Problems with the standard narrative

— There has never been a dump and burn in railroad history, even in the decade prior to its being banned by 1980 regulations. There is always dump and remove, or decant (into tankers) and remove. These incidents happen every two weeks — the burn part is totally unprecedented and there is rarely a need to dump…

— Fully enclosed hazmat tanker truck driver recovery operation (entirely routine procedure when there are damaged tanker cars) was initiated Friday Feb. 3, and then called off within 24 hours (on Friday night or Saturday). Who called it off? I have this from two reliable sources

— Fire lines pulled from keeping tankers cool

— No samples of soot or wipe samples from inside the tanker cars — missing crucial data that would reveal the true nature of the incident

— Point source soot samples are also missing

— Decision to breach, dump and burn was totally irrational and nobody understands it. EPA was involved.

— No state or federal emergencies declared, depriving governments of emergency powers and agencies of certain kinds of authority (we now from “covid” how much power a state of emergency grants; in this case, that was never done).

— Analysis of samples from PTRMS lab (high-end mobile chemistry analysis lab) are bogged at Carnegie Mellon, in custody of Albert Presto, who is not releasing them.

— Pressure release valves (PRVs) were working fine, per NTSB report; the tanker cars were not in jeopardy. Other reports say the VCM was not in jeopardy of exploding and besides, they can easily decanter it into tanker trucks as is done regularly.

— Five dead CTEH guys in airplane crash (eyewitnesses to point source sampling), who were at the East Palestine scene taking samples on behalf of the railroad and took samples…they died en route to the next mission.

— People are still sick in Palestine a way they should not be based on every other incident my source has worked on for 30 years. The other explanations are not very plausible, such as offgassing from stream aeration.

— Chemicals that are currently banned from production by federal law are DDT, PCBs, PBDEs, some CFCs, all chemical warfare agents and chemicals banned from production by voluntary agreement with chemical industry are PFOS and PFOA.

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This article broke open the story — a source came forward — there is a LOT more here...the no dump rule is actually 1980, the 2022 memo clarifies military operations primarily.

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Thank you for continuing to cover this environmental disaster since the mainstream media have sweep this story under the rug!!

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Notice how the government showed up en masse in Rolling Fork, MS immediately after the weekend’s tornadoes. But they had to be shamed into doing photo op fly-by’s in East Palestine. I think that tells you all you need to know about how “safe” the air is around the derailment site.

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the crash of the Beechcraft turboprop business plane February 22 in Arkansas that killed 4 EPA staffers needs to be investigated

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It wasn't "EPA staffers". It was investigators from CTEH Environmental


... which is essentially a corporate cover-up outfit, called in to defend corporate polluters whenever there is a disaster like E. Palestine. (there are dozens of such firms).


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They had been deployed from Louisiana to Ohio, collected samples, brought them to Louisiana, were flown to Arkansas on the next missin (also en route to Ohio) and that is when the plane crashed.

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Please tell us why a Beachcraft turboprop would explode and disintegrate in midair

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I've read a dozen news reports, as wells as watched videos by aviation commentators, and read the preliminary NTSB report.

I have seen no report that the plane exploded and disintegrated in the air.

Care to share any source which supports your assertion?

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initial reports by local media reported the plane exploded and the debris location was hidden from local media -nothing more was reported until April-where are you getting your information?

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Give me your email address and I'll send you a link to sources. Or just Google the tail number N55PC.

They took off into bad weather with a heavy airplane full of people despite multiple wind shear alerts.

There is no explosion or inflight breakup. There was a post-crash fire.

I see a couple of odd items with how the story is being reported. But not enough for me to suspect sabotage.

Lots of data here:

NTSB preliminary report:

docket: CEN23FA113


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to be clear, I am not saying sabotage. I am saying that this was the team that was in Palestine, and now they are dead. That is in the fact pattern, needing no further comment.

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Note the numerology: 2/22/23 (skull and bones).

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The EPA investigators were analyzing the chemicals carried by the Ohio train -it’s very possible there some chemicals destined for shipment to Ukraine as biological weapons.

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Oh please.

Facts? Evidence?

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we tracked this one for a while Bill...ya let's ferret out the sources.

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I have just spent the day on this story. I have high confidence that it MAY be true -- all the evidence I learned today is pointing to some HUGE missing element from this scenario...pointing to the transport of a specifically illegal under treaty chemical...there are really just two, PCBs and chemical weapons.

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— Chemicals that are currently banned from production by federal law are DDT, PCBs, PBDEs, some CFCs, all chemical warfare agents and chemicals banned from production by voluntary agreement with chemical industry are PFOS and PFOA.

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This smells like a classic gatekeeper/troll comment designed to intrude and distract from the focus of the actual topic at hand and the pertinent details and unassailable facts which are corroborated. If you need to be an anonymous floater perhaps it’s best if you go to the screenwriters guild of America with the unsubstantiated Blockbuster Movieland narrative material rather than clogging up this discussion. Thanks for your thoughtful consideration. . .

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Thank you for your iridescent work amid all of the smoke.!!

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This is insane. Sorry for not commenting here earlier, lots of diversions. Thanks for breaking this out, Eric!

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I'm starting to think this is a psyop. There was the 2022 "White Noise" film about a cataclysmic train accident in Ohio in 2022 (predictive programming - starts at 38' into this film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_GAY2arHx4). Then there was the Digital Wearable ID rollout in East Palestine a couple days before the accident. Then there was the date: 2/3/23 (note the skull and bones numbers), and then there is the name: "East Palestine." On top of that, you add major defense intelligence contractors involved in the cleanup effort such as Tetra Tech.

I know this was a routine hotbox accident as explanation, but the foreknowledge of the film is something we've seen before.

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Eric has already dealt with "White Noise," demonstrating it isn't very applicable. Try somewhere else if you wanna push the idea that this is nothing but a psyop and that the locals we have met are all crisis actors. We know them as human beings.


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I never said the locals are crisis actors. You're saying something I didn't say - which means you really haven't engaged with the argument. My assertion is the locals are victims - they were attacked with pre-planned sabotage very similar to the inside job that was Three Mile Island in 1978 which I analyze as such on my own substack. I provided a reference to Melissa Dykes's analysis which is more thorough than Coppolino's and reflects her years of research into how psyops work. Coppolino is more experienced in other areas and NEWSFLASH: he might be wrong that there's no there there. Eric's post is all about the inexplicable decision to burn the chemicals - which is no longer inexplicable if it was part of a pre-planned attack to replicate the movie. You'd have to be a coincidence theorist to explain it otherwise.

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Coppolino is HIGHLY experienced in terms of what's been going on with dioxin for the last 40 years. That's "thorough." Maybe you can explain to us how poisoning the area with dioxin will facilitate anything. The area would be rendered useless if contaminated with dioxin, which is the likely result of burning chlorine together with hydrocarbons. To quote from Eric's article which you disdain.

"Regarding dioxin from a train spill, this is being perceived by some as an intentional act of war on civilians, potentially on the vaccine-resistant Amish. That is perceptive, on one level.

Hmmm, how about this. The federal government, meaning the Bureau of Land Management and the National Forest Service, has sprayed plenty of Agent Orange (and therefore dioxin) on people, from Oregon to Vietnam. It is a chemical weapon (and when it was banned in Vietnam, it came home to the Pacific Northwest, where one of its components, 2,4-D, is still used). You can also buy 2,4-D at Tractor Supply, Agway and Winn Dixie.

The federal government and every other government sprays Roundup on food and roads and therefore on people. People voluntarily spray it on their lawns and in their gardens, laughing at the dangers. Dioxin spews from trash incinerators, coast-to-coast and in many countries. This can all be counted as acts of war against civilians. We don’t get movies telling us about those things in advance; sometimes they come out years later.

Every train rolling around is an accident waiting to happen; Love Canal on wheels. [There are train tracks a mile or so west of my place, Southern Pacific’s main West Coast track. this could happen here.]

One last matter with “predictive programming.” There are thousands of series’ on Netflix, Showtime, Hulu, Amazon, and the Close & Play Phonograph Network. They are rife with doom and gloom, betrayal, death, despair, disaster and stuff burning. OK, is that ALL going to come true? Geez, I hope not — especially Black Mirror. Such fine programs give me agita and are why the only things I can stand to watch on television are South Park and a 48-part chemistry lecture series, on repeat.

The Principle of Synchronicity

I am an astrologer, which people may find curious, given that I am a hard-science, prosecuting journalist. Astrology is based on the principle of synchronicity. It’s about acausal (without apparent cause) meaningful coincidence. So are other things. If you are thinking of an eagle, there is no way to plan for an actual eagle to fly over you right then. You say the word vegan and 10 seconds later pass a car with a “Go Vegan” bumper sticker. Ohh that’s weird.

This and much else happens every day. You know, you’re standing by the phone (back when you could do so) thinking of Uncle Tony and it rings — and it’s him. And not only that, you were both thinking of ravioli! These things are “in the Rta” (ऋत) — the coordinating intelligence of the universe — and this can be reflected many ways. We will not learn to trust existence by being suspicious of it. Questioning what we see is helpful — as is being observant — though good old curiosity is the most sincere motive, and least likely to deceive.

We know there is a war against humanity. But we don’t need magical clues to see that. We can stick to what is apparent, documented and right in front of us."

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