I had a beautiful and graceful Siamese named Josie. I sure miss her.
BUT...I have an adorable and slightly neurotic (all Tortie's are) youngster just days away from having kittens. We're extremely excited. I grew up with kittens all the time, but as an adult, I've become a "responsible" pet owner and have almost …
I had a beautiful and graceful Siamese named Josie. I sure miss her.
BUT...I have an adorable and slightly neurotic (all Tortie's are) youngster just days away from having kittens. We're extremely excited. I grew up with kittens all the time, but as an adult, I've become a "responsible" pet owner and have almost religiously done the spay and neuter thing. It does make for happier, healthier pets...yet. In Oklahoma, you aren't allowed to get your critter's fixed without submitting them to vaccines...which I will no longer do. Ever. Since I've fired my vet, my pet's have never been better. We've even had a few emergencies, which I've been able to handle here at home, for much less cost, stress, and "chemical" usage.
Anyways, my 22 year old son has only experienced the birth of kittens one time, when he was 8. We did rescue a litter of four that I had to bottle feed and he really enjoyed them, but there's just something special about a brand new litter...plus they smell like fresh hay and honey to me! So sweet!
I've been so busy lately, hatching chicks, planting my garden, and AI'ing my pig (as well as some much needed housecleaning) that I've not even felt the need to keep up with current events. I've got over 100 seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, and even apple trees to tend to daily. I've got most of the cabbages -about 75 (as well as onions, tators, and peas) in the ground and am planting carrots, beets, shard, and turnips today (in hopes of rain sans naders later).
We should know if Sassy's artificial breeding was successful in about ten days, and as it was our (as well as her) first time, I'm hoping for the best. We can do it again, if needed, but that will put her farrowing date right in the middle of August. Too hot! As we've butchered her two brothers, she is now alone and needs more attention. We plan on keeping at least one of her daughters, cause you really shouldn't have just one pig. At least we moved her pen into my old mare's pasture so they can sorta hang out together, cause she's lonely too. This is the farm of the lonely women. HA!
My two doe rabbits are due any day now and I've got eleven eggs set to hatch tomorrow. We also have eleven, 21 day old chicks and my broodie hen is setting on 13 eggs. I suppose I'll be selling some farm critters soon, at the local auction! It's the only way to afford all this damn feed!
Anyways...I suppose I should listen to the podcast and see what's going on in the outside world. When Mars hit the last decan of Gemini, I sorta shut down, turned off and wasn't in the mood for communication. My Sun and Saturn are in those last few degrees and it really made for some strange moods. I have no idea if it was Mar's fault, or if something was up with my Mercury or if it was a combination of crazy transits, but I just felt really weird for about 5 weeks. Hopefully, my gift of gab is returning. This is the most I've typed in many, many days anyways...
I should set down and study my chart, but sometimes it's just easier to feel it and ride it out.
It's kinda like the current events blackout I've been in. Head down, doing the thing's that I must do, and hanging in there. It's all I can manage for now!
Thanks Eric, for your hard work. I hope you enjoyed your much deserved time off. Friday night's are just not the same without you!
Happy Birthday Aunt Josie!
I had a beautiful and graceful Siamese named Josie. I sure miss her.
BUT...I have an adorable and slightly neurotic (all Tortie's are) youngster just days away from having kittens. We're extremely excited. I grew up with kittens all the time, but as an adult, I've become a "responsible" pet owner and have almost religiously done the spay and neuter thing. It does make for happier, healthier pets...yet. In Oklahoma, you aren't allowed to get your critter's fixed without submitting them to vaccines...which I will no longer do. Ever. Since I've fired my vet, my pet's have never been better. We've even had a few emergencies, which I've been able to handle here at home, for much less cost, stress, and "chemical" usage.
Anyways, my 22 year old son has only experienced the birth of kittens one time, when he was 8. We did rescue a litter of four that I had to bottle feed and he really enjoyed them, but there's just something special about a brand new litter...plus they smell like fresh hay and honey to me! So sweet!
I've been so busy lately, hatching chicks, planting my garden, and AI'ing my pig (as well as some much needed housecleaning) that I've not even felt the need to keep up with current events. I've got over 100 seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, and even apple trees to tend to daily. I've got most of the cabbages -about 75 (as well as onions, tators, and peas) in the ground and am planting carrots, beets, shard, and turnips today (in hopes of rain sans naders later).
We should know if Sassy's artificial breeding was successful in about ten days, and as it was our (as well as her) first time, I'm hoping for the best. We can do it again, if needed, but that will put her farrowing date right in the middle of August. Too hot! As we've butchered her two brothers, she is now alone and needs more attention. We plan on keeping at least one of her daughters, cause you really shouldn't have just one pig. At least we moved her pen into my old mare's pasture so they can sorta hang out together, cause she's lonely too. This is the farm of the lonely women. HA!
My two doe rabbits are due any day now and I've got eleven eggs set to hatch tomorrow. We also have eleven, 21 day old chicks and my broodie hen is setting on 13 eggs. I suppose I'll be selling some farm critters soon, at the local auction! It's the only way to afford all this damn feed!
Anyways...I suppose I should listen to the podcast and see what's going on in the outside world. When Mars hit the last decan of Gemini, I sorta shut down, turned off and wasn't in the mood for communication. My Sun and Saturn are in those last few degrees and it really made for some strange moods. I have no idea if it was Mar's fault, or if something was up with my Mercury or if it was a combination of crazy transits, but I just felt really weird for about 5 weeks. Hopefully, my gift of gab is returning. This is the most I've typed in many, many days anyways...
I should set down and study my chart, but sometimes it's just easier to feel it and ride it out.
It's kinda like the current events blackout I've been in. Head down, doing the thing's that I must do, and hanging in there. It's all I can manage for now!
Thanks Eric, for your hard work. I hope you enjoyed your much deserved time off. Friday night's are just not the same without you!