The processes that led to the covid tyranny have not been properly revealed for what they are. Indeed, they are still in motion. The notion that we are out of the woods is an illusion. All the administrative, legislative, and financial infrastructure built before and during the covid era is intact. Thus, emergency countermeasures could return with the flip of the switch. We could once again be forced to bear the brunt of draconian decrees and repressive measures mandated by public health authorities.
We must understand the covid campaign was not an isolated episode but, rather, a highly organized undertaking disguised as a public health emergency. This multi-faceted structural event was the culmination of the Deep State's decades-old determination to institute a raft of invasive policies—including the worldwide suspension of basic civil liberties—to salvage their crumbling financial empire and usher in a complete transformation of society.
January 11, 1999 — Time magazine publishes a special issue, with a cover announcing "The Future of Medicine — How Genetic Engineering Will Change Us In The Next Century."
Summer 1999 — The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is formally established.
November 1999 — The Gates Foundation donates $750 million to set up the GAVI Alliance (initially called the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, now called GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance) for the purpose of accelerating "the delivery of life-saving vaccines to the world's poorest children."
Spring 2000 — The Vaccine Research Center opens its doors as Building 40 on the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus. The origins of the Vaccine Research Center date back to 1996, following discussions about HIV/AIDS research that were held by President Bill Clinton and National Institute Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony Fauci.
Fall 2000 — Bill Gates visits a child health clinic in New Delhi, India, announces a $25 million grant to support polio vaccinations there, then helps administer oral polio vaccines to Indian children. Melinda does the same with children in Thailand.
2001 — Epidemiologist and Imperial College Professor Neil Ferguson convinces Prime Minister Tony Blair to have 6 million cattle slaughtered to stop an alleged foot-and-mouth epidemic.
June 22–23, 2001 — Operation Dark Winter is the first of five tabletop exercises simulating a health crisis that the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security would sponsor between 2001 and 2019. A hypothetical smallpox attack, the Dark Winter war game takes place at Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland, less than three months before the events of 9/11. Several congressmen, a former CIA director, a former FBI director, government insiders, and invited members of the press are involved in simulating the response to a smallpox biological weapon attack against the American public. During the drill, authorities pretend to try to stop the spread of "dangerous misinformation" and "unverified" cures. Participants discuss the possibility of removing civil liberties and of enforcing "martial rule."
This timeline plots against the transition into what I call "full digital conditions," which start with Y2K and extend through the stolen election of 2000 and then 9/11.
Um...Polaris is the Pole Star NOW, for our era. It will move by precession (apparent movement due to wobble, which creates the illusion of precessional movement). Its position is not actually fixed (stars move VERY slowly relative to our perspective) but appears fixed since the movement of stars is not visible as the distances are so vast. Rather the axis currently points to it. At other times, other stars were the pole star.
I see, so you have not personally verified your position? Let's start with: NASA was established in 1958 to lead the United States' civilian space program. It has nothing to do with deep space astronomy or geophysics. The are not astronomers; they do have flight engineers. NASA is a kind of general contractor for federal projects. Basic geophysics were mapped out thousands of years before any space mission. NASA never told anyone that the world is a sphere or anything else. So this is not about them.
von Braun was a nazi rocket scientist. you are living in a digital fantasy, Lookatit. You're not looking at IT, you're looking into the kaleidoscope of the internet and in that realm, planets are not only flat, they are reduced to zeros and ones.
The processes that led to the covid tyranny have not been properly revealed for what they are. Indeed, they are still in motion. The notion that we are out of the woods is an illusion. All the administrative, legislative, and financial infrastructure built before and during the covid era is intact. Thus, emergency countermeasures could return with the flip of the switch. We could once again be forced to bear the brunt of draconian decrees and repressive measures mandated by public health authorities.
We must understand the covid campaign was not an isolated episode but, rather, a highly organized undertaking disguised as a public health emergency. This multi-faceted structural event was the culmination of the Deep State's decades-old determination to institute a raft of invasive policies—including the worldwide suspension of basic civil liberties—to salvage their crumbling financial empire and usher in a complete transformation of society.
January 11, 1999 — Time magazine publishes a special issue, with a cover announcing "The Future of Medicine — How Genetic Engineering Will Change Us In The Next Century."
Summer 1999 — The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is formally established.
November 1999 — The Gates Foundation donates $750 million to set up the GAVI Alliance (initially called the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, now called GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance) for the purpose of accelerating "the delivery of life-saving vaccines to the world's poorest children."
Spring 2000 — The Vaccine Research Center opens its doors as Building 40 on the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus. The origins of the Vaccine Research Center date back to 1996, following discussions about HIV/AIDS research that were held by President Bill Clinton and National Institute Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony Fauci.
Fall 2000 — Bill Gates visits a child health clinic in New Delhi, India, announces a $25 million grant to support polio vaccinations there, then helps administer oral polio vaccines to Indian children. Melinda does the same with children in Thailand.
2001 — Epidemiologist and Imperial College Professor Neil Ferguson convinces Prime Minister Tony Blair to have 6 million cattle slaughtered to stop an alleged foot-and-mouth epidemic.
June 22–23, 2001 — Operation Dark Winter is the first of five tabletop exercises simulating a health crisis that the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security would sponsor between 2001 and 2019. A hypothetical smallpox attack, the Dark Winter war game takes place at Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland, less than three months before the events of 9/11. Several congressmen, a former CIA director, a former FBI director, government insiders, and invited members of the press are involved in simulating the response to a smallpox biological weapon attack against the American public. During the drill, authorities pretend to try to stop the spread of "dangerous misinformation" and "unverified" cures. Participants discuss the possibility of removing civil liberties and of enforcing "martial rule."
This timeline plots against the transition into what I call "full digital conditions," which start with Y2K and extend through the stolen election of 2000 and then 9/11.
Also I know you're not into astrology however mid-1999 was a massive watershed, associated with the flyby of the Cassini Space Probe.
Gain of Fiction. A Song About How the Gain-of-Function Narrative Reinforces the False Belief in Disease-Causing Viruses.
My favorite parts of Covid:
We are done with modern medicine;
we’re done with these fools for doctors; and we are done with the pile of shit they dove themselves into.
Let them study that.
Great work. Thank you for what you do!
Luckily, the skies are blue... Although, that's what they used to be.
Um...Polaris is the Pole Star NOW, for our era. It will move by precession (apparent movement due to wobble, which creates the illusion of precessional movement). Its position is not actually fixed (stars move VERY slowly relative to our perspective) but appears fixed since the movement of stars is not visible as the distances are so vast. Rather the axis currently points to it. At other times, other stars were the pole star.
I used to believe everything NASA told me, but stopped outsourcing my thinking years ago.
I see, so you have not personally verified your position? Let's start with: NASA was established in 1958 to lead the United States' civilian space program. It has nothing to do with deep space astronomy or geophysics. The are not astronomers; they do have flight engineers. NASA is a kind of general contractor for federal projects. Basic geophysics were mapped out thousands of years before any space mission. NASA never told anyone that the world is a sphere or anything else. So this is not about them.
The 4 founders of NASA were very interesting occultists.
This is also interesting:
von Braun was a nazi rocket scientist. you are living in a digital fantasy, Lookatit. You're not looking at IT, you're looking into the kaleidoscope of the internet and in that realm, planets are not only flat, they are reduced to zeros and ones.