Eric, That was quite the rant. Keep it up bro, that is thought provoking good medicine.

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"When we started the fire." L.A. Dept. of Public Works. What are they setting up? MARTIAL LAW. People will hear the word MARTIAL and they will look up MARSHALL.


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"...when we started THIS fire." is even more poignant.

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I was caught in a Northern CA fire and my friends house burned down. I watched the fire move up a dry grass hillside, on a windy summer day (the wind was picking up the dirt in a cyclone/funnel shape) in a straight vertical line. None of these huge fires are natural and the pictures confirm the strangeness. The pictures show the same type of war zone fire damage. If THey started this fire then I am going to suggest that THey started all of THem where the damages resemble the war zone.

Check out this vid by an arborist. He shows pics of the trees, houses, cars, fences, etc

The vid is BLOCKED in the EU as inciting hatred which absolute BS.

These fires are the modus operandi of bankrupting and making the Natural people homeless and dependent upon the government, imo.


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the crossroads I see humanity at is: do we finally give up our assumed (and highly encouraged) victimhood and graduate into a fully responsible adult species. all I can do is root it out in myself. everyone has that choice, front and center, right now. free will. and choices have consequences.

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You post an article with this title, and you leave out a video of the Talking Heads doing this tune? I'm shocked. :-)

"Very little “just happens” except maybe car accidents and individual medical emergencies — and even those have backstories."

There are events which are predictable given the mode of operation of the global industrial capitalist system, but which no one specifically intends. They are just artifacts of its functioning. And one of them is runaway degradation of the global ecosystem. Climate chaos is just part of this mounting disaster.

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I have a coworker (a total establishment liberal) that said to me Monday: "We live in unprecedented times." No, we have a propaganda apparatus that seeks to normalize the abnormal, so that they will accept, what is in reality, a ruling class war against them.

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