Hi Erik, I was also blown away when I saw RFKs speech was on the day eclipse and I am also skeptical of the “viruses.” However, I disagree with some of your interpretations. One day I truly hope the actual science of virus and disease comes to light in addition to the true problem of toxins in our environment (which I am now personally s…
Hi Erik, I was also blown away when I saw RFKs speech was on the day eclipse and I am also skeptical of the “viruses.” However, I disagree with some of your interpretations. One day I truly hope the actual science of virus and disease comes to light in addition to the true problem of toxins in our environment (which I am now personally suffering from mercury poisoning and it is clearly in my chart taurus asc conjunct chiron 18 degrees plus more- i have now come to believe 17-18 degrees are indicators of health issues caused by metals). Our common enemy is the pharmaceutical complex, there are decades of flawed “science” based on germ theory. There is no better way to open the discussion and battle the evil pharmaceuticals than having RFK bring light to them. As you know science is a process politics are a process. I think RFK and also Del bigtree for that matter may also believe in the lack of virus theory, however, they would not reach the audience size if this was the platform they ran on, noone would believe them bc of the decades of scientific literature (albeit flawed) on virus and disease went out and denied viruses cause disease. He would instantly be a quack and dismissed. So having a neutral stance on the topic is the best stance in his position. And journalist like you/ sam bailey opening the gates on the other side is also vital to this movement. One needs omens and power to fight the current big pharma big government, and I suspect this is exactly what he needed. I have other thought on his chart as well, certainty fated. I personally am delughted to see rfk as a contender than Hillary clinton or gavin newsome. God bless RFK and please keep him safe.
Hi Erik, I was also blown away when I saw RFKs speech was on the day eclipse and I am also skeptical of the “viruses.” However, I disagree with some of your interpretations. One day I truly hope the actual science of virus and disease comes to light in addition to the true problem of toxins in our environment (which I am now personally suffering from mercury poisoning and it is clearly in my chart taurus asc conjunct chiron 18 degrees plus more- i have now come to believe 17-18 degrees are indicators of health issues caused by metals). Our common enemy is the pharmaceutical complex, there are decades of flawed “science” based on germ theory. There is no better way to open the discussion and battle the evil pharmaceuticals than having RFK bring light to them. As you know science is a process politics are a process. I think RFK and also Del bigtree for that matter may also believe in the lack of virus theory, however, they would not reach the audience size if this was the platform they ran on, noone would believe them bc of the decades of scientific literature (albeit flawed) on virus and disease went out and denied viruses cause disease. He would instantly be a quack and dismissed. So having a neutral stance on the topic is the best stance in his position. And journalist like you/ sam bailey opening the gates on the other side is also vital to this movement. One needs omens and power to fight the current big pharma big government, and I suspect this is exactly what he needed. I have other thought on his chart as well, certainty fated. I personally am delughted to see rfk as a contender than Hillary clinton or gavin newsome. God bless RFK and please keep him safe.