Astrology, aspiring to truth, love and freedom
Aquarian High Council telepathic (audio/video) astrology retreat will be broadcast live Feb. 3-7, 2023. This letter connects to the schedule and registration details. I am a presenter and a panelist.
Dear Friend and Reader:
I'm thrilled to be a featured presenter at The Aquarian High Council - Astrology in the Age of Truth, Love & Freedom. This event is being presented at no cost; the organizers and the presenters are contributing our time and energy.
This summit will broadcast LIVE from February 3 through 7 and will bring together freedom-lovers seeking an astrological perspective to illuminate the deeper truths of our times.
Check the link to see their fun lineup of presenters, pulled together by my friend Emily Trinkaus of the Embodied Aquarian Podcast, Sasha Rose and others. For me, the beauty of this project is that they have given a voice to many astrologers that I’ve never heart of before (and am happy to discover).
The astrologers at this summit are from the side of the woods where we are known for being honest with our readers and viewers about seemingly controversial events of the world. Taking the whole story we’ve been told at face value has been a serious problem in astrology.
Here is how the organizers describe the event:
Over the past three years, it's become clear that those in power are pushing an accelerated trajectory toward increased top-down control and limitations on individual freedom. Many astrologers have bowed to the dominant narrative and are not asking critical questions or taking the risk of sharing their truth.
This online retreat gathers together the astrologers who are willing to get into the edgier conversations that have been unwelcome in mainstream astro-communities.The intention of this event is to share wisdom and resources and to inspire new solutions. We're calling in and co-creating the higher Aquarian timeline of truth, love and freedom.
If you're an astrology lover who has seen through the veil of illusion and dared to question the status quo, this event is for you!
This free online retreat features 20 courageous astrologers with diverse perspectives diving into the forbidden topics that risk cancellation in other venues.
I will be presenting on Pluto in Aquarius and its relationship to living under full digital conditions. While I have given this talk several times on the science-truth podcast circuit, it’s easier to include astrology before an astrology-familar audience. However, as usual, my presentation will be comprehensible to non-astrologers, so don’t worry about that part. I’ll also be on two of the panels.
The Aquarian High Council will be broadcast live from February 3 through 7, with replays available for a limited time.
⇒> Save your spot in the retreat here!
Sign up and you will:
Gain access to astrological insights into the deeper truths that have been covered up and censored.
Connect and converse with like-minded freedom-lovers from around the world, via breakout rooms, live Q&A, and a Telegram chat group.
Get inspired and energized by revolutionary ideas and join a new Aquarian community of renegades and visionaries.
You don't want to miss this one-of-a-kind event — hope to see you there!
P.S. If you can't attend this virtual event live, you can sign up for free and receive the replays for a limited time.
At 61, i see patterns. Whenever the proverbial SHTF, things like UFOs and the like seem to get greater interest.
The Moscow guru Guardieff got heavily into star pattern and mathematical mumbojumbo. That was back around 90 yrs ago . Maybe im too dumb to appreciate it, thats a possibility. But with 2 univ degrees in science and health and philosophy, i trust my mind.
Know that the same psyop by marxist forces that stole your freedoms is the one that stole from you your access to ancient wisdom. It is still available to you. I realize that this same communistic cabal got hold of western society and subverted it by undermining the institutions that held us in peace for years. Like the luciferian jesuit destruction of the Vatican. There are 2 kinds of everyone now just like the catholics who do get it vs those who don’t. Those folks who get the Dept of defense USA culling us with their NWO crap.
If searching the stars and planets’ positions will get us free from destruction, i’m all for it.
But ancient wisdom, knowledge of who we are as humble humans seeking lives of peace, can also get us there. At least those 80% of us who are not hopeless narcissists seeking only the corrupt choices of false wealth and power over others. You are a valued human sovereign being and deserve a world in which we value each other and have the courage to know we all die; not to fear it but know it. And insist on what is good and just in this, our temporary world.
So excited to have you as a featured presenter, Eric! The summit is going to be amazing!!