I forgot to mention that the concert toms on Big Blue Plymouth are played by the inimitable Yogi Horton. You can hear them as a fast descending run just before each chorus.

This is what they look like


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Finished the program.

Very interesting segment about the Love Canal movie by Jamila Ephron. Three positives. She thoroughly discussed the distinction between how the residents of the housing project on the west side of the neighborhood, low income people of color, were treated vs the blue collar homeowners on the west side, something previous documentaries have failed to deal with. She made a good effort to not present the state officials as evil people but rather bungling bureaucrats. And she discussed how Lois Gibbs and the other leaders of the community initiative, primarily women, used the media, especially TV, very effectively.

And yes, eyebrow-raising about how the documentary failed to mention the nuclear waste, previously mentioned,. It presented the matter as starting in 1977, when a series in the local papers in October 1976 already did so. And it presented a New York Department of Health study claiming cancer rates did not differ from national averages as definitive, given the shoddy record of that department on environmental matters.

Regarding the last segment. Mir in Russian by the way means "peace" but also "world" or "society." and there is another meaning deriving from the second. See the bottom of this comment.

I've heard the "most people are in the middle" between 1, totally hetero, and 7, totally gay, a bunch of times. I feel this is a result of misplaced "normalcy," as in a misapplication of the normal curve in statistics, which many people who are unfamiliar with the subject think is representative of how most phenomena in the material world are distributed. In reality, VERY few phenomena are like that. The normal curve is prominent mostly because of its key role in statistical sampling, with sample averages of sufficiently large simple random samples following the normal curve, allowing for the use of sample averages in estimating population averages.

I felt you came off, intentionally or otherwise, as almost like a "salesman" for bisexuality, almost implying such flexible sexuality makes you a healthier person. You implied that 1's and 7's are somehow inherently committed to monogamy. Totally not the case. FWIW, i'm a 1, and OK with it. My sexuality went through several... "acid tests," as one might say. :-) I

've never felt in the least bit attracted to other men. OTOH, i started feeling attracted to "the opposite sex" by the age of 9, at which point i had no idea what i was feeling. The Israel i grew up in was in many ways a theocracy, a result of a coalition government which was run by a social democratic party but depended upon religious parties to be in power. And these parties controlled the ministries of culture, education, religion (yep, a ministry of religion too), and imposed a very puritanical regime upon society. No TV when i grew up, billboards strictly censored, no sexy women advertising stuff. And my parents just did discuss these matters. I had no idea why i felt such a strong drive to ... play with myself while fantasizing about girls i knew.

This escalated in a major way when we moved to New York when i was 11, and i started seeing images in magazines, billboards, TV,.... (not to mention i was more ... physically mature, as were the girls in my classes). Due to a repressed upbringing and bad social situations, i wasn't really able to act upon this till virtually the age o 20. So it goes. My first dating experience, at age 23, was non-monogamous, so were subsequent experiences, and when my politics changed in the anarchist direction, i was able to articulate this as an ethical decision. I never saw this as connected in any way with my orientation.

I strongly feel that orientation is primarily determined biologically, mostly by pre-natal fetal circumstances. The research of Simon LeVey is pretty scientifically sound, i am convinced. He feels the same way about bisexuality, which he sees as primarily a female-dominated orientation. I've had some relationships with bisexual women, i would not wish to deny them relationships with other women, no more than to deny them relationships with other men.

From Britannica. Mir, in Russian history, a self-governing community of peasant households that elected its own officials and controlled local forests, fisheries, hunting grounds, and vacant lands. To make taxes imposed on its members more equitable, the mir assumed communal control of the community’s arable land and periodically redistributed it among the households, according to their sizes (from 1720).

After serfdom was abolished (1861), the mir was retained as a system of communal land tenure and an organ of local administration. It was economically inefficient; but the central government, having made members of the commune collectively responsible for the payment of state taxes and the fulfillment of local obligations, favoured it. The system was also favoured by Slavophiles and political conservatives, who regarded it as a guardian of old national values, as well as by revolutionary Narodniki (“Populists”), who viewed the mir as the germ of a future socialist society. Despite the efforts of Prime Minister Pyotr A. Stolypin, who initiated a series of agricultural reforms encouraging peasants to assume private ownership, the peasantry universally reverted to communal landholding after the 1917 Revolution.

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I've made my way through the first two hours. GREAT sound track, helps that i love the Talking Heads. BTW, i think "Don't Worry About the Government" was tongue in cheek, not really naive. But that's my take. Yes, clear difference by the time of I'm Not In Love in intensity, focus,.... And Life During Wartime grabbed me by all my sensory organs back in 1979. An account of reality as if provided by a government spy during a situation of a growing and spreading civil uprising. The situation intensifies as the tune proceeds. THANKS!!

Here's another absolutely great 1979 track, Closed Groove, by Stiff Little Fingerz (of Belfast), not simply a "punk band." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFgRXssRmQ4

Once again, we face digital disembodiment. And the pursuit of political aims via judicial means, to the detriment of whatever integrity is left of the judicial system.

And an absolutely SUPER-SUPERB segment about the alleged avian flu. FWIW, Christine Massey's post about it from the 9th wasn't just a re-posting of the 2022 piece, as it was substantially updated, though the conclusion is the same, indeed firmed up.

And thanks for the mentioning of me as the source via which you heard about the Yeadon statement. I heard of it via Christine. This time, he minces no words. Again, FWIW, he didn't write it on the Lioness of Judah Substack, but on his Telegram channel. https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel/ The Substack simply re-posted it.

My only difference with the statement is the use of the "viruses don't exist" language. As i've stated before, i MUCH prefer to say "viruses have not been proven to exist." A negative cannot be proven. Think otherwise? Prove that there are no two-headed feline species. And, even more importantly, the burden of proof should rest upon those who contend they do exist, that's how science should work.

Once again, the presence of segments of computer code in a person's bodily fluids are deemed to be indicative of an infection by a specific pathogen. Never mind that those segments were never demonstrated to be associated with any pathogen, merely declared to be parts of one based upon a genome never actually observed in any living entity, existing only as a construct made up of assembled computer code, existing only in a file, said to closely match... other computer files. Only a very minute step from here to having our contrived digital twins being used to represent us as legal persona.

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