Eric, this guy (Dutchsinse) has been forecasting earthquakes with uncanny accuracy and has also been tracking how earthquakes and fires seem to break out near high voltage power lines, military radar stations and underground drill points.
Eric, this guy (Dutchsinse) has been forecasting earthquakes with uncanny accuracy and has also been tracking how earthquakes and fires seem to break out near high voltage power lines, military radar stations and underground drill points.
Both he & Jeff Snyder who I sent you earlier are talking about the fires coming from plasma/electricity running underground … kind of like scuffing your feet on the carpet as a consequence of the weather manipulation and radar activation. They also proposed that DEW is a setup to distract from what they’re actually doing, perhaps to blame China or set up an alien invasion theory.
Might be worth a chat with each of them as potential sources. They’re both seeming well researched and source heavy - the kind of people you might find useful resources or allies as you’re pulling together your theories on this topic.
On a side note re Covid, I’m sure you’re hearing about masking being shockingly reintroduced. Here are a couple of data points on my end:
a) three sets of diners and all the staff in a sushi restaurant here in Phoenix were masked at dinner on Wednesday night 🙄
b) Two separate conferences I’m keynoting in October have already switched from live to virtual to avoid having people travel and I’ve had inquiries from FIVE others about my policies on cancellation if their event cannot proceed and is postponed or moved to virtual.
c) A teacher staffing agency owned by a close friend has been quietly strategizing for remote learning in several of the country’s largest school districts and how/if further mandates are implemented.
Shit’s getting real again out here and I’m not sure your covid work is done!
Hope you’re able to hang on to some mojo from your recent travels.
Eric, you'd learn a lot from Dutchsince (Michael Janitch) if you could get ahold of him. It might be easier to reach Ben Davidson, who has the Suspicious Observers YouTube channel. Dutch is pretty reclusive, for security reasons. Both of them understand electricity and planetary mechanisms, natural and induced. I didn't see anyone else mention it, but there's actually a DEW facility ON Maui. What a coincidence. They'd be interesting guests on your show.
Eric, this guy (Dutchsinse) has been forecasting earthquakes with uncanny accuracy and has also been tracking how earthquakes and fires seem to break out near high voltage power lines, military radar stations and underground drill points.
Both he & Jeff Snyder who I sent you earlier are talking about the fires coming from plasma/electricity running underground … kind of like scuffing your feet on the carpet as a consequence of the weather manipulation and radar activation. They also proposed that DEW is a setup to distract from what they’re actually doing, perhaps to blame China or set up an alien invasion theory.
Might be worth a chat with each of them as potential sources. They’re both seeming well researched and source heavy - the kind of people you might find useful resources or allies as you’re pulling together your theories on this topic.
On a side note re Covid, I’m sure you’re hearing about masking being shockingly reintroduced. Here are a couple of data points on my end:
a) three sets of diners and all the staff in a sushi restaurant here in Phoenix were masked at dinner on Wednesday night 🙄
b) Two separate conferences I’m keynoting in October have already switched from live to virtual to avoid having people travel and I’ve had inquiries from FIVE others about my policies on cancellation if their event cannot proceed and is postponed or moved to virtual.
c) A teacher staffing agency owned by a close friend has been quietly strategizing for remote learning in several of the country’s largest school districts and how/if further mandates are implemented.
Shit’s getting real again out here and I’m not sure your covid work is done!
Hope you’re able to hang on to some mojo from your recent travels.
Eric, you'd learn a lot from Dutchsince (Michael Janitch) if you could get ahold of him. It might be easier to reach Ben Davidson, who has the Suspicious Observers YouTube channel. Dutch is pretty reclusive, for security reasons. Both of them understand electricity and planetary mechanisms, natural and induced. I didn't see anyone else mention it, but there's actually a DEW facility ON Maui. What a coincidence. They'd be interesting guests on your show.
Masks showing up in NYC also. Oy