Notes from Mennonite country. Is the government really banning 'forever chemicals'? The gender dysphoria connection. 40th anniversary of the HIV theory of AIDS, part one.
Period 9, the Halogens, consists of the highly useful natural nonmetals Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine, plus fake ones Astatine and Tennessine. I mistakenly included Sodium, a metal, in this group. It’s all the way at the other side of the table, way back in Period 1 — far more reactive, and a metal rather than a nonmetal. Most Sodium on the planet is bound up with Chlorine and other natural Halogens as salt (the source of my confusion). In this state, both Sodium and Chlorine (or other Halogens) are stable at normal temperature and pressure. That, and the Baileys live in New Zealand, not New England (at the other end of the planet, 9,000 miles away).
Nowadays, a far larger percentage of the population of New Zealand is of English descent than New England. :-) (The latter population is heavily Irish, Italian, French Canadian, Polish and Portuguese).
It is awesome to see a people able to exist in a non- apocalyptic state of being or state of mind. What sucks is that they are being [sprayed] subjected to the unknown toxins being sprayed into the skys. The skys look exactly like the skys are everywhere. How would one go about identifying the men or women insistent upon treating [presuming] and acting as is they have the supreme authority (permission) to do as the wish to the earth. This world of Commerce exist in its entirety under the Uniform Commercial code (UCC) as such the sprayers are engaged in a commercial activity. I.e. they are doing business. And as private corporations or businesses under the UCC they are obligated to be the holders in due course of a preexisting contract or agreement with the parties with which they are performing a commercial activity. I know that I have consented to being infumegated, it is not probable that anyone has agreed to the spraying. The alternative construct for creating an agreement without provision of consideration to the other parties, is through the creation of adhesion agreements. Adhesion agreements are formed when offers another party and offer to contract. Offers are usually spoken by can be in the for of an action. The act of spraying is the unspoken offer to contract. Because do not decline the offer they presume that we have accepted the offer through our (acquiescence) silence. And so the have formed an adhesion agreement, for which under the UCC statutes they are obligated to inform the joindered to the concealed agreement parties. Sneaky way to circumvent a conventional of contracting. In order to file a claim (not a complaint) one must known whom to press the claim upon. IT CAN NOT BE A CORPORATION, BUSINESS OR THE LIKE! Hence the question about determining who is creating the trespass. All that is legal is by agreement, you can rest assured they have obtained an agreement they can defer to. They are just not obligated to inform the entrapped into studied deception agreements. Studied deceptions are fraud.
Notice of Liability letters have been used successfully to hold those behind 'adhesion agreements' accountable. NoL works with utility companies that rolled-out Smart Meters, School Board Members that mandated masks and vaccines, etc. It may work with spraying. The important step is discerning who is actually accountable.
I've now listened to the Rebecca Culshaw-Smith interview and the segment about chemicals and gender dysphoria. Excellent interview once again debunking the entire AIDS myth starting with the 4/23/84 news conference which gave it birth, assertions made without a shred of science backing them up. And it only got worse. The admissions made by Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier are absolutely damning.
I must confess there were a few instances during which i squirmed a bit, given statements she was making which seemed to convey a sense that she believed viruses had in general been shown to exist, that reverse transcriptase was unique to a certain class of such alleged viruses ("retro-viruses") and the like. But i was really glad to hear you two discussing both "HIV" and "COVID" in terms of the total lack of proof that either HIV or SARS-CoV-2 have ever been isolated, purified and shown to be the responsible pathogens.
In fact, i was glad to hear her draw a distinction between "______has never been proven to exist" vs " _____ does not exist." (Fill in a specific alleged virus). The first statement is proper science, the second is not, a negative cannot be proven (great example with the light bulb bursting phantom" :-) )
I became a participant in the social repercussions by being catapulted in the singles world in Sept '91 after over 13 years of being coupled. I found that world altered in an ugly way, nothing like what it was when i had previously been in it. HIV/AIDS fear was pervasive, with the very idea of sex with someone you hadn't been partnered with for years becoming taboo for many even "progressives" and "leftists." And at the same time, LOTS of guilt being thrown around about stuff like "the male gaze." Women in Berkeley cafes seemed to now resent the very idea that someone could even look at them and distinguish them from wall fixtures. It was a non-stop parade of "no, no, no"! I've never recovered from the induced mindset.
Toxic chemicals, particularly compounds created in labs and factories which have no natural analogs, like PFAS, have indeed been demonstrated to cause gender confusion (in a physical way) in life forms such as fish. That's in addition to all the other deleterious effects. I would be very surprised if that were NOT the case in humans as well. humans who are getting saturated with PFAS, via activity such as consuming food which has been placed in takeout containers (rich in PFAS). The younger among us have been saturated with these since they were embryos. Updating the early '60s lament, "What have they done to the world?" We'll be very lucky if this gross violation of the ecosystem won't render us extinct. Thanks for that segment, Eric!!
And the other musical choices also delightful. Nice Roses. VERY neat to hear Sage and Spirit (Rock Skully's two daughters, a hotel-room demolition derby team), in which one can hear themes which became parts of Lost Sailor, in fact one can call the tune Embryonic Sailor. And a unique version of Eyes, one which still has the first part of the coda which followed the '73-4 eyes, the back and forth between E "major" (Ionian) mode and C# Dorian mode, but then goes off into Drums, without doing the figure involving back-and-forth between Eb Dorian 7/4 and D Dorian 4/4. The next time the tune was played, in June '76 (when regular shows and touring resumed), the first part of the Coda was gone as well.
That was the song where I learned to play solos in two modes in the same position. I am not a great player in this sense but learned a lot about how music is made from that breakthrough...thank you Daniel Marc!
The jam between the verses (Eyes) goes from E "Major" (Ionian) to E Mixolydian, based on Emaj7 and Bm chords. Other chords can be thrown in to suit the particular lead riff.
PFAS are part of the story. EDCs are another -- Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals .
Hormones regulate everything in the body. EDCs disrupt hormones in unhealthy ways. EDCs disrupt behavior, fertility, metabolism, immune system, intelligence, stress response, temperature, etc.
EDCs twist and confuse X and Y chromosomes. EDCs are passed down through your genes,
into your babies’ genes and into their babies’ genes. EDCs are nicknamed gender-bender chemicals because they cause gender dysphoria and early puberty. EDCs are everywhere affecting every age, but they are most toxic in utero.
Synthetic fragrances contain EDCs. When you smell a fragrance, the chemicals are already in your bloodstream. First-hand exposure, you can avoid, But second-hand exposure to fragrance is EVERYWHERE; present on clothing and hair and bodies; in homes, yards, schools, churches, gyms, salons, car washes, boutiques, offices, restrooms, and restaurants. Second-hand fragrance is in perfume/cologne, body lotions, hair products, antiperspirant/deodorant, flame-retardant pajamas, scented soap, scented trash can liners, candles, air freshener gels/sticks/plug-ins/pop-ups, insect repellent, sunscreen, etc. Scented laundry soap, fabric softener and dryer sheets - which also contain silicone, or cationic oil that coats fabric fibers - is absorbed through your skin, and inhaled by you and everyone around you, your children, your pets, and all your neighbors outside your dryer vent.
-Honor God’s divine design. Humanity is being separated from family and nature.
-Read labels - purchase unscented products, or scented products containing only organic or wild essential oils.
-Avoid labels with the words ‘parfum’ or ‘fragrance’ as an ingredient, which can include up to 500 toxic chemicals. The Fragrance Industry is self-regulated, i.e. NOT regulated!
-Use your consumer dollars wisely. Promote products and companies that promote life.
-Avoid hand-sanitizer containing triclosan. (Anti-bacterial is NOT anti-viral)
-Go natural. Avoid nail salons, especially with children, or if you plan on having children.
nice photos. (I am still trying to figure out how eclipses work on toroidal-earth, btw)
I was not in a place to experience 'totality' -but had a proustian moment nonetheless, wherein the coolness, the stillness, and the darkness (more of a silverishness really, perhaps due to the chemtrails...?) descended like a conscious solid over everything, for a few moments, reminding me of the sensations I had experienced during eclipses in the past. Something beyond the coolness, the stillness, and the dark, an emergent quality perhaps- but something more akin to an electromagnetic change...
The concept of a "flat Earth" is a pastime. Unless one is involved in timekeeping, navigation, communication technology, weather tracking, etc., it is irrelevant. So the discussion is on the level of a passive hobby -- something one does not do, but merely talks about and maybe thinks about. I would hazard a guess that you rely on GPS when you have to. Am I correct?
No, it was natural as far as I can tell. Chemtrails are a distinct series of events, clear day, then, cirsscross streaks followed by hazy overcast, not real clouds.
Mind blowing indeed. Absolutely astounding. Covid is why I found out about Aids.
The entire covid episode with all it's devastation has brought humanity to a higher level. I truly believe that. But time works so slowly.....those young people using PREP, it is just so very disgraceful.
I know its not a momentous, but what are your thougths about Ozempic....the drug that slows your digestion so much that food basically sits in your gut for much longer than it should. BUt hey, people are looking like supermodels, so I guess it's OK.
RE: the eclipse - daughter saw it from AuSable, NY - her observation.....when it went dark tons of insects came out. And the crowd, even though everyone knew exactly what was going to happen, had emotional outbursts as if people were surprised (including her.)
Eric and everyone,
I don't know if anyone else saw this. It was during the lockdown it was when Remdesivir was being talked about. Someone posted - and I don't think it is possible to find this again - this scene.
It looked 100% real.
Fauci & Birx siting on a couch appears to be in the White House, Trump sitting presumably in an arm chair, Fauci's body was turned toward the chair....he was saying (not a quote). "If you remember during Aids we developed the drug called AZT. It was very successful. That is what Remdesivir is like." I swear on everything that is holy, that I saw this with my own two eyes.
Such a complete description of the eclipse event w/ friends & the Mennonites. Interesting to note the diffierence between the M and the Amish. Very beautiful writing. Risa
I've now listened through the Carol van Strum segment, including the music break which followed (Franklin's Tower)
Excellent discussion, on both your parts. The entire Biden admin plan to clean Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) out of drinking water is not only inadequate but a complete waste of time given how many of these there are in other facets of our lives, particularly in food takeout containers, which we're doing nothing about. Great rundown on a bunch of them and what they're used for.
The EPA indeed was from the word go intended to act as a layer between industry and the population, enable the former and fool the latter, while the chemicals which industry produced were taking over our bodies, becoming ubiquitous. The EPA does stuff like highly publicized useless "clean-up" programs, or, when people get sick from the chemicals, blame "viruses."
BTW, that Franklin's was the first performed in "public," i.e. a setting besides band practices or recording sessions. I use quotes because the show was for an invitation-only audience, all music industry people.
Corrections to the Carol van Strum Discussion
Period 9, the Halogens, consists of the highly useful natural nonmetals Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine, plus fake ones Astatine and Tennessine. I mistakenly included Sodium, a metal, in this group. It’s all the way at the other side of the table, way back in Period 1 — far more reactive, and a metal rather than a nonmetal. Most Sodium on the planet is bound up with Chlorine and other natural Halogens as salt (the source of my confusion). In this state, both Sodium and Chlorine (or other Halogens) are stable at normal temperature and pressure. That, and the Baileys live in New Zealand, not New England (at the other end of the planet, 9,000 miles away).
Nowadays, a far larger percentage of the population of New Zealand is of English descent than New England. :-) (The latter population is heavily Irish, Italian, French Canadian, Polish and Portuguese).
It is awesome to see a people able to exist in a non- apocalyptic state of being or state of mind. What sucks is that they are being [sprayed] subjected to the unknown toxins being sprayed into the skys. The skys look exactly like the skys are everywhere. How would one go about identifying the men or women insistent upon treating [presuming] and acting as is they have the supreme authority (permission) to do as the wish to the earth. This world of Commerce exist in its entirety under the Uniform Commercial code (UCC) as such the sprayers are engaged in a commercial activity. I.e. they are doing business. And as private corporations or businesses under the UCC they are obligated to be the holders in due course of a preexisting contract or agreement with the parties with which they are performing a commercial activity. I know that I have consented to being infumegated, it is not probable that anyone has agreed to the spraying. The alternative construct for creating an agreement without provision of consideration to the other parties, is through the creation of adhesion agreements. Adhesion agreements are formed when offers another party and offer to contract. Offers are usually spoken by can be in the for of an action. The act of spraying is the unspoken offer to contract. Because do not decline the offer they presume that we have accepted the offer through our (acquiescence) silence. And so the have formed an adhesion agreement, for which under the UCC statutes they are obligated to inform the joindered to the concealed agreement parties. Sneaky way to circumvent a conventional of contracting. In order to file a claim (not a complaint) one must known whom to press the claim upon. IT CAN NOT BE A CORPORATION, BUSINESS OR THE LIKE! Hence the question about determining who is creating the trespass. All that is legal is by agreement, you can rest assured they have obtained an agreement they can defer to. They are just not obligated to inform the entrapped into studied deception agreements. Studied deceptions are fraud.
Notice of Liability letters have been used successfully to hold those behind 'adhesion agreements' accountable. NoL works with utility companies that rolled-out Smart Meters, School Board Members that mandated masks and vaccines, etc. It may work with spraying. The important step is discerning who is actually accountable.
Not consented to being infumigated/ sorry typo
you can edit your comment. would you please break up the paragraphs? it's hard to read this way.
Ok, will do, thanks for that. I'm responding on my phone and have lost entire entries which made me overly cautious. Will do though,
I don't want to make the reading Cumbersome.
Clicking the 3 dots at the bottom right of your comment provides "Edit" option.
Thank you.
Beautiful reporting Eric Thanks!
Beautifully described and fabulous photography. Thank you 🙏🏻
I enjoyed your write up of this event.
I like hearing about what Old-world Mennonites and the Amish are doing. They seem sensible.
Men and women are separate groups in Amish and Mennonite religions. Yours is the most people centered report I’ve read. Thank you.
I've now listened to the Rebecca Culshaw-Smith interview and the segment about chemicals and gender dysphoria. Excellent interview once again debunking the entire AIDS myth starting with the 4/23/84 news conference which gave it birth, assertions made without a shred of science backing them up. And it only got worse. The admissions made by Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier are absolutely damning.
I must confess there were a few instances during which i squirmed a bit, given statements she was making which seemed to convey a sense that she believed viruses had in general been shown to exist, that reverse transcriptase was unique to a certain class of such alleged viruses ("retro-viruses") and the like. But i was really glad to hear you two discussing both "HIV" and "COVID" in terms of the total lack of proof that either HIV or SARS-CoV-2 have ever been isolated, purified and shown to be the responsible pathogens.
In fact, i was glad to hear her draw a distinction between "______has never been proven to exist" vs " _____ does not exist." (Fill in a specific alleged virus). The first statement is proper science, the second is not, a negative cannot be proven (great example with the light bulb bursting phantom" :-) )
I became a participant in the social repercussions by being catapulted in the singles world in Sept '91 after over 13 years of being coupled. I found that world altered in an ugly way, nothing like what it was when i had previously been in it. HIV/AIDS fear was pervasive, with the very idea of sex with someone you hadn't been partnered with for years becoming taboo for many even "progressives" and "leftists." And at the same time, LOTS of guilt being thrown around about stuff like "the male gaze." Women in Berkeley cafes seemed to now resent the very idea that someone could even look at them and distinguish them from wall fixtures. It was a non-stop parade of "no, no, no"! I've never recovered from the induced mindset.
Toxic chemicals, particularly compounds created in labs and factories which have no natural analogs, like PFAS, have indeed been demonstrated to cause gender confusion (in a physical way) in life forms such as fish. That's in addition to all the other deleterious effects. I would be very surprised if that were NOT the case in humans as well. humans who are getting saturated with PFAS, via activity such as consuming food which has been placed in takeout containers (rich in PFAS). The younger among us have been saturated with these since they were embryos. Updating the early '60s lament, "What have they done to the world?" We'll be very lucky if this gross violation of the ecosystem won't render us extinct. Thanks for that segment, Eric!!
And the other musical choices also delightful. Nice Roses. VERY neat to hear Sage and Spirit (Rock Skully's two daughters, a hotel-room demolition derby team), in which one can hear themes which became parts of Lost Sailor, in fact one can call the tune Embryonic Sailor. And a unique version of Eyes, one which still has the first part of the coda which followed the '73-4 eyes, the back and forth between E "major" (Ionian) mode and C# Dorian mode, but then goes off into Drums, without doing the figure involving back-and-forth between Eb Dorian 7/4 and D Dorian 4/4. The next time the tune was played, in June '76 (when regular shows and touring resumed), the first part of the Coda was gone as well.
That was the song where I learned to play solos in two modes in the same position. I am not a great player in this sense but learned a lot about how music is made from that breakthrough...thank you Daniel Marc!
The jam between the verses (Eyes) goes from E "Major" (Ionian) to E Mixolydian, based on Emaj7 and Bm chords. Other chords can be thrown in to suit the particular lead riff.
PFAS are part of the story. EDCs are another -- Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals .
Hormones regulate everything in the body. EDCs disrupt hormones in unhealthy ways. EDCs disrupt behavior, fertility, metabolism, immune system, intelligence, stress response, temperature, etc.
EDCs twist and confuse X and Y chromosomes. EDCs are passed down through your genes,
into your babies’ genes and into their babies’ genes. EDCs are nicknamed gender-bender chemicals because they cause gender dysphoria and early puberty. EDCs are everywhere affecting every age, but they are most toxic in utero.
Synthetic fragrances contain EDCs. When you smell a fragrance, the chemicals are already in your bloodstream. First-hand exposure, you can avoid, But second-hand exposure to fragrance is EVERYWHERE; present on clothing and hair and bodies; in homes, yards, schools, churches, gyms, salons, car washes, boutiques, offices, restrooms, and restaurants. Second-hand fragrance is in perfume/cologne, body lotions, hair products, antiperspirant/deodorant, flame-retardant pajamas, scented soap, scented trash can liners, candles, air freshener gels/sticks/plug-ins/pop-ups, insect repellent, sunscreen, etc. Scented laundry soap, fabric softener and dryer sheets - which also contain silicone, or cationic oil that coats fabric fibers - is absorbed through your skin, and inhaled by you and everyone around you, your children, your pets, and all your neighbors outside your dryer vent.
-Honor God’s divine design. Humanity is being separated from family and nature.
-Read labels - purchase unscented products, or scented products containing only organic or wild essential oils.
-Avoid labels with the words ‘parfum’ or ‘fragrance’ as an ingredient, which can include up to 500 toxic chemicals. The Fragrance Industry is self-regulated, i.e. NOT regulated!
-Use your consumer dollars wisely. Promote products and companies that promote life.
-Avoid hand-sanitizer containing triclosan. (Anti-bacterial is NOT anti-viral)
-Go natural. Avoid nail salons, especially with children, or if you plan on having children.
-Sign up to attend or host a screening of
-Watch The Story of Cosmetics and other films at the very creative
-Watch – A single dad orders jammies from Justice™
-Do more research
- for brand name safety ratings
-For a deeper dive, research: Transgender Agenda Archives
Beautiful writing, description, photos of the people, the sky, the eclipse....Risa
nice photos. (I am still trying to figure out how eclipses work on toroidal-earth, btw)
I was not in a place to experience 'totality' -but had a proustian moment nonetheless, wherein the coolness, the stillness, and the darkness (more of a silverishness really, perhaps due to the chemtrails...?) descended like a conscious solid over everything, for a few moments, reminding me of the sensations I had experienced during eclipses in the past. Something beyond the coolness, the stillness, and the dark, an emergent quality perhaps- but something more akin to an electromagnetic change...
Edward, do you understand how eclipses work in the traditional model?
I believe I maintain a somewhat rudimentary grasp on celestial mechanics...
(yet still I am drawn to the toroid)
have you asked yourself why?
and what do you do with this information, from either concept, on a work-a-day level?
I try to steer clear of the holes at the poles...
The concept of a "flat Earth" is a pastime. Unless one is involved in timekeeping, navigation, communication technology, weather tracking, etc., it is irrelevant. So the discussion is on the level of a passive hobby -- something one does not do, but merely talks about and maybe thinks about. I would hazard a guess that you rely on GPS when you have to. Am I correct?
I get nervous when rightly called out on my fripperies...
I am not a 'Flat-Earther', but instead a 'Semi-Vollmerite'...
Thanks for this. Lovely photographs. Do you think the cloud cover was caused by chemtrails?
No, it was natural as far as I can tell. Chemtrails are a distinct series of events, clear day, then, cirsscross streaks followed by hazy overcast, not real clouds.
Mind blowing indeed. Absolutely astounding. Covid is why I found out about Aids.
The entire covid episode with all it's devastation has brought humanity to a higher level. I truly believe that. But time works so slowly.....those young people using PREP, it is just so very disgraceful.
I know its not a momentous, but what are your thougths about Ozempic....the drug that slows your digestion so much that food basically sits in your gut for much longer than it should. BUt hey, people are looking like supermodels, so I guess it's OK.
RE: the eclipse - daughter saw it from AuSable, NY - her observation.....when it went dark tons of insects came out. And the crowd, even though everyone knew exactly what was going to happen, had emotional outbursts as if people were surprised (including her.)
Eric and everyone,
I don't know if anyone else saw this. It was during the lockdown it was when Remdesivir was being talked about. Someone posted - and I don't think it is possible to find this again - this scene.
It looked 100% real.
Fauci & Birx siting on a couch appears to be in the White House, Trump sitting presumably in an arm chair, Fauci's body was turned toward the chair....he was saying (not a quote). "If you remember during Aids we developed the drug called AZT. It was very successful. That is what Remdesivir is like." I swear on everything that is holy, that I saw this with my own two eyes.
I will take you on your word, Leany, especially if future leads you provide are reliable.
Such a complete description of the eclipse event w/ friends & the Mennonites. Interesting to note the diffierence between the M and the Amish. Very beautiful writing. Risa
I've now listened through the Carol van Strum segment, including the music break which followed (Franklin's Tower)
Excellent discussion, on both your parts. The entire Biden admin plan to clean Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) out of drinking water is not only inadequate but a complete waste of time given how many of these there are in other facets of our lives, particularly in food takeout containers, which we're doing nothing about. Great rundown on a bunch of them and what they're used for.
The EPA indeed was from the word go intended to act as a layer between industry and the population, enable the former and fool the latter, while the chemicals which industry produced were taking over our bodies, becoming ubiquitous. The EPA does stuff like highly publicized useless "clean-up" programs, or, when people get sick from the chemicals, blame "viruses."
BTW, that Franklin's was the first performed in "public," i.e. a setting besides band practices or recording sessions. I use quotes because the show was for an invitation-only audience, all music industry people.
Looking forward to it, sounds good.
The Mennonites did not need NASA glasses to look at the eclipse?
Never A Straight Answer
They used those Mylar visors...there were plenty on site.