
Original email from Christian Fiala

Dear friends around the world, a big leak concerning German Corona politics happened in Germany almost three weeks ago. A whistleblower from the Robert-Koch-Institute, which is the central German public health authority, came up to me and gave me all internal documents of the Covid-19 crisis team. I published these documents on July, 23rd on the website https://rki-transparenzbericht.de/

and announced the leak early in the morning on my X account:


On the same day at 10 a.m., a wonderful team of colleagues, including financial scientist Professor Stefan Homburg, and freelance journalist and educator Bastian Barucker gave a live press conference in the centre of Berlin about the leaked documents. We have worked our way through the extensive material and presented it to the public that day for the first time.

My colleague Bastian Barucker has now dubbed the entire press conference in English - it is available on X, as well as on other platforms:

X: https://x.com/BBarucker/status/1822192601060999282

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HomAhO0RHQ

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@bastianbarucker:c/rki-documents-whistleblower:6

The documents of the Robert Koch Institute Covid-19 crisis team clearly show that the allegedly "scientific" Corona measures were in fact politically instructed. This is a scandal of international proportions - since the documents also contain evidence, p.e. letters from the French government, that the Corona measures were internationally "harmonized" in order to make them seem "without alternative" and enhance the acceptance among citizens globally.

For Germany, the RKI leak is a big step towards coming to terms with the abusive corona policy of the last years, the systematic violation of fundamental rights and civil liberties - so that such a crime may never be repeated.

Thank you for sharing widely around the world! 🙏


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via Jeff Strahl of Lockdown Times

Hi all, just like i predicted in the subject line yesterday in my message about Africa,


WHO declares mpox a global public health emergency

Officials say a new fast-spreading variant has been detected in the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighbouring countries., 8/14/24.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), its highest level of alert, due to a new variant of the mpox viral disease in Africa.

The WHO on Wednesday said mpox cases have been found in 13 African countries and its new form is spreading. It is the second time in two years the organisation has issued the alert for the disease.

It comes after an outbreak of the viral infection in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that has spread to neighbouring countries.

“Today, the emergency committee met and advised me that in its view, the situation constitutes a public health emergency of international concern. I have accepted that advice,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Tedros told a news conference.

“This is something that should concern us all,” he said.

“WHO is committed in the days and weeks ahead to coordinate the global response, working closely with each of the affected countries, and leveraging our on-the-ground presence, to prevent transmission, treat those infected, and save lives,” Tedros added.

The PHEIC declaration can accelerate research, funding and international public health measures and cooperation to contain a disease. It triggers emergency responses in countries worldwide under the legally binding International Health Regulations.

Mpox can spread through close contact between individuals. While usually mild, it can be fatal in rare cases. It causes flu-like symptoms and pus-filled lesions on the body.

The DRC outbreak began with a strain known as clade I, but a new variant clade Ib appears to be spreading more easily.

The strain has so far been detected in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.

Earlier this week, Africa’s top public health body declared an mpox emergency for the continent after warning that the viral infection was spreading at an alarming rate.

More than 17,000 suspected mpox cases and 517 deaths have been reported on the African continent so far this year, a 160 percent increase in cases compared with the same period last year, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said.

Speaking to Al Jazeera, Ngashi Ngongo, the chief of staff of the regional health body, said an agreement had been reached with the EU’s health task force and mpox vaccine manufacturer Bavarian Nordic to provide an initial 215,000 doses of the inoculant to Africa.

He said that they were still negotiating a deal for the continent to receive two million doses by the end of the year, and ten million by the end of 2025.

“We are also planning to saturate the media, both television and the radio, to make sure that all those that have access to those media can also receive the message,” Ngongo said.

“But remember that 96 percent of cases are in the DRC, and 60 percent of those cases are among the young people below the age of 18,” he added, “so we’re also using social media to ensure that the young people are also reached.”

Second alert in two years

A different form of the mpox virus – clade IIb – spread globally in 2022, largely through sexual contact among men who have sex with men.

The WHO declared a public health emergency which lasted from July 2022 to May 2023. The outbreak, which has now largely subsided, caused some 140 deaths out of about 90,000 cases.


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PHEIC is pronounced FAKE for good reason. Yes, they're laughing at us.

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I thought the entire pandemic with all its lockdowns and theatrical productions of dancing nurses and doctors was a scam since there was no virus and the PCR test was the instrument of fakery to create the appearance of a spreading infectious agent. I told several friends of mine in 2021 of my theory and was laughed at and banned from talking about it by one of them. Now it is time for the much lauded health freedom leaders to give up their silence and complicity and start telling the truth for a change.

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right now our most serious problem are indeed health freedom leaders who claim there was a virus, and a pandemic, and any need for any mitigation measures.

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So many "health-conscious" people I know are still afraid of germs, and "catching" things.

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And they're right back at it trying to claim they can see covid in sewage.

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Mpox claims, poliovirus claims re Gaza sewage waters, claims of surges in "COVID" numbers, all within the last few days. "They" are getting ready to do it all over again, and many people are begging to be locked down, while others are totally numb and clueless (even in this forum).

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I received an email yesterday telling me that the San Francisco Bach Society just cancelled a concert which was scheduled for a week or so from now due to the "fact" that "covid" is supposedly increasing now, in the Bay Area. I predict it will all happen again, with the same results, or worse.

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Hopefully not if we start speaking about it now, instead of waiting for it to happen. Spread the info in this article widely.

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Dr Fiala said it well: what was followed was not science, but a business plan.

The highlight for me started around 35:40, when he began discussing how the PCR does NOT look for a full genome (it cannot), but for a short segment of nucleic acids which is (ALLEGEDLY) part of that genome. He used the analogy of looking for a particular screw from a particular vehicle make and using that to claim the presence of the car. And then Eric pointed out that in fact the segment came not from a known organism, but from an AI-created computer model alleged to be that organism, SARS-CoV-2.

Unfortunate that right after came a gaff, a claim by Dr Fiala that antibody tests ARE accurate, though not real proofs, as with the AIDS antibody tests not showing someone is ill, as supposedly antibodies protest the individual from infections. In fact, the antibody test is just as inaccurate under the circumstances, as the specific proteins known as antibodies have not been shown to be unique to specific viruses, and in the case of SARS-CoV-2 cannot be shown to be so, since there are no samples of actual SARS-CoV-2 with which to authenticate the antibody test. Indeed, there are no samples of ANY "coronavirus" with which to authenticate the antibody test, just as with the PCR test. The antibody test is in fact being massively used, as with home testing kits (often used in medical offices or border crossings or... because the test is rapd), and it is just as inaccurate as the PCR, if not worse.

But overall, a great interview. I do wish someone would inform Dr Fiala of this, as we seek to make everything "just exactly perfect." DAMN all these “health freedom” celebrities like RFK Jr, Del Bigtree, Doctors Nass, Kory, Malone, McCullough,… who continue to push the "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” disinformation fraud narrative, enabling future operations and the cover up of mega-fraud, tyranny and mass murder by medical authorities.

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Did the WHO get that big pandemic treaty signed over the summer? I fell off the turnip truck for sanity’s sake and lost track of that story. If so, I may need to do what I have been considering since 2020: getting a gun.

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No. Instead, they got new "global health regulations approved." The Treaty was a ruse, while the more significant Regulations were changed. See James Roguski's Substack.

James Roguski reports that while WHO treaty negotiations are stalled, an agreement has been reached regarding the more important International Health Regulations. The change in regulations was indeed an end-run around the Treaty matter.


The Amendments to the IHR have been adopted. The 77th World Health Assembly HAS adopted a substantial package of amendments to the International Health Regulations. We the People have suffered a stunning defeat. The battle continues. James Roguski, 6/1/24.

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Let us NEVER forget the diabolical psychology they used to propagandize and coerce the public


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I can almost feel and hear how difficult it is for you, Eric, to endure this talk about viruses, infection and antibodies. I felt the same way. In principle, such a conversation is rather counterproductive, because Fiala cements the virus lie. How can he be so indoctrinated? How can he dig so deep in the rki files and still not see the core of the problem, the unresolved virus existential question? Such people are called pundits. What a pity.

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Edith: perhaps I shouldn't over-interpret this, but it actually seemed to me that Fiala clings to the virus hypothesis to the end or plays down the importance of the existence question. He actually says that several times, which is why I don't have to interpret it, it's in the room.

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Yes exactly. He was dancing around the point. There are some people -- men of science, usually -- for whom this is a third rail. It's like questioning whether a wheat cracker in a stone building is really the body of a guy from the year one.

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Yes and Doctors are chasing a fictitious mRNA and a spike protein unicorn that went from a bat cave to a Wuhan wet market, a bio lab and then to a university in North Carolina to have a mysterious fake GofF. Then we have TWC and FLCCC promoting the lies to make money and keeping fear alive for pharma. Pick your distraction.

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Eric, the PCR discussion is absolute porno! Hilarious. Brilliant interview, thank you

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You should see how I’m exposing Germany…

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They have come to the conclusion at the COVID Tops organised by The European Parlement that COVID-19 ( sarsKov-2) is a Bio-weapon , annouced by Dr. David Martin.

This is WW-3. We all beter Brace and prepare ourselfs . Indeed its not over yet!!

Thanks for all the independent press-workers, scientists, all wistleblowers and people in the street that make a differents …. We can creatie a better world, we can face this …now that wheat is separate from the chav, we know where and who to rebuild upon. 🍀🍀🍀

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Eric have you cast the chart for the release of this material? I'd be fascinated to hear that analysis. I might be overly optimistic (I often am), but that third option you mention in reference to Pluto in Aquarius of group initiation, group evolution - if there's even a chance that the wider population might gain access to this knowledge, might we begin to see more and more people awakening to what has been done...

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the best chart we have is the press conference; the only chart with a concrete date, time and place. I've got that chart working and will come back to it soon. Meantime it's posted on my facebook


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Wow! So excited to give this a listen! I am reminded of Lanka saying in one of the first interviews I saw with him in 2020 that Germany was on the verge of economic collapse, so it makes sense they were the willing fulcrum for ground zero…plus, god knows the American Duopoly elite needed to figure out how to make Trump look dangerously incompetent in order to mobilize the sheep to get him out of the White House.

I agree Strahl, a big part of this is the tyranny of digital IDs that is a necessary part of the continued economic enslavement of humanity. How creative they use our own fear of death to cut our brains off at the knees, hence rendering us incapable of using logic and reason and the evidence of our own eyes.

I support your time off from the madness Coppolino, and your desire to redirect the program away from the outer madness to the inner work of finding sanity in our hearts and minds. Right here. Right now. Namaste, baby doll.

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Thank you for another fantastic program.

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