

April 25, 2024

Good evening,

This is a press inquiry.

My name is Eric F. Coppolino, producer of the Planet Waves FM program on Paficia Radio. I have covered Love Canal, organochlorines and mass poisoning incidents since 1983.

I have a question about the statement (shown below) displayed at the end of the Poisoned Ground documentary, which was not included in the cut of the film shown in Albany at the preview last Sunday. Otherwise I would have asked there.

May I see a list of the “health studies” referenced in the statement below? It seems to imply that growing up and/or living on a sea of dioxin at Love Canal does not cause more cancer than the typical American lifestyle.

I would like to verify those studies, see who the authors are, check for conflicts of interest, verify the methods against the results, and see if they comport with or support the statement below.

I have seen cancer studies associated with dioxin-like compounds with astounding incidence rates, and have also covered lawsuits associated with falsified studies published in major medical journals.

All of us copied in are aware of the fact that there is no safe level of exposure to dioxin, but the statement seems to imply that there is — at least from the standpoint of cancer.

Second, that birth defects are said to be double those in the general population strongly implies an endocrine effect from exposure at Love Canal.

Did you review those same health studies for other endocrine effects? Endocrine disruption requires a much lower level of exposure than does cancer to get an effect.

Was this issue taken into consideration? Even 1ppt increase in average adipose dioxin can result in increase in incidence in a population. And many, many health effects were discussed in the film, from kidney failure to asthma. Those are omitted from your statement.

Thank you for your prompt reply to these questions.

Very truly yours,

Eric F. Coppolino

Senior Producer

Pacifica Radio - Planet Waves FM

cc: Katherine Lauderdale, PBS Chief Legal Officer, by hard copy.

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👍👍👍 Quite an honor to have a film acknowledged and recommended by Eric Frances!!

Thank you, Eric, for sharing it with us here. ❤️

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