Tonight on Planet Waves FM: Duathlon champ and medical doctor Mark Bailey
Tonight, I have an interview with Dr. Mark Bailey, my nominee for most knowledgeable person on the virology problem, PCR test fraud and how covid was pulled off. Also, Taurus total eclipse and more.

Dear Friend and Listener:
Earlier this week, Dr. Mark Bailey and I spoke about the virus problem, the virology problem, hypochondria, PCR test fraud, and many related matters. This is a relaxed, plain-talk conversation that anyone will be able to follow without needing special or advanced knowledge. We promise a calm and engaging experience.
We start the conversation in Wuhan in December 2019 and take it step by step from one sick 41-year-old man in China to locking down the entire world three months later. Details about this one case and how it was handled are well-documented.
The interview is already on the program’s page. For fans of the full program, I will be adding that to the page when it’s done Friday evening; this is almost always before the scheduled time of 10 pm ET (usually by about 7 pm ET).
Mark Bailey is a medical doctor who dropped out of the system because he believed allopathic medicine has harmed many people. As a world-class athlete who takes impeccable care of himself, Mark understood that the drugs and treatments he was trained to administer to patients were toxic and harmful — and things he would never do to himself.
He is now a medical and scientific researcher (and educator) working as a team with his wife Dr. Sam Bailey. You can see some of their work on their Odysee channel.
Pre-Existing Medical Paranoia and Health Scares
One topic we explore is hypochondria and medical paranoia as an energy source in the population. That source provides the ground for which the virus is the figure. We see (are shown) the figure and blame it rather than understanding that there is a deeper ground from which it emerged and that sustains it. That ground is fear.
Mark recently published an essay called “A Farewell To Virology,” which also explores the ground of being that supports viruses. The problem we face is not that any one virus is poorly established or a false claim, but rather that all of virology is built on irrational, unscientific premises but counted as the unquestionable truth.
Our friend Mike Stone at helped us by pulling quotes from the article for an easy introduction. You can click through to the full text from there.
Here is a succinct assessment of the state of things. Dr. Bailey writes,
Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements. It is claimed that viruses cause disease after transmitting between hosts such as humans and yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing.
One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have ‘viral’ diseases.
In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method, as well as changing the dictionary meaning of words in order to support their anti-scientific practices.
Taurus Total Lunar Eclipse, and Lots in Scorpio
In the rest of the program, I am planning to cover the total lunar eclipse next week, and various Scorpio themes related to Mercury, Venus and the Sun currently in that sign.
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Virology appears to be the new Alchemy backed by computer programs to mesmerize the world. Or a Virus is the invisible scapegoat to blame for whatever ails ya.
Hi Eric, cant wait. Is the video of interview available anywhere?