AIDS is not related to any pathogen but like much else a by-product of biological systems being vaporized. In this instance due to massive drug use- mainly "poppers", cocaine, amphetamines plus severe malnutrition, sleep deprivation etc.

Here's an excellent interview with Terry Michael:

"Terry Michael on Tony Fauci"


"HIV=AIDS - Fauci's First Fraud"


In honor of the memories of Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis (1944-2019), researcher and gay rights activist Hank Wilson (1947-2008), writer and activist Christine Maggiore (1956-2008), journalist Terry Michael (1947-2017), journalist Liam Scheff (d. 2017), and biomedical researcher David Crowe (d. 2020) who worked ceaselessly and courageously to expose the numerous frauds of Anthony Fauci and his fellow conspirators in the HIV=AIDS industry.

This is the story they would have us believe.

A deadly new virus is discovered...there's no treatment or cure...it's highly contagious...everyone is a potential victim...the world is at risk from asymptomatic super spreaders...new clusters of cases reported daily...

Everyone must get tested even though the tests are unreliable...positive antibody tests are called "infections" and "cases" even when the patient has no symptoms...every politician gets involved...media hysteria in high gear...activists demand salvation from government and Big Pharma...

Billions of dollars are authorized for fast track drug and vaccine research...simple, effective remedies are rejected while expensive, dangerous ones are pushed......presumptive diagnoses...exaggerated death statistics...falsified death certificates...

Covid 2020?


AIDS in the 1980s.

Every single fraud technique being used today to “sell” CoVid hysteria was invented in the 1980s and 1990s by Tony Fauci to sell the AIDS fraud.

Are you surprised to hear AIDS called a fraud? You won't be after you see this film.

This is the first and only film to put Fauci where he belongs: squarely in the middle of the AIDS fraud story.

Share widely.

Demolishing the AIDS fraud is one of the keys to undermining the CoVid Con and it will save millions of lives here in the US, in Africa and around the world.

Note: The creator of this video compilation of public domain content, protected under the Fair Use doctrine, grants free and unrestricted license to anyone who wishes to republish it. We do request that the notes below, including this message, be included in their entirety with the rebroadcast of this video.

Translation: Feel free to republish it, just please included the text notes that accompany the video.

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People say that GoF research must be producing dangerous pathogens as so many $ billions have been spent on it. You could say the same thing about AIDS, but then you'd have to acknowledge all that research accomplished nothing, well, except enriching Big Pharma.

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No mention of Montagnier's double contaminant, LAI.

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Great interview, Eric and Rebecca.

A brilliant move on the part of the control apparatus. This "pandemic" wiped out all the accomplishments of the Sixties movement in terms of rolling back sexual repression, which helped drive political attitudes in general away from challenging established perspectives and policies.. This was a great example of what Wilhelm Reich wrote about, how sexual repression promotes reactionary political perspectives.

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The 80’s ‘they had Aids to stop us from f___kng; ‘just say no to stop up from inebriation(thanx nancy);and dwi mothers against drunk drivers to stop us from boozing’ as we said in college at the time

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Good summary!!

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I could imagine the following plot in relation to prep: people who consider themselves part of a risk group for the most absurd reasons (even women with frequently changing partners, apparently?) take prep because of its supposedly preventive effects. Then, of course, these people become ill (poisoned) due to the cell-damaging effects of the drug, which leads to a positive HIV test. These 'newly ill' AIDS patients regret that prep unfortunately could not 'prevent the infection', but are in any case affine to the drug and therefore grateful consumers of AZT and all its 'beneficial advantages'. Again, the principle of the glazier who smashes the windows only to realize that they need to be repaired. Eye roll.

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Great work, as usual EFC. Have you communicated with Richard Grove? He would probably enjoy talking with you and or putting some of your observations on his "Grand Theft World" - HIV BS is definitely part of a cabal of death, control, and wealth extraction.

BTW, I might be getting a new job soon - then I can make a donation. Best!

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Excellent interview, Eric, as always !

Please let me add some Janine Roberts links that Rebecca mentioned at min. 18:50 of this interview.

Janine Roberts book: https://archive.org/details/fear-of-the-invisible-an-investigation-of-viruses-and-roberts-janine-2nd-ed-2009

Janine Roberts short presentation: 




I also recommend two books from Nancy Turner Banks, which can be found at the bottom of this article:


And lastly, let's remember the work of Eleni. I think she and her group opened THE WAY, the door that we use today to rediscover the Virology Fraud in general: https://gamzuletova.substack.com/p/eleni-papadopulos-eleopulos

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The CDC's 'National Case-Control Study of Kaposi's Sarcoma and Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia in Homosexual Men: Parts 1 (Epidemiologic Results) and 2 (Laboratory Results) published in August 1983 are very important, but virtually unknown publications. The study is actually the finest, most in-depth study of the earliest GRID cases.

The Case-Control study was carried out between September and December 1981 but the results took another 20 months to be published. The preamble to part one states: 'To identify risk factors for the occurrence of Kaposi's sarcoma and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in homosexual men, we conducted a case-control study in New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. Fifty patients (cases) (39 with Kaposi's sarcoma, 8 with Pneumocystis pneumonia, and 3 with both) and 120 matched homosexual male controls (from sexually transmitted disease clinics and private medical practices) participated in the study.'

The conclusions drawn by the task force were as follows:

'The variable most strongly associated with illness was a larger number of male sex

partners per year (median, 61 for patients; 27 and 25 for clinic and private practice controls, respectively). Compared with controls, cases were also more likely to

have been exposed to feces during sex, have had syphilis and non-B hepatitis, have been treated for enteric parasites, and have used various illicit substances. Certain

aspects of a lifestyle shared by a subgroup of the male homosexual population are associated with an increased risk of Kaposi's sarcoma and Pneumocystis pneumonia.'

Part two contains a similar conclusion but also states:

'Laboratory studies reflected both this lifestyle and the probable underlying cause of the Kaposi's sarcoma and P. carinii pneumonia — cellular immune deficiency. Patients were found to have lymphopenia, specifically a deficiency of the T-helper subpopulation, resulting in a reversal of the T-helper to T-suppressor ratio. Levels of IgG and IgA were increased. When compared with controls, patients were also found to have significantly higher titers of antibody to Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus, a higher prevalence of antibody to hepatitis A virus and Treponema pallidum, a lower prevalence of antibody to varicella zoster virus, and a higher frequency of isolation of cytomegalovirus.'

Re the isolation of CMV the report says:

'Cultures of patients' urine and throat swab specimens yielded cytomegalovirus more frequently than those of the combined controls, 13 (25%) of 52 patients having

an isolation made from one or more sites, versus 9 (7%) of 124 combined controls.'

If a gay male was having, as some did, over 200 sexual contacts a year, they were coming into contact with live CMV virus 50 times a year.

Don't forget the controls were sexually active gay males in their own right, yet cases were more than three times more likely to have active CMV infections.

Even more astonishingly:

'The DNA restriction endonuclease analysis was done on DNA isolated from human-embryonic-lung fibroblasts infected with cytomegalovirus isolates obtained

from ten patients and ten controls. Different restriction endonuclease digestion patterns were obtained for each isolate, suggesting that each isolate contained unique BamHl restriction sites and presumably represented different strains of cytomegalovirus. '

So, not only were cases coming into frequent contact with a known fatal virus, but they were coming into contact with different strains of that virus too.

On June 1st 1981 W Carney published a paper, 'Analysis of T lymphocyte subsets in cytomegalovirus mononucleosis' which stated:

'Acute CMV infection is associated with a reversal in the normal ratio of helper to suppressor T lymphocytes with relative and absolute decreases in T helper cells and corresponding increases in T suppressor cells.'


This is the abstract in its entirety:

'Because of the ubiquity of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection among renal transplant patients, the correlation between CMV isolation and clinical events is often difficult. (The same was said about CMV and AIDS patients) In this prospective study, clinical CMV disease was diagnosed in 26 of 68 patients (38%) that received transplants between 1974 and 1976 on the basis of viral isolation and/or >4-fold rise in complement-fixing antibody in patients with an unexplained febrile illness of >5 days' duration.

All CMV syndromes began 1 to 4 months post-transplant, persisting up to 23 weeks thereafter (mean duration of symptoms was 19 days). Although CMV was observed in some instances to cause only prolonged fever (10 patients) or hepatitis (4 patients), its most important effects were pneumonia (9 patients) and profound leukopenia (8 patients). Three patterns of pneumonia were observed: bilateral interstitial pneumonia (3 patients), unilateral focal consolidation (1 patient) (both attributable to CMV alone), and diffuse bilateral pneumonia attributable to CMV and superinfecting microorganisms (5 patients). These last patients had CMV-induced leukopenia of >1 week's duration at onset of superinfection, and all died. The 4 patients without leukopenia did not develop superinfection, and all survived. Two other renal transplant recipients died of infection during this period, both with CMV, leukopenia, and Listeria monocytogenes sepsis. The major infectious disease importance of CMV appears to be its effects on the respiratory tract and systemic host defense in predisposing to fatal superinfection.'

In 1974 Simmons wrote:

'The severely immunosuppressed patient cannot make an antibody response (to CMV), he may be further immunosuppressed by the viral infection, and is susceptible to sequential opportunistic infections leading to death.'

Originally, the CDC's task force was the 'Kaposi's Sarcoma and Opportunistic Infections' task force ......

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Perth group or Elanni Papadoupolas mentioned?

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Amazing, tons of stuff i know/knew but great informative back and forth by two bright folks ✊🏿✊🏿

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As I keep on telling anyone who will listen or read with an open mind, AIDS is very simple. It was the CDC, who for reasons of self-interest and self-preservation, made it complicated.

The situation in the summer of 1981 was as follows.

1) The MMWR of June 5th,1981, reported 5 cases of ‘Pneumocystis Pneumonia --- Los Angeles’.

2) The MMWR of July 3rd, 1981, reported ‘Kaposi's Sarcoma and Pneumocystis Pneumonia Among Homosexual Men — New York City and California’.

The title of the June MMWR was misleading. A much more honest and informative title would have been ‘CMV, Pneumocystis Pneumonia in homosexual men --- Los Angeles’ because all 5 patients had ‘laboratory-confirmed previous or current cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection’.

A medical detective who looked at that revised headline, or if they had read the report in full, would have asked the question, what, if any, was the association between CMV and PCP pneumonia? The answer would, as Michael Callen discovered, that that was a long-standing association between CMV and PCP pneumonia, dating back to the 1950s. The October 1960 paper titled ‘Cytomegalic inclusion disease and Pneumocystis carinii infection in an adult', is virtually an AIDS prophecy.

‘In adults, cytomegalic inclusion disease is rare and takes a different form. It may be confined to a single organ in association with other diseases, notably those of the reticuloendothelial system (Hamperl 1956). In a more generalised form, it is often accompanied by other systemic diseases. The association of these two apparently separate and normally saprophytic infections (CMV/PCP) is interesting, and perhaps not entirely fortuitous, especially since the nature of the Pneumocystis organism has not yet been determined. In due course a closer relationship may be established. It is important to recognise their potential pathogenicity and their ability to produce, either alone or in combination, fatal infections in man. There is some evidence that this danger is increased by prolonged treatment with steroids and antibiotics. Possibly more cases will occur because of the increasing use of these drugs.’


A 1979 paper, ‘Pneumocystis carinii, Toxoplasma gondii, Cytomegalovirus and the Compromised Host’, states that ‘Both parasites (PCP and Toxoplasmosis) are associated with cytomegalovirus infection in immunosuppressed hosts, an association which may be due to symbiosis between parasites, or to an additive immunosuppressive effect of dual infection on the hosts.’ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1238480/pdf/westjmed00245-0044.pdf

The July MMWR contained the following information:

‘The results of tests for cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection were available for 12 patients. All 12 had serological evidence of past or present CMV infection. In 3 patients for whom culture results were available, CMV was isolated from blood, urine and/or lung of all 3.’

In 1979, Bijan Safai, a leading Kaposi’s expert published a paper which stated that ‘seroepidemiologic analyses have revealed a specific serologic association with CMV but not with herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 and 2 or EBV in KS patients.’ https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/1097-0142%2819800315%2945%3A6%3C1472%3A%3AAID-CNCR2820450629%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A

Like every other detective, a medical detective looks for means and opportunity. So, did CMV have the means to cause what was termed AIDS? In 1974, Simmons published ‘Cytomegalovirus: Clinical virological correlations in renal transplant recipients’. He states: ‘The severely immunosuppressed patient cannot make an antibody response (to CMV), (and) may be further immunosuppressed by the viral infection, and is susceptible to sequential opportunistic infections leading to death.’

In 1977, Rubin published ‘Infectious disease syndromes attributable to cytomegalovirus and their significance among renal transplant recipients’ and he states ‘The major infectious disease importance of CMV appears to be its effects on the respiratory tract and systemic host defense in predisposing to fatal superinfection.’

So, CMV certainly had the means to do the type of damage AIDS patients suffered from. Did it have the opportunity. As I have stated above, CMV was present in all 5 original PCP cases and 12 out of 12 KS cases. The CDC KSOI task force found CMV in 163 out of 165 AIDS cases and controls drawn from the gay male population. Nine out of the first 10 NIH autopsy cases had disseminated CMV infection. In February 1981, Drew published, ‘Prevalence of cytomegalovirus infection in homosexual men’, he states:

‘Cytomegalovirus (CMV) was cultured from the urine of 14 of 190 homosexual but none of 101 heterosexual men attending a venereal disease clinic. Viruria was confined to men less than 30 years of age and was present in 14% of this group. Antibody to CMV was measured in the sera of 139 homosexual and 70 heterosexual men attending the same clinic and in 103 male volunteer blood donors. (CMV) Titers were found in 94% of homosexual patients but in only 54% of heterosexual patients and 43% of male volunteer blood donors. The data suggest that sexual transmission is an important mode of spread of CMV among adults and the homosexual men are at greater risk for CMV infections than are heterosexual men.’

A subgroup of very sexually active gay males, and a subgroup of needle sharing IVDUs in New York’s shooting galleries, were walking, talking infection incubators, and it should have been no surprise to anyone that they became sick. It certainly wasn’t a surprise to Michael Callen.

Ironically, even though I despise Michael Gottlieb, it is he of all the mainstream researchers who came the closest to explaining what AIDS was and how it was caused in his December 1981 paper, ‘Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia and Mucosal Candidiasis in Previously Healthy Homosexual Men —Evidence of a New Acquired Cellular Immunodeficiency. He states:

‘The inversion of the T helper to suppressor/cytotoxic ratio suggested that cytomegalovirus infection was an important factor in the pathogenesis of the immunodeficient state. A high level of exposure of male homosexuals to cytomegalovirus-infected secretions may account for the occurrence of this immune deficiency.’


T cells originate in the bone marrow, and mature in the thymus, one of the key features of AIDS patients was the destruction of the thymus gland by infection overload and it was this that caused the catastrophic reduction in the amount of t-cells in AIDS patients, bodies not a t-cell killing virus.

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What does Rebecca mean they 'could not find any other viruses'? CMV was ubiquitous in AIDS patients.

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I'll ask, but have you got a Cytomegalovirus isolation paper?

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'Cytomegalovirus (CMV) was cultured from the urine of 14 of 190 homosexual men'

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Photos on p9, 12.

'There was an extensive disseminated CMV infection with characteristic inclusions seen within the lungs, adrenals, seminal vesicles (Figure 10), retinas, spleen, pancreas, liver, duodenum, kidneys, and thyroid.'

CMV is not a fake virus like HIV, it has been cultured and photographed and satisifies all the criteria that HIV fails.

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I'm asking for the original paper that shows that Cytomegalovirus as an objective, transmissible, disease-causing agent — so they know they are working with something meaningful. What basis is there for assessing the accuracy of the assay, when there were approximately 100 cross-reactive agents for "HIV"?

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By the way it is clear from Shilts that Don Francis was the instigator or the retrovirus causes AIDS availability cascade. He took over the CDC task force's investigation, his PHD mentor, Max Essex, was good friends with Gallo, Gallo's work was read by the French, Beatrice Hahn worked in Gallo's lab, Bette Korber and David Ho worked in Essex's lab.

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And how many of these supposed diseases are not diseases at all, but are symptoms of poisoning of one sort or other (including medication "treatments,") just as so-called polio cases were likely caused by toxic pesticide poisoning?

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AMA thinks there are 44,000 diseases, according to Jon Rappoport.

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Yes. I saw a colleague at work die from "aids," which at the time was only so named after the fact, and the whole story of the discovery struck me as odd. I ended up reading Peter Duesberg then, and realizing how he got railroaded, because his model was not attractive to the politics of the day.

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I'm just starting to listen to this. You mentioned PCP near the beginning. It's interesting to note that the Perth Group point out that the diagnosis for PCP is a kind of arbitrary and presumptive diagnosis. It was assumed that if a gay man had pneumonia is was PCP. A definitive diagnosis of PCP was actually quite difficult to do. So we have another non-specific kind of diagnostic metric at play here.

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Monkey Pox was a similar, but up to date, attempt to equate gays with a virus.

How would trans navigate something like this, as I don't think trans, with their privileged position, will be expecting any virus theory made for them.

Maybe the next one will be a virus for heterosexuals; to cut the birthrate.

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By comparison something of a joke; I think monkeypox was a test balloon to see if they could get any traction out of another virus, and to test the gay thing. It was surely a test of whether Tedros could personally declare a pandemic against the opposition of his advisory council.

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Dear C: you should read the BS about Monkey pox from Donald Hopkins. He is from the West Indies, headed a "smallpox" eradication effort in Liberia and neighboring West African areas ... and (as Biden might say) "sonofabitch" - right after they "eradicated smallpox", monkey pox appeared in those parts of West Africa. Coincidence? I think not.


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