And regarding the other music selections. Row Jimmy is my favorite Jerry tune to play (on my own). Love the simple but elegant chord progressions. Regarding the wonderful surreal lyrics, Do Paso is a square dance step. Jukebox in the original meant brothel, cheap tavern or low dive, before it became a device which plays records. "Two-bit piece don't buy no more, not so much as it done before" is inflation. Funny, in its first couple of years i used to find the tune very slow, in part because friends of mine thought that, were very vocal. On 3/20/77, i heard a rendition which turned me around 180 degrees, have loved it since. This was an excellent version.

Playing in the Band is a tune i often play on my own, did so New Year's Eve right after the Midnight Auld Lang Syne, segued into it. Very unusual figure of D, Csus2, G (or G/B) which then gets turned into D7, Csus2, G after the lyrics, and the D7 morphs into Dm7, totally changing the texture and entire feel. Likewise an excellent version. Great selections.

"Got some things to talk about, here besides the rising tide." Wonderful images, so evocative of the mood in late 1969, when Uncle John's was first broken out. The second tune i ever heard from the Dead, first heard it in October '70 on a ... jukebox at a place near downtown Oakland which had live music. i thought it was Crosby. Stills Nash and Young at first. :-) Then i got the album, my first Dead one. First time i heard it live it was the encore for my geddit show, my third, 8/24/72.

And i loved Wheel from the first time i started hearing it on FM radio in early '72, puzzled why they never played it. Till they started doing so when they started doing regular shows again in June '76, after a long hiatus (the "retirement"). Liked the earlier versions better, they gave it more attention, didn't seem to do so very much after the early '80s, except a few times.

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Yes that montage was awesome. I listen to music all of the time, but the Dead aren't on my regular listening list. But Uncle John's Band, the lyrics just flowed right out of me even though I hadn't heard it in probably 10 years. My best friend and I worked the arm of the victrola quite hard as we kept re-listening to specific songs to learn the lyrics. What wonderful memories, and feelings come back.

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I've now listened about half way through.

First, re the music. The lyrical content of "Just a Little Light" is IMHO the best Barlow/Mydland cooperation product. The music is of his tunes the most in the general Grateful Dead motif. The break right before the final lyrics would have made for a perfect platform for a longer jam, had they chosen to do so.

"Mud Love Buddy" is just humor on the band's part, it's a version of a jam called "Mind Left Body" which was done several times in '72-4, then surfaced once in Dec '83 and and once (with me there) on 10/31/84, then went dormant till this rendition. This version, like the first couple, was in key of D, the band then did it several times in A, once in E, before coming back to D in '83. Subsequent to 3/24/90., it got done several times into Dec '93. LOVE IT! Phil said "Oh, it's just 4 chords," but it's a really tasty and unusual chord progression, probably my favorite of all their jams. And this version is one of the very best.

EDIT: i got curious, went to the 12/30/83 Archive, and there is Mind Left Body, in the A version, though pretty damn short, under 2 minutes if that, nothing like 3/24/90, which is one of the longest ever.

Excellent point in the first segment, about the main result of "2020" is the forcing of all of society's interactions onto the Internet, the biggest acceleration of digital disembodiment ever. I heard from so many people crowing about how they were totally OK being able to see music without having to deal with bothersome human audiences, looked forward to doing away with messy cash,... And at least here in Berkeley, so many are still completely buying the "dangerous virus" narrative, even if some of them have come to hate the shots. And really painful, what they've done to our sexual world with Antioch by-the-numbers consent rules, MeToo,....

Second segment, regarding the Tokyo airport crash and the use of astrology to decipher events. Flight 800 was probably shot down, but in 1996 the Coast Guard was not a part of the Navy, in fact not even under the command of the Pentagon. From Wiki, "The U.S. Coast Guard operates under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security during peacetime. During times of war, it can be transferred in whole or in part to the U.S. Department of the Navy under the Department of Defense by order of the U.S. President or by act of Congress. Prior to its transfer to Homeland Security, it operated under the Department of Transportation from 1967 to 2003 and the Department of the Treasury from its inception until 1967.[9][10] A congressional authority transfer to the Navy has only happened once: in 1917, during World War I.[11] By the time the U.S. entered World War II in December 1941, the U.S. Coast Guard had already been transferred to the Navy by President Franklin Roosevelt.[12]" OTOH, perfectly plausible that a US Navy ship fired a missile in error or in a test-gone-wrong. Good analysis of how what happened at the airport cannot be "proven" to be a hoax via astrological charts.

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<< Phil said "Oh, it's just 4 chords," >>

hey what are those four chords?

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Here we go. :-) (Feel free to ask more if necessary).

I'll do it in the key of D, because the version you played (3/24/90) is in that key.

D7, G/B add9, Gm/Bb add9, D.

G/B add9 means the 3 note of the chord, the B, is the bass note. An A note is added, but as a 9 note, i.e. it's in the octave which is the one above the octave containing the bass note. Gm/Bbadd9 is likewise, except the 3 note is Bb, as per a minor chord. This progression implies a harmonic descending half stop ladder of C,B, Bb, A.

Easiest way to play G/Badd9, using 3 fingers: don't play the low (bass) E string, play the 2nd fret on the A string for the bass B, open D string, second fret on G string to get the A as a 9 note, and use one finger to play the 3rd fret on the B and high E strings, to get D and G. For Gm/Bbadd9, play the first fret on the A string to get the Bb, otherwise the same.

In key of A, this progression is A7, D/F#add9, Dm/Fadd9, A.

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haha just four chords -- from the guy who wanted to do a project with five symphony orchestras. I think that's what he was working on when Jerry recruited him.

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Though i think it's Jerry who came up with this progression. Came from his extensive work on the first Jefferson Starship album, Blows Against the Empire, and the tune "Your Mind Has Left Your Body."

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Perhaps more than anyone, Phil had profound respect for Garcia as a musician. I think he was I some awe of him, deservedly so — and I consider Lesh a virtuoso of the first order. It's just fantastic to have even been anywhere near this cosmic adventure.

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Every single one of the people who was in the Grateful Dead was/is a virtuoso in one way or another. No one has ever played rhythm guitar like Weir, either. Of the drummers, keyboardists, even Donna in her own way.

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DHS did not exist in 1996. However, in an astrology chart, "Navy" is symbolic — not technical. Coast Guard is Navy enough for Neptune rising.

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What? Astrology charts do not account for US government Bureaucratese? Say it ain't so, Joe! :-) I meant in terms of anything coming from a Coast Guard base. More likely from a Navy ship near such a base. Key point remains that it was likely shot down, despite Wiki dismissing such thought as "conspiracy theory."

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It was obviously shot down; everyone in E Moriches knew that and many saw the missile. There is an FBI witness statement floating around. They know too.

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Further comments.

Also during the second segment, excellent comments about the entire dumping of names from the Jeffrey Epstein files. When all is said and done, this is really about further enforcing a social code which has made sexuality a forbidden topic in terms of public discourse.

During the third segment, Eric related a bunch about his Sicilian heritage, and his godmother, who was like a mother after his parents divorced. He then discussed his Jewish-adjacent upbringing and subsequent life i.e. many friends of both his and his parents, colleagues since school days, and both parents partnering with people of Jewish background after their divorce. Particularly he related his relationship with his mother’s subsequent partner who in many ways was a surrogate father. He then wondered why he was being called an “antisemite” for saying the Israeli government should not be targeting children in Gaza (something which by the way MANY people of Jewish background also say). Right then, the demo outside his door started building up.

He did make one comment which i strongly disagree with, saying the slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free” is advocating genocide, the cleansing of all Jews from the land. Rather, this is a call for the elimination of Zionist apartheid laws, rules and regulations. I do think maybe a better, less ambiguous slogan would be “In the land between the Jordan and the sea, all people need to be free.”

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thank you -- let's decode that "from the river to the sea" slogan...I may be misinformed...but that was my understanding. It should be verifiable

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From the river to the sea most definitely means Zero Jews on the land.

It is a slogan of genocide. river to the sea Palestine will be free ...of JEWS. Not free of apartheid rules. Please. The Arabs have more rights in Israel than in any Arab nation.

They have representation in the Knesset.

The Jews have tried many times to lift these people up from their economic situation, which has been tyrannically dictated and controlled by the Leaders of these people.

The Gazans were given work permits to come into Israel and work on Kibbutzes and to

find gainful employment. What did some of them do? Make maps of the areas they worked in so that the attackers would know where everything was, how many people lived in what houses etc.

Those on the left believe that simply handing over the gaza strip - already a place with a starting point -Water, food, opportunities - the Palestinian people would take advantage and begin to build beautiful lives there. That by giving them opportunities to come into Israel to work, they would improve their economic situations and stop HATING JEWS.

They too believe in a twisted way that the Arabs are victims of Israel. The propaganda worked on them too.

Israel had zero control over gaza. The PLO Fatah and Hamas all were in control of Gaza and population. Israel had no say in what happens there, only in who can come into Israel.

The left is misguided by their own culture of "if it was me, and I was given this gift, I would make my life better"......but that is not what is happening. These Palestinians are raised at the breast to hate Jews and to feel victimized. They are taught weapons in PRE_SCHOOL!

Hamas' mission statement is the ELIMINATION OF JEWS FROM THE LAND. That is completely verifiable.

I don't think people who have just come to this situation in recent times understand the depth of what is going on here. The Palestinian people (who are Egyptian/Saudi Arabs) were created for and continue to be used as a wedge. It is a tremendous PR campaign which began with Yasser Arafat, and has successfully infected the fair minded and justice-loving-people of the West to feel sympathy for the Palestinians, and that Israel and the Jews are the aggressors, the occupiers, the colonialists.

Does everyone know how the Israeli government removed over 900 residents of the area now known as Gaza....a beautiful place where they built greenhouses, and lovely gardens. Growing food and working the land. They were forcefully removed by the IDF in a desperate trade of "land for Peace". All the greenhouses were leveled by the PLO.

The wealth taken for the "leaders" and tunnels were begun to be built. A military zone was created, from which to launch rockets, and weapons to attack Israel. That is when the Infatada occurred. They began to launch suicide attacks, and rockets beginning on 2005/2006.

That is why the buildings collapse so easily because they are built over tunnels. They are built on hollow ground.

Rockets and weapons are housed inside homes, offices, hospitals, libraries, schools!

Women and children are used as human shields.

Rape was used as a weapon of war by Hamas.

Does anyone realize that from all the rapes that happened, and those women who weren't killed afterwards some of them may be pregnant? One of the hostages Eden, (that's my daughter's name) is 24 she has been held since Oct. 7th. If she was raped, she could be 3 months pregnant by now. Imagine that.

There can never be a negotiation of any kind because any "land" that the Jewish Nation "gives" to the Palestinians (who are Egyptian/Saudi biologically) is a joke to them because they believe it is their land.

The bone of contention is that Sarah told Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away and clearly stated that Ishmael would NOT be the inheritor. Ishmael would not receive Abraham's legacy.

Which was the land of Canaan. Abraham bought the fields and the cave where he buried Sarah. Other Bible figures also bought land to ensure that it would remain Hebrew, and there would be no question as to who the land belonged to.

Anyone remember Exodus song? "This land is mine God gave this land to me."

In the bible God told Abraham to listen to his wife Sarah regarding Ishmael.

So that is the deep crux of the matter.

For clarification of modern History of Israel, I highly recommend reading Caroline Glick's book The Israel Solution.

The fools in the streets, BLM/Antifa, students, unemployed illegal aliens who walked in here in the past 3 years many have no idea what they are protesting about. They have a certain image in their minds, and are bereft of any actual historical context.

There are surely some true ideologues, and anti-semites who are taking advantage of the opportunity to no longer hide their deep hatred of Jews.

Eric, when you said "I'm on their side" I nearly threw up. Do you understand what you are saying there? You are so careful with your words and your positions, and such a deep thinker. From the River to the Sea is a poisonous slogan. How could you say that?

I do not for a minute think you do not like Jews, nor would I ever call you an anti-semite.

I didn't before you elaborated on your family. But when Jeff was on and explained the situation, stating that the Jews in Israel have no DNA from the Hebrews at Mount Sinai, and that the Palestinians (Egyptian/Saudis) are more closely related; I couldn't believe it. I researched that for 2 days and came away with a very unclear black and white picture of what the DNA proves or doesn't.

HIs statement reminded me of the "earth is flat", "we never went to the moon", "Paul McCartney is dead" and here is a new one "Sharks are older than the North Star".

I realize that he was born there. He was a child there, and he has his childhood impressions. Some of his facts are incorrect. I know he blew your mind - and mine - when he made the DNA statement laying the ground work for the IRony that indeed it is the Arabs that belong there and the Jewish Nation has no place in that country.

I believe he has misguided you. He has a bias. My grandparents immigrated to the US from Palestine in the early 1900's. Please don't be offended. I like Jeff and he has such great life experiences and things to share

Please read Caroline's book!!!

She was at the table during the peace talks with the PLO.

She has first hand knowledge of many things.

She is an amazing journalist. A true Journalist. A journalist that I think you would admire Eric.

Embedded in this article is a video interview with an English journalist named Brendan O'Neil.

He wrote a column entitled.

Why Won't the Jews Just Let Themselves be Killed

I think it is worth a listen.


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A bunch of people from the Palestinian perspective have stated that this is an anti-Apartheid statement, not a "kill the Jews" one. Jewish Voices For Peace is on board. I do think my alternative is better, FWIW.

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I realize that my comment included a rebuttal of what you had shared at the beginning of the war with Hamas. I have been paying very close attention to this my entire life, and I am also faithful to my Jewish heritage in that I embrace the holidays, study Torah etc.

I wanted to add that to me, what we are experiencing is a war between the

menches as Eric spoke about & those who would prefer violence, bloodshed, death.

The people who were commanded by Moshe to "choose life" vs. those who celebrate death.

The people who are in control of the Palestinian people have no value for their lives. none whatsoever. They are simply fodder to be used to gain what they want.

A complete destruction of the Jewish people. Not just Israel, everywhere.

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As someone who spent his first 11 years in Israel (Tel Aviv), almost all of whose relatives still live there, i'd have to say your last paragraph is complete hogwash. As to people in control, there are no good people in control ANYWHERE.

What the Israeli government is doing right now, and what its people advocate, is nothing short of genocide, a war crime of the worst sort. It's been going on for 100 years, as detailed by numerous scholars, including many Israelis of Jewish background. I intend to speak out about it as loudly as possible.

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I agree that there are no good people in control anywhere.

I agree that 3,000 lives were taken on 911 - fodder for whatever the real purpose behind it was. I think though that most of these operations are hidden, and most do not see it.

But in this situation, with the complete devastation committed by violent extreme maniacs on Oct 7th, it is clear what they expected the response would be.

It is also clear that this response is what "the powers that be" over there wanted. They turn the tables and point to Israel and the Jews and say, look at what they are doing. They are the criminals, we are the victims.

The idea that they don't care if their own people are murdered is something most people can't wrap their minds around (which is why the majority of people will never ever accept 911 to be anything but what the narrative claims). But here in this particular situation it is abundantly clear that for them, the ends justify the means by sacrificing a percentage of the population to be killed or maimed.

Is what Golda Meir said hogwash?

“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”

The Arabs killed more than sons on Oct. 7th. They killed children in their beds.

I don't advocate killing innocent civilians. Innocent civilians in Gaza show the terrorists where the IDF is in order to attack them.

There are at least 1,000,000 of these people who want to leave!

But unlike in any other war the US is telling them no you must stay.

It is all a hot mess of interference and meddling. I don't have any solutions.

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What Golda Meir said set a new record for chutzpah, GALL. No one forced Israeli forces to kill anyone.

Israeli forces hit numerous targets in Gaza where they KNEW there were no "terrorists." Journalists were assassinated via drones. Hospitals, UN-run schools, churches, mosques, they have been out to destroy Gaza, force people to leave. These people do NOT wanna live, it is outrageous for you to assert this. They no more wanna leave today than they wanted to abandon their living places in 1948, places like Yaffo. I grew next to it, the place was still in ruins, like WWII Europe back then (the 1950s). I have Menachem Begin's book titled "Ha'mered," (the Rebellion), in which he bragged on how his militia, Irgun Tzvahi Lehumi (Nantionalist Military Organization) blew up the city's buildings in April '48 (BEFORE "independence") in order to force rhe people to flee. This was ethnic cleansing, a bunch of Israeli historians have described it well, including Ilan Pappe.

And the cleansing has continued since. It is now being done to Gaza, more of an all-out siege interrupted with open invasions that's been going on since 2006. .October 7th didn't come out of nowhere. Israel's military has forced people to flee from Northern Gaza to Southern Gaza "safe zones," where the refugees have then been attacked some more. The aim is to drive them into Egypt. Cleansing continues in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where Hamas is not even active. SETTLEMENTS!! Children are being killed in thousands, including many in their beds, though apparently those lives don't count in your calculus.

Your entire comment drips with hypocrisy. You really just want the ethnic cleansing to go on while waxing humanitarian concerns. Sick beyond belief. Give me Bibi any day, at least he doesn't pretend to be anything other than an ethnic-cleansing fascist.

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