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As If Nothing Happened, part one
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As If Nothing Happened, part one

It was five years ago that the world started to lock down — and soon 4 billion people were under orders to stay home. Part one of two.
Hundreds of dancers — not shown — outside some hospital somewhere. The line stretches about a city block to the left and the right. It’s not AI. This is a real photo. If you have Facebook, you can see the full video here. It’s astonishing.

This article was originally published Thursday on Planet Waves, however, the work was really done by the Chiron Return mentorship program and paid for by donors to the organization. Many of you are on this list. For a full list of contributors to this effort, see the credits to the Chronology. While we have scaled back Chiron Return over the past couple of years, I am ready to rebuild the news department to address the “AI” issue. You are welcome to get on board and make a contribution toward that effort. Thank you.

As If Nothing…

Dear Friend and Reader:

When I woke up on the morning of March 3, 2020, I knew what to do. In a way that has only happened a few times before, I got direct information from my inner teacher about a course of action to commence immediately.

Learn the test.

That is, what was being called the “covid test,” which I knew from reading current news articles was based on a device called the polymerase chain reaction. I was familiar with this device from covering HIV/AIDS during the summer of 1992, during a lull in another story.

The “covid test” was being used to justify the claim that there was a pandemic spreading internationally. It was being used to justify closing vast regions of China and Italy. It was being used to advance the virus story. It was being used to justify shutting down the Lombardy region in northern Italy.

It was being used to justify everything, and this would go on — for years. I understood that the “covid test” would be the crux of the issue. And nobody seemed to know or care how it worked or what it was made of. Behind that scrim was quite a story.

I thought I had left behind investigative reporting on scientific issues a few other times before, and was called back into the work. You may know me as an “astrojournalist,” though my specialty is at the meeting place of corporate fraud and mass poisoning incidents. I have done this since age 19, when I first planted my feet in the Love Canal neighborhood in western New York.

At first the story always seems daunting, like thinking you’re supposed to scale a horizontal wall. And I did — we did; working with 16 named investigators and several who must remain anonymous, we documented the issue and built the world’s only actual chronology of the ‘covid’ incident, spanning from 2006 to 2023.

Next week I will cover the astrology of the national emergency declared by Trump on March 13, 2020. If you are interested in the astrology, this is an article on what was happening in China and with the planets in January 2020.

Hazardous materials workers outside Bliss Residence Hall at SUNY New Paltz in January 1992. The supervisor is wearing Level C; the workers are wearing Level B (self-contained air) demonstrating the level of toxicity. Photo by Eric Coppolino / SLNS.

Beginning Covid19 News on March 3, 2020

From much experience, I am confident in my abilities, even when presented with a massive, seemingly impossible issue where I don’t know the ropes or have any established contacts. I just set up shop and start collecting sources and documents. So on March 3, 2020, I did two things: I assembled a team to work on the story, and I started a general chronology of the issue, created as a new publication, Covid19 News.

This was the world’s first publication dedicated to the crisis. We have done many of these over the years at Planet Waves, but never with such persistent focus.

To understand one facet of a major issue, you need to understand many other parts. Nothing exists in isolation, and the “covid test” was related to every other issue — we had to know them all. I knew it would take time, but we would, if I persisted.

Those on my team who were willing — that is, among the staff of an astrology website — participated in the most massive news aggregation project I’ve ever taken part in, scanning thousands of articles and posting 10 a day. We sustained this effort for the next 1,185 days. To get a sense of what was going on at the outset in March 2020, you’re invited to check out our results for that month. You may be amazed by the memories it brings back.

On March 3, a young lawyer on my team agreed to construct a back-chronology taking the story to the beginning, which I assumed would be around November 2019. It turned out to be 2006, and depending on how you look, the “Spanish Flu” of 1918-1919.

By day 1,185, I had gotten to the bottom of “covid,” of the “covid test” — the PCR and its long and troubled history, of the claims of a pandemic and a virus, and ultimately of virology itself. I am still a little shocked at my findings, though really, it’s the same old story as every other scientific and medical scam.

Reading detailed books and studying articles and scientific papers, I redid the AIDS story, I learned the history of polio and the vaccine, made the DDT connection and took that back the pesticide activists who gave me a lot of information about toxins long ago, and learned the SV-40 issue (contamination of polio vaccines).

Ward Stone, New York State Wildlife Pathologist, with Planet Waves staff member Genevieve Salerno in 2008 in his laboratory at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s campus in Delmar, NY. Photo by Eric F. Coppolino.

Finding Sources: It Took a While

It took me months to start identifying sources who would talk or give email interviews, but with many hours of footwork and writing solid stories, I started to gain their trust and they opened up.

I looked into the matter of viruses and bacteria escaping from labs with the help of Dr. Ward B. Stone, the New York State Wildlife Pathologist. I had known Ward for many years and he was my first expert interview. His specialty was wildlife viruses (and PCBs, which is how I met him). We never got to discuss the missing virus problem. It would have been an interesting conversation.

Then as a “lab leak” theory began to circulate, I sought out the world’s foremost expert on the issue, Dr. Richard Ebright of my grad school alma mater Rutgers University. He has devoted his career to the issue of lab safety. In other words, I went to reputable sources, not Twitter memes.

I began to learn the history of incorrect and contaminated research cell lines with the help of Dr. Christopher Korch, in preparation for an eventual story on a “covid” vaccine. I interviewed Dr. Thomas Melendy of SUNY Buffalo, my undergrad alma mater, who got me started on a real understanding of virology and vaccinology. From there I spoke with toxicologist and biochemist Dr. David Rasnick, an early AIDS researcher.

In order to understand the death reporting issue, I sought out a man named John B. Cumming, one of the world’s leading actuarial analysts. John had written my recommendation for Princeton University when I applied at age 16, and I found him — and decades later, he remembered me. He told me that death certificates are not to be trusted, and are rarely accurate.

All of this had happened from March through August of 2020. Here is a partial list of my first-year sources on the story.

Let me tell you something. Other journalists were not doing this kind of work. They just printed the press release. Whatever Fauci said had to be true.

Note, if this post is truncated, tap the headline for the web edition.

More dancing nurses.

What I Was Not Thinking

There were two things not going through my mind in March 2020.

The first was that I was not concerned about catching a disease, and surely not a deadly one. I am a well-studied homeopath, experienced in prescribing, and in the history of the art. This includes knowing something about the homeopathic history of treating pandemics, among them cholera and “Spanish Flu.”

I keep a homeopathic pharmacy with 100 remedies; and I ordered a few extras from the lab right before they closed. I was also advised by a midwife friend which herbs to keep on hand. I thought about it and determined that should I need to, I would treat those who were sick. I only ever treated for anxiety.

Which leads to the second thing I was not thinking, which was that public officials were lying. I knew from my HIV/AIDS tour of duty that Anthony Fauci was a documented liar. But I didn’t assume he was lying. There is a difference. My policy is to apply the precautionary principle: assume the worst until the data comes in.

Most people assumed the worst and let the data be damned. Others were suspicious from the outset. This included my up-the-street neighbor Gerald Celente, editor of Trends Journal, who was furious from the get-go and called the whole story out as a scam. I remember speaking with him in March 2020 and he was furious.

I took a more cautious approach, assuming that the virus/pandemic scenario was true until proven otherwise.

There was one last thing I was not doing, which was listening to the becoming-famous crowd of people claiming that the whole thing was a false flag incident.

I was not interested in their analysis. I knew they might be right. Yet I was seeking my own analysis of the hard scientific data. I didn’t need anyone to interpret it for me. I know when I don’t understand something and when I do. I am five times over-cautious. To have high confidence, the thing being disproved must have no path of escape.

By July, the story was so full of holes that a flock of birds could fly through it. Nothing added up. Among other things, I learned that the PCR had repeatedly caused three different “false pandemics,” as admitted by the CDC. I wrote an article documenting that issue, called It’s Time to Demand the Truth about Covid-19.

More dancing nurses.

The World Bought the Story

Few people had questions. Most seemed content to live through the Worst Thing Ever and have a story for the grandkids. If you may recall, there was outright hostility to those who did not fully accept the pandemic narrative or who dared to question it.

When the world shut down, there was a sense of relief from having a little time off. Few recognized that they were in a hostage situation: that the “vaccine” being prepared would be the ransom they had to pay to go back to work.

When we learned there were problems getting the questions out to the public, few were surprised. And yet there was little reckoning with the fact of having been lied to.

The strangest example, straight out of Orwell’s novel 1984, involves the “lab leak theory.” Some time in the spring of 2000, Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier, probably the world’s most famous virologist (credited with the co-discovery of HIV), said he believed the claimed virus had been engineered. Presumably this implied that either the virus had escaped from a lab, or been made in a lab and released intentionally. This theory had been circulating in the British press, The New York Times and The Wall St. Journal in various forms since the beginning.

I posted the French article and the interview and was immediately banned from Facebook for a week for spreading disinformation. It turned out this was being orchestrated by the government. As the first year progressed, the “engineered virus” and “lab leak” notion bobbed up and down below the surface, always being shot down — including by the “intelligence community.” In an April 30, 2020 statement, the Office of National Intelligence wrote:

“The entire Intelligence Community has been consistently providing critical support to U.S. policymakers and those responding to the COVID-19 virus, which originated in China. The Intelligence Community also concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not man-made or genetically modified."

Image from The Sun newspaper on April 17, 2020 purporting to show the freezer door from which the “lab leak” happened. Read the coverage here.

By May of 2024, this position was reversed. The House Oversight Committee, part of Congress, wrote:

WASHINGTON — The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic recently reviewed classified U.S. Department of State (State Department) documents that credibly suggest COVID-19 originated from a lab related accident in Wuhan, China. The documents also strongly convey that the Chinese Communist Party attempted to cover-up the lab leak and that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) maintains a relationship with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) is requesting the State Department rapidly declassify this information and share the truth about the origins of COVID-19 with the American people.

Today, it’s the official line.

Blame China — despite the involvement of a U.S. company, Eco Health Alliance, and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, led by Fauci, in creating the alleged virus.

This is established fact; if you buy the “lab leak,” you are also buying the collaboration of Eco Health Alliance, the Wuhan Virology Institute, and Fauci illegally paying for the whole thing — that is the “lab leak scenario.” (Note, Pres. Biden pardoned Fauci as one of his last acts in office. But pardoned him for what?)

If this was true, you would think it would be bigger news.

Fauci wrote the check that paid for the research that made the virus that allegedly killed a million Americans? And the response is — yawn?

Yet there is no proof whatsoever that a virus was found, much less modified by a lab and then escaped into the population.

And by the way, how casually we accept the “lab leak” in place of the equally bullshit “wet market” story. Nobody is wondering about how they “got that wrong” and that was it. Oops! Until five minutes ago, The New York Times was pushing the “wet market” theory. But the “wet market” theory was disproved long before anyone heard of it — in the official medical literature, The Lancet — that was way back in January.

The truth of the virus is revealed because every government in the world, when queried, admits that it cannot produce a scientific paper, from anywhere in the world, showing that anyone has a sample of the virus. That work was done by Christine Massey and her team; see interview here.

This goes well with the problem of there being no test for a virus – or rather a “test” that falsely shows a virus is there when it is not. Or as Celia Farber said, “Who needs a virus when they have a test?”

Condemned and abandoned 100th St. looking south. This is a street, not a sidewalk.

Let’s Talk About that Photo, Then Come Back to “Covid.”

And also the dancing nurses.

The photo above is a suburban street in Niagara Falls, New York — the Honeymoon Capital of the World. As I have written before, when I was 19-years-old, I went to the abandoned Love Canal neighborhood. I remember the street above when it was lined with abandoned homes, with yards littered with kids’ toys. The photo above is of a street, not a sidewalk.

The neighborhood — 1,000 homes and apartments, and two schools — was built on top of 23,000 tons of toxic chemical and nuclear waste. And my angle on a several-year-old story was that New York State planned to put people back into the homes. And they did — in about 250 residences. To see what happened, watch this recent documentary.

So I came into the “covid” issue knowing that governments lie; they lie about health and science and it’s all a political drama at human expense. But I never took the shortcut and decided they were lying about “covid” without the evidence to prove it.

However, I didn’t have to get over any daddy issues, you know, “daddy would never do this, he would never lie.” But most people cannot conceive of problems this bad. Government is father; you cannot think of your father as a mass murderer.

It’s easier to understand if you listen to a former resident or take a walk around the neighborhood. But then it’s still extremely difficult to grasp. One cannot understand how people can do that to other people — and the Niagara Falls School Board was one of the most evil players. It was all their plan. They knew the land was a dump.

The question, “How did this happen?” is supplanted by a statement: it happened. And has happened many times.

One last question before I move on to my conclusion.

What’s with these nurses? Why wasn’t this recognized as a symptom of mass psychosis? The hospitals were supposed to have been overrun and the nurses risking their lives working around the clock. Instead they were dancing in the streets and in the corridors — and posting to TikTok.

As If Nothing Happened

Today it’s as if none of this actually happened. And yet it’s happening again; the mass murder of chickens and turkeys for nonexistent “avian influenza” is going on just behind the scrim. People are noticing because prices are going up.

What I find the most appalling is the lack of curiosity about the events of 2020 and how they led to the events of 2021, all of which involve a vaccine war that continues to the present day. The goal is now to inject every single chicken with the equivalent of the “covid vaccine.” Then we’re supposed to eat those genetically modified birds and eggs. Presently chickens are being killed by the millions to sell us this wonderful product to prevent a virus that does not exist.

During “covid,” most people came around to, “You can’t trust the government about anything except the existence of a virus.” Now the thinking is, “You can’t trust the government about anything except the lab leak.” With about 10 exceptions, all of the presenters in the “health freedom movement” — hundreds of them — are repeating this lie.

Yet there is a much deeper problem that we are not really considering. What was called “SARS-CoV-II” was really an AI-generated “virus” called MN908947. You would think that more would have been written about something so famous — the most famous “virus” ever. You would think we know who “discovered” it. You would think we would know who paid for the “discovery,” and how much. I know the answers to these questions; it took a while and a lot of work to figure out.

New York Times search results for the proper name of “SARS-CoV-2”

It’s not merely that MN908947 is a digital sequence that was never shown to come from a virus, match a virus, cause disease or be contagious. It was never shown to exist in nature, or anywhere other than in silico — in a computer. It does not exist in any meaningful sense of the word — in the real world.

Only digitized people can think they have caught a digital virus that can be prevented by a system update. If you’re curious, I covered this in an interview with Dr. Sam Bailey in 2022 as well as in an edition of Planet Waves called They Were Barefoot in Babylon.

And now AI is in the news every day — but not the real story. The real story is what it’s already done to humanity, and how it has seized the minds of the people who have created it. And as of this writing, it appears to be going out of control. I have left a video below to give you a sense of the problem, which will go over most people’s heads.

Lanvi Nguyen

Technology Beyond the Capacity to Use it Responsibly

The last story we reported after 1,185 days of publishing Covid19 News had the headline, “Artificial intelligence could lead to the extinction of humanity, says tech experts.”

Since around 1998, I’ve been publishing a quote that I found in Book 3 of Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. Here goes:

“As I have said, this isn’t the first time your civilization has been at this brink,” God says to Walsch at one point in their dialogue. “I want to repeat this, because it is vital that you hear this. Once before on your planet, the technology you developed was far greater than your ability to use it responsibly.”

Conversations is a document of the mid-1990s, in the early stage of digital conditions.

He continues: “You are approaching the same point in human history again. It is vitally important that you understand this. Your present technology is threatening to outstrip your ability to use it wisely. Your society is on the verge of becoming a product of your technology rather than your technology being a product of your society. When a society becomes a product of its own technology, it destroys itself.”

As if nothing happened, or is happening.

As T. S. Eliot wrote 100 years ago,

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but with a whimper.

Can we stop it? Do you care? The whimper is deafening.

With love,

Your faithful astrologer,

Additional Research: Mark Bailey

PS — What’s happening now fundamentally changes everything — the very ground of being. Yeah, big hat, but he has the cattle to back it up. And his viewpoint is spiritual, informed by technological.

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