Thank you Eric for raising the issue of tech addiction- to say it's pernicious is an understatement indeed. For a basic understanding of EMF, I've written the following: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/emf101

FYI I used to sell computers, and now I'm fighting them.

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hi ! I signed up to hear the rent of this 90 minute audio! where do i find it please? I've been saying for a while how the very banal aspect does not get discussed much- how must kids brains be getting wired now to the endless commands- upload now, download here, sign up now, upgrade now, ..endless directives. How will the idea of tech hygiene be tied into further marginalizing the standard issue human? thank you for your work.

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Nina, it should be here under READINGS


also you will have direct links in your email inbox. thanks for your business and your trust

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Nina did you subscribe to this Substack to hear the Pisces audio?

If so please write to me at office@planetwaves.net and copy efc@planetwaves.net make it very clear who you are. thank you

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nina did you get your reading?

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As an Aquarius Rising, this one was close enough! Gemini Sun Conj Saturn in my 5th is soooo fun. I have Mars in Pisces, 2nd, which is odd. Or at least, it makes me odd. Very nurturing, but extremely fierce....if that makes sense?

I shall have to save up for a birftay reading and see what you think about my tough squares and such. Oh! Plus, I'm due for my Chiron Return soon., Aries 20 degrees and 20 minutes. How fun.

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Charles 01, we always are generous with discounts and promos...we don't want to turn away anyone... write to victoria@planetwaves.net, say you read it here and she will set you up...

I prefer tube amps too. You just need a good amp guy to work on it. They don't make them like they used to. My father bought his amp in 1957 and I'm sure it's never been to the shop once. It still works fine.

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