“Causation is an illusion of the intellectual lazy, that we can identify every factor that creates conditions giving rise to a thing”David martin

Haber bosch invented the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen gas to ammonia and nitrate. Because this was the known procedure to test for nitrogen, it was assumed that plants only used this form of nitrogen to grow, and this was the standard paradigm. Fast forward to 1990 researchers found methods to test for organic nitrogen and found that many plants actually used organic forms of nitrogen. Thus all models and previous understanding of plants was flawed based on the capabilities to test. This is what david is saying, we dont have the imagination or understanding to test what covid really is, doesnt mean that there were no such poison. I think it is clear to you and I, virus don’t cause disease, “virus” was not found in the human body, but is it a matter of semantics? I for sure believe people are being poisoned, certainly pharmaceuticals and something cloggs our livers making poisons undetoxible, leading to poor health and cancer. I personally believe covid is volatilized mercury or some heavy metal, and believe it is more than just lifestyle and diet.

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of course we have the imagination and understanding -- to look at covid and see that it's a definition, not a thing.

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David Martin sounds like a con man. He is disrespectful and speaks not to clarify but to mislead. As I listened what came to mind was, “What a pompous asshole.”

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Excellent music choices. 👏

Martin is a weasel. He’s purposely deceptive. He is not honorable. He’s proof that everything is broken. 🐀

I wanna know who was in on the calls that led to the whole truth being withheld. They decided to lie about virology is a fraud and viruses are a hoax. They said, “The people aren’t ready.” Who were these self-appointed authorities? I pray for a whistleblower. 🙏

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Extracting clear answers was no easy task, but Alec did a great job staying focused calm and strong. Dave’s responses and many attempts to lead the discussion away from the point of focus was crazy. The idea that it’s safer to present evidence of criminal conduct against the cabal, rather than to address the scientific flaws/failures of virology makes no sense at all. And the anger from DM as he lashed out at Alec, Tom, and others in the last few minutes was super weird.

Loved the Jerry outro! Thanks Eric.

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Hunter's voice....wow....

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ps re Zeck - he passed the audition. that was the best I ever heard. I could not have done that.

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This is a great discussion. What I hear, is that for personal reasons, David Martin has narrowed his focus and battle to a very specific area. I believe him that his choice is based on self protection. I'd say that what he is doing is laying groundwork. Others can take it forward, using his incorrigible historical research.

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Listen more carefully. He's a bamboozeler. I thought so for a long time, but it was Alec's gentle, honest line of questioning — a line he held — that made it plain that Martin is running all over the road and is not a sober thinker.

He tries to make it seem like he has some Very Important Point that he's getting at — but he never gets there. He's always about to make it "very simple" and then ultimately he says nothing. Alec says, so then you agree this thing does not exist? And suddenly we are taken back to the Council of Romulus in the 24th century BC and reading dusty manuscripts, or raising sweeping philosophical platitudes about the nature of cause and effect.

There was no reason for him to be so defensive, unless he is trying to protect someone or something. There was no reason for him to be so elusive.

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Jul 29, 2023
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Proton Magic: I read the entire document. I don't like David Martin either, having read it. However, I do not trust the author of the document. It appears the author's name is Kevin McKernan, not Greg Wyatt. (At the very end of the 70 page document, that's the name which appears.) The author is wrong about several issues, among them stealth weapons (a.k.a. directed energy weapons) and about the toxicity of the covid "vaccines." He believes stealth weapons don't exist (they do) and he believes that the covid "vaccines" are much less toxic and dangerous than they really are. He believes that reports of covid vaccine injuries are largely faked. He appears to not be aware that there's been a significant increase in all-cause mortality since the covid "vaccine" campaign began. He declares there was no increase in all-cause mortality, but the data he presents end with 2020; he completely ignores 2021, 2022, and 2023! The increase in mortality began at the very end of 2020, and it coincided precisely and dramatically with the beginning of the covid "vaccination" campaign, which began in mid-December 2020. He evidently knows nothing about the VAERS reporting system, including the fact that the CDC itself admits that the reporting rate for vaccine injuries is much lower than the true rate. The CDC says the numbers of conventional vaccine injuries are at least 40 to 100 times higher than what's reported; it's probably higher still for the covid "vaccines." I can attest to this fact. I was significantly sickened and injured by the Pfizer covid "vaccine"; I tried to post a report to VAERS but was unable to do so despite trying multiple times. Doctors were told by their employers specifically to NOT post vaccine injury reports on the VAERS website during the covid vaccine campaign, and some were fired for doing so. The VAERS website is glitchy and difficult to work with; the reporting form is difficult to complete; if there's the slightest error or missed piece of data, the report is rejected. (For example, the reporting form asks for the injured person's doctor's phone number. Managed care corporations like Kaiser do not give out individual doctors' phone numbers.) Nor has the author done any research about the contents of the covid "vaccine" vials, evidently. He lives in his own fictional universe, and believe only what suits his reality. He is a dupe, too, just as he claims almost everyone else is.

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As with the previous item, i ask how the global weather/climate system can be engineered when all its variables are not even known, many not well measurable, and the interactions between components such as the oceans and the atmosphere are not fully understood. Do you believe this system is a machine? It most certainly is NOT!!

Are aerosols being sprayed? YES! Are they about creating global warming? More saw than the emissions of the last almost 300 years, since humans started using fossil fuels en masse (the advent of industrial capitalism)? Come on! Are they about slowing such warming? Again, come on, not unless a uniform layer of spray is created around the world and somehow maintained. If that's not done, all that's being accomplished is chaos enhancement. I think the real reason is to poison the atmosphere and via doing so the land and water too, render masses addled and needing Pharma to maintain some sort of health, prevent people from surviving in an independent way, away from the core urban zones, this is part of the coming herding into the global Blockchain.

Are people being adversely affected by hormone-mimicking chemicals? Probably. But i see no evidence that there has been a mass shift in sexual orientation, no such stats. The state of society has made it difficult from people to socialize, including men and women, but that;'s something which has been worsening for several decades.

Regarding Joseph Mercola, i think you got him nailed. This i believe is an op designed to make him look like a rebellious hero, while he in fact channels the mainstream con job "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” fraud narrative, including the "lab leak bio weapon" disinformation garbage.

Regarding David Martin. I'm glad Alec Zeck did not let him get away with a fast one. He claimed that his remarks about SARS-CoV-2 at the "COVID" summit in May at the EU Parliament building were tailored to a legalistic framework, since this is what the event was about. In fact, it was held under the auspices of Medical Doctors For Covid Ethics and CHD. The members of the EU parliament were merely present as enablers of the usage of that structure. This was not really a parliamentary hearing. Certainly, no one else testifying or asking questions acted like that. He's more slippery than an ill, but Alec was up to his tricks!

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Eric, your contact at chase doesn't know what he's talking about. The big banks have been cancelling accounts without warning of businesses that tptb don't like for YEARS. Payday loans, marijuana dispensaries, gun shops and I don't know what else, all legal businesses. They are all about politics.

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I reckon he learned something from this experience. And he said he's never seen it, not that it cannot occur. Anyway I did not take his word for it.

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I really loved this interview with David Martin. I didn’t think he was evasive at all. I totally got what he was saying. It seemed weird to me that Alec still didn’t get it and kept asking the viral question. I didn’t understand why he wasn’t understanding. So sad that it had to end on a sour note.

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Oh tell me please, what he was saying. Besides saying that he always said he was saying something very simple and about to get to the point. What was it?

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My uncle (basically my dad) has this exact same manner of speaking. When I heard DM in this format with Alec , begin speaking, I was like OMG this is my uncle! My uncle and I are coming from opposing view points: he is a very conservative Christian and I am a spiritual, liberal feminist. I have had 54 years of conversing/arguing/debating with my uncle so I totally can follow this type of very long winded explanations. Also, because I love my uncle and very much value his opinion I come to the table WANTING to understand him and find common ground.

My takeaway from what DM explains in this interview is:

1. He thinks most commonly accepted “science” is bullshit. Including pathogenic virus theory.

2. He believes the root erroneous thinking goes back 300 years maybe longer.

3. He has made it his mission to expose the hypocrisy, fraud and murder within the paradigm that our culture has currently set up (viruses make you sick), using the data and documents that our own government has published.

4. He does not personally believe in the current cultural narrative regarding the “model” of virus theory but stays within it to expose fraud because it’s what people accept and understand is true in the world.

5. He doesn’t feel like it is his mission to expose germ theory or fraudulent virology because it is too much a part of the fabric modern belief systems. (My words not his)

Like it would be a bridge too far so to speak

I think if ppl on our side (no virus) can find a way to go back and listen with an open heart and open mind you’ll see he tries to view things from a 30,000 ft vantage point. My hope is that ppl recognize allies in the effort to expose corruption even if they take a stance that varies from our own.

Eric, I really appreciate and value your work. Thank you so much for hosting an open forum for adult thoughtful conversation. Very much appreciated.


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David Martin is not credible, and certainly quite volatile when challenged.

Supposed to be smart and showing how arrogant he really is.

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Wow, David Martin is a total bullshitter. Way to go Alec for exposing his fraud in such a loving way. I have listened to David Martin many times throughout the fakedemic. Mostly I listened to many of his butterfly of the week you tube videos and other videos. I thought he was legit. Now I see he is full of it.

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David knows perhaps better than many what is at stake here. If the 'Viruses have not been proven to exist' group prevail here,then a gain of function synthetic virus cannot exist, therefore no lab leak. How does anyone get convicted for releasing an illusion? Pfizer & Co. can perhaps say "We've been fooled all along ,we thought viruses existed based on government data. Is it any wonder we inadvertently did damage to humans having designed a vaccine based on a lie? " "We're suing the government" (meaning the confiscated tax from workers earnings.)

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Truth doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is a legal case you wanna pursue? If the virus does not exist, the entire apparatus is guilty of mega fraud, one which stated a century ago with the takeover of health care by virology, Rockefeller allopathic medicine, the works,... thanks to the Flexner Report, made by a teacher who had no science background but was the brother of the head of the Rockefeller Institute. The entire system gets convicted.

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I'm not sure where he comes off claiming to be in the position to prosecute criminally. He throws around statutes, but he's a civilian. He can only bring a civil case, or report a crime to the authorities, which would mean the FBI or a state Attorney General. So the whole prosecution he claims he's about thing is more Chewbacca distraction.

Additionally, in a civil action, there can be a jury question over whether a virus exists and whether you can sequence de novo a novel virus. However, nothing he said has given any indication that he has standing to bring a case, and further, the statutes of limitation are all running out. In New York for example, there is a two year limit on wrongful death. Fraud is generally two years from the time of discovery of the fraud; such is true in New York.

Alec has revealed that there is absolutely nothing to this guy, unless you think it's all over your head. And there is nobody in my reading audience for whom that is true.

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EXACTLY! He is acting as if he has legal authority, putting on the airs, by the very claim that he's pursuing a legal strategy. He is a high tech con man. (on top of his high tech 4IR interests, self admitted).

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It was odd

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This sickens me. There’s entirely something insanely fucked up going on with the covid lie and instead of addressing that as the sole issue and focusing on the people who perpetrated it on humanity, you’re re worried about splitting bullshit hairs in the same argument?! I don’t really understand the egos of all involved?? I mean humanity is being culled and you’re worried about catching David Martin out there for sone reason when y’all are saying the same thing when it’s reduced down to the original point. I mean give me a break. This is about humankind not some dude Alec whoever or David Martin. Some of us live with lasting affects of the crimes perpetrated on humanity like the conditions under the umbrella of their autoimmune disease weapons as I personally was inflicted with MS and the lasting thing we need is for the only people calling out these crimes to be bickering about bullshit and there being an obvious ongoing underlying agenda to want to discredit one of the good guys?? It kinda to me screams that y’all ARE the bad guys?? I mean ffs what a fucking waste of time this piece of shit was when it could’ve been used to relay information rather than bullshit this guy is trying to fish for. Yeah you’re all really smart and courageous blah blah blah. Happy now?!

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HI Josh. What would you like me to do my show about? I could perhaps stick to discussions of Garcia as a banjo player.

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I feel deeply for your health problems, and the millions of other people who have suffered physically, psychologically, socially, and financially due to this psyop. I would recommend the link cited above on Mr Martin that clearly elucidates his sleazy mischaracterization, and his deep involvement with the major actors in this crime wave. By shunting the discussion into a legal framework, he can channel all of that righteous rage and money into a long drawn out and ultimately failed effort. Its a technique of distraction, and we are inundated with its purveyors.

The problem I have had with Mercola, and Martin is that they are avaricious. They are rooted in the system of domination and destruction, of disrespect for Life and all of her expressions. Its subtle. We must work hard to see the water we swim in. I think Stephen Newcomb´s book, `Pagans in the Promised Land´ digs into the rancid roots of our institutions. It is time, now, as the planets indicate, to dig up that root, examine it, and reject all of its fruits. We can do better. If we want to survive and thrive we must. The tools we can use are generosity, kindness, curiosity, and meditation. If we can quiet our minds and use our cognitive capacities for clear seeing explorations of truth, our creative capacities may be unleashed in harmony with this amazing living planet. Listen to the wisdom expressed by our elder brothers and sisters, the plants and creatures of the earth. They have a living wisdom to impart, a resilience and creativity in the face of disaster. We are part of that. I wish you healing, and believe that your body and mind, properly harnessed and directed, can do that. My heart goes out to you. Maybe there are no bad guys, but discomforts which move us in the direction of awareness.

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mm hmm

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My old computer won't let me post a comment, only replies. So, about the Mercola kerfuffle, don't get me wrong, he has done wonderful work and funded worthy organizations. I would like to emphasize that banks are criminal organizations, and the global banking system would have long ago tanked if it hasn't incorporated some of the most heinous money making businesses into its upper echelons; drug dealing, organ harvesting, and human trafficking. JP Morgan Chase is a 5 time felon, and was intimately involved in Epstien´s operation. So, I think its pretty naive to wonder if they are breaking their own rules and regulations. I rather expect it. I think the news item is more of waving a red flag to the health freedom folks (bless their hearts) who are up in arms about the recent banning of supplements in Canada. FEAR is the currency of the predators, it doesn't matter of what. It is a way of attracting and using the collective creative focus of human minds. Remember, the first thing the angel of the lord says when they come to you is, `fear not!´. So, have a radiant, creative day!

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Hi Robin,

I am not sure how he is convincingly holding himself out as a friend to the public, to the truth and to the scientific method. Have a listen.


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In my worthless opinion, Mercola is a hypocrite. Twice I've been blocked on his webpage comment section for saying there's no virus. I can't tell you how much money we've spent over the years at his webpage. No more. Further, it drives me nutz how he obviously reads medical journals and believes what's published when at least two, but I think it's three, former editors of major medical journals have said that the studies are unreliable. Am I supposed to think him a genius because he memorizes all the supposed biochemistry in the journal article? That kind of psittacism didn't impress me in college and it doesn't impress me now.

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Jul 29, 2023Edited
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I am most of the way through my second playing of Martin. Alec was gently holding the line, and you could see Martin swerving all over the highway, never really making a coherent statement. This interview is calling for a transcript and for serious analysis. Listening carefully, my main take away is, we have no idea who this guy is or what he is doing in the conversation. Did he insert himself there because he could, or is he doing a particular job?

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Jul 29, 2023
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In the immortal words of Mr Slave, "Oh, Jesus Christ."

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