tale” Stefano Scoglio, top expert in microbiology and Italy’s most prestigious and best-known critic of the Corona policy, interviewed by Torsten Engelbrecht. Posted 11/8/22.
"Fluffed" is a good description. I've used "fudged" for it, but "fluffed" is fresher. Also, the alleged genome used as a template for matching the constructed one was itself the result of computer construction. And the match was lower than the match between the genomes of a human and a house cat. :-)
Are there Lanvi Nguyen ts for sale? I wear medium.
Also, I'm following the no virus argument presented from a million different angles and it's changed how I and my family go about taking care of our health. We don't avoid "getting sick" but we do understand symptoms much differently. The biggest breakthrough's in our medicine cabinet have been fasting, sleep, turpentine, structured water, and forgiveness. However, there is an issue more pressing to me and it's in regards to our chickens. One of them has supposedly developed Marek's disease, which is dubbed a highly contagious viral disease. All I really know is its legs are paralyzed and in a forward-rearward splits. It strangely still maintains a voracious appetite. Now, I can't find any remedies that don't involve killing the chicken or vaccinations. So the question I have to all the no-virus chicken keepers: if not a virus, then what is Marek's, and is there any way to cure this chicken (whose parents were vaxxed)? I've taken away her cell phone, filtered and structured her water, and given her lots of grounding time and sunlight. Her legs haven't moved in a week.
I have tried to listen to a Doc Malic pod. I find him quite annoying, I made about 5 minutes. He plays the role of someone leading his followers as oppose the delingpole style of just having a chat with interesting people and actually holding them to account, albeit respectfully. I wouldn't bother with Malik. His followers won't be ready, and he won't have you on anyway.
If the "shadow of their genetic signal" is all they've got, they are finished. There should be something really substantial, robust to justify a world lockdown. Useful iditiots, fooling themselves.
Couey says nanopore sequencing proves viruses exist, then says they exist, but they are not what we think they are, whatever that means, but the clones of the viruses can be deadly and can be made and used as a weapon. I am looking forward to you dissecting nano pore sequencing.
The only response they ever have to challenges to germ theory is “But measles!” “But rabies!” Or nonsensical claims that show they haven’t even bothered to look into what the terrain paradigm says. Or perhaps have deliberately misunderstood it.
the entire rabies situation is an outrage, top to bottom. the Baileys have a video taking it apart. In the US there is slightly over one claimed case of rabies in domestic dogs per year per state. this is all a ploy to poison your beloved cats and dogs. avoid the shot whenever possible. Cats are not required to have it. FELV, even more disgusting.
I've recommended that video to friends who bring up rabies as "why they can't just let go of germ theory." And the pet vaccine issue is scandalous. It's certainly one of the reasons that dog and cat life expectancy is dropping, and why so many of them have cancer.
I have avoided it in the past, I will never, ever inject an animal with something. I managed to give Jonah one rabies shot in 12 years, only because I had to dodge the city when he bit someone. It was a mistake to inject Henrietta but at the time, I believed rabies to be real. It is so horrific. And these vets turn into bigger morons every day. At least I know a good surgeon.
This is the first time I have listened to an explanation for the assertion that viruses don't exist. Well done.
Once you have a basic handle, it's pretty easy to see. Viruses are an article of faith. They have never been seen or shown to exist. Nothing actually acts like one when you test transmission. The studies are all plainly bogus.
The genetic transcripts are utterly ridiculous. Then to "find" the thing you have to magnify the sample to the size of Jupiter and even then you find only its "genetic shadow."
I mean seriously.
It's utter, unmitigated fraud, and it's as popular as Elvis. But -- the idea that there is a problem has more understanding in the public than ever.
Wondered if you have heard christine massey and ‘dr. Dan Wilson’s’ talk on the actuality if isolation and purification? His show is ‘debunk the funk’ on fake book and articulates the computer generated ‘sequencing’ ..... he also has very low opinions of kaufman, cowan, lanka etc..... anywho, dr Wilson is very high on debunking anyone in the ‘no virus’ camp
I saw that one. It was pure agony. It made Couey seem like the 1969 World Series. All he could do was flog her with the tassel from his doctoral cap and gown.
among the many things I learned from Marshall McLuhan is that in a televised debate, the person who loses their cool loses the debate. Keep your cool and you win the debate, pretty much no matter what you say.
That's a factor no doubt, but that's not why you prevailed. Your great advantage was the element of surprise (Pink Panther) - he was completely ambushed by your command of the facts and reasoning skills, along with your unwillingness to just nod along - he saw a hippy with a hot pink headband and an astrology channel and thought it was gonna be a walk in the park - just drop some impressive sounding convoluted virology jargon and rock on - he was disabused of this misimpression quickly, which is when the panic set in. He greatly underestimated you, he would not have agreed to the interview had he understood your profound knowledge and unique understanding of this issue. You sliced him up like a kipper.
Oh dear. You don't say. MN, you are revealing all of my trade secrets! Whatsoever shall I do, now that my modus is exposed? Listen just do me a favor, make sure that Doc Malik does not see your comment, OK? We want him to be surprised by the groovy astrology channel too :-)
Eric, Malik IS the low hanging fruit, don't waste your cover. You should go for the tuna of the health freedom movement. Get McCullough on, and offer to read his horoscope to tenderize him, before you roll him into a hosomaki.
Wild stuff Johnny, wild stuff! First there is a virus, then there ain’t! Then there be new vaccine, then it ain’t! Then them old all cause mortality stats hit the ceiling an’ I gets a real bad feeling! New MNRA booster for all us folk be comin’ soon an’ my dog be howlin’ at the moon! 5G antenna right in front o’ my door, then Papa grab his chest an’ hit the floor!
Best I be headed for the border cause I damn sure don’t like this New World Order!
c'mon man, you can and cannot argue against there is and there isn't.
There are billions and billions of virus molecules around every corner. Isolating them should be a doddle.
So let's have it!
That's right--they're everywhere, science is so advanced, so show me a picture.
you're harshing their mellow
you might say that...three photo sessions of the gorge, two horoscopes, several articles, several podcasts, interviews on two other podcasts, and two clients.
I'm not interested in astrology, but from Radu Cinamar's "Forgotten Genesis," I learned it's a science. Here's a story about astrology from Al Bielek, a veteran of the Philadelphia Experiment and the first time traveler.
The MAJestic 12 couldn't kill him but wanted him out of the way. One reason was because he spent two years with the Wingmakers, the first group to fight against the NWO. So in 1953 they sent him to Montauk, and from then they sent him to 1983, where he was age-regressed to 9 months old and placed with the Bielek family. So, his date of birth was wrong and his astrological chart didn't make sense. When he found out his real date of birth, the new chart made sense. https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/06/01/al-bielek-autobiography-11/
I do not consider astrology a science as there is no possibility of a repeatable experiment. Therefore, no finding can be verified. Astrology is divination, like reading tarot cards only much more complicated.
There are things that happen that they say are caused by viruses so if there are no viruses how do those things happen?
Deductive reasoning 101.
I think you mean reductive reasoning. Or maybe destructive reasoning.
I've seen it done with extra seasoning.
Are you suggesting it’s necessary to provide an alternate/accurate explanation for disease (such as a chronic cough) otherwise “virus” must be the cause? I don’t think it’s necessary but I’m willing to hear your response.
I think he's kidding.
I'm suggesting that saying "It must be a virus" for something because "what else could it be?" Is pretty poor science. It seems to be the gold standard for virus research.
Virus is a term used to codify the symptoms of environmental damage we experience from actual attack vectors into an alibi for vaccines. If vaccines were innocuous I would say that they were fighting windmills but it has become clear that they are yet another attack vector.
Big Pharma is trying to kill us and we are paying them to do it. Also see: Cancer treatments.
So yes, that was intended as sarcasm, apologies.
Snake venom--Dr. Bryan Ardis.
another absurdity. ok what is the chemical formula? who has a sample? where did they get it all and how did they give it out?
It’s in the water nineteen ninety seven apparently. Cobra and Krait venom coming through our showers. We are sucking it up from cups like flowers. They are finding it in our waste water. Viruses don’t come through our pee and poo, but venom do! All we need is a little daily nicotine patch. It’ll help overcome the sniffles or a bad vaccine batch. Want to know more? Dr. Ardis is the one to ask!
No he is not. Here is Ardis, with Doctors Cowan and Kaufman, giving up on his "venom" rap after 3 minutes of questions by them.
I listened to 36 minutes of the Odysee video. Cowan and Kaufmann display a lot of knowledge of lab work but didn't seem to care about clinical results. If nicotine relieves symptoms, and we all know it does, then what's the problem? If 100% of patients receiving monoclonal antibodies felt they had been cured, what's the problem? As a chiropractor, Dr. Ardis puts patients before being a know-it-all about lab work.
CNN reported that when they studied what patients in Wuhan had in their blood, it was venom from king cobras and krakes. Similar thing was found by scientists in Italy. https://rumble.com/v10miez-world-premiere-watch-the-water.html
Here is top venom narrative promoter Dr Bryan Ardis, with Doctors Cowan and Kaufman, giving up on his "venom" rap after 3 minutes of questions by them.
Dr Malik made a big point of talking about how what he is interested in is "low hanging fruit" which he can easily go after, never mind "this virus stuff." It's a perfect analogy for limited hangouts. Go after the low hanging fruit, and don't pay attention to what's really *at the root* of all this. Go for what you think you can easily sell your followers, rather than get them to think, get them used to thinking.
Eric, you make really good points about how both Malik and Couey misrepresent terrain theory, what people like Doctors Bailey and Cowan have said re why they would not come on Malik's show, and "the last 50 years of Virology's findings." Couey wants to protect the bio-weapon narrative by any means necessary, it's crucial for his boss at CHD, RFK Jr. Serious disinformation.
One part i thought got a bit confusing. You *seemed* to make the problem with "harvesting wild virus sequences from nature and cloning them" as being how many cycles the PCR duplication is run through, at least people who wanna hear that rather than something more fundamental will think they heard it. You do stress that none of the "cloned sequences" (in-silico sequences, never shown to exist outside a computer) have never been shown to be pathogens.
The word which was missing is Mark Bailey's favorite, "provenance." None of the sequences which are obtained from the fluid results of cell cultures combined with patient extracts, antibiotics and Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)have ever been shown to be viral in origin.
There is a five minutes video out which explains the entire process of what passes for "isolation" and "sequencing." Its opening image is something taken from a Dr Cowan video, about FBS and how it by itself contains so many DNA and RNA sequences that a researcher could get out of the fluid resulting from a cell culture experiment whatever genome they wanted to get, it's like Alice's Restaurant of Virology, except here you can even get Alice. :-) https://rumble.com/v3m9kga-how-they-create-the-digital-virus-5-mins.html
How they create the digital computerised virus (5 mins), TJ45, 10/2/23, 5 minute
If I wrote a script, I could pack that in. It's easy to get in an article, not an unscripted response.
For sure.
The bio weapon is the vax not Covid. There can be no virus and still be a bio weapon. They are not mutually exclusive
Nope. A bio weapon uses an organism as a means of transmission. The very notion of "bio-weapon" requires Contagion Theory to be correct. There is ZERO proof of that, after 120 years of attempts to do so, be it virus, bacteria or fungi.
Virology - The Damning Evidence. The Stake In The Heart For This Pseudoscientific Profession. DPL, 3/7/23.
The injection of a chemical poison is a *chemical* weapon, not a bio weapon.
Thank you for this, Jeffrey. I have been trying to make this distinction to people claiming both that “Covid” was being caused by bioweapons and that the shots contain bioweapons. Agents causing biological effects can only be bioweapons if they are biological to begin with, and since there are no viruses, it’s impossible that anyone has done gain of function on one or created one. It’s chemical toxins and non-living, non-biological entities that are at play.
You are very welcome, Betsy! You got it.
contagion is the central issue. It's not like there is definite observable community spread and someone says, "a virus is not why it's happening."
also I would add at the outset, whenever there is the appearance of community spread, CDC is supposed to send a toxicological team to rule out a mass poisoning incident — and those are commonplace.
Tox teams are not.
Yet in fact — the contrary — at Love Canal in the 1970s, the NYS Dept of Health tried to convince poisoned residents that they had a virus; that a bird obviously killed by being poisoned had a virus; so the virus is the magical 'catch all' inbox that's the ready excuse.
The Rosenau experiments and many since all attempted to prove contagion and ended up proving the opposite.
Those issues are sums up that issue and many others, in short form:
By early May 2020, David Crowe had established the many problems with the pandemic theory. But mentally, this and other sources were difficult to hear not just above the din of what was coming through social media and the TV networks and all that, but also the violence in society direct by viroids at people who dared to question the religious television programming in their minds. We can blame the media but people were not only receptive -- they reacted with aggression against anyone and anything else. This did not foster honest inquiry and discussion.
The social conditioning around "contagion" and "virology" is incredibly deep. It was enormously helped by the banishment from public health discourse and medical training of any other notions, thanks to the Flexner Report and its recommendations, together with the work of its sponsors, the Rockefeller trust and the AMA, who got Congress in 1917 to give the AMA monopoly power to certify doctors and medical schools. 100+ years of propaganda reinforced daily, compounded by total mystification of "science" and "experts."
You are very welcome. Indeed, zero proof that the body can be made to produce anything via these shots or any other method of inducing mRNA into the body. Stefano Scoglio (who'll be on Planet Waves next week) discussed this with Torsten Engelbrecht here.
“That mRNA “vaccines” cause cells to produce spike proteins is a fairy tale” Stefano Scoglio, top expert in microbiology and Italy’s most prestigious and best-known critic of the Corona policy, interviewed by Torsten Engelbrecht. Posted 11/8/22.
"Fluffed" is a good description. I've used "fudged" for it, but "fluffed" is fresher. Also, the alleged genome used as a template for matching the constructed one was itself the result of computer construction. And the match was lower than the match between the genomes of a human and a house cat. :-)
Are there Lanvi Nguyen ts for sale? I wear medium.
Also, I'm following the no virus argument presented from a million different angles and it's changed how I and my family go about taking care of our health. We don't avoid "getting sick" but we do understand symptoms much differently. The biggest breakthrough's in our medicine cabinet have been fasting, sleep, turpentine, structured water, and forgiveness. However, there is an issue more pressing to me and it's in regards to our chickens. One of them has supposedly developed Marek's disease, which is dubbed a highly contagious viral disease. All I really know is its legs are paralyzed and in a forward-rearward splits. It strangely still maintains a voracious appetite. Now, I can't find any remedies that don't involve killing the chicken or vaccinations. So the question I have to all the no-virus chicken keepers: if not a virus, then what is Marek's, and is there any way to cure this chicken (whose parents were vaxxed)? I've taken away her cell phone, filtered and structured her water, and given her lots of grounding time and sunlight. Her legs haven't moved in a week.
Don't know about the chicken ailment, but Lanvi's shop is here:
I have tried to listen to a Doc Malic pod. I find him quite annoying, I made about 5 minutes. He plays the role of someone leading his followers as oppose the delingpole style of just having a chat with interesting people and actually holding them to account, albeit respectfully. I wouldn't bother with Malik. His followers won't be ready, and he won't have you on anyway.
Thanks Rob.
I was blowing a raspberry at him. There was no need to put my phone number in the subject header. I am easy to find.
If the "shadow of their genetic signal" is all they've got, they are finished. There should be something really substantial, robust to justify a world lockdown. Useful iditiots, fooling themselves.
“Dyn-O-Mite !”
(JJ has spells and cartoons for sale, in the lobby, just outside the “Covid” concert...)
Not being bad, but J.J. Couey's voice, without even the words, is just something I can't listen to for too long.
He sounds like kermit the frog in a suit.
Couey says nanopore sequencing proves viruses exist, then says they exist, but they are not what we think they are, whatever that means, but the clones of the viruses can be deadly and can be made and used as a weapon. I am looking forward to you dissecting nano pore sequencing.
The only response they ever have to challenges to germ theory is “But measles!” “But rabies!” Or nonsensical claims that show they haven’t even bothered to look into what the terrain paradigm says. Or perhaps have deliberately misunderstood it.
the entire rabies situation is an outrage, top to bottom. the Baileys have a video taking it apart. In the US there is slightly over one claimed case of rabies in domestic dogs per year per state. this is all a ploy to poison your beloved cats and dogs. avoid the shot whenever possible. Cats are not required to have it. FELV, even more disgusting.
I've recommended that video to friends who bring up rabies as "why they can't just let go of germ theory." And the pet vaccine issue is scandalous. It's certainly one of the reasons that dog and cat life expectancy is dropping, and why so many of them have cancer.
I have avoided it in the past, I will never, ever inject an animal with something. I managed to give Jonah one rabies shot in 12 years, only because I had to dodge the city when he bit someone. It was a mistake to inject Henrietta but at the time, I believed rabies to be real. It is so horrific. And these vets turn into bigger morons every day. At least I know a good surgeon.
Found it! I forget his name, I am subbed to him on BitChute but it isn't working for me right now.
Also says EMF did it. Forgive me if you've seen it...
(just the first bit)