The Wedge
Why in woke 2022 are we suddenly being confronted by another fictional "gay virus"? It's a political maneuver designed to split the left-meets-right anti-lockdown and health freedom movements.
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Dear Friend and Reader:
AS YOU MAY KNOW, New York and California have declared “monkeypox emergencies,” attempting to raise a panic over a fictional virus and a claimed disease with no documented cases of human-to-human transmission reported in any prior medical literature.
And I think I’ve figured out why this is happening now, which I will get to toward the end of this analysis.
I briefly tuned into CBS News Thursday morning, and learned that suddenly, "vaccination" centers are opening up in New York City. I am not sure where this "vaccine" came from, as three months ago there was only a smallpox injection that could double as a monkeypox "vaccine." People are being made to worry, and also being told that symptoms of this nondescript mystery illness resolve in three weeks without intervention.
The words "gay men" were used repeatedly during the broadcast and all others that I have seen. There was, of course, no mention of skin pustules being the body's effort to clear toxicity, including chemicals introduced by prior injections.
The illusion of a “spreading outbreak” is about nothing more than the sham PCR test that can get a positive out of a pawpaw fruit. The World Health Organization’s Emergency Committee twice voted against the existence of a “monkeypox pandemic,” but declared a pandemic anyway two weeks ago. [Detailed coverage here.]
Suddenly gay men are once again being cast in the media as sexually obsessed disease vectors. The government itself is spreading fear and bigotry as a matter of public policy. Words like "anonymous sex," "multiple partners," "on-site sex," and "group sex" are in almost all news scripts, being associated over and over with "men who have sex with men."

Culture Capital of the World Says: Freak Out
The curious thing is the rollout of a “gay virus” for the first time since the early 1980s here in woke 2022. This is happening in a time of unprecedented acceptance of queer as folk, as married folk, as respectable parents, good neighbors and purveyors of quality retail.
Suddenly gay men are once again being cast in the media as sexually obsessed disease vectors. The government itself is spreading fear and bigotry as a matter of public policy. Words like "anonymous sex," "multiple partners," "on-site sex," and "group sex" are in almost all news scripts, being associated over and over with "men who have sex with men."
It should strike everyone as odd when the City of New York places a warning on its website:
“The current cases are primarily spreading through sex and other intimate contact among social networks of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men; transgender people; gender-nonconforming people; and nonbinary people.”
Just reading this is giving me a case of gender dysphoria. Try reading it out loud without laughing. What exactly is other intimate contact? Telepathy?
They add:
“People in these social circles who have multiple or anonymous sex partners are at a high risk of exposure.”
Where do they hang out? When’s the party?
The True Part of the Lie
The medical detail here is that gay men show up for a lot more STI screening than the rest of the population, according to Dr. Kevin Corbett, who did his dissertation on HIV testing in the gay community.
So their sham PCR tests are more likely to get false positives among the population that takes the tests, who are always very concerned about signs and symptoms.
"The strategy of playing into the public imaginary of 'deviant sex' worked very well in 1980s during AIDS, where there were high-level calls for quarantine of 'AIDS cases' and for societal restrictions to be placed on those who tested HIV antibody positive,” Corbett wrote in an email this week.
However, someone ‘splain me this: are nonbinary people really at higher risk? Does that mean the nonexistent virus discriminates based on your pronouns? Does it scan your email for they/them?
And what about gender nonconforming? Doctor, I’m a dude who wears orange nail polish. Am I at higher risk? What about my purple fingerless gloves? I’m a lady who wears coveralls and work boots. Am I at greater risk? If I identify as “questioning,” will I get the pox?
Something or someone is selected as "abnormal," and then that anxiety spills over onto everything else. People who are sexually frantic are easy to control, and seek external authority to answer their insecurity and sense of instability.

The Emotional Plague
This little-known concept is the most obvious angle to consider. Any time people are being told that someone else's sexual practices are in some way disgusting or dangerous to society, we are talking about the emotional plague. Essentially, it means to harsh someone's mellow: "Your fun is too much fun for me. I will shut you down."
This concept was introduced to psychology by Dr. Wilhelm Reich in the early 20th century to explain the rise of fascism, which traditionally starts with a sexual purity campaign.
In other words, something or someone is selected as "abnormal," and then that anxiety spills over onto everything else. People who are sexually frantic are easy to control, and seek external authority to answer their insecurity and sense of instability.
It is a form of disembodiment that was documented early in the radio stage of media history in the 1930s. Electrical communication media also facilitate pushing people out of their bodies and disorienting them in physical reality.
All sexual purity campaigns are attempts to being people under control, to suppress individuality and to maintain a frantic quality of consciousness rather than a relaxed and easygoing one.
Listen to an audio discussion of the emotional plague with Wilhelm Reich scholar Tom Di Ferdinando.
"Woke" is not liberal. Banning your mother from Thanksgiving dinner because she chose not to get a "vaccine" or a "booster" is not liberal. It is a sign of society fracturing.

But Why Now? This is a Wedge Issue
I have been pondering for months why they are playing the gay card now, and I think I have a clue.
What few have acknowledged (and I have not covered this adequately) is that the health freedom movement (which is the same as the covid truth moment) is largely a coalition between Christian conservatives, Christian liberals, and former progressives who are still socially liberal. This movement first emerged in upstate New York at the time that revoking the religious exemption to "vaccines" was made into law in mid-2019 by none other than Governor Covid himself, Andrew Cuomo.
A grassroots movement emerged in the rest of the country a year later, in response to mandates and lockdowns. This was and still is a long-needed alignment of the left and the right, where people who previously would not speak to one another found out how much they had in common.
People coming from the Christian angle (and many others, including orthodox Jews and many New Age spiritual types) objected to the loss of the religious exemption and also the invasion of the government into their private lives. "Religion" is not about crosses and candles but rather about one's direct relationship with the creator, and most deeply held values.
At the same time, millions of people who formerly identified as being on the left bailed out due to the oppressive quality of "woke" consciousness and its obsession with all mandates and injecting everyone.
"Woke" is not liberal. Banning your mother from Thanksgiving dinner because she chose not to get a "vaccine" or a "booster" is not liberal. It is a sign of society fracturing.
What this ground-level covid response did was create the first actual “left meets right” coalition in the U.S. since God knows when. I always wondered when this would happen, and throughout the crisis it has seemed like something truly unusual, that even could develop into a third political party.
Now enter monkeypox. This is a classic wedge issue. It is designed to put stress between the significant Christian faction of the freedom movement, and the secular/former left/socially liberal branch of the movement.
The health freedom movement was the first time we transcended the absurd left/right divide in the U.S. that has been destroying public life and stressing out private life. It was the first time actual liberals and progressives were hanging out with Republicans, church-goers and — gasp — people who voted for Trump.

Left Meets Right: A Rare Coalition
And this is critical, because the health freedom movement was the first time we transcended the absurd left/right divide in the U.S. that has been destroying public life and stressing out private life. It was the first time actual liberals and progressives were hanging out with Republicans, church-goers and — gasp — people who voted for Trump.
And they would say things like, "Wow, I'm hanging out with Trump supporters!" They were united on one major group of issues: the need to make our own medical choices, and to resist the wholly fascist, pointless lockdowns and shutdowns.
The dumping of Roe v. Wade was another desperate act designed to split the nation along these same lines. It instantly made hypocrites out of people who chant "my body, my choice," and at the same time are in favor of mandatory vaccines. It's difficult to take them seriously, and this is by design.
Please — let’s not fall for this again and again. The United States Pluto return is either promising the total fragmentation of our society, or the transformation of our collective reality into something we can all abide.
Meanwhile, there is no monkeypox. There is no test for monkeypox. There is no "vaccine" for monkeypox. There is no new pandemic. There are no viruses that stalk nonbinary and genderqueer people, or gay people, or trans people. There is no emergency.
This is starting to get very, very old. Heck, it always was. But now it's more dangerous than ever.
F*ing brilliant as always, Eric. May we have the wisdom to not buy into ANY of the division, even with our trigger topics.
This is so true and thankfully many people are waking up, united we stand, divided we fall. I, a former democrat also moved right due to the vaccine mandates and the sheer absurdity of the far left being way too much for me to handle any longer. I read a comment recently, left ring, right wing, doesn't matter since it's the same bird! My husband thinks they're purposely driving people to the right, subterfuge..something stinks for sure and I'm not buying what they're trying to cook up. Love your writing!