Feb 12, 2023·edited Feb 12, 2023Pinned

These are reader comments from The New York Times. NYT comments are heavily moderated; however, even so, there does not appear to be a clue.



If shooting down unidentified aircraft becomes the "new normal", it's only a matter of time before someone accidentally downs a misidentified commercial airliner. While both the US and Canada seem to have acted with appropriate caution in the these three recent incidents (and especially the first, which was tracked for days), the growing precedent of "shoot down if it strays into our space" is not the "preferred norm" we want to telegraph to our friends and foes alike. Civilians, as usual, are likely to pay the price of such military follies.

People who think these balloons and objects are harmless are naive. China and possibly other adversarial nations are gathering data. China in particular is looking both at what we let Russia get away with in Ukraine and and what the U.S. has the capability and will to do in its preparation for its invasion of Taiwan. The balloons are literally test balloons in testing the will of the U.S. to remain a world leader and a world power. China is more than eager to step into that role, and as flawed as U.S. world leadership is, it is a lot better than anything anyone should expect from Xi - or Putin for that matter.

I’m no military strategist. But it seems to me that these two recent shoot-downs could have been better executed. First, fighter jets are also armed with machine guns and I surmise that a short burst from a machine gun would not only cost taxpayers a tiny fraction of that of an air-to-air missile, it would also do less damage to the target, better preserving the wreckage for study and analysis. Regarding the first incident, I also was perplexed at how many folks had suggested that Biden shoot the balloon down over land; I mean..what if it was carrying a sinister canister of aerosolized biological agents?

Observing unidentified aerial vehicles over North American air space is not a new phenomenon. Individually, many people have observed unidentified objects in the night, and occasionally day, sky. The fact that the media is reporting the downing of such objects is new and of course increased public awareness. An issues not addressed by the media is whether this is only a North American phenomenon. If adversity nations are dealing with similar concerns, perhaps there are bigger issues at play. Many of us considered the creation of "the Space Force" by Donald Trump several years a vanity project. Perhaps Trump was acting based on intelligence that is only available to the highest levels of government. We don't know what we don't know!

An official government statement by the PM of Canada on Twitter, which is privately owned, diminishes both the the statement and the PM. DJT as president also used Twitter, replacing the news conference, or the white house press release. This method of communication may be part of the reason for less respect given to a government official. Our country would benefit from less casual governmental issues considering the serious situations today. President Zelensky speaks to Ukraine directly to the people, and no Leader receives as much respect worldwide.

I have a feeling that shooting down unidentified objects in our airspace will now become a frequent event. With all the attention given to these latest objects, balloon junkies from Russia and China will launch a flurry of home-made, helium-filled floaters of various shapes and sizes. God forbid if a errant rocket downs a commercial flight.

Another one? Suddenly they’re all over the place. Obviously we’ve known about these incursions into our air space for years, but chose to do nothing about it. The only thing different this time was the fortuitous sighting of the balloon over Montana by a civilian and Biden was caught flat-footed. He didn’t know what to do. Otherwise it would still be a secret.

Observing unidentified aerial vehicles over North American air space is not a new phenomenon. Individually, many people have observed unidentified objects in the night, and occasionally day, sky. The fact that the media is reporting the downing of such objects is new and of course increased public awareness. An issues not addressed by the media is whether this is only a North American phenomenon. If adversity nations are dealing with similar concerns, perhaps there are bigger issues at play. Many of us considered the creation of "the Space Force" by Donald Trump several years a vanity project. Perhaps Trump was acting based on intelligence that is only available to the highest levels of government. We don't know what we don't know!

Using a multi million dollar Sidewinder to destroy these apparently widespread ballon intrusions is not cost effective nor scientifically sound. Even hitting “shallow” water of 47 feet, the payload is subject to the same physics as dropping the payload onto concrete or the ground. The “skyhook” or Fulton Recovery System is one possible alternative? Shoot a few rounds into the ballon, causing it to descend. Then hook the payload and minimize damage into a known recovery zone. The military can perfect the system which minimizes damage. While the Sidewinder is great television drama, we need the payload as minimally damaged as possible.

Yes, we need to discourage "spy" techniques by others—and ourselves as well, yet there is such a world of hackers, algorithms, and bad actors creating deep fakes out there that a balloon ceases to alarm me. How much could a sphere of plastic find out which cannot be easily derived from dozens of existing sources. Just heard a comedian say everyone loses their mellow over balloons but never turns Alexa off. The one hope I have for privacy comes from believing there is such an unprecedentedly inconceivable mass of data out there, no one person or organizing app will ever be able to curate it.

For all the non Canadian readers out there: Trudeau claims he alone ordered this object shot down. This is not true. NORAD detected it; advised the US and Canadian governments; then, on that advice the US Air Force shot it down with the approval of Biden first and then Trudeau. In Canada Trudeau, facing sagging poll numbers, tried to show himself as a decisive leader who can give orders to the US Air Force. If Canadians buy into this falsehood, then Canada should be even more concerned about the character of its Prime Minister.

NORAD “Officials have acknowledged that a heightened awareness could lead to false positives,” and an unjustified shoot down. This heightened awareness could easily escalate. And it will force China to retaliate against an American spy plane in their airspace. If the American spy plane in the Hainan Island incident of 2001 would have occurred today, then China could retaliate by shooting down the plane.

@Onyx M Yes, they do however all imagery captured will be highly classified as revealing even those images will reveal the capabilities of those cameras/sensors (which themselves are classified). I just saw a separate article stating that the US flew U2 spy planes to analyze the spy balloon blown up off South Carolina. Some of these objects are being surveilled. My thought is 'why haven't they done more to capture these objects through controlled descents?' I hope they are building this type of capability though if so, we will probably never hear about it as it's spy vs. spy world.

The balloon downed in Alaska was said to be American, belonged to NOAA, and whos balloon is this one ? Its size is about that of a 55 Gal drum, it is really a small, and cheap balloon, yet USAF had to fly the super expensive F22 to shoot it down. Is this really necessary ?

Associated Press reported Major Olivier Galland of NORAD stated the military "had determined" what the third shoot-down object was, but they weren't revealing that information for the time being. Meanwhile, China has been quiet on the subject since the aftermath of the first shoot-down. It seems the adults are managing to tone down tensions, foregoing competing accusations and denials. Sunday's media reports are the same as Saturday night's. Statements from the Canadian defense minister imply the 2nd and 3rd shoot-down objects were of the same type, silverish-grey and cylindrical. The opportunity to recover wreckage is giving everyone some breathing space to stop pointing fingers, even while all parties know what's really going on. With any luck, everyone can hold their water long enough for the episode to blow over, without China denying US spying accusations and the US dragging out silver grey wreckage to humiliate them, as happened to us in the Francis Gary Powers U2 incident. Hopefully, after a brief cooling off period, China and the US, and now Canada (the adult?), can go back to their regularly scheduled routine of spy satellites and conventional reconnaissance aircraft. Of course, Congress will have to be briefed, and there is no telling what the Performance Extremists will want to run around flapping their arms and screaming about, so we're not out of the woods yet. The Doomsday Clock may yet tick down to zero.

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This just came in via POLITICO


THE TRUTH IS NOT OUT THERE … YET — The U.S. and Canada keep blowing things out of the sky, but so far there are few details about what exactly they’re hitting. The weekend has been busy:

— On Friday, President JOE BIDEN ordered a balloon with a car-sized payload destroyed after it violated U.S. airspace over Alaska. It was flying at just 40,000 feet, roughly the altitude of civilian airliners, and was destroyed by an F-22 over a frozen portion of the Arctic Ocean near Alaska. The Pentagon noted that the UFO “does not resemble in any way the Chinese surveillance balloon shot down off the coast of South Carolina earlier this week.”

BUT they don’t know what it is — or at least they’re not saying.

“We have no further details about the object at this time, including any description of its capabilities, purpose or origin,” said the Pentagon spokesman, Air Force Brig. Gen. PAT RYDER.

— Later that same night, NORAD detected another object over Alaska and two American F-22s began tracking it. On Saturday, the UFO drifted into Canadian airspace and the F-22s were joined by two Canadian aircraft.

Biden’s national security advisers saw the UFO as a serious enough issue that the president was “continually briefed by his national security team since the object was detected,” according to the White House. The “high-altitude airborne object” soon merited a phone call between Biden and Canadian Prime Minister JUSTIN TRUDEAU, and the two leaders agreed to take it out.

A U.S. F-22 shot down the object over the Canadian Yukon using an AIM 9X Sidewinder air-to-air missile around 3:41 p.m. ET. As with the Friday night UFO, we still don’t know what it was we shot on Saturday. Biden and Trudeau “discussed the importance of recovering the object in order to determine more details on its purpose or origin,” according to the White House.

Canadian Minister of Defense ANITA ANAND said the object was similar to the Chinese surveillance balloon shot down off the coast of South Carolina on Feb. 4, “though smaller in size and cylindrical in nature.”

— Perhaps because everyone is a little on edge with all the UFOs, a few hours later on Saturday the FAA temporarily shut down airspace in central Montana after the military saw something unusual on radar. There was little explanation about what it was. “NORAD detected a radar anomaly and sent fighter aircraft to investigate,” NORAD said in a statement. “Those aircraft did not identify any object to correlate to the radar hits. NORAD will continue to monitor the situation.”

So what were these things?

The NYT places the UFOs from Friday and Saturday in the context of the recent UFO report from the government:

“There were multiple theories in Washington as to the provenance of the objects, but several Biden administration officials cautioned that much remained unknown about the last two objects shot down. The United States has long monitored U.F.O.s that enter American airspace, and officials believe that surveillance operations by foreign powers, weather balloons or other airborne clutter may explain the most recent incidents of unidentified aerial phenomena — government-speak for U.F.O.s — as well as many episodes in past years.

“However, nearly all of the incidents remain officially unexplained, according to a report that was made public in 2021. Intelligence agencies are set to deliver a classified document to Congress by Monday updating that report. The original document looked at 144 incidents between 2004 and 2021 that were reported by U.S. government sources, mostly American military personnel.”

The WaPo notes that we’re likely going to detect more objects because we’ve “opened the filters”:

“The incursions in the past week have changed how analysts receive and interpret information from radars and sensors, a U.S. official said Saturday, partly addressing a key question of why so many objects have recently surfaced.

“The official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said that sensory equipment absorbs a lot of raw data, and filters are used so humans and machines can make sense of what is collected. But that process always runs the risk of leaving out something important, the official said.

“‘We basically opened the filters,’ the official added, much like a car buyer unchecking boxes on a website to broaden the parameters of what can be searched. That change does not yet fully answer what is going on, the official cautioned, and whether stepping back to look at more data is yielding more hits — or if these latest incursions are part of a more deliberate action by an unknown country or adversary.”

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That's what they want people to believe("... a more deliberate action by an unknown country or adversary.”), or so it seems. People that believe the 'balloon' are hating those they think sent it. Who/what/where/how will the media have us fear next? Are they misleading the population again for an excuse to go to war? Noticing a pattern here ;D It is just "standard operating procedure" !

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Yes it is. But quite known country. Pls. contact Eric. I sent him an email. This is public post. So obviously, the exact truth cannot come out. And ignore the truth.

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Hi Eric,

I don’t do any social media, so I can’t participate in your UFO/UAP discusion, but here’s my two cents if you're interested.

I’ve seen three UFO’s in my lifetime,each with witnesses. The firs, at around nine-years-old, with hundreds of Manchester residents calling it into local radio, and the last was a green light that travelled from Canada fto Florida in an outrageously short time, registered on radar and was seen by thousands. The middle sighting was just with my ex-wife, who in denial still believes it was fireworks, over New Hampshire’s nuclear plant. It wasn’t man made.

After the first sighting, I heard the term UFO for the first time, and spent the next 30 years reading everything I could find on the subject. Jaques Vallee impressed me the most until one day I was in a local big box store and found a book I had refused to read when it came out, because it seemed so outrageously stupid. In that moment, for a buck in the remaindered bin, I picked it up thinking I would have good laugh that evening. The book was John Keel’s Mothman Prophesies.

To my surprise, he was the one voice of originality in a sea of literalists. Since I had learned young, that the world is not what it seems, I was ready to take on his assessment, which he based in the phenomenology of the experience. In short, we experiences everything through our senses, and nothing directly. Instead of studying the literal experience, it is more fruitful to study the experiencers reaction to the experience. The world we all live in is in our heads. It’s a model that is very useful to navigate in an otherwise unknowable “reality.” Since, by definition, the map is not the territory, our models are incomplete. What lies outside our models does not go away, and occasionally we experience these anomalous phenomena. I once described this experience as sitting in a room that contained everything we know about reality, from the objects to the concepts like weight, dimension and color. Suddenly,one day, a whole appears in the wall that lets us glimpse raw “reality" itself, unfiltered by any of the aforementioned human knowledge. We are startled and can not look away, but we cannot tolerate this raw input for very long. We begin reacheaing around the room for things we already know and create a patch to cover up the hole so we can feel safe again. Then we talk about the patch, because the experience itself is beyond words. That’s what every one is doing, comparing patches and arguing about the fine points.

A number of years ago I was at a Church St. bookstore in Cambridge, MA.When I went to check out, a line formed behind me. The personnext in line was none other than Dr. John Mack, the Harvard Psychologist who investigated UFO abductees. I recogniized him from his jacket photo, having read his groundbreakig first book. He was carrying a stack of occult tomes that, as I recall included seminal worksby Madame Blavatsky, Ouspensky and Gurdgieff. I thought to myself, that he should begin by reading Colin Wilson’s classic “The Occult,” which offers an experts survey of the landscape he wanted to explore, as well as Wilson's evalution of each that would be indispensible at getting started with the original works themselves, so he could get right to the points he wanted to examine more closely. I reseloved that I would suggest it to him, but only if he answered my question truthfully.

“So this is where your research is taking you?” I remarked. He looked at me a little puzzled, confirming he did not know who I was then said, “Oh no, this is what my clients are reading, so I thought I should learn more about it.” His sheepish demeanor, like someone being caught with hands in the cookie jar, indicated an untruthful answer. True to my promise to my self, I did not mention the Wilson scholarship that would make his task much easier. I checked out and began to walk to the door. For some reason, I still don’t know why, I stopped and turned around. I caught his gaze as the clerk was ringing up his purchsase. That’s when I said what I did. To this day, I still don’t know where this came from, and it was way beyond my understanding at the time, but I spoke these parting words, “You know, you’ll always have a hard time proving UFO’s exist, since they haven’t even proved that we exist yet.” His face got white as a sheet and he was speechless. I walked back to my car and headed back home to New Hampshire still hardly believing my part in what just happened. Dr. John Mack died in a hit and run in London about a year later. Someone with the eact same name had been hit and run earlier that day to add a questionable twist to the circumstances.

The fact that Power wats to exploit the UFO belief system is an echo of what they’ve done with religion since time began. That does not reflect on the phenomena itself. As globalization leads to less religious believrers, it’s natural to adapt tried and true exploitative strategies to the changing times. The truth may actually be unknowable.


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Wow thank you for sharing

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Extremely interesting, thanks for sharing. And while I embrace every kind of strange, spiritual, anomalous, otherworldly phenomena (interesting, sometimes enlightening) … there’s hardly anything our government or the msm peddles - I believe.

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Extraordinary insight. Gotta declutter that junk over the portal to Eternity.

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Have to point out how very Mars in Gemini sq Neptune in Pisces - the 'Look -- Up in the Sky!'

The whole balloon show is exactly that -- a show for a simple crowd -- but/and -- one thing about the Pluto in Aquarius era will undoubtedly involve extra-planetary relations, and uncovering secrets kept for quite a long time, as Earthlings reckon their orbits

A lot of 'soft disclosure' going on, has been for decades, and the various agendas around control of perception and belief are roiling up the planet's waves

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Feb 12, 2023Liked by Eric F Coppolino

Anyone with a connection to their higher self (and you can't get that unless you've dredged out your shadow stuff--you know, the "stuff" you'd rather not look at) will be able to tell the difference between their fakes and their holograms and the real thing. And the galactics can readily connect with you in meditation--I know they have mine. The "movie" is getting weirder and more ridiculous all the time, making it easier to exit the matrix.

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Dr. Steven Greer has predicted this fake alien invasion so the strange government has another war to start.

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Yep I track Steven Greer and appreciate his contribution. It is said that Warner von Braun said the same thing.

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See Elana Danaan

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Feb 12, 2023·edited Feb 12, 2023

I clean houses in a college town for a wage living. Several months ago I came across a classroom exercise for 2nd graders in the trash that I found so incredibly disturbing I decided to pocket it. Ironically, it was just this last week that I brought it up to my coworker as an example for how the young are potentially being prepped for an alien invasion.

So, the premise of the group exercise is the story that there is an alien invasion. These are second graders, mind you. The aliens are not totally mean and they are fascinated by our Bill of Rights. They say we can keep half of them. The kids are supposed to break up in small groups and try to come up with a consensus of which four to keep. Then come back together as a group and compare the conclusions.

I am also reminded of the TV miniseries V that I religiously watched when I was in middle school that personalized that experience of an alien integration.

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I was never joking about a fake alien invasion. The end game is a global “crisis,” and emergency powers, a whole Continuity of Government system set to kick in and a good excuse for One World Government takeover, superseding all constitutions. I don’t think they can pull it off but they’re clearly signalling an attempt

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well, we were joking but we were not kidding.

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Same goals as the covid op

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Montana Balloon Hoax since 2019: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/02/pentagon-balloons-surveillance-midwest

Pentagon is making things up as they go along. For better entertainment value, the original Netflix shit show 'Don't Look Up' is recommended.

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Man! I am glad someone else recognizes it for what it is! I'm kinda pissed off about it, 'they' ruined the 'once-in-a-lifetime event'! A couple of comets were visible that day, depending on your location on Earth(or space, for that matter ;D).

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For what it is worth, China had the second best trading profit against US in 2022.

"The fireworks are on us." - Xi:


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Any intergalactic technology advanced enough to get here could easily outrun an F22. If they wanted to.

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Yeah the notion is absurd we could shoot down an alien vehicle. And so too is a "spy balloon" floating around over the country. That is so 1943.

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Malcolm Nance on Bill Maher said China's satellite technology is so old & outdated they sent these balloons to get a better look which he believes will prove how behind in technology even the balloons are. TBD.

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Since 2020 there has been a concerted effort by the government and Hollywood (same same) to convince us that yes Virginia, aliens do exist. Some have said that an alien invasion will be faked with advanced holograms of ships behind which planes will drop bombs, thus justification for global control to protect us. This was "supposed" to happen fall of 2021. Like all sandwich boards, it didn't. What is clear is that the government which used to paint alien contact as tin foil hat, now very much wants us to believe in it, and perhaps fear it. More fear can't hurt. Ancient Aliens (TV series) has set up millions to believe they have been here for millennia, if not longer, that they are the models for our gods, and that they perhaps run the world. Laying the groundwork. In 2020 MMM began reporting on air force pilots sighting UFO's. That was the clear signal that it was now in power's interest that we believe, and it has cascaded since then. What is not clear at all is the endgame.

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yes previously you could get in quite a bit of trouble even for "knowing too much." Now it's becoming mandatory. Lab release was tin foil hat in 2020 and now it's mandatory. Climate change was for weirdos a few years ago and now it's mandatory. I am developing a principle — what was verboten in one era becomes de rigueur the next.

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The eras are chugging through at high speed.

Morals are flipping too.

Up is down.

Conspiracy theorists can't keep up.

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Well that makes sense as Saturn tries to contain anything that is not dogma within its own denial based processes, but then the breakout energy or idea reduces in form and becomes the next dogma and so its permissible... eventually.

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All I can say is it is a great card to play when you want to globally unify for enslavement purposes. Stay connected to Essence, more important than ever!

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Watch my dancing right hand while my left hand rips you off. Theatre at your expense. The institutionally orchestrated nonsense has descended incrementally into rank delirium., a hall mark of desperation.

Meanwhile, while most prattle about UFOs they simultaneously default to some version of ET or Close Encounters of the Third Kind, thereby rendering the definition 'unidentified' void.

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A few more thoughts: It's not a stretch to think we have been visited since our time began on the planet. They have to be not only technologically advanced by tens or hundreds of thousands of years but masters in blending and hiding. The other consideration based on how hidden they are is our atmosphere may not be tolerable for long periods. This is from Gregge Tiffen's work.

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Sorry to be obvious but. Trust no one and do your own research.

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UFOs are a normal occurence. No need for excitement. They have been coming and going for longer than we have been around.

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None of this is about UFOs. It's about the issue being seized and abused as a diversion from what matters far more. To wit:


Neil Donahue, a professor chemistry at Carnegie Mellon University in nearby Pittsburgh, said he worries that the burning could have formed dioxins, which are created from burning chlorinated carbon materials.

“Vinyl chloride is bad, dioxins are worse as carcinogens and that comes from burning,” Donahue said.

Dioxins are a group of persistent environmental pollutants that last in the ground and body for years and have been one of the major environmental problems and controversies in the United States.

Dr. Lynn Goldman, dean of George Washington University's School of Public Health, agrees this is a possible risk, but is more concerned about uncombusted vinyl chloride vapors that could be lurking in the immediate vicinity.

"Until there has been a thorough assessment, the soot as well as any other materials should in my opinion be treated as contaminated by vinyl chloride and/or dioxins or other contaminants until proven otherwise,” she said.

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I knew a pilot in the 80s and now know another one these days. Both reported seeing them, but they're almost de rigour to such people. Media mania would probably be another issue as that seems to come and go. I find it interesting that most UFOmania is centered in the US and Germany. If Neptune is involved, we'll never really know... Personally, I wonder why incredibly advanced civilisations would send themselves as astronauts, given that all forms of space travel seem to be problematic to life. Perhaps the Greys are bio-drones. If that could be plausible, who is sending the drones? That's what I want to know.

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There are a lot of possibilities, including the use of replica bodies. I suspect this of the Grays in particular.

Any ET craft is not flying through space like a Chevy drives down the highway. They have to be doing some kind of inter-dimensional travel. The nearest star to our Sun is about 5 trillion miles away — the nearest one, right next door, in our galaxy.

Anyone arriving here did not get here by way of normal three-dimensional space.

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Yes exactly. The Starchild would be this sort of thing. It's clearly a biological entity but it smacks of bio-engineering rather than anything evolutionary

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Just today I came across the explication of the Thing called an 'Egregore' in the appendix 1: Invisible Mindsets, of the book 'Geoengineerded Transhumanisme' by Elana Freeland (2021).

It feels to me that this event is an other treat for Humanity to get to know one of those gregores.

On page 581 shElena Freeland writes:

"To grasp how such a psychological and mental -entity- (-not- a "metaphor") could exist is difficult for those conditioned to believe that thought and feelings are ephemeral and fleeting, despite recently witnessing the creation of a worldwide egregor based on fear of a virus that doesn't even exist, all due to a carefully organized, concerted -mental- assault via AI-run media, fear tactics, and 5G systems of -something that once did not exist but does now- in the minds and souls of terrorized people"

..."The mind is not a physical thing, and yet the thought forms it produces -live-"...

(words that are -between-, are cursive in the original text)

Find updates at https://www.elanafreeland.com

And Yes, support dr. Steven Greer's new movie 'The Lost Century' to come out sooner!

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Elena Freeland definitely seems like someone worth giving consideration too when considering these topics that can cross esoterica with Deep State. I'm about halfway into her second novel in her "Sub Rosa: America" series and have heard her interviewed by people like Dark Journalist. Not many people combine research into the hard sciences and advanced tech with esoteric understanding. She, Eric here, and Dark Journalist are three that are on that beat, and I'm grateful to them for it.

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Oh yes, this is ramping up. What a big, vibrant card they will play...I was saying this to my family just last night. Love that UT photo.

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one of the best photos in history. god i miss slide film...

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Analog richness 💗

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My thoughts?

They’re planning a fake alien invasion for 2025.

With deep fakes incredibly “real”, wait until they roll out their holograms and see how stunningly real they are.



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Would this be like 1938, War of the Worlds? From what I've read, many people got caught up in that psy-op.

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I have no reason to believe that War of the World in 1938 was anything other than a radio adaptation of a novella. That it got such a powerful effect was not because the play was realistic; the thing moved at the pace of South Park, with what would have been hours or days of action presented in a few minutes. The effect was due to the then-new medium of radio and its powerfully tribalizing, disemboyding effect.


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no IMO this is real and the MIB hybrids collaborating with the MIBs that he references are Orions.

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Really...? Do you mean we will actually be seeing “scary monsters?”

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Well, humans have seen aliens. My assessment is that the Zimbabwe school yard incident was real; there have been many, and while I have never seen a "UFO" I collect the stories of those who have...most seem entirely sincere.

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can you elaborate on that please

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I do not have paper documents on this; I am not really a UFO expert except that I've been listening pretty carefully for decades. MIBs were a kind of government agent that would move on people who had collected too much information about UFOs. However, they are widely regarded among UFOlogists as being associated with off-world entities, who are always said to be Orisons. There is absolutely no way to verify this, though there is some testimony; see the video connected to a comment by Music Man.

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Thanks for responding. I'm familiar with the MIB accounts, but was rather more curious about the Orions. Lots of tales out there, and you're right that there's no way to verify any of them if you weren't part of the contact experience. It's fascinating to try and trace where the origins of a lot of these tales got their start though....

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It is a standard operations procedure but you have to ignore it or it will be Armageddon.

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023

Additional questions:

- Why now?

- What hidden agendas are greedy gazillionaires, world governments, and the World Bank trying to distract us from? (“Let’s put a sexy gown on that balloon!”)

- Is the truth political, chemical, environmental, digital, toxic, monetary, astrological, financial, or something physically real from outside our little blue planet’s atmosphere?

- Are governments shooting down pretend objects in order to desensitize the populace to a future, real object?

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

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Any 'REAL' UFOs would come from realms beyond our Earth plane.

The "Extra-terrestrials" from the extra terra beyond the Antarctic realm.

There is a reason why planes cannot fly across the Antarctic and why exploration is tightly controlled via the AA Treaty.

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For what it is worth, China had the second best trading profit against US in 2022.

"The fireworks are on us." - 習近平 (allegedly):


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Dark Journalist is worth following on this topic:


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Dear EFC,

Remember the Reagan at the UN speech "what if aliens landed ..."; and also note that the Vatican astronomer, and two Popes have said that "aliens" have souls. So, as usual, you are RIGHT on it!

Thanks for your wisdom and thought-provoking ideas.

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I was just reading about how space aliens have souls right in the Gospel of Luke, my favorite one.

Seriously though -- I don't remember that speech but I know that Reagan was briefed on Roswell. And that may have been involved. I can give no sources on my UFO knowledge, sorry, it's in a different realm.

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Yep, a different realm, like "outta this world" (lol).

BTW, one of my favorite songs from the old days is, Elton John, "I've Seen the Saucers" (1974), from the Caribou album. You had (have) that album, right?

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News on FOX saying the “thing” shot down over Alaska had western parts and the writing was in English. These are NOT from China. DOD psyop to stir up war, $$$ for the Cabal. We will be told more lies by our government..press buying in and playing along

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Fox News is and always has been part of the NSA psy-op agenda.

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Fox News came out of the Nixon White House -- Roger worked for Nixon...where the idea came up...

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I was dismayed when I saw what I thought were friends' pictures of the Green Comet on social media until I read the comments :O! Apparently, entertainment news media is off its rocker yet again. I don't watch; imagine my surprise! ;D

It is not probable for the Air Force to shoot down a comet, however; I do have a UFO story where I witnessed the Air Force chasing one:

A group of friends and I were hanging out at our party spot on a small, strange river(The Big River, a little sideways like Uranus, flows South to North but West to East from our property). Not long after my KR, I was more interested in my surroundings( as opposed to the silly conversation at the time); it was very dark, away from city lights, but not 100% rural.

On the other(South) side of the river, directly across from where we were sitting or standing, a huge, bright light appeared behind the tree line and then rose straight up, paused for a second, and shot off toward the Northeast skyline over a bluff that blocked its view. It was so fast that only me and one other person saw it. I alerted the others, and we all noticed three much smaller 'planes' follow it in flight formation. It did not make a sound nor abide by any flight patterns recognizable to our own.

That moment was the closest I had ever been to an unidentified flying object.

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Not familiar with this man

Will investigate

Thanks Eric for posting this

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Removed (Banned)Feb 13, 2023
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I am of the view that they are not using astrologers. But people I trust think they are.

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