Bloody brilliant!👌🏽😬😂

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Brilliant astrologer, brilliant journalist and brilliant satirist. Thank you for finding so many ways to illuminate, Eric. This is


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Fauci is The Real Threat, to our well being.... only if we buy into this, and forget to re-cognize who We really Are.

May the light of Truth illumine our minds. May the spark of love set our hearts on fire may the flame of freedom burn brightly within us. Now and always. blessed be.

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Is this satire?

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But not out of the realm of possibility, because , as we know, nothing is impossible for Dr. Fauci.

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and in the quantum realm, everything is a probability.

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Yes - is it satire? Why this is not as clear as it may have been is because we just went through 3 years of complete criminal fraud with many saying - oh thanks - can we have some more? As rightly written, this IS the Fauci playbook. You know Mao is a regular boy on the block compared to that criminal psychopath!

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We need Dave Chappelle to do this bit on SNL.

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This is the stinkin' funniest thing I've read in a long time. Well done, Eric.

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He said, ‘Son, you will need this information someday’. I know it’s against my Jesuit training, but I took advice from a Jewish guy.”


Well ya see that was your 1st mistake !

Did he have a beard in 2001 ?

Open the pod doors, HAL.

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Awesome piece! Thanks for the laugh.

Testament to how warped our political reality has become, I was believing it to "The cosmos is our enemy, and we must stop it". Then I stopped and thought, 'wow, I think Fauci probably does believe that, but did he actually SAY it publicly?'

It's mind-boggling to think what a small step it is from here for the psycho-tyrant-class to declare neutrinos a grave enemy.

Hell, Rockefeller medicine has been preaching for decades that photons are killing us and we need to hide from them. Just like we know all viruses are bad, it's obvious that all sub-atomic particles are bad too.

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😃😁😄😄😂🤣 Excellent!!!

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That was a good choice by Brandon to appoint Fraudci, but Kill Gates would have been even better.

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They already had a movie satire about Gates, called Inside Bill's Brain. I know an adult who actually fell for that idiotic bit of propaganda. Needless to say he's also a global warming hysteric and a covidiot. One wonders how these people get through the day.

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Just old meat to the haters

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is he your favorite uncle?

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Love the Kubrick!

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In his first news conference in his new job, Fauci will announce that he is in the room talking to the reporters and also not in the room talking to reporters. :-)

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Precious Eric !

24 K !


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