Thank you for sharing this Betsy. I've seen this in many different parts of the country. It has always startled me that the people that express the most passion about personal freedom are not always likely to believe that personal freedom applies to gender, sexuality or biological diversity.
Thank you for sharing this Betsy. I've seen this in many different parts of the country. It has always startled me that the people that express the most passion about personal freedom are not always likely to believe that personal freedom applies to gender, sexuality or biological diversity.
I grew up in the south before integration. Feels like the same kinds of bigotry happening, just with a different focus.
It's true, just because people aren't going along with the dominant narrative and are involved in groups that have formed around freedom, doesn't mean they are really in favor of all aspects of freedom. And I also think that the way that the transgender agenda is being pushed has made it more difficult for many to take a position that seems to even partially echo that narrative--i.e., supporting the idea that transgender is a real thing and we need to not exclude and silence people who identify as that. It's a little ironic: in taking a stance that is opposite to the transgender narrative and embracing the man/woman binary as the only way people can be, freedom folk are taking a position that is really the opposite of what a freedom philosophy would embrace. And then there's the whole "it's so uncomfortable to even talk about sex so let's just keep shoving it under the rug" thing that makes people reluctant to really examine what's going on with this narrative and what it may be doing to real people.
Thank you for sharing this Betsy. I've seen this in many different parts of the country. It has always startled me that the people that express the most passion about personal freedom are not always likely to believe that personal freedom applies to gender, sexuality or biological diversity.
I grew up in the south before integration. Feels like the same kinds of bigotry happening, just with a different focus.
It's true, just because people aren't going along with the dominant narrative and are involved in groups that have formed around freedom, doesn't mean they are really in favor of all aspects of freedom. And I also think that the way that the transgender agenda is being pushed has made it more difficult for many to take a position that seems to even partially echo that narrative--i.e., supporting the idea that transgender is a real thing and we need to not exclude and silence people who identify as that. It's a little ironic: in taking a stance that is opposite to the transgender narrative and embracing the man/woman binary as the only way people can be, freedom folk are taking a position that is really the opposite of what a freedom philosophy would embrace. And then there's the whole "it's so uncomfortable to even talk about sex so let's just keep shoving it under the rug" thing that makes people reluctant to really examine what's going on with this narrative and what it may be doing to real people.