So why is so much of the “health freedom truth movement,” particularly its celebrity (ruling) layer, still clinging to the official narrative regarding events in Italy in early 2020? Excellent selection of photos and other graphics, by the way! Thanks, Michael and Eric.

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

Change the question around.

What if they abandoned the narrative they have been tacitly and in most cases overtly pushing?

What would their empires look like? What would happen to their credibility? Where would they go from there?

Think about what happens if you tell someone that they are only shadow boxing as they insist that's a real person they are boxing.

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BINGO! The narrative is the foundation of their business (and political) model.

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My comments on the interview. What was being portrayed as happening in Italy in early 2020 was absolutely essential in conning people in the “Western World” into believing that drastic steps were necessary because of an out-of-control global pandemic. Pictures from China were few, and people in the West looked askance at measures taken in what they’d always been told was a totalitarian society which lies to its people. Which it is. But stories and graphic evidence (photos, videos) from Italy were plentiful, and Italy was after all a “Western democracy,” so people in the rest of Europe and in the US were convinced to go along and emulate steps taken there. The US media did its share at hyping up the fraudulent story.

They talked about how they were stunned at the quickness with which the public fell for this fraud, and even worse, the way the wholistic health community largely fell for it. Bryant related of a mainstream media article regarding how the Montessori School in Ithaca, NY, near the town he lives in, is one of the last schools in the US to require students be masked, both indoors and outdoors, and how these kids' parents are highly likely to be into "wholistic health."

NONE of it is true, when one looks at facts. Furthermore, one sees a dismantling of the health system in Italy as well as New York City, allegedly the core hot spot of the “Pandemic” in the US. ever since the late ‘00s. The medical system is about the extraction of profit on behalf of mega-owners like Vanguard and BlackRock, and they thus push policies motivated entirely by profit concerns. Not to mention that the notion of “care” provided by the system has been increasingly unscientific for a long time and structured around the profit needs of Big Pharma.

The last couple of minutes are the purest of gold. The entire narrative we’ve been fed is bunk, deception, lies, be it Coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Pandemic, said Coppolino. Bryant added re gain-of-function, variants, "long COVID," viral clones, nanopore technology and targeted aerosolized spread. The message to the celebrity ruling layer of the “health freedom movement” and their loyal fans could not be more clear.

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Dr. Stefano Scoglio, "If the virus were present, all 3 would have to be found, because if the virus is intact, the only case in which it can have a pathogenic role and infect, the test must find all 3 genes.”

-this is nonsense because none of the 3 genes are from finding a virus. Dr. Scog has recently been talking about spike proteins (later edit: I mean mRNA) in interviews, he is more clearly a deception agent which is too bad.

No virus means no-genes


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he knows there is no virus. He is saying that IF there is a virus, and if there is a test, you would have to hit three genes, plus one confirming human origin.

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let's talk about the Wu paper soon. I agree that it's foundational but MN980947 was the second sequence published, and that is crucial. The first was 402123 by Dr Ren et al -- that is the real scam

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Yes I read Ren et al. I think it was published after Fan Wu. I'm not sure what they are trying to do with this, make more papers to confuse the story and/or to buttress the narrative? or as insurance if one flops? or one of these was a stumble? But Fan Wu is the registered genome used in the PCR (correct me if this is not right).

Related to this is my personal opinion that none of these papers reflect actual research, even metagenomic. Because it is a crucial start point of the plandemic everything must be just right, have the right codons in any "genome", and be on a timeline. Nothing can be left to chance. That they were written in advance (notice the speed they were written) and rolled-out like a script in a play is the only thing that makes sense, but I have no proof.

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Proton, can we talk? If so pls email me at efc@bookofbliue.com, copy efc@planetwaves.net. I have been thinking about this for a long time and have some theories.

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Thanks for the clarification Eric, perhaps it would be helpful to add your explanation to the body of your paper, as it stands now it isn't clear.

I was also mistaken in my comment, I meant mRNA not spike. Here he promotes the mRNA in the shots narrative though I don't think mRNA has been purified from the vaxes:


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I am working with him at the moment as his editor on a new paper. I will run this past him.

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Nucleotides are still not proven. Thus a narrative about mRNA is laughable.

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Scoglio has been super-clear all along - no virus! He's even written a book on this topic. And what he stated was accurate: IF the virus were present, then all 3 target sequences should be found.

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Why do they totally miss this?

What Really Happened In Italy? – bit.ly/3FF6tbC

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Chicken Little screamed: The sky is falling! And it all took off from there.........

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And people started reporting on and displaying chunks of sky which fell upon them.

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chunks of "sky" purchased on Amazon

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There are NO viruses - and these "PCR tests" are ALWAYS 100% wrong!!!

One searches with in each case different primers for parts of the human genome = dead cells, which each human excretes millionfold every day - these are created by cell division = regeneration, but also by other toxic impacts - in these dead cell debris is still a part of the human DNA and RNA with parts of nucleic acids/nucleotides and the letter salad in the gene bank are human amino acids - none of this is a "virus" - for decades people are deceived, manipulated and lied to, so that one can inject them pathogenic poisons and nanoparticles into the body!! And the only ones who profit from this are the pharmaceutical industries!!!


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Yep! Amazing isn't it!? And they want us to trust these people! But, no one was concerned with pollution or 'climate change' so... Vultures getting rich over another crisis :[ What justice to be done

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I read somewhere that midazolam, fentanyl, etc were heavily used in Lombardy. Can't find the reference right now.

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If you find that reference will you post it here.

Italy did import "emergency orders" of midazolam from Germany.

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That seems like enough of a smoking gun!

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Great work. We knew it from the start. Good to see it all laid out.

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Where can I get more information or follow Michael Bryant...? Very important and interesting, thank you for sharing.

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Why do you totally miss this?

What Really Happened In Italy? – bit.ly/3FF6tbC

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One more data point was the NEW 2019 Flu Shot In Italy, perhaps not specific for the Lombardy region (I dont have data where it was given):


In September 2019, made available for the first time in Italy, a "cell-based" flu shot, called VIQCC or QIVc, that is produced from cultured animal cells rather than eggs. VIQCC is a quadrivalent flu vaccine that contains 2 type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and 2 type B viruses.

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Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023

I haven't read Michael's article yet, but I have listened to the interview. Yes, I personally witnessed in my community holistic health care practitioners pushing measures such as masking and distancing as well as pushing the shots. I was shocked that my community acupuncturist was onboard with it all.

Putting the virus/no virus debate aside for a moment, surely, if there was a terrible new virus, Traditional Chinese Medicine would have been effective. Acupuncture and TCM have been way more effective for me in many health related circumstances. Yep, so many herbalists, alternative medicine practicioners and so on went along full force with the official narrative and program here in our alternative medicine mecca. My mind nearly melted trying to comprehend it all.

I can see how it may be hard for people to recognize there was no virus or pandemic. This hits people hard on so many levels. I am at work on my dinner break, but I want to come back to this when I have more time to process my thoughts and write them out.

Thanks for sharing this interview and Michael's article!

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Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023Author

All yes. One of my earliest clues that there was a problem with the scenario was that the homeopaths had not come up with a genus epidemicus — the one remedy for the whole epidemic, which has been done many times in the past, from cholara to "spanish flu." I know a little about the history of homeopathy and consider it a useful tool and phiolosphy.

The lack of a genus epidemicus told me that there was not one clearly defined set of clues, cues, symptoms or what homeopaths call rubrics, to actually respond to the situation. I agree as well that even basic herbal medicine and home care would be sufficient to treat any "new terrible virus" but could do nothing for no virus, no syndrome, no disease. You cannot successfully treat nothing.

What I thought had a touch of humor to it was that one potential remedy floated was Camphora, which is the remedy that antidotes all of the other remedies. It's reputation is so legion that Michael Quinn, the beloved founder of Hahnemann Labs — would not even allow the stuff into his lab. He would buy it from Helios, and only in sealed homeopathic preprations. So a proposed remedy was the antidode to other medicines!

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Did a good job didn't they - I wonder if it happens again will people just swallow it? It appeared so unreal it was unreal - this is how it was felt; just like the 9/11 thing. I have never felt so humiliated as to be told to wear a mask by a person who has no right to tell me to do so. We must never oblige. We were ready to bug off or out if the New world order told us ever to leave our homes - we have no guns - we will not comply.

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Great work! Thank you both.

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

Great job, thanking you all - Eric, Michael, and Jessica. I remember 2020 well and the North Italy invasion..... ?? 5G? Yes, but.... Chinese workers with direct flights to Wuhan? Yes, but.... all a bit farfetched. Then the stats, the 'films', the dying in NYC hospitals.... etc. But.... In the end, the grand deception - of it all.

Here in semi-remote Tasmania, I still see peeps wearing the *&^% mask, like today. So it worked - sheeple scared. And a small electronic billboard inside a teeny tiny mall (by American standards) in a small town which showed a photo of a tire being pumped up with the caption "Top up your Covid protection." No sh*t...


This is a new campaign as of March 31, 2023. Unbelievable.

Many alternative health practitioners here took the jabs, though some I know did not. Most I know in the USA did. Sad, sad situation. Excellent work again.

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I hold Michael Bryant in the highest esteem and am truly grateful he's written this for us. I coordinated the moving parts, Jessica copy edited, and I did the photo research. <3

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