Look! Up in the Sky!
While everyone was looking up at alleged UFOs, plenty was happening on the ground — most significantly, one of the worst dioxin releases in history at the scene of the E. Palestine train wreck.

Part One: War of the Worlds, During the Superbowl
Dear Friend and Reader:
This weekend, while many Americans were watching the Super Bowl, the United States Air Force claimed to be shooting down UFOs. The same Air Force that did not scramble jets on Sept. 11, 2001 was taking to the sky like World War I flying aces ready for dog fights with visitors from another world.
Everyone knows what the term "UFO" means in plain speech — a flying saucer full of little green men. Yes, technically, it could be any object that is both unidentified and flying (such as a Frisbee before you recognize it), but in actual use, by actual people, the word means alien spacecraft.
UFO was the term used even in The New York Times, without a hint that these might not be flown by alien visitors.
As part of this performance, we were treated to the scene of a morally indignant Justin Trudeau, the mayor of Canada, claiming he had ordered American fighters to take down one of the objects over his country's airspace. Pres. Biden would not have given an especially compelling performance, so another leader of the previously free world did the stunt on his behalf.

It was not until Wednesday that the White House declaratively said we are not actually at war with the space brothers. But this was after plenty of confusion about the meaning of “UFO” had spread.
For anyone wondering, the nearest star to our Sun is Proxima Centauri, located within our galaxy 25 trillion miles that-a-way from where you're now sitting (that's 4.24 light years). Any notion a spacecraft able to travel that far can be shot down by a missile is a joke.
And if what they were seeing was some form of space garbage or spy device, it shouldn't have been called a UFO over and over again in the corporate press. That is pure sensationalism and contrary to the facts.
Suddenly, a Daily Occurrence
The United States first claimed to have shot down the famous alleged Chinese spy balloon on Feb. 4, and then three other objects, one this past Friday, one Saturday and one Sunday. Suddenly what previously did not exist was a daily occurrence. Whatever they claimed to shoot down was flying at about the altitude of an airliner or small jet, and were vulnerable to ordinary $400,000 heat-seeking missiles.
Phasers, lasers, photon torpedoes, shields or the Star Wars system were not deployed. We did not hear a peep from the U.S. Space Command.
With the possible exception of the Chinese balloon, I have no reason to believe that any of this happened. The scenario strains all credulity. That it was happening on Super Bowl Sunday seemed like pure harassment. For many Americans, it's the winter equivalent of Thanksgiving or Fourth of July. I kept thinking: they are never going to leave us alone.
Then on Sunday, according to media reports, China said it was preparing to shoot down a UFO; followed by reports Tuesday that Romania and Moldova had seen potential UFOs in their airspace.
This was starting to sound like the swarm that immediately preceded the Roswell (really, the location was a town called Corona, near Roswell) New Mexico crash of July 8, 1947. Except that unlike that scenario, this one was a pile of elephant shit.

From the Lunatic Fringe to Mainstream
Only recently, you had to be a crackpot to "believe in" alien craft. Of course, millions of people — including pilots, astronauts and lots of others — have seen and described them. So the 70 years of gaslighting has been truly incredible — the refusal of the government to even acknowledge that something was happening.
But Since late 2017 and more recently early 2021, the pace of disclosure events — that is, clues about UFOs — have increased substantially. In 2019, a book documenting close encounters in schoolyards was published; the book seems credible enough and there is a pattern of sightings around schools. Suddenly we're all camping out in Area 51.
Then, taking the grand prize, on April 29, 2020 — the very day that the United States claimed to have reached one million pretend PCR-positive test results for "covid" — the Pentagon released three videos of "unidentified aerial phenomena." The Air Force confirmed that the footage was real.
Does anyone remember this? It was one of the wildest, most jaw-dropping WTF moments in my journalism career — to see UFOs confirmed in the middle of a claimed "pandemic." Later in the year, the film The Phenomenon was released, with extensive documentation of various close encounters. (It is worth seeing.)
I have long suspected that this kind of drip disclosure, particularly coming from the government, was part of a buildup to the claim of a full-on, false-flag (make-believe, politically orchestrated) alien invasion.
But 2023 seems a little early for this. I suspect that what we are seeing at the moment is a "proof of concept" experiment. What happened last weekend was not a disclosure event — it was an experiment and a diversion.
However, it's my assessment that we will be treated to a full-scale, false-flag (meaning fake) "alien invasion" some time in the next couple of years.

Part Two: Looking for What I was Missing
After chasing the fake UFO story most of Sunday, it occurred to me to check out what I might be missing. I did not have to look far. Ukraine says Russia is amassing troops along its border, ostensibly for a land invasion on the forthcoming anniversary of the war. There was a devastating quake in Turkey on Feb. 6 that has barely broken the surface of the news. Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh provided proof that the United States bombed the Nordstream Pipeline.
And then there was the Feb. 3 Norfolk Southern train wreck in East Palestine, Ohio, involving 14 tanker carloads of vinyl chloride and six other tankers containing hazardous materials. This was a train approximately two miles long, of 140 cars, powered by three locomotives. Such a vehicle can travel up to 90 mph.
According to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), 11 of the 20 tankers carrying haz-mat derailed. A total of 38 cars derailed. There were no injuries or deaths directly related to the crash itself.
After the wreck, the contents of the derailed cars were set on fire by the government — the worst possible way to handle the situation.
Honestly, I was avoiding looking into this. Chlorinated chemicals are my specialty as a journalist, and I knew how bad this was going to be. When chlorinated compounds such as PVC burn, dioxins are created. Whenever chlorine burns, dioxin is a factor. Whenever chlorine is used in manufacturing, there is dioxin. So with 14 tanker cars involved, all of them loaded with chlorine, we are talking about what is potentially the biggest point source release of dioxin in history, rivaling the dioxin release from the World Trade Center demolition.
Apart from the serious problem of the dioxin created in the fire is the toxicity of the source materials themselves, which seemed to be a laundry list of industrial chemicals. These can combine and form nearly anything when burned at a low temperature. When chemicals combine, you get synergistic effects: unknown, unstudied toxicity from countless, unidentified compounds.

This Story is Being Suppressed by the Corporate Press
It is astonishing that this incident was not showing up on my news feeds or social media, and I did not see a single Substack about it. When I started posting to Facebook about it Sunday, people were frustrated that they didn't know what I was talking about.
So I wrote an article summarizing the incident and explaining the dioxin problem and its history (which has now gone "viral"), followed by an interview with my dioxin teacher Carol van Strum.
Those two articles contain enough chemistry and toxicology to get you started. So in this article, let's do the astrology of the incident. However, I will add this here: it is difficult to imagine a worse dioxin situation. And the authorities are not admitting doing any dioxin testing whatsoever, while they have every reason to. Most of the coverage of the incident omits the word "dioxin."
Because it's been suppressed from the news for 30 years — since this fake libel lawsuit filed by Monsanto against someone who dared to write about it — nearly no journalists and a great many chemists are not familiar with the problem. It did not help that in 1993, The New York Times ran a fraudulent series of articles by Keith Schneider asserting that dioxin exposure is only as dangerous as sunbathing.
Tell that to all the Vietnam vets exposed to Agent Orange and their kids born with birth defects.

How Toxic is Dioxin?
On Wednesday, Ohio's governor held a press conference with the perfunctory remarks by a doctor in a white coat saying the air was perfectly safe to breathe. Again, not a single mention of dioxin.
Though I cover the toxicology in this article, we can sum it up very simply this way. The EPA has suggested that there is a "safe" lifetime dose of dioxin. That dose is 1/100th of a microgram. A microgram is one-millionth of a gram.
If you were to take an aspirin tablet, pretend it was made of dioxin and cut it into 32 million pieces, one of those pieces would be the "safe" lifetime dose of dioxin. Or said another way, the weight of one aspirin tablet contains the "safe" lifetime dose for 32 million people.
The weight of just ten aspirin tablets would be the "safe" lifetime dose for the entire United States. And presently, it's raining from the sky and spreading in the earth and water in Ohio and everywhere near it.
So there is really no way to overstate this problem, particularly since Ohio's number one industry is agriculture. There are 75,000 farms in Ohio, and 90% of them are family farms.
The Chart for The Train Wreck
The Norfolk Southern train derailed at 8:54 pm on Friday, Feb. 3, 2023. Security camera footage showed the train was on fire 20 minutes before it derailed.
Let's look at the broad strokes first. At the time of the derailment, the Sun was square Uranus — the planet of disruption, shock and surprises — to a mere two minutes of arc or one-thirtieth of a degree. Even having read thousands of these charts, this is astonishing.
The Sun was at the exact cross-quarter, or midpoint of the equinox and the solstice. This is therefore an Aries Point event. The day before, I wrote, understating my position:
In the external world, this is a pattern that could hint at “big news.” However, the problem is that nobody knows what’s significant any more. The theme of full digital conditions is “everything, all at once” and “everything is really urgent.”
That reduces everyone and everything to being either perfectly insignificant, or of undetermined significance. This is a problematic situation because it makes it difficult to prioritize, and also is an enticement to pretend everything is a lie.
This Was an Aries Point Event
However, there is no question that this was a stand-out event on a generational scale, one that will directly affect many millions of people — such as everyone who eats food grown within hundreds of miles of this incident, possibly much further.
The Aries Point (a term for anything mathematically connected to the change of seasons) is about the world crashing into the living room, or feeling like you're camped out on the entrance ramp to the George Washington Bridge. And here we are.
The event happened just ahead of the Leo Full Moon, with both the Moon and Sun square Uranus. So this was a chart carrying enormous tension. Something had to give. However, before the Moon entered Leo, it had to clear three aspects while it was in Cancer: first to Saturn, then to Vesta, then ending with an opposition to Pluto.
These aspects all point to an unfortunate accident.

Neptune on the 7th House Cusp
The warning in this chart that something is seriously wrong is that the train wreck happened with Neptune exactly setting. Imagine you're standing on the beach watching the Sun set, and you can see the disk of the Sun set below the horizon as it happens. That's where Neptune was at the time of the incident. Anything on the 7th house cusp describes the environment in which the event occurs.
Neptune is associated with events involving gas and toxins, and it's also indicative of an atmosphere of lies. So we have the image of the usual scenario around dioxin and toxins of all kinds. The minute there is a toxic release, the lies and denial begin.
Having evaluated many, many situations involving dioxin and related chemicals, the deception is inherent in the topic. Public officials will deny the dangers right up until the minute before they are forced to admit them.
Part of Fortune and Chiron
If there is one bright spot in this chart, it's that the Part of Fortune (a calculated point that combines the Sun, Moon and rising degree) is conjunct Chiron in Aries.
The saving grace is commitment to healing and self-awareness. Chiron is also about documentation, discernment and learning from experience. None of these are especially popular right now, but this chart lights up these themes.
It is clear that humanity is being birthed into a new era, and that many people in power are taking advantage of this situation. We are under enormous pressure to comply and conform, and Chiron's prominence in this chart is a reminder that we must stand out and allow ourselves to be different when we are, take care of ourselves, AND take care of one another. Chiron's first mission is healing, and in the words of A Course in Miracles, "When I am healed, I am not healed alone."
While on one hand we are being prepared for "communism" by many sources of social conditioning, the other hand is spanking us into believing we're so desperate, life is down to every man for himself. Chiron is saying that you are responsible for your own awareness, for using what you know, and for sharing what you know — honestly.
There is a risk in doing this, but there is a risk in everything. And not all risks are equal. Right now, humanity is on the line. We have known that for a while, but it's becoming more obvious every day.
With love,
Eric Francis Coppolino is a New York-based investigative reporter and radio host, executive director of Chiron Return, and author of the Covid Chronology. If you want to help support our reporting efforts, we would be most grateful. Additional Research: Cindy Tice Ragusa, Carol van Strum, Will Huston, Ro Dann, Shawn Boyle.
The recent movie on Netflix called “ White Noise” seems to be predictive programming at its finest. It was filmed in Ohio about a toxic train disaster and I’ve heard some extras for the movie were from Palestine. We really do need to WAKE UP!!!
"So there is really no way to overstate this problem, particularly since Ohio's number one industry is agriculture. There are 75,000 farms in Ohio, and 90% of them are family farms."
And not to mention the fate of the farmers themselves.
So okay. Shit's getting real, for real now.
This has to have been planned.