LOL. Not a psychological problem. Inflation is what has kept capitalism afloat since the Great Depression, even though it itself has become a growing and fatal problem. Took till the 1960s for total global debt to reach $1 trillion. Any guess what it's now? 🤣🤣🤣
Well there is some wishful thinking. But it's also not supported logically. You're saying to teach people they are being lied to, the solution is to lie to them?
Well, I'll concede that inflation is mostly a psychological problem, requiring psychological fixes.
But CovidHoax has been in the works - planning & pre-programming - since 1999 W. Nile Hoax and prolly since much earlier than that.
LOL. Not a psychological problem. Inflation is what has kept capitalism afloat since the Great Depression, even though it itself has become a growing and fatal problem. Took till the 1960s for total global debt to reach $1 trillion. Any guess what it's now? 🤣🤣🤣
Could be but that doesn't take a fake plague that was deliberately designed to awaken the masses.
Designed to awaken the masses? LOONY TUNES!!
Yep. They couldn't just tell the people that the doctors are crazy they had to show the cuz who would believe so much is fake?
CovidHoax is part of the controlled demolition of everything fake.
Well there is some wishful thinking. But it's also not supported logically. You're saying to teach people they are being lied to, the solution is to lie to them?
Yep. The Rude Awakening.
Fake plagues, fake wars. fake Biden, fake Trump...
Should we be more offended?