RFK Jr is a man with a wounded voice. According to Melanie Reinhardt, fathers with a physical wound are emblematic of a strong natal Chiron. Father/President speaking for a divided and weak nation. So symbolic for these times. We shall see who he will speak for now.

I pray the wounds are cauterised and healed with all our brothers and sisters.


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Hey dude. You lost me when you started to insist that the Wuhan virus didn't come out of a lab. RFK Jr has a new book coming out about this in August. He's got a team of kick-ass fact-checkers. Total bad asses when it comes to the facts. So you need to #wtfu So that has thrown your credibility into total question. See ya.

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Hi Erik, I was also blown away when I saw RFKs speech was on the day eclipse and I am also skeptical of the “viruses.” However, I disagree with some of your interpretations. One day I truly hope the actual science of virus and disease comes to light in addition to the true problem of toxins in our environment (which I am now personally suffering from mercury poisoning and it is clearly in my chart taurus asc conjunct chiron 18 degrees plus more- i have now come to believe 17-18 degrees are indicators of health issues caused by metals). Our common enemy is the pharmaceutical complex, there are decades of flawed “science” based on germ theory. There is no better way to open the discussion and battle the evil pharmaceuticals than having RFK bring light to them. As you know science is a process politics are a process. I think RFK and also Del bigtree for that matter may also believe in the lack of virus theory, however, they would not reach the audience size if this was the platform they ran on, noone would believe them bc of the decades of scientific literature (albeit flawed) on virus and disease went out and denied viruses cause disease. He would instantly be a quack and dismissed. So having a neutral stance on the topic is the best stance in his position. And journalist like you/ sam bailey opening the gates on the other side is also vital to this movement. One needs omens and power to fight the current big pharma big government, and I suspect this is exactly what he needed. I have other thought on his chart as well, certainty fated. I personally am delughted to see rfk as a contender than Hillary clinton or gavin newsome. God bless RFK and please keep him safe.

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The timing is so strange, as if deliberately chosen for its seeming inappropriateness, that what's pressing at my mind is wondering whether their might be some element of creating a deliberate martyrdom/sacrifical lamb or canary in the cage situation. The world's so crazy these days anything could be true. Any potential in that line of investigation, Eric?

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Fascinating chart and analysis! There is a lot to digest and ponder. Now I need a cigarette! 😂

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Eric, when I started reading your April Fool's Day post, I didn't realize it was a spoof. (It probably took me longer than it should have for me to realize that.) When I initially clicked on it and read the headline, I gasped, and felt a wave of fear and angst. If I were to try to put into words what I was feeling, it'd be something like: "Oh my God, he is courting fate. No, no, no!" I literally sat and prayed for him before I even began reading your post. I was so shaken that I felt angry at you for having written it. I felt like you were playing into his potential martyrdom when I realized the post was intended as a spoof. I have a dreadful feeling about this. I feel he knows he may be martyred and is almost courting this. I feel sick thinking about it.

As for this reading, it's amazingly powerful. I plan to listen to it again.

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I cannot wrap my head or heart around this delusional rhetoric you spout. So, sir, "no further comment" will be forthcoming from me as I leave this 'little chat'-- this being your blog.

Likewise, this being my email, I request we end this here now, so please do contact me further, as it is obvious, we are not on the same page, in the same book, or in the same reality. You can keep your sad view of things...be assured I won't be visiting your site again.

👍💖RFK for President!

✌Ess G.

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Mmmnn. Well, seems to me, it's best not to speculate further based on a guesstimate natal chart (until & IF an accurate time can be obtained). Why? Because, this man has stepped forward, and is already being hounded mercilessly by countless salivating Rumor Mongers, without adding any further fuel of speculation & setting up dire scenarios, through even astrology-- which just adds even more that to that fire.

Another thing, I think we can all be sure (given the K family tragedies), that RFK, Jr. has more than contemplated, & is well aware of what 'can' happen. BUT, (people, supporters or not), ought to exorcise their subconscious of this fearful anxiety-- which just adds that proverbial fuel. Nothing tragic HAS to happen to him! Reality has countless possibilities. SO, why go there, right? It's total unhealthy. If he can set out courageously on this paradigm-changing journey he has intended to do, I for one am going to honor his intent. We all need to change our minds, our discourse, our actions, IF we truly seek better-scenario outcomes for all of us (esp. U.S.)!!

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Please DO provide RFK, Jr's.

natal chart (as you mention you've studied it)-- for whatever reason/s, it is not coming up the Internet (so am curious as to how you got it i.e. w. his exact TIME of birth??? on 01/17/54 in Wahington, D.C.).

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What is RFK JR's birth time?

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What is RFK Jr's birth time?

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Do you have a birth time for RFK Jr?

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The eclipse lasts for 5 hrs 27 minutes. So, its effects should last until october 2028. That seems significant to me.

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Removed (Banned)Apr 17, 2023
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