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Howdy Eric and friends!

This New Moon happens just hours after my 50th Birthday! How exciting. Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there. I'm used to sharing my Solar Return with you guys, as I was my daddy's first and born on a Sunday.

Okay. I don't think Black Holes, Dark Matter, and all that jazz exist anywhere except on paper aka computer programs. I've done years of study and really like the concepts of The Electric Universe and the Plasma Universe Theory. I also love Simon Shack's Tychos Model. You can read the book for free and check out the awesome planetarium at tychos.info Fascinating stuff.

I really like Halton Arp's idea of how galaxies form/exist. I've read his books and he is known as "the modern day Galileo" for what "mainstream astronomers" did to the poor dude. Heartbreaking.

He thought that the very active galactic centers birthed new quasars , which in turn, after increasing in mass, became companion galaxies. It turns out that the thing's we see may be much closer than we're told and "space" is very biological in nature. At the center of galaxies is a plasmoid, and instead of collapsing, thing's are growing, forming, aging and having babies of their own. There's no need for "dark energy" or any of that silly stuff made up by the mathmagicians. Instead, our universe is very much alive!

Why do thing's spin, you may ask next. Well, Birkeland Currents, I would answer. Kristian Birkland and Hannes Alfven figured that out. They are two pretty amazing dudes that "mainstream" also shunned and silenced...because Einstein, of course. Everyone was pushing Relativity HARD for some weird reason. Tesla was on to them and they shut him up too, and science has been off the rails every since. Don't even get me started on Particle Physics!

Anyways, I'm always looking for answers and modern astronomy and cosmology didn't answer my questions sufficiently, so I started digging deeper and looking for second opinions. Boy, did I find them! Almost like our recent bout of silly plandemic crapola, space has been completely fabricated and lied about for over a century and anyone who questions the dogma is a "conspiracy theorist". Imagine how sad I was to find out it's ALL of our stories and theories that we've been lied to about. Yeah. My heart still hurts and it's lonely out here, but that's okay. I feel closer to the truth and I really like that.

Simon explains about parallax very well...and how they've got it wrong. Those stars you can see...they're not so far away after all.

Anyways, I thought I'd share some late night thoughts. I've been extremely busy lately. I have three new sheep, I had to put my old mare down and lost one of my adult cats to a tick borne disease...and the garden's kicking my butt, but we're eating out of it every day, so I'm happy. The kittens are lovely and the chicks are growing fast and it'll be time to AI the pig in three weeks, so we'll have piglets this Fall.

Whew. Yeah. Busy.

Look up some of the people I mentioned. Check out Simon's book. Head over to the Thunderbolts Project channel on Youtube, click playlists, scroll way down to "Feature Length Films" and start there. It's a deep rabbit hole, but a fascinating one, and when you come out the other side, you feel more connected than you've ever felt before. You'll have more answers that make sense, too!

And that's always a good thing.

Take care all!


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