Covid19 News — it's a wrap. We learned that there's never been a greater need for honest journalism.
We've published Covid19 News six or seven days a week since March 3, 2020. Numerous interns and staff editors have taken tours of duty, and learned news editing and fact verification.
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Note, Planet Waves FM is off this week.
Chiron Return, the nonprofit investigative team (in cooperation with the Planet Waves astrology website) began publishing Covid19 News on March 3, 2020 — back when the latest flu outbreak was just another item in the news.
It was clear that the story would be around for a while. Therefore I figured we may as well keep a daily news chronology to make our future reporting efforts easier. It’s difficult to reassemble a rapid flow of articles after the fact.
If on Day One you had told me that 215 government agencies and health science institutions would eventually admit they have no record, sample or scientific paper showing that the virus exists, I might not have thought that was possible.
Most people would say, “This cannot be true.” That’s OK, they can keep telling themselves that if it makes them feel better.
Read my account of events in China in January 2020. The article includes a full account of the creation of the claimed viral sequences, and the rollout of the media campaign.

Wrapping up publication on day 1,185
We’re planning to wrap up Covid19 News on May 31, 2023 after 1,185 days of continuous publication. While we won’t be running a daily news blog, we will continue to follow the issues with the help of the excellent international team that has gathered around the story.
We have done this all with your support: my astrology readers who not only stuck around, but who contributed ideas, work, article references, and many who helped us with a steady flow of funding.
Everything we’ve done the past three years is (and will be) accessible from the front page of Covid19 News, as well as from Planet Waves FM. For a trip down memory lane, check our list of interviews from the first year.
The master chronology, dating back to 2006, is located here. Please download, save and/or republish the chronology. This is the one document, which took thousands of hours to prepare, that I want to ensure makes it to the future.
Here is my narrative summary of the first 1,000 days on the story.
The rest of this article will take you behind the scenes of our news gathering and reporting process. It’s a little long; not everyone will be interested, though a few people may be, so I’m sharing my experience of doing this project.
“u are a retard” — my favorite email from the Covid19 News project
Sometimes a single document can sum up the whole story. The email above qualifies. I was advertising on Craig’s List for a weekend editor for Covid19 News. Someone applied and sent in a bunch of articles he said he wrote.
I read them, and wrote back: “Your articles indicate your position that there was a virus. Can you provide me with some information on the source of the primers?”
This was a trick question, but not so tricky.
Here is what I was really asking. The “covid test,” or PCR, can only find what it already has. The primers define what molecule-fragment the “covid test” looks for in snot (or whatever body fluid) taken from a human on one of those long swabs.
The primers used by the “covid” PCR are not based on anything natural; they are synthetic; they are 100% AI. The test is looking for something that does not exist. Its primers were made up by a computer program, and were never originally found in a person.
So the “covid test” looks for computer code in a human sample.
Yes, the future has arrived.
The enthusiastic job applicant did not answer my question. Rather, he responded by telling me that he is a Stanford postdoc — in molecular biology, no less — and attempted to insult a Sicilian by calling him “a retard” and “u fool.” My self-esteem has never been the same since.
The reasoning process of his email is what nearly everyone fell for: “I am a Stanford postdoc, and you are a retard. PS, fuck off!”
Note, this is also the editorial policy of the most popular Substacks on the issue, and many of the top presenters.
New low for journalism, new high for censorship. We stayed focused on our primary mission.
Seen one way, the “covid” issue is just getting interesting. Many people are figuring out that there was some kind of deception or ripoff. They are adding up the many costs — or are finally starting to.
Germ theory is now under close examination and is getting some of the scrutiny that it deserves. The endless push to get injected, and the many injuries caused, has hardened resistance against the vaccine industry.
Then there is the conduct of the news industry, which we now know is largely owned by the same entities that own the pharmaceutical companies.
The pandemic scenario unfolded while the entire concept of news reporting was experiencing its worst meltdown ever, and while censorship reached a historic peak in the United States. That so many ideas, people and subjects were banned woke up a good few people. It pushed many others deeper into their coma.
As whole social movements rose and fell, and people were “deplatformed” by the thousands, Chiron Return was using the crisis to teach reporting, investigation, writing and fact verification — and provide the results to you, in real time.
We did this by way of news aggregation on C19 News, a series of original investigative articles, conducting many interviews with people who became A-List presenters, and through weekly updates at Planet Waves FM.
Our intent was the inclusion of all viewpoints
Our criteria for publication on Covid19 News was potential relevance. It was not whether we “agreed” with or endorsed any article, but rather its value as a reference point in the future. We were not trying to support a viewpoint, but rather figure out what was happening.
This work, in turn, was refined into our one-of-a-kind chronology, a more than 300-page document that takes the issue back to 2006 (and with references to “Spanish Flu,” back to 1918). I expect this will be an especially thrilling thing for researchers to find in 50 years.
The top area of Covid19 News also includes a portfolio of my investigative features on the issues, as well as a list of people we interviewed getting our bearings the first year. Between our daily publication and our chronology, any future researcher will be able to figure out what happened, and connect to many other sources for confirmation.

The outrageous torrent of info, misinfo and disinfo
Another selection criteria was diversity among corporate press, alternative press, and individual presenters. We wanted to hear from everyone, and tell you what they said. We openly invited whistle-blowers to come forward.
Within a week, tracking the news would become an athletic feat, and a team sport. This was the XYZ List, a gathering of my friends who are news-reader, researcher types — including the incomparable Cindy Tice Ragusa.
We sifted through the outrageous torrent of information coming at us, with the help of our subscribers and readers around the world.
Whatever we learned was fodder for my original assignment of figuring out the nature of the claimed PCR test for viral infection. One thing every article had in common was the PCR — the whole basis of the “pandemic” was not sick people but rather an analytical device called the polymerase chain reaction.
The PCR can only find what it already has. The quest for understanding the test, in turn, led to an investigation of the nature of the claimed virus. So that is where I invested most of my energy.
This process of scanning, research and investigation became practice ground for our reporters and editors. Together, we scanned the internet for sources and developments, read articles critically, and learned to understand attribution.

Our most important early lead: Davide Battini
One early lead the XYZ list came up with was the screen shot of a little Facebook rant by someone called Davide Battini, dismantling the claim of “viral isolation” and “viral purification” in about 100 words.
This pertained to a false claim by researchers at University of Toronto that they had in fact found the virus. An XYZ reporter named Ro Dann spotted this comment and sent it to me. I immediately tracked down its author.
For the next year, I interviewed Battini, an engineer trained in biochemistry, in an effort to figure out just what he was talking about in his short post. This turned out to be metagenomic transcription. It took another full year to get to the bottom of this technical issue. Thank God I’m patient. I would have never have figured it out otherwise.
Metagenomics is how one “makes a virus” using artificial intelligence rather than actually finding the virus in an afflicted human patient. Because the test can only match a new sample to its existing one, I had to get to the bottom of the “Wuhan sequences” and find out where they came from, as they formed the basis of the PCR.
None of these “sequences” have ever been shown to match a virus, come from a virus or cause a disease. They are not even fiction; they are fraud.
By my reckoning, we became one of just seven teams around the world that independently got to the bottom of the virus issue. We have preserved all of our research findings in the chronology.
At the end of this project, I only have one question remaining about the claimed virus and the claimed test. If you’re curious, please leave a comment below.

We’ve linked to more than 6,000 articles
Over the course of editing Covid19 News, we linked to between five and 10 articles a day, after reviewing as many as 20 to 50 per day. Today, this is all for the benefit of future researchers trying to figure out what the fuck happened in 2020.
We have introduced you to hundreds of presenters, writers and publications around the world. I have told you everything I have learned, and explained it in detail, with no agenda other than to do so.
As you scan back through the months and years, you see your life flash by before your eyes. Not all of these articles have been preserved by their publishers or authors. You will find many YouTube links that were scrubbed during the censorship campaign. But we quote and save the links to nearly all of the articles, so that their existence is at least acknowledged and can be traced other ways. (Technically, both C19 News and the chronology are what are called tertiary sources, which point to primary and secondary sources.)
While most of the world was totally confused about what was going on, we had a pretty good sense of events and what they meant, and how thongs were developing. It was challenging to live this way, working around the clock, especially being accused of willful ignorance, lying to the public, political bias or some other agenda.
Where to from here?
Journalism is having a hard time being adapted to digital.
It’s not merely that the big players deceive, censor, discredit and skew reality. It’s not merely that the originally decentralized internet has become focused on about five companies. It’s that everyone and anyone with an agenda suddenly has instant access to every journalistic tool except experience, talent and integrity.
Those things must be earned and maintained. Just like not everyone with a trigger finger can handle an AR-15, not everyone who can type can handle publishing tools.
The primary mission of Chiron Return is to teach journalism through direct experience. You are invited to get involved or help us out.
“Journalism” means learning how to read the news, report on events, write the news and be present for events. To be a journalist means you go to the scene; you ask people — the great, the mighty and the ordinary — real questions, and press them for real answers. Journalism depends on sources and finding source documents.
Journalism is an act of faith and fidelity, involving recording the events of the human race in real time, as an eyewitness. Humanity has never needed honest journalism more than it does today. Chiron Return is being built as a bridge to the future.
If you want to get involved, please look me up. Be persistent trying to reach me. That’s your first assignment as a journalist-in-training. If you represent a charitable trust, or if you’re a philanthropist who wants to support a project of our scope and caliber, please get in touch. Best to use two methods of contact.
With love,
I read convincing evidence from multiple sources that the medical system had attempted to spin one of these "new" illnesses up into a full-blown pandemic a decade or so before their success in 2020 (IIRC it was swine flu back then), but all it took to shut it down at that time was a handful of doctors calling out the so-called experts at the CDC, et al, for their bs fear-mongering & bad science. Unfortunately at this point, practically ALL of our institutions are pretty much captured by an ideology for which there are many labels that reasonably apply, ranging from Marxist to Fascist to Gnostic to Satanic. It is strange & disturbing to see big government & big corporations behaving this way; so much for separation of church & state, we are all being forced to make way for the cult. Our technocratic overlords clearly favor a transhumanist future, but their arrogant assertion that they can simply disregard reality by declaring themselves to be their own gods seems to be causing them to overreach to an astonishing degree. Which in turn is FINALLY waking many of our fellow human beings up to the very things that us Cassandras have been screaming out to society for all our lives, even in the ever-present face of ridicule & scorn! For the first time in my life I actually feel hopeful things could turn around, potentially even within my own lifetime!.
[PS, Eric: Do you ever hear from TREVA these days???]
Metagenomics is like any belief system that tries to prove things out of the ether, purely subjective based on beliefs (which are a shortcut of fake knowledge).
“Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence.” - Robert Anton Wilson