If "viruses" are as bad at replicating full infectious genomes as Couey states, how does a "virus" cause illness with all of the non-infectious duds it produces instead?

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Well, right, he is in the trance, and it obviously hurts.

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He is absolutely in a trance and up against a painful cognitive dissonance. Great job BTW! I'm currently finishing up the last hour. 😁

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I finally finished the last hour last night. I don't think there is anything new in the final hour. People can really get the gist after listening to the first two.

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Getcher popcorn, Mr. Stone!

I think you're going to love the ending!

Eric wrings him out like a dirty dish rag.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so rude.

I shall endeavor to do better...tomorrow.

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Yes, but he does it with such grace and kindness.

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Oh man, doesn't he ever? He's extremely good at his job.

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Jan 27, 2023
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I think he's in too deep financially to "take the red pill" in public.

That's just my read.

I think he's worried about loosing his job if he comes right out and says, okay...there's no such thing as viruses. I heard him mention "venture capital" and doesn't he have a start up company aka the name of his Twitch stream?

Yeah...I think you're smoking the pipe dream, darlin'. He doesn't wanna be jobless anymore than Junior does.

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Im trying to keep an open devils advocate mind here, but did he not more or less say that he agrees coronaviruses at least are very benign and essentially nothing to worry about? Sounds like hes angling for something like 'the traditional definition of virus needs adjustment as at least some kinds are almost impossible to be problematic from nature.

Eric, also a couple of questions on the interview -

1) when was the recording ie can we assume he will not be sending you the papers, or was it recent enough that he plausibly just hasn't done it yet?

2) will you be investigating the whole nano pore technique? This seemed to be the lynch pin of his entire argument that viruses exist. I heard Dr Scoglio mention the technique in convo with Dr Cowan but he wasn't sure if whole particles stay intact through the process. Are any of the team conversant on the technique?

Essentially hes saying the science to truly validate the existence of viruses has only existed for 5 years. It reminds me of a friend who decided Oswald was the lone gunman afterall, after a JFK doco 10 years ago that had some flash CGI recreation of the exact dimensions of the street and the car, which neatly explained there was no magic bullet required and it was all perfectly explainable because look at our pictures. I remember thinking wow, what are the odds that the exact conclusion reached 50 years prior by a completely dodgy commission ignoring all kinds of evidence now just happens to be vindicated and is completely true thanks to modern technology - of course question being why was the answer arrived at by such ridiculous methods and assumptions up to that point!

The last 10 mins really seemed genuine to me regarding having a convo with Mark Bailey. It would be a shame if steps werent taken to at least flesh out how genuine he was on this.

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A friend of mine did a very minimal amount of research about Nanopore, and came up with some damning stuff, see my response to David Crow above.

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Sure we will reply to nanopore but from a legal and moral perspective, anything that happened after March 13, 2020 is irrelevant. The issue here is what was known that was used to create the "pandemic scenario" from the outset. What is discovered ex post facto is irrelevant.

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That's great to hear. What you say may be the key issue but to be fair to couey he is crystal clear it was a scam in terms of the measures taken by those in power. So yes whatever validity nanopore might have doesn't vindicate the measures but he is not defending those measures and appreciates the global conspiracy that led to them. For me the question of can the virus model be validated in any way is at least as interesting and important as the C19 case study.

Thanks again for your work Eric. There has been very little meaningful dialogue between the different health freedom factions, for both intended and unintended reasons I'm sure, but as with the Wagh saga your genuine and clinical dissection of the problem has moved this forward.

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" he is crystal clear it was a scam in terms of the measures taken by those in power. "

THAT is part of the problem. He is only against the countermeasures, keeps the core lie intact, which enables future countermeasures which he will approve of. RFK Jr's book on Fauci has as its first chapter "A Mismanaged Pandemic," i.e. better management is what it's for, and presents better management plans by the likes of Dr Robert Malone, whose plan is "surveillance, testing, "alternative" treatment [via repurposed drugs]."

And what sort of "dialogue" is possible with people who dismiss your very viability, via stating your position cannot be "sold" to the public?

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> to be fair to couey he is crystal clear

JJ Couey is about as crystal clear as a 2 quart Ball jar filled with swamp mud.

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Nanopore => Macro-boring.

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You are very right regarding what was used to create the "pandemic" scenario. But think *strategy*! The strategy THEY are shaping. If not repudiated, Nanopore will be (already is being) used to justify to stand that CHD is taking on the matter, and will be used to justify the idea that the virologists had a good hunch that a virus was involved and were right in doing so because their hunch was confirmed by Nanopore.

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Eric, thank you for doing what you do. There’s nothing more fascinating (to me) than listening to you tighten the screws and penetrating the thick layer of cognitive dissonance.

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hahahahahaha you figured out my MO

here is another secret: I prepped by studying this video. McLuhan knew he was on television; Mailer did not know he was on TV despite the camera in his face. In video, the calm person wins, no matter what they say.


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I HIGHLY recommend the video edition of this interview. The body language on display was quite fascinating and even a little disturbing. It took me seven hours to get through it last night.

Thank you, Eric! For posting it early to Bitchute...for those of us who were paying attention.

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it. Your style stole the show, sir!

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He will come off more credible in audio format, like Nixon. He does not know now to use video and he was hiding his face in the third hour by bowing down. All kinds of body language there.

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I thought it was very brilliant of him to hide his muse on the ceiling, though!

Just brilliant!



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Farrah Fawcett poster?

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Most likely! I mean, didn't you have one?

I still remember that buckskin bikini.


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Keep lookin' up, Kid!

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Jan 22, 2023
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the medium is the message. Nixon is great on the radio and a crook on TV.

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I don't know what TPTB is and I don't read comments about Malone, but my gut says don't trust him...so.

There's that.

I always go with my gut. I don't care what other's have to say. I consulted me, and my said "Watch this one". So, we are.

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Jan 22, 2023
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TPTSB = The powers that shouldn't be

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TPTONB = The powers that ought not be

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I'll have to listen to the darn audio version now. Ugh.

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Where can we find the video addition?

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I listened to the first two-plus hours, could not handle any further, but was glad to see there was a transcript, so i went ahead and read the rest, no need to listen. Comes back over and over again to his assertion of nanopore sequencing proving a whole genome, and then cDNA clones were made of the "wild" genome (called "purified") which were capable of causing infections, sickness and self-replcation. He *assumes* the provenance of that "real" virus. He asserts over and over that so many positive test results could not be all wrong, virology and virologists could not be all wrong over the years,..... Running on faith.

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Yea, the transcript doesn’t include Touey’s condescending tone. Much better.

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But doesn't this prove that nanopore sequencing works? https://player.vimeo.com/video/337258910

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If the viral priest could purify the 'SARS-Cov-2 virus', there would have been no need for any new sequencing technology (e.g. the nanopore). The input for any sequencing technology must be the pure virus particles. JJ is full of it.

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I agree , they are using NGS ad nanopore because they have not isolated anything . At this point I would be arguing that they are just human RNA sequences because they are likely to have come from the human sample . I am not sure what the significance of this sequence is without an intact viral particle that is responsible for its docking mechanism . We should put it to the test and aeroslise extracted rna from one of these samples and see if it actually does anything.

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** (Summer, 2021) the UK human challenge trial result:

36 volunteers did not need medical treatment after direct nasal inoculation. Although the experiment is not science based (no control group), it is published and should have debunked the contagion myth for all establishment virologists. But it was buried by all media (including the anti lock down side), because the vaccine sales was only starting.

More historical virology paper analysis in this pdf:


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I will give your link a read , but if JJ is claiming the virus is now just a piece of RNA then the output of a PCR should be good enough ad has just redefined virology , I suspect it would do nothing , but in JJ's defence the nanopore data is a lot cleaner and clean partial sequences definitely appears to be there , ive just run a few through assembly and mapped the reads , the largest are 2k bp max length which matches one variant , another 1500bp will match to another variant going down to 200bp, so its not contiguous for the full sequence and is still in pieces that don't assemble into a full genome . If we label these sequences as sars-cov2 then people will believe its sars-cov2 when they find them . They have eliminated all non sars-cov2 reads from the SRA files , I will keep looking for data sets that explain the 'isolation process ' and that present the full sample unfiltered . Still though we should listen to JJ , we aren't going to get the message out unless we talk to each other and have a sensible debate , JJ seems capable of this and also updating his opinon.

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There is no way to deliver the 'RNA' alone into the human nose or blood, hence no way to know whether it ALONE does anything. The whole viral scam started with the conundrum of the impossible 'virus' isolation.

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A friend of mine came up with this, after a very short search, i think the idea that it works is .... questionable.

Analytical validity of nanopore sequencing for rapid SARS-CoV-2 genome analysis

"However, adoption of ONT sequencing for SARS-CoV-2 surveillance has been limited due to COMMON CONCERNS AROUND SEQUENCING ACCURACY."

"Although protocols for ONT sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 have been established and applied in both research and public health settings20,21,22, adoption of the technology has been LIMITED DUE TO CONCERNS AROUND ACCURACY. ONT devices exhibit LOWER READ-LEVEL SEQUENCING ACCURACY than short-read platforms23,24,25. This may have a disproportionate impact on SARS-CoV-2 analysis, due to the virus’ low mutation rate (8 × 10−4 substitutions per site per year26), WHICH ENSURES ERRONEOUS (false-positive) OR UNDETECTED (false-negative) GENETIC VARIANTS HAVE A STRONG CONFOUNDING EFFECT."

It looks like they use synthetic RNA references as well as mapping to the original genome to "confirm" accuracy so it seems that they must have a reference first:

"Synthetic DNA or RNA REFERENCE STANDARDS can be used to assess the accuracy and reproducibility of next-generation sequencing assays27. We first sequenced synthetic RNA controls that were generated by in vitro transcription of the SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence. The controls matched the Wuhan-Hu-1 reference strain at all positions, allowing analytical errors to be unambiguously identified. To mimic a real-world viral WGS experiment, synthetic RNA was reverse-transcribed then amplified using multiplexed PCR of 98 × ~400 bp amplicons that enabled evaluation of ~95% of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Eight independent replicates were sequenced on ONT PromethION and Illumina MiSeq instruments (see Methods section).

We ALIGNED THE RESULTING READS TO THE WUHAN-HU-1 REFERENCE GENOME TO ASSESS SEQUENCING ACCURACY and related quality metrics (Supplementary Fig. 1a–i). Illumina and ONT platforms exhibited distinct read-level error profiles, with the latter characterised by an elevated rate of both substitution (23-fold) and insertion-deletion (indel) errors (76-fold; Table 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1d,"

"With ONT sequencing known to exhibit higher read-level sequencing error rates than short-read technologies23,24,25, REASONABLE CONCERNS EXIST ABOUT SUITABILITY OF THE TECHNOLOGY FOR SARS-CoV-2 GENOMICS. Moreover, public databases for SARS-CoV-2 data (e.g., GISAID: https://www.gisaid.org/) already contain consensus genome sequences generated via ONT sequencing, POTENTIALLY CONFOUNDING INVESTIGATIONS THAT RELY ON THESE RESOURCES."


The researchers claim that their article resolves the concerns around Nanopore so it would be interesting to investigate if any other teams confirmed this. In any case, if they must rely on synthetic RNA reference standards as well as the fraudulent original genome created from metagenomics in order to create and confirm the accuracy of the Nanopore sequence, it seems Couey's evidence is off to a very bad start.

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Thanks, on a serious note, I will actually look into this, but on a less serious one, the little film really says all that. And as you may know virus isolation is really quite simple: https://zero-sum.org/isolating-and-sequencing-the-corona-virus/

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Good video. :-)

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This is a better link to share: https://vimeo.com/337258910

But no, it doesn't prove anything.

Pretty CGI graphics, though!

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Jan 22, 2023
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Perfect description.

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Dear Eric,

I cannot stomach the lies and fraud of Couey. His claims about "nanopore" sequencing (i.e., magic) is just another dodge and ad hoc invention to back engineer the fraud of virology. You mentioned words to this effect. Where is the NEW paper, citing nanopore technology, that offers a WHOLE SARS-nCoV-2. He has NOTHING. Ergo, RFK Jr., and associates are paying a scammer or they need to find a new priest/rabbi who can spin the story of 100 years of virology into a coherent "science."

BTW, here is a paper about nanopore technology (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-021-01108-x) that explains that the process is just about compiling sequences and declaring something exists.


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Did anyone else catch this? " can you see though why my I'm extremely hesitant to say that the towers didn't fall and I think I am extremely hesitant to say that there was no virus." What towers didn't fall? Is he saying that maybe the WTC towers just ...fell, because of plane impacts? All three of them, he can't rule that out? Why would they have just fallen, while tossing out huge pieces of steel hundreds of feet laterally, when falling only happens downward? Or leave behind huge amounts of evidence of molten metals? Or..... ? Is that the level of science he operates on?

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All I can see, reading your comment is :::

Building Seven Going Down

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Right, it just.... fell. :-)

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It was scared, maybe?

Frightened right to death...errr dust.

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Or lonely knowing its two big friends were gone, and decided to commit suicide.

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Shot it's self right in the rebar!

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Ok - so I listened to the end before commenting.. I have heard this guy before. He says that we can't investigate the origins of Virology because they have done so much recently - that is an argument? Every time we challenge them they say "That is the way we do it - Enders - shut up". Well it turns out that the cell culture/cytopathic effect story was even discredited by the inventor - Enders. He, unlike all the brain dead allopathic apparatchiks did do a control and said - oh - well we really can't say we found the "virus". Trust the fancy genome Assembly - don't worry that is is computed from pcr sampling at 40+ levels.. And pcr has nothing to do with disease! Understand this you over educated child - if you can't show/isolate/characterize the thing you are looking for - the "variable" for you science people - then NOTHING you do after that is valid! Christine has established - no organization is the world can say they have a virus isolate - you know why - it is a complete fraud and Pasture admitted so on his death bed - read this notes. And because your simple minds can't reason or discern the facts - we are killing millions - so many children. How many vaccines does it take to live a healthy life - NONE! ( sorry for the rant )

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I really wish people would go check into Pasteur's diary.

Here's a decent article about him and Bechamp.


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Okay so here's what I want to know- for starters.

JJ says there was/is viral clonage going on and this was used in a few selected locales.

Please give me the exact locations of these releases and give me an estimate of the body count from these releases at each location.

Also postulate or identify who were the parties who organized/sponsored these releases.

Sorry but I think the viral clone concoction is a bunch of esoteric bullshit. There is simply ZERO evidence for this- prove me wrong.

JJ can you respond with some details here.

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Clones of what? He never answered that question.

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"If they can't find it in the wild, but they can find a sequence in the wild, they can make a clone of the sequence and then they can use it all they want".

Dr. Jay Couey

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This is a "science" adviser? :-)

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Yeppers. Tis what I was told.

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Makes sense to me!


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Do you have a time stamp on that. Thanks Janice.

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I had to go to the transcript (wow) but I finally found it! I think that time stamp would be... oh dear. I didn't know there would be math problems this evening. HA.

Is that 2:19:44?

Now I need to go back to the video and check my maths. If I'm right, I'm giving myself a cookie! - Nope. I missed a number. No cookie for me. I was closer just guessing. boo hiss.

49:04 + 1:30:40

JAY: absolutely, of course, I'll send you a few papers that will all line up the same observation, which is

that they that they start with clones, and that's another thing that I think we should do a whole a little

show on is understanding why so much of virology is based on clones. So if they can't find it in the wild,

but they can find a sequence in the wild, they can make a clone of the sequence and then they can use

it all they want

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2:19:44 is correct.

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Thanks Janice.

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My pleasure, Allen.

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Clones of the viruses they could never get in the wild, of course.

And yes, he said that.

I quoted him in the Bitchute comments.

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"We proved it exists because we know it does." :-)

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same tautology as ever.

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Every dictionary has a joke contained within it.

Tautology; (noun) 1: needless repetition, 2: an example of this.

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Jan 22, 2023
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My bet's are on the neutrinos! Cosmic rays can do crazy things, but as I Gemini, I'd like to think these particular one's came out of the sparks that fly when Castor and Pollux dance in the Northern sky.

Is that okay with you, Roger? ;-)

I told my hub, who was listening to that snippet again with me, that it's like they go take a pile of batshit, sequence it, take out the sequences with the sparkly sequins on them, throw them a birthday party and when they grow up and have babies, everybody get's covered in glittery batshit!

Boom! Confetti!

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Great interview and commentary Eric.

Remarkable how you were able to stay calm even when he was going after you.

You really seemed to be really changing him by hour 2.

(I haven't made it through the whole thing yet.

Totally agree with others with his body language.

This guy knows he's over he's head, in deep water.

ALSO, be sure watch this related 1 hour response to JJ Couey by Tom Cowan, Mark Bailey, Andy Kaufman, Christine Massey, and Alec Zeck: https://www.bitchute.com/video/iZJAZEkra4uI/

Bonus background materials: Please read the history of how this (sadly) adversarial relationship began, and the emails which were exchanged between Christine Massey, and w/Dr Couey, and CHD’s Mary Holland, CC’d to RFK Jr:



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I've just read his first contact with Christine and despite watching the interview, I'm SHOCKED at his...hubris. Arrogance? There's not a word for this level of sanctimonious bullshit coming out of a "scientist's" mouth. Just wow.

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I'm curious. So where are the pandemics among the animal populations? How about the Great Dog Plague of 1949. Remember that one? Me neither. How about the Raging Cat Pandemic of 1970. Remember that one? The problem is with this lot, they simply have too much of their identity invested in viruses being real. They are not mature enough to simply admit they were wrong and behave like adults. It's the same with the injected. They will never admit the injections are killing people because of their ego. The controllers know this. This is why we have been enslaved for millennia. Ultimately humanity gets what it deserves.

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As when fish in an aquarium get sick, the environment must be tested. That's also supposed to happen when people get sick. Most of what is called a bio outbreak is chemical. I had never heard of the Dog Plague of 1949 -- I will check that out.

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You must be a little sleepy. You missed the sarcasm, methinks. ;-)

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Thanks for exposing this.

It is sad that RFK Jr still things this is an off-limits topic, and he could burn himself covering it. I believe it is the opposite and more and more and better info is coming out indicating that the virus story is tenuous at best. Here is a comment I wrote on another substack recently:


My background is more Economics and Operations Research, but also in the medical/health context, I have a deep appreciation for why terrain theory makes more sense than germ theory. On the basis of pure logic, we realize that one faulty premise will prevent you from arriving at a valid conclusion, and the single source causation model of germ theory is fraught with problems of false assumptions. There simply is a paradigm that a single organism must be the cause for a given diagnosis, so we will find that single organism at all costs, the facts be damned.. On a purely mathematical basis to take a complex system and sub-optimize it for a single variable, will throw the entire system out of whack. This is what we are doing with vaccinations, and we are doing it repeatedly. Are the childhood vaxes up to 62 now (I don't know the number, but it is big)? That means that 62 times we cause havoc in a person's immune system, and we probably create patients for life. Being healthy is no longer even an option in the blological terror state we have arrived at now.


Right at the moment, it seems to me that Rainer Füllmich has been digging up some very good testimony on this topic, and he seems well on his way to getting to the bottom of it.

Personally, I think there is simply a psychotic need to see an identifiable enemy, and that is the main reason why the germ theory is so popular. It is also very profitable for doctors and for pharma, for if terrain theory wins out, there is no money in it for them, for then nutrition and exercise are the operative words.

When the Vatican lost its role as the be all and end all of morality in society, "science" and "Medicine" took over and the body is the principal idol. We are far from being able to see that, but the price is high.

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Well said.

I would also add that Germ Theory gives people an out. It's not their fault they're sick. They are more than happy to lay the blame on some unseen boogie monster, with their doctor's permission, and go about their toxic lives.

Like I've said, we have empty agency cups.

Terrain theory fills them to the brim and today's man is very afraid he'll spill it because he's unused to the weight.

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That is directly the fundamental psychotic need of the ego (individual self), it always wants something or someone to blame for its misery. The last thing it wants is to take responsibility of its own health and healing, yet no healing is possible until it does.

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You must have been reading your Jung lately.

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hardly, although I have about 50 yerars ago, but I ama student of A Course in Miracles. https://www.americaoutloud.com/author/rogier-fentener-van-vlissingen/

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Oooh...right up my alley! I find the coolest things here, from people in the comments section. Thanks for sharing. I've bookmarked your site.

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Re-posting from the first incarnation of this article.

Unfortunately, we are fining out that most members of the "resistance" WANT to be lied to, because they've become dependent for their emotional well-being upon the well being of their virus-pushing/virus-hugging celebrities. It's effing disturbing.

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Hey Jeff and Roger!

I actually posted a reply to an article discussing this very thing this morning. It was written by my friend, Todd. Here's his article. I'll just copy/paste my reply for ease of reading.


Janice Phillips Writes Janice’s Newsletter

7 hr ago

Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"You don’t even have to be evil or have malicious intentions to just be stupid, as I would think most people in the government are while babbling about topics such as medicine and science. "

---I think I know what's gone so terribly wrong that allows the sheep to believe the stupid. I'm sure I've spoken on it before, and while difficult to do so without uncovering some of those other "rabbit holes" you've mentioned, it's just the plain and simple fact that they've been conditioned to do so.

Think about the progression here. We're taught, as toddlers to obey mom and dad. That's a good thing, right? It keeps us safe, but more importantly alive. As Homo sapiens sapiens, we're born too helpless, too young and have a very long infancy leaving us vulnerable for many years. We can debate the reasons, such as size of our skulls, but it's just a fact.

As a farm girl, I've watched many babies come into this world. All sorts of species that most modern people don't get to see born anymore. Cats, rabbits, horses, pigs, and while some are naked, blind and would die quickly without mom, those grow very fast. Within a week, their eyes are open and they have a coat, within a month, they're up and running and most can fend for themselves in just a few weeks more. Horse babies, foals literally almost hit the ground running. Within an hour or two, they can be galloping behind mom.

Of course, our animal friends still need mom for awhile just because they're also mammals...and who doesn't like titties? Milk is good and makes brains and bones grow fast! But that humans take so long to become self-sufficient leaves a long period of time where they are dependent on "authority" for their very survival. Once they begin to gain some autonomy, they're thrust into a school system that does nothing to foster their independence. In fact, I would argue it's designed, on purpose to completely squash it flat. Kill it in the cradle, even.

Get in line. Wait for the bell. Ask permission to attend to basic bodily functions. Complete tasks on time. NO TALKING. It's why I walked out of my school, in the 9th grade and never looked back. I could no longer tolerate strangers, who certainly could not see me as an individual, making those sort of demands on my person. But, my personality type is quite rare.

High school and college teaches humans to become team players. Those that can follow the rules, arbitrary though they may be, are the one's that succeed, that get the best jobs. After the degree is obtained, society becomes the authority figure, in loco parentis. To live, you must pay. To pay, you must work. To work you must conform, to be that good team player. The one's who don't are marginalized, ostracized, and rarely become successful. Of course, their are exceptions, but they are also rare.

After many generations of this system, we've bred sheep. Stay with the herd or the wolf will eat you. I'm not sure how many of your readers have actually observed a flock of sheep, but if one is different in looks or behavior, it is pushed out. It's left behind to be eaten by the wolf because it's very differences attract the wolf and endanger the whole flock.

Add this ingrained behavior to mind altering substances such a fluoride, pesticides, preservatives, prozac and birth control pills and you have what you see before you. Humans completely unable to discriminate, to discern the truth from lies. Especially if those lies are coming from what's perceived as an authority figure, someone who society agrees is the leader. It's much safer and easier to stay in the flock, to fit in and do nothing that makes you different. As soon as you start to question the narrative, you'll get eaten by the wolf. Worse, even! You'll endanger the whole flock!

Another obvious reason so many have turned sheep is the lack of meaning in their own personal lives. Most have come from broken homes, work at jobs they hate, and have lost touch with God the Creator. It leaves them damaged and empty, with a strong longing to matter...to do something meaningful and be recognized for it. While we shrews see it as ridiculous virtue signaling, it's deeply rewarding for the sheep to bleat about their compliance. It's proof that they were good students and learned their lessons! They are good team players, helping their team to victory. That it's based on complete fallacies isn't important. It feels too good, therefore it must be correct.

It's quite sad, really. Though as a born rebel, it's not surprising at all to witness. I've seen it my entire life.

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RFK Jr.'s scientific advisor? He is a plant like Ken! less we forget RFK is with Hilary and she is with the "injection" industry, these people are all part of the Sinister side as we see from the interview, he continues to drag along the virus as if it was real, I think all here saw all the details of this viral fraud, we know what visually they call the virus is celular trash.

People get sick because of the cold for example and they call that a virus.

There is no purification of the virus so how can any code be real? He says the sequences are there? lol

A RNA? Self replicating? This audio will prove on what side RFK is.

He is mudding the waters.

I don't get his point, how can there be a sequence found if there is no purification in the 1st place to compare it's sequence with?

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viruses dont exist, simple,,,,

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Dear Eric & Jon,

I am listening to this, for the 3rd time, & with each listening, it seems Time slows, in an attempt to capture, all that exists within.

And yet, Tempus Fugit, for the importance of the Information, & its Meaning, therein.

This is The Single Best, 3-hour audio Inter-View, I've ever heard.

Most especially, because of the subject, the participants, & the matters.


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Oh! You should check the Bitchute video and see them in the flesh. It took me seven hours to get through it due to my pausing to yell, comment to my hub (until he fell asleep), then I would pause again to yell some more, and then I had to pause and talk it over with my cats (they are on Team Eric btw) and then I had to make tea and then I paused about thirty times to comment on Bitchute...whew. By the end, I was exhausted and fell asleep listening to Friday's show. I woke up to masturbation. Not mine, but Eric's Tantra Studios...lmfao

Anyways...watching the interviewee gave me quite the creeps. He has so many "bullshitter" tells that once you see them, you can't unsee them. I don't think I was seeing things, either! HAHAHA!!!

Go...tell me what you see.

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Could You please post the bitshuit link. Thanx.

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There is a link, near the top, the intro paragraph. "See video format of interview. Listen on Planet Waves FM. If you are reading in email, click the headline to go to the most updated edition of this article and program. Read transcript"

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Thanx Jeffrey !

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What Paul said...I should have done so.

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1st of all...


Ok now.

Thanx for the video, I'll definitely check it out.

I think this...

Maybe i won't say.

Just yet.

Let's see...how it progresses.


& Yet Again.


But 1st...

Some tobacco !

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You must lemme know!

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Even ere watching...

I think I'll

Think the same.

Rather than otherwise.

But I'll letya know Sis !

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I await your seeing with baited breath, my friend!

I know you won't lemme drown!

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Jan Jan Jan !

Well Well Well...

& For Eureka's sake,

Lemme, fashion

A turnin' wurm,


Upon a brass hook,

& Pull up the flow,

From Waters below

& Unstow

A story-lined

With glow...


Yaya know what !

Just Moments In

I feel to sleep

So I couldn't reap

A visual,


But THAT matters not !

For my eyes

See best,

Through my

Bunny Ears.

So my opine...

Of Their

Great & Grand


Remains True.

Nothin' has changed

My Hearin'


But canst

Tell now.

So let's just wait.



OK Friend ?


~ Master Steve Howe {YES !}

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Dearest Eric & Jon,

This is An Exciting Debate !


Happy To Listen To BOTH Your Thoughts.

Hopefully, Others Will Use This Type of Intellectual ENERGY, To Further Promote, THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH !

Ancient Amphitheater...

Solid & Stone.

Carved & Placed

To Seat.




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Glad to see you had an opportunity to talk with JJ.

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