I cannot wrap my head or heart around this delusional rhetoric you spout. So, sir, "no further comment" will be forthcoming from me as I leave this 'little chat'-- this being your blog.
Likewise, this being my email, I request we end this here now, so please do contact me further, as it is obvious, we are not on the same page, in the same…
I cannot wrap my head or heart around this delusional rhetoric you spout. So, sir, "no further comment" will be forthcoming from me as I leave this 'little chat'-- this being your blog.
Likewise, this being my email, I request we end this here now, so please do contact me further, as it is obvious, we are not on the same page, in the same book, or in the same reality. You can keep your sad view of things...be assured I won't be visiting your site again.
I cannot wrap my head or heart around this delusional rhetoric you spout. So, sir, "no further comment" will be forthcoming from me as I leave this 'little chat'-- this being your blog.
Likewise, this being my email, I request we end this here now, so please do contact me further, as it is obvious, we are not on the same page, in the same book, or in the same reality. You can keep your sad view of things...be assured I won't be visiting your site again.
👍💖RFK for President!
✌Ess G.
so what do you really know about him, other than the fact that his last name begins with K?