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SUPERB presentation. You do well keying in on the .. key point. No proof exists (in the form of study papers) demonstrating the physical isolation and purification of H5N!1 just like with SARS-CoV-2 (aka MN908947.2 and 402123 accession numbers). All that exists are metagenomic transcripts, computer files of in s…
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A couple of more comments.
SUPERB presentation. You do well keying in on the .. key point. No proof exists (in the form of study papers) demonstrating the physical isolation and purification of H5N!1 just like with SARS-CoV-2 (aka MN908947.2 and 402123 accession numbers). All that exists are metagenomic transcripts, computer files of in silico assembled theoretical sequences of the four nucleic acids, : adenine (A), guanine (G) cytosine (C), and thymine (T). or uracil (U) which replaces T in mRNA molecules.
These sequences are assembled from the 50+ million short sequences found in the fluid which results from marinating cell culture (usually green monkey kidney cells) with an extract from a person, combined with fetal bovine serum (for nutrition), antibiotics (known to be harmful to the kidney cells) and other stuff. These short sequences have not been shown to be viral in origin, shown to be infectious, or shown to be pathogenic.
These alleged genomes have not been physically isolated and purified from a living being; they only exist on computers. Short segments of the theoretical genomes are then used as amplicons, the primers which tests such as the PCR zero in on when testing extracts from subjects. Thus, the tests have never been authenticated, unlike the case when the PCR is used to detect traces of mold in a batch of wine, since the mold has been isolated and purified, and thus its genetic material can be directly verified.
The media will try to convince you that this is OK, that's just how things are done in contemporary science, everything can be done via computers, the "experts" say so. And loudmouths on social media and web forums will try to browbeat everyone else into agreement, lest they be deemed "anti science" or "stuck in the past" and "out of step with experts." Just BLOW THEM OFF!