checking one fact — I've figured out that the movement of the shadow across the face of the earth is the projection of the Moon. The eclipse covers less than a degree (about half a degree) but it's at the fulcrum, so the projection on the planet covers many more degrees. The eclipse path is in this case southeasterly, which if anything would slow down the apparent movement of the shadow, but only slightly. The eclipses lasts a few minutes -- enough for the planet to rotate less than two degrees. Anyone into this stuff have something to add?
The manner of the way they collapse is symmetrical, though they get hit asymmetrically. So much like.... 9/11!!! Could mean Israeli military/intelligence services complex prepared them for controlled demolition, meaning that the attacks were anticipated. How exactly does anyone clandestinely bring 5000 rockets into Gaza, one of the most densely surveilled locations in the world? Did you know that the "complex" played a crucial role in creating Hamas in the 1970s?
A stunning lack of discernment on the part of Dr. Scoglio? I will let him know. Meanwhile, I have published his study. It's right there for you to read
Great, so now, show me a paper proving that it exists, in some way other than peeled with Scotch tape from graphite; show me a patent for the manufacturing process. You say something exists. It's your move. Also, I take issue with "stunning lack of discernment." My author Dr Scoglio is a man of nothing other than discernment.
Patents prove the existence of something? ROTFL! I toyed with patent law while at the UC Berkeley law school (some 50 years ago, when it was Boalt Hall). Patents are given for *concepts*! They do NOT indicate the existence of anything. They are for gullible people who worship technology.
I’m interested to hear you describe in good detail the “game” you say we “no virus crowd” are playing. Please help me understand the “game” as you see it.
The system requires 5g (power, bandwidth), Graphene oxide (computer) and mRNA (operating system) to function. If you've been mislead to believe otherwise, you have been gamed.
People are being intellectually balkanized into arguments that do not exist. 5G vs nano vs pathogen and variations of thereof. I never see any of the sides making coherhant statements if how the system operates. What are the mechanics?
I offer a coherhant and complete analysis of how the system functions, and how to deactivate it.
Thanks Eric. It would be great if you could ask Prof Scoglio to respond to some of the comments here. I recall he engaged with critics of his hypothesis re. fake mRNA technology on off-guardian site in comments section and clarified lots of stuff.
My comments were to you and one other person but neither of you replied to my questions, just changed the subject so it's like I made zero comments which is quite frustrating for me. I respectfully ask that you at least read Lukach's articles or send them on to Prof Scoglio for info/comment. As brilliant as he is, he may well have not come across the work of this person and that of many others in links provided by other commenters here. Fair enough Eric? Or are you threatening to ban me?
As someone who has analysed about 20 videos in detail of self assembling technology (as well as classifying about a dozen of the micro-bots by form and function) I am interested in your and Dr Scoglio's evidence that the videos are produced by CGI.
the graphene nanoparticles and their derivatives, which in different sizes and designs enter the body of organisms and partially combine with the plasma, can't be removed
- if you are lucky, they are excreted with the blood without any blockages, but when you think of the many different thromboses and strokes of the last 2 years, it is rather difficult....
Hi again Eric. Mary-Ann has provided lots of useful info in her links. That is not trolling, even if you don't appreciate her tone. I for one will be looking at them. I have got into many online altercations with people who mock so-called virus-deniers like yourself. It's disappointing you're now using the same tactics to discredit the work of others who are actually trying to work out precisely how/why people are dying from these poisonous shots and to find solutions.
No, I am not a virus denier. I am a fraud investigator. I have methods that I reveal openly and have cited all of my sources.
There most certainly is a "virus" (meaning SARS-CoV-2) — the two original ones are MN908947 and 402123. They are publications of the Chinese Communist Party (Wu team and Ren team). The problem is they are metagrnomic transcripts; they are AI models.
These AI models are the last gasp of virology, as documented in Mark Bailey's paper on the topic. All parties admit this is what is being done. The question is, do these filings confirm the existence of a virus? Does de-novo sequencing (which is not sequencing -- it is metagenomic transcription) establish the existence of a virus when there is no original to compare with? This would be the question that would go to the experts before a judge and jury.
Meanwhile Mary-Ann can heap on all the evidence she wants. But that does not address the central point. Dr Scoglio's paper deserves a critical discussion. His points need to be considered. Throwing links out is not a discussion. Nothing that came before Stefano's paper can "refute" what is in it because those authors didn't have the paper to consider.
So far I have not seen any graphene people speak to points that Stefano is making.
I didn't call you a "virus denier", but a "so-called virus denier". Nuance. Mary-Ann's comments were to do with subject of interview which was not whether or not the virus(es) exist. Of course "the graphene people" haven't yet responded as it's only been available in Italian until now.
She said "jumping on" not "jumping in". Nuance (again). It is also clear to me that once Stefano (and Lanka) began denying possibility of GO being in shots, the entire no virus team jumped on board and decided to drop the subject and stick to virus/no virus debate, while in the meantime ignoring those seeking solutions. Mark Bailey did a 2-part interview with an emulsions specialist, then suddenly dropped the issue, walked it back actually. Now "Dr Sam", ex-TV med propagandist, is interviewing grifters like Kelly Brogan, also promoted by "Dr Andy", inventor of prize-winning anti-suicide machine for schizos and frequent guest at scammer Jeff Berwick's pathetic anarchapoulko event. All the no-virus people jumped ON Scoglio's/Lanka's bandwagon. A bit off point maybe. Feel free to ignore and spend your precious time looking into links provided by commenters, rather than claiming Campra/QC etc. are frauds.
Just to set the record straight, Mark Bailey did NOT "drop the issue" at all. He had this specialist, Dr Robin Wakeling, back on for a third session, in which Wakeling characterized all the items found as water formations.
Hi Eric - did I hear you or Stefano say that the videos showing what appears to be self-assembling nanotechnology in the vials is based on CGI? If that is true, then you're saying that people like Dr David Nixon are also frauds? This 3 min video (sped up) is not real? I have much admiration for Stefano Scoglio (and yourself) but did not find him very convincing here. (That said, I haven't read the paper yet.) He also called Dr Campra's study fraudulent. That's a pretty serious accusation. Also Campra's initial paper came out as a draft in June 2021 when he asked for comments by his peers. Why wait for over 2 years to comment? Maybe Prof Scoglio is afraid to associate himself with any more alleged conspiracy theorists? Anyway thanks for the interview. I recall Stefano expressing his doubts re. GO during his interview with Torsten Engelbrecht in Nov22 (where he also expressed hesitation in being associated with alleged conspiracy theories) so I was looking forward to his paper on the subject which I'm about to read.
That's exactly what Dr Ryan Cole claimed during interview with Del Bigtree a few months back. He also claims viruses are real and the injected have become spike-producing factories. Do you seriously think Dr Nixon and all the other guys who have spent maybe 1000s of hours examining vials/blood under microscope know nothing about crystal formation? I'm not sure what you mean by you have no provenance for the video. Nixon filmed it in his lab. Also he doesn't claim there's GO in the vials. John Lukash has done some interesting articles on the nanotechnology. See and He specifically refers to Nixon's video in part 2, but best to read part 1 first.
I am not here to say what they know or don't know. I have a high standard of proof. Every step has to be met, and then repeated. I know a lot of people in this world believe their own press releases. The blind spots abound. I have not looked closely at their work. Also I did not say that was crystal formation. I said it looked like it (and would therefore need to be differentiated from it). What exactly are they claiming is "self assembling" in that video? What is the device?
P.S. You need to look at Lukash's analysis of Nixon's presentations (towards end of part 2 link I sent you) where he explains "nano network", "bio-cyber interface" and "gateway devices". You mentioned during interview with Stefano an intelligent young woman who's working with you who would likely disagree with him. Maybe ask her to read Lukash's articles if you don't have time/competency.
HAMAS has tunnels every. They built rockets out of water pipes. They're really no more sophisticated than kids model rockets. They weigh the propellant, the complete rocket, adjust angle of launch, and the unguided rockets land in a precalculated general area, just like dumb mortars.
Fantastic interview with Scoglio Eric. Fraud 'medical education' leads to fraud medicine methinks. Also here is the interview from last year with Scoglio, telling it like it is with the 'mrna' fraud. More gold here folks. I haven't had time for the Astro section, though it is a happening now!
So you're into astro charts? I could very easily mock you and the author for your ideas but I don't because I know nothing about the subject and even if I did I don't see how knowing about it would help me stop what's going on at present.
The interview with Stefano Scoglio is a a DIAMOND. Must read his article. Thanks for publishing it and talking with him. Many units of light were shed. But, i get a "1016 error" when i click on the article's link.
I have an 1100 word article on your interview with Stefano Scoglio titled The Ongoing Dupery About (Non Existent) Graphene in Vaccines. I have submitted it to American Thinker but they tend to want less technical content. If you would like to post it please let me know how to send it to you to look at. Scoglio's study There is No Graphene and your interview need wide dissemination
I also have a 5-page condensation of his study to link to for clarity and to generate more readers.
Many have heard of Theranos - a fraudulent investor scam that got caught.
I increasingly suspect the models accepted as science of being bent & bought to provide the gain of function to its biased operation (bent - as in seeking fame/fortune or bought as in Philanthropathic funding.
The pattern runs to invest in the science by which to
'define the field or model'
by which to run the risk-modelling by which to
media hype the population into funding the provision of 'solutions' that reinforce or protect the 'problem' while ratcheting regulatory capture as protections given social consent or compliance.
As to what is really happening in the body-mind, we know that the belief in a threat can be more effective a weapon than a real threat/weapon. Ie: covid. There's no truth in it. But invested identity frames experience as real.
Biologically water interacts with light & DOES form hexagonal crystal lattice structure, Does interact with nanoparticulates in suspension and nano-biology is the level of both biofield communication and maintaining energy far from entropy.
If human GoF could be defined - it would be the hacking of Life (Mind of God) to generate experience of private minds, or covert Id set in collective masking dissociation as polarised interactions.
The mask (masking self-illusion) is completely dependent on the reality it is invoked to hide, ignore or map out while engaging the exclusive focus in the RESULTS or effects of judgements that are internalised or projected to backstory.
You can refer to the Myth of the Fall as a symbol sketch. But better sketched as the belief & experience of Separation, via the creation of self-imaged representations that we now experience as tangible external determiners of a 'world' to which we both adapt and co-create.
Our investment in 'evils' will be set in the solutions or mitigations by which we can tolerate or ignore and mask pain at the heart - not least by projection onto 'the othered' by a drive for predictive control as continuity.
We want our own experience of existence or we would not 'be here'.
But at some point a dissociating 'Prodigal' of mistaken identity-inheritance flips to the reintegrative Call to heal. 'Bottoming out'.
HAMAS has tunnels every. They built rockets out of water pipes. They're really no more sophisticated than kids model rockets. They weigh the propellant, the complete rocket, adjust angle of launch, and the unguided rockets land in a precalculated general area, just like dumb mortars.
checking one fact — I've figured out that the movement of the shadow across the face of the earth is the projection of the Moon. The eclipse covers less than a degree (about half a degree) but it's at the fulcrum, so the projection on the planet covers many more degrees. The eclipse path is in this case southeasterly, which if anything would slow down the apparent movement of the shadow, but only slightly. The eclipses lasts a few minutes -- enough for the planet to rotate less than two degrees. Anyone into this stuff have something to add?
Last time i checked, this URL provides two videos showing big buildings collapsing in Gaza supposedly during the missile strikes by Israel.
The manner of the way they collapse is symmetrical, though they get hit asymmetrically. So much like.... 9/11!!! Could mean Israeli military/intelligence services complex prepared them for controlled demolition, meaning that the attacks were anticipated. How exactly does anyone clandestinely bring 5000 rockets into Gaza, one of the most densely surveilled locations in the world? Did you know that the "complex" played a crucial role in creating Hamas in the 1970s?
Well, that was painful. What a stunning lack of discernment.
A stunning lack of discernment on the part of Dr. Scoglio? I will let him know. Meanwhile, I have published his study. It's right there for you to read
Oh, I read it.
Great, so now, show me a paper proving that it exists, in some way other than peeled with Scotch tape from graphite; show me a patent for the manufacturing process. You say something exists. It's your move. Also, I take issue with "stunning lack of discernment." My author Dr Scoglio is a man of nothing other than discernment.
You guys are playing the same game as the "no virus" crowd.
I've already left you a paper illustrating how pervasively these nano particles are used.
You want patents for the production of Graphene Oxide?
Here is Graphene Flagship, the worlds leading propagandists of GO describing the production of Graphene Oxide.
Patents prove the existence of something? ROTFL! I toyed with patent law while at the UC Berkeley law school (some 50 years ago, when it was Boalt Hall). Patents are given for *concepts*! They do NOT indicate the existence of anything. They are for gullible people who worship technology.
Man, if I listen to people on the internet they'd have me believe nothing is real.
I’m interested to hear you describe in good detail the “game” you say we “no virus crowd” are playing. Please help me understand the “game” as you see it.
The system requires 5g (power, bandwidth), Graphene oxide (computer) and mRNA (operating system) to function. If you've been mislead to believe otherwise, you have been gamed.
People are being intellectually balkanized into arguments that do not exist. 5G vs nano vs pathogen and variations of thereof. I never see any of the sides making coherhant statements if how the system operates. What are the mechanics?
I offer a coherhant and complete analysis of how the system functions, and how to deactivate it.
I welcome discourse based on merits, but all I get jibber jabber based on symantics.
Thanks John! Bravo 👏
Thanks Eric. It would be great if you could ask Prof Scoglio to respond to some of the comments here. I recall he engaged with critics of his hypothesis re. fake mRNA technology on off-guardian site in comments section and clarified lots of stuff.
Kerrylyn, you have 15 out of the total 67 comments in this thread. that's enough for now.
My comments were to you and one other person but neither of you replied to my questions, just changed the subject so it's like I made zero comments which is quite frustrating for me. I respectfully ask that you at least read Lukach's articles or send them on to Prof Scoglio for info/comment. As brilliant as he is, he may well have not come across the work of this person and that of many others in links provided by other commenters here. Fair enough Eric? Or are you threatening to ban me?
He knows where this is published...Let's see if he shows up for the party.
As someone who has analysed about 20 videos in detail of self assembling technology (as well as classifying about a dozen of the micro-bots by form and function) I am interested in your and Dr Scoglio's evidence that the videos are produced by CGI.
and all these people are then idiots or what??? Has Dr. Scolgio bothered to examine even one of these toxic broths????
Dr. David Nixon
Austrian Research Group presents Its findings of undeclared components in these toxic poison substances(2021):
the graphene nanoparticles and their derivatives, which in different sizes and designs enter the body of organisms and partially combine with the plasma, can't be removed
have a special look at Fig. 3
- if you are lucky, they are excreted with the blood without any blockages, but when you think of the many different thromboses and strokes of the last 2 years, it is rather difficult....
And we know that people have NEVER been told the actual ingredients:
Apparently yes, they're all idiots or fraudsters according to these 2 guys. I hope Campra et al sues them for defamation.
OK that is quite enough for now. One more and you're trolling.
THIS is what I do with you - bye bye - the truth is just not so easy to bear!!!
Yeah you seem to be having an issue with it. Good night and good luck.
Hi again Eric. Mary-Ann has provided lots of useful info in her links. That is not trolling, even if you don't appreciate her tone. I for one will be looking at them. I have got into many online altercations with people who mock so-called virus-deniers like yourself. It's disappointing you're now using the same tactics to discredit the work of others who are actually trying to work out precisely how/why people are dying from these poisonous shots and to find solutions.
No, I am not a virus denier. I am a fraud investigator. I have methods that I reveal openly and have cited all of my sources.
There most certainly is a "virus" (meaning SARS-CoV-2) — the two original ones are MN908947 and 402123. They are publications of the Chinese Communist Party (Wu team and Ren team). The problem is they are metagrnomic transcripts; they are AI models.
These AI models are the last gasp of virology, as documented in Mark Bailey's paper on the topic. All parties admit this is what is being done. The question is, do these filings confirm the existence of a virus? Does de-novo sequencing (which is not sequencing -- it is metagenomic transcription) establish the existence of a virus when there is no original to compare with? This would be the question that would go to the experts before a judge and jury.
Meanwhile Mary-Ann can heap on all the evidence she wants. But that does not address the central point. Dr Scoglio's paper deserves a critical discussion. His points need to be considered. Throwing links out is not a discussion. Nothing that came before Stefano's paper can "refute" what is in it because those authors didn't have the paper to consider.
So far I have not seen any graphene people speak to points that Stefano is making.
and yeah, the tone of any presentation matters. the medium is the message.
I didn't call you a "virus denier", but a "so-called virus denier". Nuance. Mary-Ann's comments were to do with subject of interview which was not whether or not the virus(es) exist. Of course "the graphene people" haven't yet responded as it's only been available in Italian until now.
Well, that can be refuted very quickly just by looking at these two studies here and making the comparisons - and what do you think this - page 67 to 69
Well, you can read that too!
Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Stimulate Ruffling and Shedding of Mammalian Cell Plasma Membranes
and since 2019 we also know that the whole human organism is affected by this!!!!
Have you or Dr. Scoglio ever dealt with Graphene and its derivatives?
Where do you think these extremely serious side effects come from and you know there has NEVER been a so-called "virus"?!!!
have you read any study of these over 3500?
But hey, it's always good when someone says/claim something and everyone immediately jumps on it.... but we already had that, right?
Who is jumping in? I published Stefano's paper. Irrespective of what other papers say, his points deserve careful reflection and thought.
She said "jumping on" not "jumping in". Nuance (again). It is also clear to me that once Stefano (and Lanka) began denying possibility of GO being in shots, the entire no virus team jumped on board and decided to drop the subject and stick to virus/no virus debate, while in the meantime ignoring those seeking solutions. Mark Bailey did a 2-part interview with an emulsions specialist, then suddenly dropped the issue, walked it back actually. Now "Dr Sam", ex-TV med propagandist, is interviewing grifters like Kelly Brogan, also promoted by "Dr Andy", inventor of prize-winning anti-suicide machine for schizos and frequent guest at scammer Jeff Berwick's pathetic anarchapoulko event. All the no-virus people jumped ON Scoglio's/Lanka's bandwagon. A bit off point maybe. Feel free to ignore and spend your precious time looking into links provided by commenters, rather than claiming Campra/QC etc. are frauds.
Just to set the record straight, Mark Bailey did NOT "drop the issue" at all. He had this specialist, Dr Robin Wakeling, back on for a third session, in which Wakeling characterized all the items found as water formations.
Hi Eric - did I hear you or Stefano say that the videos showing what appears to be self-assembling nanotechnology in the vials is based on CGI? If that is true, then you're saying that people like Dr David Nixon are also frauds? This 3 min video (sped up) is not real? I have much admiration for Stefano Scoglio (and yourself) but did not find him very convincing here. (That said, I haven't read the paper yet.) He also called Dr Campra's study fraudulent. That's a pretty serious accusation. Also Campra's initial paper came out as a draft in June 2021 when he asked for comments by his peers. Why wait for over 2 years to comment? Maybe Prof Scoglio is afraid to associate himself with any more alleged conspiracy theorists? Anyway thanks for the interview. I recall Stefano expressing his doubts re. GO during his interview with Torsten Engelbrecht in Nov22 (where he also expressed hesitation in being associated with alleged conspiracy theories) so I was looking forward to his paper on the subject which I'm about to read.
that looks to me like something is crystallizing.
If you watched rock candy form under a microscope it would blow your mind.
It does not prove graphene or nanotechnology and we have no provenance for that video and I have not interviewed Nixon.
That's exactly what Dr Ryan Cole claimed during interview with Del Bigtree a few months back. He also claims viruses are real and the injected have become spike-producing factories. Do you seriously think Dr Nixon and all the other guys who have spent maybe 1000s of hours examining vials/blood under microscope know nothing about crystal formation? I'm not sure what you mean by you have no provenance for the video. Nixon filmed it in his lab. Also he doesn't claim there's GO in the vials. John Lukash has done some interesting articles on the nanotechnology. See and He specifically refers to Nixon's video in part 2, but best to read part 1 first.
I am not here to say what they know or don't know. I have a high standard of proof. Every step has to be met, and then repeated. I know a lot of people in this world believe their own press releases. The blind spots abound. I have not looked closely at their work. Also I did not say that was crystal formation. I said it looked like it (and would therefore need to be differentiated from it). What exactly are they claiming is "self assembling" in that video? What is the device?
I asked Dr Nixon about Scoglio/yr claim re. CGI. He responded: "CGI would take too long - this is time consuming enough.!"
P.S. You need to look at Lukash's analysis of Nixon's presentations (towards end of part 2 link I sent you) where he explains "nano network", "bio-cyber interface" and "gateway devices". You mentioned during interview with Stefano an intelligent young woman who's working with you who would likely disagree with him. Maybe ask her to read Lukash's articles if you don't have time/competency.
They are making no definitive claims as far as I can judge. They are putting their work out there for others to consider.
HAMAS has tunnels every. They built rockets out of water pipes. They're really no more sophisticated than kids model rockets. They weigh the propellant, the complete rocket, adjust angle of launch, and the unguided rockets land in a precalculated general area, just like dumb mortars.
Fantastic interview with Scoglio Eric. Fraud 'medical education' leads to fraud medicine methinks. Also here is the interview from last year with Scoglio, telling it like it is with the 'mrna' fraud. More gold here folks. I haven't had time for the Astro section, though it is a happening now!
Yes, that was brilliant interview. This one not so much!
BTW, the indicators in the astrological charts of a common entity controlling both sides in the Middle East war, just like the 9/11 charts: WOW!!
Hamas is Israeli intelligence:
Just like the PLO was British intelligence:
So this looks very likely to be a mostly fake war:
agonizing, I know. makes a mockery of the once-awesome 9/11 chart...former grand master of the Mutual Reception. Move over for 10/7.
So you're into astro charts? I could very easily mock you and the author for your ideas but I don't because I know nothing about the subject and even if I did I don't see how knowing about it would help me stop what's going on at present.
The interview with Stefano Scoglio is a a DIAMOND. Must read his article. Thanks for publishing it and talking with him. Many units of light were shed. But, i get a "1016 error" when i click on the article's link.
EDIT: The link now works.
try this one
Thanks, Wendy, got it by other means but that's a good one to know!
Edit: It's now OK in the text, same link as what you provide here.
I have an 1100 word article on your interview with Stefano Scoglio titled The Ongoing Dupery About (Non Existent) Graphene in Vaccines. I have submitted it to American Thinker but they tend to want less technical content. If you would like to post it please let me know how to send it to you to look at. Scoglio's study There is No Graphene and your interview need wide dissemination
I also have a 5-page condensation of his study to link to for clarity and to generate more readers.
Wayne Lusvardi
Many have heard of Theranos - a fraudulent investor scam that got caught.
I increasingly suspect the models accepted as science of being bent & bought to provide the gain of function to its biased operation (bent - as in seeking fame/fortune or bought as in Philanthropathic funding.
The history of LNT risk modelling is a good case in point -
The pattern runs to invest in the science by which to
'define the field or model'
by which to run the risk-modelling by which to
media hype the population into funding the provision of 'solutions' that reinforce or protect the 'problem' while ratcheting regulatory capture as protections given social consent or compliance.
As to what is really happening in the body-mind, we know that the belief in a threat can be more effective a weapon than a real threat/weapon. Ie: covid. There's no truth in it. But invested identity frames experience as real.
Biologically water interacts with light & DOES form hexagonal crystal lattice structure, Does interact with nanoparticulates in suspension and nano-biology is the level of both biofield communication and maintaining energy far from entropy.
If human GoF could be defined - it would be the hacking of Life (Mind of God) to generate experience of private minds, or covert Id set in collective masking dissociation as polarised interactions.
The mask (masking self-illusion) is completely dependent on the reality it is invoked to hide, ignore or map out while engaging the exclusive focus in the RESULTS or effects of judgements that are internalised or projected to backstory.
You can refer to the Myth of the Fall as a symbol sketch. But better sketched as the belief & experience of Separation, via the creation of self-imaged representations that we now experience as tangible external determiners of a 'world' to which we both adapt and co-create.
Our investment in 'evils' will be set in the solutions or mitigations by which we can tolerate or ignore and mask pain at the heart - not least by projection onto 'the othered' by a drive for predictive control as continuity.
We want our own experience of existence or we would not 'be here'.
But at some point a dissociating 'Prodigal' of mistaken identity-inheritance flips to the reintegrative Call to heal. 'Bottoming out'.
Weird synchronicity: heard you mention nukes right after I watched this:
HAMAS has tunnels every. They built rockets out of water pipes. They're really no more sophisticated than kids model rockets. They weigh the propellant, the complete rocket, adjust angle of launch, and the unguided rockets land in a precalculated general area, just like dumb mortars.
that's NOT what happened this time.
I went straight to the Tantra( I stopped anything stressful for the mean time ;) 👍🏻👍🏻❤️🙏🏼