What is Mr. Kennedy’s private position on the missing virus problem? Here it is, written last August, provided to me by the recipient:
“I’m grateful for your courage and intellectual integrity. I have an open mind on this issue but no bandwidth to spend the time energy and credibility capital to personally investigate it. I feel the same way towards those people who passionately and knowledgeably argue that 9/11 is an inside job. It could be true. But there are opportunity costs in taking on this cause and I think diminishing returns to my overall effectiveness. I cannot right every wrong or expose every falsehood. I need to be strategic In choosing my battles. If you reflect, you will find that you do the same. I admire and encourage you but I must beg off on this war for the time being. I’m more likely to join if you get it nearer the goal line where the cost/returns ratio improves.”
That is a typical politician's response, what Kennedy said about supporting the no-virus issue only if you/we get more support for it. I got the exact same response from MI state reps when I was trying to stop smart meters, 5G, and then to change the 5G laws (that were heavily opposed but passed into law anyway). It's a major cop-out, IMO.
And BTW, Kennedy does speak the truth, from what I've seen and heard, about wireless and health, which is still not a popular and widely-recognized issue either. Though the lawsuit he claims they won against the FCC has changed absolutely nothing regarding the laws and/or US exposure levels. Was that lawsuit all smoke and mirrors to gain popularity and pacify a nation-wide network of activists trying to put a lid on wireless expansions? The point being, Kennedy can take-on controversial wireless issues, but not the no-virus issue. Perhaps big pHarma pads his pockets. I don't know, but Allison McDowell did a piece about a pharma-banking exec being in CHD's executive suite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8__r9dWCQs
you're an easy mark -- obviously, not tired of being lied to yet. but you're admitting he's a typical politician; enough reason to consider him of ill repute.
I definitely do consider Kennedy of Ill repute and don't trust him one iota. He practices lies of omission. Though don't understand why you called me "an easy mark"
I actually feel like this was plotted in advance--CHD is looking extremely suspicious to me. Kennedy is surrounding by some shady suspicious characters, like Robert Malone (see Diana West's Robert Malone A Risk Assessment), who was making vaccines his whole life, but now he's positioned as a "hero" in the movement" and Kennedy speaks highly of him? And then there's Steve Kirsch, who admittedly has done good work on exposing the dangers of the kill shots, but he has a background in digital currencies and has worked with central banks. And there's also Charles Eisenstein who appears to be in Kennedy's circle, and is also highly suspect IMO (Allison has a video on him, I'm still working through it). He seems to be some kind of brainwasher on the monetary system, telling people that "money is a story and we can change the story." But I think he's a believer in digital currency, so he's not going to tell you the true story about the banking cartel taking over the world with money printed out of thin air and loaning into it to govt as a way of capturing govt. So, again, this whole crew around Kennedy makes me all the more suspicious.
I'm also suspicious of the whole timeline with Kennedy and how we never hear about how his mother's family became extremely wealthy off of running the Great Lakes Carbon, Coke, Coal company--given the obvious irony, you would think that would get mentioned somewhere.
Also, back on Malone and Kirsch, J.J. Couey did a very interesting 6 hour show where he re-played the DarkHorse podcast show that introduced Kirsch and Malone to the world and he found it highly suspicious and thought the whole thing was scripted. And these are the guys in Kennedy's camp.
Not to mention how his father's family became extremely wealthy because of prohibition as well as stock market manipulations.
JJ Couey finds Malone and Kirsch "scripted"? That's RICH, given how scripted he himself was talking to Eric. (Malone, BTW, figured prominently in Bobby Jr's book on Fauci in the first chapter, "Mismanaging the Pandemic." )
Exclusive: Interview with CHD's and RFK Jr.'s scientific advisor, Dr. J. Jay Couey This post includes an interview in audio and video formats, the transcript, and a new article about RFK Jr's handling of the missing virus problem being admitted by all governments in the world. Eric Francis Coppolino, 1/21/23.
Made for Hulu: Open Letter to Jay Couey. Filling in the blanks, the virus magic trick, and a few studies you may not have that demonstrate how wide and deep runs the seemingly endless river of bullshit. Eric Francis Coppolino, 1/22/23.
Yep, Bobby Jr and Mary Holland hired a big pharma executive (from Pfizer!) who then became a consultant for Pfizer, other big pharma and big banks, as CHD chief operations officer.
And what Eric and i addressed was much more than the "no proof of virus" issue (NOT 'no virus," one cannot prove a negative), but his lying about the historical legacy of his family and US historical legacy in general regarding the US empire, 1945-1980. He whitewashed it all, made JFK and Bobby Sr (his father) look like peace crusaders. In the face of historical facts.
Alison also exposed the role 4IR promoters play in his campaign, his first campaign speech was at the Bitcoin Convention in Miami in May. 3 videos she made about that.
Oops, I should have scrolled down --I just commented about on Eisenstein.
Also, fwiw, I just got this book from William Pitting's substack--he's into lots of the Larouche info and on the first page of the preface they have some interesting thoughts on "the Kennedy machine.":
Also, I'm still not all the way through this podcast, but so far a great show. Also, that part with Rogan, sounded kind of strange to me---he sounded totally fake and disingenuous.
I'm not real high on Larouche in any way, shape or form, but Alison's videos nail Eisenstein's ass. He was there catering to the world's financial elite at the 75th anniversary of Bretton Woods conference, delivered the *keynote( address about reconfiguration of money to enable the elite to continue their operations.
Back in the mid '70s, Larouche was the first source i got providing extensive info about the Trilateral Commission. Back then, he was passing as Lynn Marcus, a "Marxist," has a book out called "Negative Dialectics." It's like he thought he had to have a "Jewish-sounding" name to have credibility in left circles. 🤣
hey Astro man...do you always ban people who ask you tough questions...like what is astrology and what can it predict? when the going gets tuff... just censor them...like the MSM does...bravo sir well done
You talking about Rich? He wasn't banned for asking questions, but for being a rude asshole, rude to the host and to guests. At least that''s why i would have banned him. And repeat, astrology cannot "predict" in the way that a rising pressure can predict the coming end of an ongoing storm, or rapidly rising acid levels in one stomach can predict an upset stomach ahead. You're being a rude asshole as well.
I gave him plenty of thoughtful responses. Trolling this Stack is not invited. You look like you're winding up for a pitch, calling me the "msm." Who the fuck are you?
We're friends and collaborators. You got problems with that? Charts merely set the scene, not the details. Like me and a woman deciding to meet at a certain place for a dinner date. This would hardly determine the date's outcome.
Jeff has the status of Senior Reporter in my news organization. I understand that I cannot personally look into everything; I need people around me who specialize and know more than I do. At this stage I am in the role of investigative editor, not reporter.
Pediatrician Paul Thomas had an outside agency compile a comparison study of his patients health as he took care of both jabbed and unjabbed children. The numbers were amazing and clearly showed the striking difference
. His license was soon suspended. He was challenging last I heard. He then started a program called “Against the Wind”
No surprise. But just to make it clear, i go WAY beyond opposition to the shots, as does Eric. In fact, much (most, i'd say) of the health freedom movement is stuck on opposing the shots, without calling the entire "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” into question, in fact upholding it and simply calling for "alternative treatments" and better "management" rather than shots. That's one of our huge problems with Bobby Jr.
Exactly. I’m with you all the way. I posted that because Eric had asked if anyone knew of a comparison study. There is another one too I will post when I find it. (My computer is currently down)
Again, thanks a lot. I have learned a lot from readers, from Eric, and just from having to talk things out, it helps to get one''s thoughts together. I consider Planet Waves' best product to be citizen journalists who are rendered aware of how to research stuff.
He in fact is not only not a critic of capitalism, but promotes it as "the solution." But what does that have to do with this specific thread? My point was that he pushes the official narrative, even if not the official countermeasures. "In fact, much (most, i'd say) of the health freedom movement is stuck on opposing the shots, without calling the entire "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” into question, in fact upholding it and simply calling for "alternative treatments" and better "management" rather than shots. That's one of our huge problems with Bobby Jr."
bobby Jr is presenting "free market capitalism" (a total myth) as if an alternative to Big Pharma. Are you saying that criticizing the "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” narrative would amount to criticizing capitalism?
Eric (and Jeff Stahl)---THANK YOU. This whole show did A LOT to help me answer a question I've been wrestling with over the past several weeks re: RFK Jr.'s campaign, which is whether I should invest any energy in supporting it.
Jeff gave me a GREAT reminder of listening to KPFK in Los Angeles in the 1990s in my early 20s, learning about the real corruption that is American political history. Eric, you suggested a great quote, which I wish I would have written down but if you read this maybe you can respond with it, but it was something like "Politics is the art of selling people their ideals to them." Man, oh man did that resonate! Anyway, my VERY DEEP idealism wants to believe, so badly, that a Kennedy or a Bernie or an Obama or whoever can come and steer the American ship into seas where it actually realizes the idealism of its founding principles, but, well, I also use things like astrology and Human Design to recognize that we've already moved well past an era where such a possibility exists.
Anyway, I LOVE the 1990s astrology series, too---as a guy who came of age in that decade and felt my heart break during it, leading into drug addiction to soothe the pain of that realization---I'm eager to follow what you do with it.
More I could say, including how I wish I could financially support but right now I'm jobless and employment prospects are rather grim due to a Uranian-Saturnian legal conundrum I'm working through, but I very much support the Chiron idea of doing journalism while training new journalists. I hope I can contribute in some way!
On an unrelated note, I have a Capricorn Moon and felt very understood by your analysis. (I was born on 1/4/73, New Moon and solar eclipse, with Jupiter tightly conjunct the Moon.) I vacillate widely in my emotions--with deep love for humanity but also deep sadness about the human condition and a perpetual sense of loneliness while people all experience me as very gregarious. It’s quite the consciousness I inhabit, but your discussion of the Cap Moon helped me feel new understanding about myself and increased compassion for myself, which is not always easy for me (I’m my own worst critic). Anyway, BIG thanks!
What's even worse about Bernie, Obama and the earlier Kennedys is that they in fact steered the ship into new terrains of heightened social control, Obama via a government/Pharma coordinated health care, new levels of state censorship, new levels of state powers (making it US policy to kill US citizens without a trial on the basis of "anti terrorism"), new wars, .... Bernie with his steadfast support of Operation "Pandemic," the earlier Kennedys in the ways i discussed, and this one who i feel is preparing the way for implementing more blatant 4IR measures, as discussed by Alison McDowell in several of her videos. See for instance https://wrenchinthegears.com/2023/05/26/camelot-corner-with-operation-snow-white-and-charles-eisenstein-as-troubadour/
Wow, Jeffrey, I’ve been deep down the rabbit hole of Alison’s work, and in the past few weeks, I’ve been spending a lot of time on those exact videos re: RFK Jr and was just about to point Eric in that direction.
I’m still struggling with how to orient myself with all of this, though, partly because I’ve long resonated with Charles Eisenstein’s work and think Alison’s perspective on him doesn’t have any room for even the possibility that Charles’s involvement with RFK could be a good thing.
A few more things. I was looking at the chart for the presidential election day in 2024 and see it’s basically a Chiron Return week for the US, and considering RFK’s addiction/recovery life experience, and how addicted the US population is, I can’t help but wonder if his policy proposal to legalize weed federally and use the money to build treatment centers won’t resonate with many voters. Personally, it resonates with me because I’m currently facing a year in prison with labor in Japan for importing a psychedelic drug and I’d feel much less resentful of the State if I was given the opportunity to work on a farm and be supported in treatment as RFK’s plan proposes. I know Alison has her critique of this Italian model that RFK based his idea on, but I’m open to the idea that it’s simply a model and it would take on a different form in the US.
Last, I do think the astrology of our times suggests the US is done for, so maybe none of this matters.
Anyway, I appreciate your vast historical knowledge and perspective that the US wasn’t a saint under Kennedy, so not to get caught up in a nostalgic pipe dream of a return to Camelot.
Ultimately, while I very muc not going to be putting my energy into vocally
Bryan, the way people are treated for possession of substances which are natural and whose usage by humans goes back over 10,000 years, far longer than alcohol (which is a known killer of brain cells, responsible for all sorts of social ills, and LEGAL) is utterly EFFED. My BEST WISHES to you regarding this matter.
Bobby Jr enthusiastically supported the Italian model, he voiced absolutely no reservations about it, skipped all the ugly details. It's a corporate low wage labor camp, and that's unacceptable to me. I understand your desperate situation, but that's exactly what steers people into the fire from the frying pan.
Regarding Eisenstein, he repeatedly put forth ideas which i consider antagonistic to the cause of human freedom and indeed organic life at the 75th anniversary of Bretton Woods, doing so to several hundred leaders of international finance. He CHOSE to be there, he is consciously helping those people configure 4IR. And as Alison pointed out, he has refused to say if he's still working as a consultant and an inspirational figure with Celo. The record of that corporate vulture is utterly disgusting. Not just what Alison presented in the videos, but also stuff like this, by Leo Saraceno,
LOTS of stuff about Celo at the Sillicon Icarus page. I do have to say, i hate the white-text-on-black-background layout. :-)
Bobby Jr selected this guy as the philosopher of his campaign, His first campaign speech was at the Bitcoin Convention in Miami. He's going all out pushing 4IR. His biggest financial supporter Steve Kirsch (an avowed enemy of the "no proof of virus" position) is invested in digital IDs and "early treatment" of "COVID." I think it's quite clear where he's coming from.
" the US is done for," NO, the entire global system is done for, there is no rescuing this Titanic, regardless of who is at the helm. The only question is whether we stay loyal to the global capitalist industrial machine and go down with the ship of fools or start figuring our own way out.
PS: Thanks for the well wishes. My verdict is on July 24th and my lawyer is VERY confident I will remain a free man, likely with a suspended sentence.
And the whole experience has actually triggered a deeper process in me which led me to make the decision to truly focus on an addiction-free life, to really become my own father at age 50 so that I can be of Service in the second half of my life. The past several years have been kind of a life half lived and as I’ve dug into this, I realized I’d become uncommitted to living and so have been slowly killing myself. It’s only in the past few days, and your chat with Eric played a role in this, that I’ve decided I’m committing to truly living. Onward and upward!
Thanks for all of that, Jeffrey. I know Alison has linked Leo’s work but I’ve only scratched the surface so those links will be my weekend homework!
And yeah, as I listened to Eric’s previous Planet Waves episode when he chatted with Alec Zeck, as they discussed how the Children’s Health Defense people played silly games to refuse to engage earnestly with them, I saw the connection to how Charles is ignoring Alison and this REALLY rubbed me the wrong way, especially because these same people are griping about the likes of Peter Hotez not engaging with them! Are y’all principled or not? And if not, then quit acting like you are standing up for the principles!
Anyway, as to your last comment, I’m wondering if you or Eric have ever looked at the Human Design timeline which has February 2027 as being the start of a new 400-year cycle. I don’t know it too well but it says we are leaving the past 400 years that was based on planning and organizing into collectives from the top down and thus all of these structures will collapse. It’s not an overnight thing but rather a new energetic resonance we are entering where people will organize their lives based on their individual values. I want to dig into it more, but it makes me think that perhaps this RFK Jr campaign will play its role in helping those structures fall apart, and that’s including their own!
Anyway, thanks for the lovely conversation. I hope Eric makes you a semi-regular guest!
Thanks, Bryan. Haven't looked at that timeline, thanks for letting us know.
I don't know, man, i think the RFK Jr campaign is this year's "insurgency" whose very purpose is to attempt to implement the new control structures, just like his father's campaign in '68, the closely related McGovern one in '72, Carter in '76,...
I'm gonna be appearing at least once more in the near future, a longer interview with me which in fact deals with those specific campaigns.
Awesome about your near-future appearance regarding those campaigns. I’m doing my best to constantly learn from history, which also means keeping my mind open enough to change my perspective on things.
So much of this is really recognizing how, throughout my 50 years, I’ve believed narratives that I later learned were missing critical information and so were more myth than fact. I feel like since the end of 2019, I’m really occupying a much more realistic and humble space of “you don’t know what you claim to know, Bryan,” and I think this has helped me avoid falling into the sticky traps of the many narratives about our current situation. I listen without need to believe or agree.
Anyway, very grateful for your perspective. We are such an intentionally undereducated culture about recent history (and history in general). Thanks for being a part of my continuing education.
What country or society is not done for? I am ready to move. I used to think Russia a had a potential but got very disappointed with their covid policies and the Ukraine misadventure.
I'm still in the process of listening, but just wanted to add this from another substack:
The Daily News from the Art of Liberty Foundation cross-posted a post from NEVERMORE MEDIA
Etienne de la Boetie2Jul 1 · The Daily News from the Art of Liberty Foundation
"I would also add that in his speech to the Free State Project that he wouldn't commit to not using violence on the people of NH if they seceded from the "union" and he was pumping the virus as if it was real."
He definitely pushes the "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” narrative. He is ideologically invested in "the virus" as he believes virology. He is emotionally invested, as he has told so many people about "the virus," the tittle of the first chapter of his "Fauci" book is "Mismanaging the Pandemic," and his new book is about "lab leak bio weapon," not in a good place to say that he got all this wrong and thus shoot his credibility to shreds. And he is financially invested in companies which push "early treatment with repurposed drugs" and testing, his business plan needs a virus, 4IR in general needs viruses to be legitimated.
I'm still kind of shocked by all of the hopium out there (just seems like more hope and change BS)- I'm blown away that some still believe in the system and that if we just get the right guy in there, he's fix it all. LOL!!!
That's an aspect of people having farmed off their ability to think, given it to AI and to celebrities informed by AI. The alternative is to take responsibility for thinking and for themselves doing something about the world. And "Ask anything of us, but please don't ask us to do THAT!"
Jeffrey Strahl's historical analysis on the Kennedy's and US imperialism is a welcome antidote to the hagiography that surrounds the Kennedy's and Camelot.
For those who refer to the Democrats and Republicans as two sides of the same coin, Helen Gahagan Douglas' campaign is illustrative of how the right-wing faction of the Democratic Party purged the Left and became the new "Liberal-Left". While Nixon lambasted Gahagan/Douglas from outside the Democratic Party, the attack from the inside was launched by none other than John F. Kennedy, Nixon's opponent in 1960 for the presidency.
During the 1950 Nixon campaign against Gahagan/Douglas, Kennedy extensively red-baited Douglas ("the Pink Lady") for her support for Henry Wallce (FDR's V.P. before Truman) in his Progressive Party run for the presidency in 1948.
Kennedy's father, Joseph P. Kennedy, made a significant contribution to Nixon's campaign (as he did later for Joseph McCarthy) and the check was hand delivered by JFK:
He explained that the check should be used in Nixon's campaign for senator, that it's intention was due partly in admiration for Nixon and partly to a preference for Congressman Nixon over Congresswoman Douglas.
Another item for the resume:
One of Sen. Joe McCarthy's biggest financial backers and friends was Joe Kennedy, the dad, despite the fact that McCarthy was a Republican. McCarthy dated JFK's sister. In 1953, RFK was a senior staffer for McCarthy at the height of McCarthyism. JFK was an ardent supporter. Take a look at how he voted in the vote to censure McCarthy in 1954. In fact, take a look at JFK's entire voting record as a Congressman and as a Senator (short as both those tenures were).
The largest and most radical of the CIO unions at the time was UE, the United Electrical Workers, primarily concentrated at GE and Westinghouse among other major employers. The union was particularly powerful in Massachusetts with perhaps its most important local being at Lynn/GE (the aircraft engine plant). After the war, the government decided that UE had to be destroyed.
The entire spectrum of what was thrown at UE is a history unto itself, starting with HUAC and reaching past McCarthy. The campaign included jailings, shootings, arbitrary decertifications of locals, a "counter-union" funded by the government, FBI and Congressional committee intimidation, open collusion between the cops, the government, the employers, and the counter-union, you name it.
In Massachusetts, the Kennedys led the effort. They toured the state, lending their considerable power and "charisma" to destroying the union. The union was devastated.
One more:
Kennedy's approach to U.S.-Latin American relations reintroduced "gunboat" diplomacy into the Dominican Republic and Haiti, and further extended U.S. meddling into Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. In 1962, the CIA spent $5 million on political campaigns in Brazil, funneled Alliance for Progress aid to friendly state governors, and undercut social reform programs in the drought-ridden Northeast by "assisting anti-Goulart oligarchs."
The result was the rise of even more demands for reform, a U.S.-supported military coup, and 20 years of dictatorship. At the same time, the CIA authorized more than $3 million of covert aid to campaigns of the Christian Democratic Party in Chile, resulting in the rise of a stronger reform movement, a U.S.-supported military coup, and 16 years of dictatorship.
"In 1962, the CIA spent $5 million on political campaigns in Brazil, funneled Alliance for Progress aid to friendly state governors, and undercut social reform programs in the drought-ridden Northeast by "assisting anti-Goulart oligarchs." "
This is the CIA under the JFK appointed director John McCone, appointed per Bobby Sr's advice. One of these governors, Carlos Lacerda, played a key role in the April 1, 1964 overthrow of President Goulart by the Brazilian military and the CIA, after JFK's death but while McCone was still director. 16 years of a military dictatorship followed.
One of the Agency For International Development officers who was in Brazil in 1962 for these activities was Dan Mitrione, also a CIA agent, who trained local police in torture. He was in Brazil from 1960 to 1967, moved in 1962 from Belo Horizonte to Rio. In 1969, he was transferred to Montevideo, while Uruguay was facing increasing social unrest. In July 1970, he was kidnapped by the Tupamaro guerrillas, who were the subjects of the torture policies he was training the police to carry out, and killed 10 days later. This was made famous in the 1972 movie State of Siege by Costa Garvas.
Thank you! Very useful information. One dissenting note: When he was VP, Wallace made no objections to the Council on Foreign Relations creating the structure for a totally US-dominated post War new world order, inc. the IMF, World Bank, UN, the anti-union moves by the US government against independent workplace actions which were undertaken in response to corporate workplace speedups and the like, and the unions such as the UAW worked to undermine and destroy these actions, something left out of history texts and even most "progressive" media, has to be searched for.
Well, you’re deleted the comments. :-) But i got them all to summarize for her HERE. Highlighting where she made accusations in bold, my responses are in italics.
Jun 30
There was a huge and unprecedented increase in deaths in the US in 2020, 2021 & 2022, according to CDC data. It wasn't a virus of course, since none exists, and some occurred before the vaccine rollout. So the question is, what caused them. There were about 1.7 million by my count. Here's the data. https://www.virginiastoner.com/cvax-risk/#excess-deaths-by-age-group
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Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 30
There were no excess deaths worldwide in Spring 2020, at the alleged height. No excess deaths in Africa, excess deaths only in some nations on other continents and not others, even adjacent nations. Within nations that had them, excess deaths only in certain regions, not others, e.g. in the US only in 16 states, in Italy only in Lombardy, not in other regions. In such US states, e.g. New York, excess deaths in New York City but not in the suburbs north of the city (where Eric resides). Within New York City, generally only in care facilities, and affecting generally people over 78 with an average of 4 morbidity factors. Deaths in that period started only after the lockdowns were initiated. The states with the most stringent lockdowns had the most deaths, mostly in just 8 states. After 2020 (starting Dec 2020) the shots come in. Denis Rancourt did the homework.
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Eric F Coppolino
Jun 30
I will send some people to this comment who understand the issue better than I do, however, there is plenty to refute excess deaths overall and they only happened in 16 of the United States. This is political policy, not disease process.
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16 hr ago
I'm still waiting for someone who can confirm that the mortality and excess death numbers on my site are accurate. There have been a lot of back-handed comments calling the integrity of this data into question--but its accuracy is a question of FACT that can be independently verified by anyone, not OPINION, so let's get it resolved.
As i made clear, i thought, raw data can be problematic. If say one year there are 50 deaths in a certain group (say the population of a certain town) and 10 years later 500 deaths, it looks like a big rise in death numbers. If however the number of people in that group rose from 1000 the first year to 100,00 10 years later, things look different.
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13 hr ago
Also, I don't pretend to include all data on that page that could be relevant, and I don't do any analyses--I'm just showing people what the CDC data IS--which is apparently a surprisingly difficult issue to hash out, considering the underlying actual numbers are 100% fact, not opinion. You can't theorize what the data means until you know what it IS.
13 hr ago
Please explain which of the data I show is "problematic," and why.
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Jeffrey Strahl
13 hr ago
I just explained the problem of looking strictly at raw data, since you seemed to think that 2019 was higher than previous years, and as i pointed out before, this was because you failed to take demographic changes into account, as the death per capita was actually lower. Have a good day, you seem more interested in contention than in anything else.
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13 hr ago
Also, I don't "contend" that deaths in 2019 were the highest in the last 20 years--that's what the data indicates, shown in the first chart at this link. It is NOT a matter of demographic changes (population changes) -- THERE WAS A REAL AND DRAMATIC INCREASE IN THE DEATH RATE IN EVERY STATE. https://www.virginiastoner.com/cvax-risk/#excess-deaths-by-age-group
Also, please explain specifically how sharing the number of deaths in each age group is misleading, if you think it is.
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Jeffrey Strahl
12 hr ago
Have a good day.
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12 hr ago
So you weren't telling people that deaths only increased in 16 states because you sincerely mistakenly believed it--you were telling people that to deceive them, and you intend to continue.
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Jeffrey Strahl
11 hr ago
No mistake whatsoever, when talking about April 2020, your own data showed a concentration of such an increase in only 2 states, in fact. Since you won't take "have a good day" as a hint, how about "have a bad day"?
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11 hr ago
No worries, I am putting together a summary of deaths by state from 1999-present, which should be ready soon, and all shall be settled. You know how they say, "Be careful what you ask for."
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Jeffrey Strahl
11 hr ago
Raw numbers mean shit, and you now know that. Have fun.
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10 hr ago
BTW, if the fact that deaths increased "means shit," then why are you promoting the fake fact that only 16 states had an increase in deaths? Then when you find out you're 'mistaken', you attack the messenger (me) and claim excess deaths don't mean anything. I think that's known as moving the goal post.
So your claim is that the massive increase in deaths in the US from 2020-2022 "means shit"--aka NOTHING?! And you are serious? Seriously?
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Jeffrey Strahl
10 hr ago
Dec 2020 on is all shots. I have said that. Congratulations, you are the first person i am pre banning from my Substack before i've even started it.
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10 hr ago
Of course--you can't have anyone calling out your BS.
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Jeffrey Strahl
10 hr ago
·edited 10 hr ago
Can't take yes for an answer, it's been clear for days that Eric and i both say the shots have been very deadly. But no, you came here to argue. Putting you on "block," and am pre-banning you from my coming Substack. Have a fun life, bot troll.
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10 hr ago
You are the one who has been trying to turn that into an argument from minute 1. Only reason I can think of is you are trying to hide something--just like the author of that Johns Hopkins paper you were promoting.
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Eric F Coppolino
6 hr ago
Ginny, We work with a lot of people who have reviewed this data a diversity of ways.
In any event, increased deaths do not mean there was a virus or an outbreak.
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Jeffrey Strahl
6 hr ago
She's taking what we said about no excess deaths in April 2020 aside from 16 states (even fewer, in fact) to mean that there were no excess deaths 2020-2022, and will not listen, just determined to argue.
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6 hr ago
Do you have any actual evidence that the mortality or excess death numbers I provided are incorrect?
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Eric F Coppolino
6 hr ago
·edited 6 hr ago
If you are asking me, no, but as an editor, before I take your word (and treat you as a reporter) we would need to have a series of in-depth conversations and I would need to ask you all of my questions. It seems your bottom line is that there was evidence of excess all-cause mortality in 2020 and beyond in the United States, above average, to a statistically significant measure. Are you saying that, and are you saying anything else?
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Jeffrey Strahl
6 hr ago
She keeps saying excess deaths 2020-2022, whereas we are talking about Spring 2020. She keeps thinking we're denying mass deaths due to the shots. Our record on that matter is quite clear, i'd think, both in general as well as what we've said here.
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Eric F Coppolino
5 hr ago
OK. I see. I am accustomed to a little more dialog before even seriously considering someone's conclusions. As you know :-)
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5 hr ago
As I explained above,, I don't do analyses, I simply post data from the WONDER database and VAERS that ANYONE can verify for themselves. I even provide direct links to run searches automatically. You're supposed to be an investigative reporter and you can't figure it out?
I have listened to / followed EFC for maybe 12 years now and reveled in his insights, abilities , and objectivity. However the diatribe on JFK Jr. has reached a point where I have a difficult time listening to more. My opinion is that because of one particular point of focus (Kennedy’s refusal to acknowledge the “non-existence” of the Covid Virus, which I have no issue with it’s fictionality) however the now reaching over into what I see as basically a character assassination, encompassing his entire existence. Where’ the characteristic objectivity? Ad hominem...?
BULLSHIT! You have not listened to the program. Eric and i take apart Bobby Jr's entire appearance with Rogen. The man lies, and in particular lies about his family's imperialist legacy and US imperialist legacy starting with FDR. I lived through the '60s, so please don't even try to bullshit me about it. Re the science, Bobby Jr maintains the fiction "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” narrative, covering up the mega fraud, tyranny and mass murder we've been subjected to, and enables future operations.
RFK does not acknowledge that since 23 December 1913 that a small class of parasites create the money supply allowing the parasitic class to build their industrial complexes (Media, military, medical...etc...) to the detriment of mankind.
Remove the ability of the 1% of the 1% to create the money supply in what amounts to "USURY" and all their industrial complexes that suck the life out of the non parasites will go away.
RFK jr is not about that. He wants to fight the good fight on a gameboard owned by the bankers....it is their system of control, their media, their money, their pharma, their medical, their wars be it war on covid, terrorism, communism, obesity, inflation, drugs...etc.... in the end it is a war on the common people.....there is no winning with RFK jr and if RFK jr was about winning he would attack the 1% of the 1% and their financial vehicle that makes it all work for them.... a private central bank chartered (protected) by government and if RFK jr is not going to even speak of this, not even to the smallest degree then he should be excoritated, charachter assasinated and basically lit up like a x-mas tree. See the head of the snake COULD be cut off to the benefit of the common man but RFK jr won't be doing it...no one will do it....That is the purpose of government.
Govern = Control
Ment/mental/mentis (latin) = the mind
by partaking in the scam of government the mind is controled with those notions, ideas...etc.... none of it originating in ones own mind.
I am ready to have the discussion of the abolishment of Mind Control by a Few (Govern_Ment)
Agreed. At this point, it is beginning to look like professional jealousy or a personal vendetta of some kind. It is one thing to take issue with specific claims (or omissions) made by RFK, but the constant harping on about him "not being a good guy" is revealing of something else .
What's worse is that the unprecedented opportunity that the medical freedom movement finally has with RFK's candidacy is being squandered by Eric with these personalistic attacks Was that answer REALLY "the most absurd answer" Eric has ever heard in his journalistic career? I seriously doubt it.
There are obvious strategic reasons why RFK cannot embrace any critique of the "virus". Because he has to meet people where they're at. He cannot address a largely scientifically illiterate population with the "no virus" position., because the germ theory ideology is too firmly entrenched in the popular culture. Just to question the efficacy of the vaccine - any vaccine - already places RFK on the lunatic fringe for a huge swath of the country. To go any further would torpedo his political chances entirely. And it is only from a position of power that policy changes can be made. RFK is the best chance (and probably the only chance) for this to happen in the foreseeable future. This is why i say that some in the no-virus movement are allowing "perfect" to be the enemy of "good".
The movement has attacked the likes of Fauci for treating us like kids, and now you're advocating that people be treated as kids because they can't handle the truth.
And there is a LOT more wrong with RFK Jrr than the virus matter (BTW, my position and that of Eric is "no proof of virus," not "no virus," can't prove a negative, anyone with science sense knows that) . Bobby Jr lies about his family's imperialist legacy, and about US history. And he is pushing 4IR on behalf of wealthy investors like Steve Kirsch.
So a lie is entranched so leave it intact and not challenge it?
There are zero reason preventing one from speaking against something that is closer to the truth than not. To not do so only aids that which you already detest. Gotta start somewhere...... or just let the lie lay???
Once the history of the allopathic capitalisitic system of medicine is learned it becomes apparent that Gilded Age Robber Barons created the WHOLE ENTIRE SYSTEM of MEDICINE for profit not HEALth. No one speaks against this let alone speaks of it at all.
It is the nature of capitalism that creates a fundemental problem for doctors, "a patient cured is a customer lost". Robber Barons created this whole system of money and medicine to keep you coming back even to the point of lying, deceiving about viruses, vaccines, medicines, germs, illness......and money......
All Pharma mfg pre covid had committed Felony Fraud and have been fined in the 100's of millions some in the billions with rap sheets that look like a RICO indictment against a crime family, but the same make life saving drugs, vaccines to stop viruses, illness, sickness is legit, necessary or we will all die OMG.....right? and the Government that supposedly protects you allows these Fraudsters to stay in business by paying fines/money attained by keeping a sick society sick with pharmaceuticals when they should be abolished, liquidated and pay claims to the injured while jailing those responsible.
RFK jr has a place in the Allopathic Capitalistic System of Medicine and i do not want anything to do with 'Rockefeller Medicine Men' and their system or anything that resembles it. RFK jr is playing a part whether he knows it or not.... for if it is about the survival of mankind running for and becoming president is not and will never be a solution for your HEALth.
BTW I like a doc that can sew a wound, set a bone....etc.... tell you how to attain and keep good HEALth and Well Being, stay chemical and toxing free.
Visiting the doc because one have been consuming chemicals, toxins. carcinogens in their food, medicines, vaccines, water...etc... that manifest in symptoms for which the Doc prescribes more chemicals, toxins...etc...is the business model, it is not going away and JFK jr is working within it no matter how you want to look at it.
No, this was not a "delightful" smirk. That is called a sincere smile. I take it you remain a partisan? Comparing him to Gates is not a good reference.
OK. Thanks. When I write it takes all day and several people check for readability. It's easy to misunderstand things when in short comments or not fleshed out. I had never heard the term "duper's delight." Now I understand what you mean...
I appreciate that Kennedy is farther down the road than most and that he essentially pleads ignorance on the issue of virus existence. He says that he’s not a scientist but that he’s really good at reading data. His words. There’s a lot of data regarding the issue that’s available to him. I think he may have mentioned Tom Cowan (the transcript might have misspelled his name). I don’t say this to disparage Kennedy but, I think it takes a lot of cajones to venture into the deep end of the pool and that, politically, it’s even worse than being an antivaxer. I can only sit back and watch to see where this goes.
You are wrong in a certain fundamental way. Bobby Jr is not further down the road, he isn't et all headed in the right direction. It's the "lesser of two (or more) evils" narrative, which assumes that the mainstream is merely a part of a fixed spectrum and some of us go further on the same spectrum. What i and Eric and our friends put forth is a fundamental critique of the entire system of thought which Bobby Jr is a part of. He regurgitates the mega fraud "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” narrative, which enables a cover up of the last 3+ years of tyranny and mass murder, indeed enables the operation to proceed, and potentiates future such operations.
I have listened to / followed EFC for maybe 12 years now and reveled in his insights, abilities , and objectivity. However the diatribe on JFK Jr. has reached a point where I have a difficult time listening to more. My opinion is that because of one particular point of focus (Kennedy’s refusal to acknowledge the “non-existence” of the Covid Virus, which I have no issue with it’s fictionality) however the now reaching over into what I see as basically a character assassination, encompassing his entire existence. Where’ the characteristic objectivity? Ad hominem...?
Phoenix, take away the virus concept for a second and substitute space aliens. What if the government had claimed that there was an alien invasion and locked everyone at home and all that. Would it matter if there were not any aliens? No flying saucers?
btw I'm saying he won't acknowledge the VIRUS FOIs. That is the problem. Without 215 governments/agencies/institutions agreeing they never had proof or evidence of a virus, there would be a big hole in the story.
But RFK has shown that he understands the importance of "no records" FOIs in this article.
BULLSHIT! You have not listened to the program. Eric and i take apart Bobby Jr's entire appearance with Rogen. The man lies, and in particular lies about his family's imperialist legacy and US imperialist legacy starting with FDR. I lived through the '60s, so please don't even try to bullshit me about it. Re the science, Bobby Jr maintains the fiction "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” narrative, covering up the mega fraud, tyranny and mass murder we've been subjected to, and enables future operations.
Yes, this could all be construed as the “calming the Marks” phase of the boondoggle.
However, at this stage, my highest priority is not to grasp on any ‘answers’ just yet. There are dozens of ways this situation could spin and being responsible for the creativity that all of us humans are gifted with, my challenge right now is to be curious and hold the space for the best outcomes for all of us.
Ginny, if you have a question about my reporting, write to me and we will discuss it. We are certainly not covering up vaccine deaths. If we are going to evaluate all-cause mortality data, we do that in a calm and objective fashion -- and we would get to know one another a little in the process. If you would like to speak, let's do so. You've made your point about your perception of an increase in all-cause mortality. Now if you are serious about getting to the bottom of the matter, we need to work it out. Let me know if you're available for a call and i will connect my phone and be ready to discuss this with you. That is how I handle matters of claimed factual discrepancy.
For starters, are you accusing me or any of my reporters of intentional concealment of the facts, or of bad faith in any respect?
I looked for a direct contact for you and couldn't find one., so just send me an email if you want a private discussion. These events all occurred publicly here so this seemed like a reasonable forum. I don't have any particular desire to make the conversation private, because excess deaths are a matter of great public importance, and all my evidence is available online specifically so anyone can evaluate it for themselves.
All I came here to do was provide a link to mortality data maintained by the CDC in the WONDER database. DATA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY OPINIONS. There are citations for all the data, and even direct links to run the search automatically in WONDER.. So why the attack?
No reason for it. All that is required for a civil discussion--and a definitive resolution--about this issue is located on this page--including the new state-by-state breakdown you said you were interested in. https://www.virginiastoner.com/cvax-risk
That said, I don't subscribe to forums that delete my comments and ban me from discussions, and I wouldn't have subbed if I'd know that kind of thing happened here.
I posted a link to data that is totally free from conclusions and opinions--i.e., just data from public databases, for public information. You deleted the link and deleted me, and JS basically treated me like a POS from minute 1 after I posted it. Maybe y'all have some perfectly legit reason for doing that, or maybe you both just tired and hungry, but I didn't ask. Certainly nothing final has occurred and you might take another look at the link I provided and understand it is purely data (for what it's worth).
I take a lighter touch than most moderators. And far from being tired and hungry, I was enjoying a couple of days back from the fray.
Data itself is irrelevant. Data is only useful when placed in context and parsed carefully; its sources checked; and other reports considered in the context of what someone is saying. So I need to question you on your assessment of Rancourt's data and others.
To me whether there were excess deaths is only a matter of how many people were murdered.
Also my program is not in any way about excess mortality. It's about how Junior is handling being told that 215 governments do not have any science on a virus from 2020. But they all said they did.
The numbers speak for themselves, insofar as telling us what they ARE. We haven't been able to unequivocally agree on that, ,so it's a full stop to any further resolution. Seeing what the numbers ARE is the FIRST STEP for any subsequent analyses or conclusions of any kind--and it guides research, by helping identify possible issues.
You say data is irrelevant, yet you have repeatedly made claims about excess deaths--that's a data question. Only thing that changes is what group you use for the baseline comparison. It's a math question, not an opinion question.
I added a new intro on my page that maybe will clarify why there's no reason for contention. Naturally what the data MEANS is a much more complicated question, but we can't get to that discussion before we agree on what the data IS. Is there any data on my CVax Risk Page you dispute? If not we are set and good to go on this subject.
"This page is for anyone looking for accurate, easy-to-understand US mortality (death) and VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data. Most of the data can be independently verified by anyone, simply by using the automatic search links provided. Please note, there are no analyses or conclusions on this page — it is solely for the objective documentation of US mortality and VAERS data and related calculations."
Hey I just wanted to clarify that the mortality and VAERS data on my CVax Risk page can be understood and verified by the average 12-year-old, including the basic math involved. This makes "peer review" irrelevant.
Like I said the CVax Risk page is just a public service so anyone can go to that page and see recent mortality and VAERS numbers without having to bother with using the WONDER database. And I put the data together in useful ways that the gov't system does not.
Those data in themselves are not controversial. The only problem has been your continued combative and confrontational behavior and seeking publicity on someone else's page, on a blog entry where the entire matter is not really directly pertinent. You may have well have posted about umbrellas, regarding any relevancy to our discussion of the Bobby Jr/Rogen conversation.
In this article you get a diversity of reasons from RFK and CHD why they are avoiding the missing virus problem
this is from a year ago
What is Mr. Kennedy’s private position on the missing virus problem? Here it is, written last August, provided to me by the recipient:
“I’m grateful for your courage and intellectual integrity. I have an open mind on this issue but no bandwidth to spend the time energy and credibility capital to personally investigate it. I feel the same way towards those people who passionately and knowledgeably argue that 9/11 is an inside job. It could be true. But there are opportunity costs in taking on this cause and I think diminishing returns to my overall effectiveness. I cannot right every wrong or expose every falsehood. I need to be strategic In choosing my battles. If you reflect, you will find that you do the same. I admire and encourage you but I must beg off on this war for the time being. I’m more likely to join if you get it nearer the goal line where the cost/returns ratio improves.”
That is a typical politician's response, what Kennedy said about supporting the no-virus issue only if you/we get more support for it. I got the exact same response from MI state reps when I was trying to stop smart meters, 5G, and then to change the 5G laws (that were heavily opposed but passed into law anyway). It's a major cop-out, IMO.
And BTW, Kennedy does speak the truth, from what I've seen and heard, about wireless and health, which is still not a popular and widely-recognized issue either. Though the lawsuit he claims they won against the FCC has changed absolutely nothing regarding the laws and/or US exposure levels. Was that lawsuit all smoke and mirrors to gain popularity and pacify a nation-wide network of activists trying to put a lid on wireless expansions? The point being, Kennedy can take-on controversial wireless issues, but not the no-virus issue. Perhaps big pHarma pads his pockets. I don't know, but Allison McDowell did a piece about a pharma-banking exec being in CHD's executive suite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8__r9dWCQs
you're an easy mark -- obviously, not tired of being lied to yet. but you're admitting he's a typical politician; enough reason to consider him of ill repute.
I definitely do consider Kennedy of Ill repute and don't trust him one iota. He practices lies of omission. Though don't understand why you called me "an easy mark"
My mistake in thinking that you were giving a pass to his overt and omission lies re the virus.
Yes, I don't trust him either.
I actually feel like this was plotted in advance--CHD is looking extremely suspicious to me. Kennedy is surrounding by some shady suspicious characters, like Robert Malone (see Diana West's Robert Malone A Risk Assessment), who was making vaccines his whole life, but now he's positioned as a "hero" in the movement" and Kennedy speaks highly of him? And then there's Steve Kirsch, who admittedly has done good work on exposing the dangers of the kill shots, but he has a background in digital currencies and has worked with central banks. And there's also Charles Eisenstein who appears to be in Kennedy's circle, and is also highly suspect IMO (Allison has a video on him, I'm still working through it). He seems to be some kind of brainwasher on the monetary system, telling people that "money is a story and we can change the story." But I think he's a believer in digital currency, so he's not going to tell you the true story about the banking cartel taking over the world with money printed out of thin air and loaning into it to govt as a way of capturing govt. So, again, this whole crew around Kennedy makes me all the more suspicious.
I'm also suspicious of the whole timeline with Kennedy and how we never hear about how his mother's family became extremely wealthy off of running the Great Lakes Carbon, Coke, Coal company--given the obvious irony, you would think that would get mentioned somewhere.
Also, back on Malone and Kirsch, J.J. Couey did a very interesting 6 hour show where he re-played the DarkHorse podcast show that introduced Kirsch and Malone to the world and he found it highly suspicious and thought the whole thing was scripted. And these are the guys in Kennedy's camp.
Not to mention how his father's family became extremely wealthy because of prohibition as well as stock market manipulations.
JJ Couey finds Malone and Kirsch "scripted"? That's RICH, given how scripted he himself was talking to Eric. (Malone, BTW, figured prominently in Bobby Jr's book on Fauci in the first chapter, "Mismanaging the Pandemic." )
Exclusive: Interview with CHD's and RFK Jr.'s scientific advisor, Dr. J. Jay Couey This post includes an interview in audio and video formats, the transcript, and a new article about RFK Jr's handling of the missing virus problem being admitted by all governments in the world. Eric Francis Coppolino, 1/21/23.
And, his follow up letter to Couey,
Made for Hulu: Open Letter to Jay Couey. Filling in the blanks, the virus magic trick, and a few studies you may not have that demonstrate how wide and deep runs the seemingly endless river of bullshit. Eric Francis Coppolino, 1/22/23.
Oh, wow, this is very interesting!! I didn't really know anything about this JJ Couey character until I watched that video.
Yep, Bobby Jr and Mary Holland hired a big pharma executive (from Pfizer!) who then became a consultant for Pfizer, other big pharma and big banks, as CHD chief operations officer.
And what Eric and i addressed was much more than the "no proof of virus" issue (NOT 'no virus," one cannot prove a negative), but his lying about the historical legacy of his family and US historical legacy in general regarding the US empire, 1945-1980. He whitewashed it all, made JFK and Bobby Sr (his father) look like peace crusaders. In the face of historical facts.
Alison also exposed the role 4IR promoters play in his campaign, his first campaign speech was at the Bitcoin Convention in Miami in May. 3 videos she made about that.
Oops, I should have scrolled down --I just commented about on Eisenstein.
Also, fwiw, I just got this book from William Pitting's substack--he's into lots of the Larouche info and on the first page of the preface they have some interesting thoughts on "the Kennedy machine.":
Also, I'm still not all the way through this podcast, but so far a great show. Also, that part with Rogan, sounded kind of strange to me---he sounded totally fake and disingenuous.
I'm not real high on Larouche in any way, shape or form, but Alison's videos nail Eisenstein's ass. He was there catering to the world's financial elite at the 75th anniversary of Bretton Woods conference, delivered the *keynote( address about reconfiguration of money to enable the elite to continue their operations.
Yeah, the Larouchies are kind of like a cult. Every once in a while, I find some good info from them, but there are lots of problems with them.
Wow, didn't know that about him delivering the keynote--but that fits, that was my take on him, promoting their new monetary system.
Back in the mid '70s, Larouche was the first source i got providing extensive info about the Trilateral Commission. Back then, he was passing as Lynn Marcus, a "Marxist," has a book out called "Negative Dialectics." It's like he thought he had to have a "Jewish-sounding" name to have credibility in left circles. 🤣
hey Astro man...do you always ban people who ask you tough questions...like what is astrology and what can it predict? when the going gets tuff... just censor them...like the MSM does...bravo sir well done
You talking about Rich? He wasn't banned for asking questions, but for being a rude asshole, rude to the host and to guests. At least that''s why i would have banned him. And repeat, astrology cannot "predict" in the way that a rising pressure can predict the coming end of an ongoing storm, or rapidly rising acid levels in one stomach can predict an upset stomach ahead. You're being a rude asshole as well.
I gave him plenty of thoughtful responses. Trolling this Stack is not invited. You look like you're winding up for a pitch, calling me the "msm." Who the fuck are you?
My segment came off better than i expected. :-) Thanks,Eric.
I thought it was great...listenable and a bit stunning...
Jeff what's going on in the unreleased Dark Horse podcast?
Haven't checked it out yet.
you two seem to love talking to each other a lot...what's up with that? can't you just look at your charts?
We're friends and collaborators. You got problems with that? Charts merely set the scene, not the details. Like me and a woman deciding to meet at a certain place for a dinner date. This would hardly determine the date's outcome.
Jeff has the status of Senior Reporter in my news organization. I understand that I cannot personally look into everything; I need people around me who specialize and know more than I do. At this stage I am in the role of investigative editor, not reporter.
Pediatrician Paul Thomas had an outside agency compile a comparison study of his patients health as he took care of both jabbed and unjabbed children. The numbers were amazing and clearly showed the striking difference
. His license was soon suspended. He was challenging last I heard. He then started a program called “Against the Wind”
No surprise. But just to make it clear, i go WAY beyond opposition to the shots, as does Eric. In fact, much (most, i'd say) of the health freedom movement is stuck on opposing the shots, without calling the entire "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” into question, in fact upholding it and simply calling for "alternative treatments" and better "management" rather than shots. That's one of our huge problems with Bobby Jr.
Exactly. I’m with you all the way. I posted that because Eric had asked if anyone knew of a comparison study. There is another one too I will post when I find it. (My computer is currently down)
You are welcome. Thank you! I have learned so much listening to you.
Again, thanks a lot. I have learned a lot from readers, from Eric, and just from having to talk things out, it helps to get one''s thoughts together. I consider Planet Waves' best product to be citizen journalists who are rendered aware of how to research stuff.
I’m so glad to have found it. It’s like having a source of pure water.
We cannot expect from an American politician to be a critic of capitalism.
He in fact is not only not a critic of capitalism, but promotes it as "the solution." But what does that have to do with this specific thread? My point was that he pushes the official narrative, even if not the official countermeasures. "In fact, much (most, i'd say) of the health freedom movement is stuck on opposing the shots, without calling the entire "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” into question, in fact upholding it and simply calling for "alternative treatments" and better "management" rather than shots. That's one of our huge problems with Bobby Jr."
Big Pharma relies on the virus theory. That is the connection with capitalism.
bobby Jr is presenting "free market capitalism" (a total myth) as if an alternative to Big Pharma. Are you saying that criticizing the "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” narrative would amount to criticizing capitalism?
"Behold the Sea,
The opaline, the plentiful and strong,
Yet beautiful as is the rose in June,
Fresh as the trickling rainbow of July:
Sea full of food, the nourisher of kinds,
Purger of earth, and medicine of men;
Creating a sweet climate by my breath,
Washing out harms and griefs from memory,
And, in my mathematic ebb and flow,
Giving a hint of that which changes not."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
~ from LitMuse.
An unreleased podcast from Nov 2021 with RFK Jr and Bret Weinstein that pulls back the kimono a bit more: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/bret-weinstein-darkhorse-podcast/id1471581521?i=1000618819193
what is the upshot here?
Layers and layers to the onion of mass poisoning. And the historical education required to bring understanding.
I am interested in Weinstein's position. Is he shilling the virus nobody can produce evidence of? Is is supporting Kennedy?
I'd have to convince myself to waste time listening to him. He has long shilled the virus, pushing the bio-weapon narrative.
That's all I need to know. Thanks -- good morning...
Good afternoon (in the Hudson Valley). 60 years ago today, the camp outside Rhinebeck was my temporary home.
Eric (and Jeff Stahl)---THANK YOU. This whole show did A LOT to help me answer a question I've been wrestling with over the past several weeks re: RFK Jr.'s campaign, which is whether I should invest any energy in supporting it.
Jeff gave me a GREAT reminder of listening to KPFK in Los Angeles in the 1990s in my early 20s, learning about the real corruption that is American political history. Eric, you suggested a great quote, which I wish I would have written down but if you read this maybe you can respond with it, but it was something like "Politics is the art of selling people their ideals to them." Man, oh man did that resonate! Anyway, my VERY DEEP idealism wants to believe, so badly, that a Kennedy or a Bernie or an Obama or whoever can come and steer the American ship into seas where it actually realizes the idealism of its founding principles, but, well, I also use things like astrology and Human Design to recognize that we've already moved well past an era where such a possibility exists.
Anyway, I LOVE the 1990s astrology series, too---as a guy who came of age in that decade and felt my heart break during it, leading into drug addiction to soothe the pain of that realization---I'm eager to follow what you do with it.
More I could say, including how I wish I could financially support but right now I'm jobless and employment prospects are rather grim due to a Uranian-Saturnian legal conundrum I'm working through, but I very much support the Chiron idea of doing journalism while training new journalists. I hope I can contribute in some way!
Bryan, check this song...Talking Heads...
I’m getting a “this video is not available” message from YouTube. Do you have other links?
Never mind. I realized that was a lazy question and found it on Apple Music.
Or look for "The Democratic Circus" by Talking Heads.
I still get “video unavailable.” Wonky, perhaps.
On an unrelated note, I have a Capricorn Moon and felt very understood by your analysis. (I was born on 1/4/73, New Moon and solar eclipse, with Jupiter tightly conjunct the Moon.) I vacillate widely in my emotions--with deep love for humanity but also deep sadness about the human condition and a perpetual sense of loneliness while people all experience me as very gregarious. It’s quite the consciousness I inhabit, but your discussion of the Cap Moon helped me feel new understanding about myself and increased compassion for myself, which is not always easy for me (I’m my own worst critic). Anyway, BIG thanks!
What's even worse about Bernie, Obama and the earlier Kennedys is that they in fact steered the ship into new terrains of heightened social control, Obama via a government/Pharma coordinated health care, new levels of state censorship, new levels of state powers (making it US policy to kill US citizens without a trial on the basis of "anti terrorism"), new wars, .... Bernie with his steadfast support of Operation "Pandemic," the earlier Kennedys in the ways i discussed, and this one who i feel is preparing the way for implementing more blatant 4IR measures, as discussed by Alison McDowell in several of her videos. See for instance https://wrenchinthegears.com/2023/05/26/camelot-corner-with-operation-snow-white-and-charles-eisenstein-as-troubadour/
Wow, Jeffrey, I’ve been deep down the rabbit hole of Alison’s work, and in the past few weeks, I’ve been spending a lot of time on those exact videos re: RFK Jr and was just about to point Eric in that direction.
I’m still struggling with how to orient myself with all of this, though, partly because I’ve long resonated with Charles Eisenstein’s work and think Alison’s perspective on him doesn’t have any room for even the possibility that Charles’s involvement with RFK could be a good thing.
A few more things. I was looking at the chart for the presidential election day in 2024 and see it’s basically a Chiron Return week for the US, and considering RFK’s addiction/recovery life experience, and how addicted the US population is, I can’t help but wonder if his policy proposal to legalize weed federally and use the money to build treatment centers won’t resonate with many voters. Personally, it resonates with me because I’m currently facing a year in prison with labor in Japan for importing a psychedelic drug and I’d feel much less resentful of the State if I was given the opportunity to work on a farm and be supported in treatment as RFK’s plan proposes. I know Alison has her critique of this Italian model that RFK based his idea on, but I’m open to the idea that it’s simply a model and it would take on a different form in the US.
Last, I do think the astrology of our times suggests the US is done for, so maybe none of this matters.
Anyway, I appreciate your vast historical knowledge and perspective that the US wasn’t a saint under Kennedy, so not to get caught up in a nostalgic pipe dream of a return to Camelot.
Ultimately, while I very muc not going to be putting my energy into vocally
Bryan, the way people are treated for possession of substances which are natural and whose usage by humans goes back over 10,000 years, far longer than alcohol (which is a known killer of brain cells, responsible for all sorts of social ills, and LEGAL) is utterly EFFED. My BEST WISHES to you regarding this matter.
Bobby Jr enthusiastically supported the Italian model, he voiced absolutely no reservations about it, skipped all the ugly details. It's a corporate low wage labor camp, and that's unacceptable to me. I understand your desperate situation, but that's exactly what steers people into the fire from the frying pan.
Regarding Eisenstein, he repeatedly put forth ideas which i consider antagonistic to the cause of human freedom and indeed organic life at the 75th anniversary of Bretton Woods, doing so to several hundred leaders of international finance. He CHOSE to be there, he is consciously helping those people configure 4IR. And as Alison pointed out, he has refused to say if he's still working as a consultant and an inspirational figure with Celo. The record of that corporate vulture is utterly disgusting. Not just what Alison presented in the videos, but also stuff like this, by Leo Saraceno,
And this more recent one by him,
LOTS of stuff about Celo at the Sillicon Icarus page. I do have to say, i hate the white-text-on-black-background layout. :-)
Bobby Jr selected this guy as the philosopher of his campaign, His first campaign speech was at the Bitcoin Convention in Miami. He's going all out pushing 4IR. His biggest financial supporter Steve Kirsch (an avowed enemy of the "no proof of virus" position) is invested in digital IDs and "early treatment" of "COVID." I think it's quite clear where he's coming from.
" the US is done for," NO, the entire global system is done for, there is no rescuing this Titanic, regardless of who is at the helm. The only question is whether we stay loyal to the global capitalist industrial machine and go down with the ship of fools or start figuring our own way out.
PS: Thanks for the well wishes. My verdict is on July 24th and my lawyer is VERY confident I will remain a free man, likely with a suspended sentence.
And the whole experience has actually triggered a deeper process in me which led me to make the decision to truly focus on an addiction-free life, to really become my own father at age 50 so that I can be of Service in the second half of my life. The past several years have been kind of a life half lived and as I’ve dug into this, I realized I’d become uncommitted to living and so have been slowly killing myself. It’s only in the past few days, and your chat with Eric played a role in this, that I’ve decided I’m committing to truly living. Onward and upward!
Best of luck, dude!
Thanks for all of that, Jeffrey. I know Alison has linked Leo’s work but I’ve only scratched the surface so those links will be my weekend homework!
And yeah, as I listened to Eric’s previous Planet Waves episode when he chatted with Alec Zeck, as they discussed how the Children’s Health Defense people played silly games to refuse to engage earnestly with them, I saw the connection to how Charles is ignoring Alison and this REALLY rubbed me the wrong way, especially because these same people are griping about the likes of Peter Hotez not engaging with them! Are y’all principled or not? And if not, then quit acting like you are standing up for the principles!
Anyway, as to your last comment, I’m wondering if you or Eric have ever looked at the Human Design timeline which has February 2027 as being the start of a new 400-year cycle. I don’t know it too well but it says we are leaving the past 400 years that was based on planning and organizing into collectives from the top down and thus all of these structures will collapse. It’s not an overnight thing but rather a new energetic resonance we are entering where people will organize their lives based on their individual values. I want to dig into it more, but it makes me think that perhaps this RFK Jr campaign will play its role in helping those structures fall apart, and that’s including their own!
Anyway, thanks for the lovely conversation. I hope Eric makes you a semi-regular guest!
Thanks, Bryan. Haven't looked at that timeline, thanks for letting us know.
I don't know, man, i think the RFK Jr campaign is this year's "insurgency" whose very purpose is to attempt to implement the new control structures, just like his father's campaign in '68, the closely related McGovern one in '72, Carter in '76,...
I'm gonna be appearing at least once more in the near future, a longer interview with me which in fact deals with those specific campaigns.
Awesome about your near-future appearance regarding those campaigns. I’m doing my best to constantly learn from history, which also means keeping my mind open enough to change my perspective on things.
So much of this is really recognizing how, throughout my 50 years, I’ve believed narratives that I later learned were missing critical information and so were more myth than fact. I feel like since the end of 2019, I’m really occupying a much more realistic and humble space of “you don’t know what you claim to know, Bryan,” and I think this has helped me avoid falling into the sticky traps of the many narratives about our current situation. I listen without need to believe or agree.
Anyway, very grateful for your perspective. We are such an intentionally undereducated culture about recent history (and history in general). Thanks for being a part of my continuing education.
What country or society is not done for? I am ready to move. I used to think Russia a had a potential but got very disappointed with their covid policies and the Ukraine misadventure.
I'm still in the process of listening, but just wanted to add this from another substack:
The Daily News from the Art of Liberty Foundation cross-posted a post from NEVERMORE MEDIA
Etienne de la Boetie2Jul 1 · The Daily News from the Art of Liberty Foundation
"I would also add that in his speech to the Free State Project that he wouldn't commit to not using violence on the people of NH if they seceded from the "union" and he was pumping the virus as if it was real."
So has anyone heard or read a transcript of RFK Jr's speech to the Free State Project? All I could find was this: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/06/16/metro/rfk-jr-faces-pressure-nh-democrats-stay-away-free-staters-festival/
He definitely pushes the "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” narrative. He is ideologically invested in "the virus" as he believes virology. He is emotionally invested, as he has told so many people about "the virus," the tittle of the first chapter of his "Fauci" book is "Mismanaging the Pandemic," and his new book is about "lab leak bio weapon," not in a good place to say that he got all this wrong and thus shoot his credibility to shreds. And he is financially invested in companies which push "early treatment with repurposed drugs" and testing, his business plan needs a virus, 4IR in general needs viruses to be legitimated.
Totally agree.
I kind of think he's been chosen. Time will tell.
I'm still kind of shocked by all of the hopium out there (just seems like more hope and change BS)- I'm blown away that some still believe in the system and that if we just get the right guy in there, he's fix it all. LOL!!!
That's an aspect of people having farmed off their ability to think, given it to AI and to celebrities informed by AI. The alternative is to take responsibility for thinking and for themselves doing something about the world. And "Ask anything of us, but please don't ask us to do THAT!"
Jeffrey Strahl's historical analysis on the Kennedy's and US imperialism is a welcome antidote to the hagiography that surrounds the Kennedy's and Camelot.
For those who refer to the Democrats and Republicans as two sides of the same coin, Helen Gahagan Douglas' campaign is illustrative of how the right-wing faction of the Democratic Party purged the Left and became the new "Liberal-Left". While Nixon lambasted Gahagan/Douglas from outside the Democratic Party, the attack from the inside was launched by none other than John F. Kennedy, Nixon's opponent in 1960 for the presidency.
During the 1950 Nixon campaign against Gahagan/Douglas, Kennedy extensively red-baited Douglas ("the Pink Lady") for her support for Henry Wallce (FDR's V.P. before Truman) in his Progressive Party run for the presidency in 1948.
Kennedy's father, Joseph P. Kennedy, made a significant contribution to Nixon's campaign (as he did later for Joseph McCarthy) and the check was hand delivered by JFK:
He explained that the check should be used in Nixon's campaign for senator, that it's intention was due partly in admiration for Nixon and partly to a preference for Congressman Nixon over Congresswoman Douglas.
Another item for the resume:
One of Sen. Joe McCarthy's biggest financial backers and friends was Joe Kennedy, the dad, despite the fact that McCarthy was a Republican. McCarthy dated JFK's sister. In 1953, RFK was a senior staffer for McCarthy at the height of McCarthyism. JFK was an ardent supporter. Take a look at how he voted in the vote to censure McCarthy in 1954. In fact, take a look at JFK's entire voting record as a Congressman and as a Senator (short as both those tenures were).
The largest and most radical of the CIO unions at the time was UE, the United Electrical Workers, primarily concentrated at GE and Westinghouse among other major employers. The union was particularly powerful in Massachusetts with perhaps its most important local being at Lynn/GE (the aircraft engine plant). After the war, the government decided that UE had to be destroyed.
The entire spectrum of what was thrown at UE is a history unto itself, starting with HUAC and reaching past McCarthy. The campaign included jailings, shootings, arbitrary decertifications of locals, a "counter-union" funded by the government, FBI and Congressional committee intimidation, open collusion between the cops, the government, the employers, and the counter-union, you name it.
In Massachusetts, the Kennedys led the effort. They toured the state, lending their considerable power and "charisma" to destroying the union. The union was devastated.
One more:
Kennedy's approach to U.S.-Latin American relations reintroduced "gunboat" diplomacy into the Dominican Republic and Haiti, and further extended U.S. meddling into Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. In 1962, the CIA spent $5 million on political campaigns in Brazil, funneled Alliance for Progress aid to friendly state governors, and undercut social reform programs in the drought-ridden Northeast by "assisting anti-Goulart oligarchs."
The result was the rise of even more demands for reform, a U.S.-supported military coup, and 20 years of dictatorship. At the same time, the CIA authorized more than $3 million of covert aid to campaigns of the Christian Democratic Party in Chile, resulting in the rise of a stronger reform movement, a U.S.-supported military coup, and 16 years of dictatorship.
"In 1962, the CIA spent $5 million on political campaigns in Brazil, funneled Alliance for Progress aid to friendly state governors, and undercut social reform programs in the drought-ridden Northeast by "assisting anti-Goulart oligarchs." "
This is the CIA under the JFK appointed director John McCone, appointed per Bobby Sr's advice. One of these governors, Carlos Lacerda, played a key role in the April 1, 1964 overthrow of President Goulart by the Brazilian military and the CIA, after JFK's death but while McCone was still director. 16 years of a military dictatorship followed.
One of the Agency For International Development officers who was in Brazil in 1962 for these activities was Dan Mitrione, also a CIA agent, who trained local police in torture. He was in Brazil from 1960 to 1967, moved in 1962 from Belo Horizonte to Rio. In 1969, he was transferred to Montevideo, while Uruguay was facing increasing social unrest. In July 1970, he was kidnapped by the Tupamaro guerrillas, who were the subjects of the torture policies he was training the police to carry out, and killed 10 days later. This was made famous in the 1972 movie State of Siege by Costa Garvas.
Thank you! Very useful information. One dissenting note: When he was VP, Wallace made no objections to the Council on Foreign Relations creating the structure for a totally US-dominated post War new world order, inc. the IMF, World Bank, UN, the anti-union moves by the US government against independent workplace actions which were undertaken in response to corporate workplace speedups and the like, and the unions such as the UAW worked to undermine and destroy these actions, something left out of history texts and even most "progressive" media, has to be searched for.
The United Auto Workers, by the way, assisted the "cleaning out" of radical elements from the CIO, preparing the way for merger with the AFL.
Well, you’re deleted the comments. :-) But i got them all to summarize for her HERE. Highlighting where she made accusations in bold, my responses are in italics.
Jun 30
There was a huge and unprecedented increase in deaths in the US in 2020, 2021 & 2022, according to CDC data. It wasn't a virus of course, since none exists, and some occurred before the vaccine rollout. So the question is, what caused them. There were about 1.7 million by my count. Here's the data. https://www.virginiastoner.com/cvax-risk/#excess-deaths-by-age-group
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Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 30
There were no excess deaths worldwide in Spring 2020, at the alleged height. No excess deaths in Africa, excess deaths only in some nations on other continents and not others, even adjacent nations. Within nations that had them, excess deaths only in certain regions, not others, e.g. in the US only in 16 states, in Italy only in Lombardy, not in other regions. In such US states, e.g. New York, excess deaths in New York City but not in the suburbs north of the city (where Eric resides). Within New York City, generally only in care facilities, and affecting generally people over 78 with an average of 4 morbidity factors. Deaths in that period started only after the lockdowns were initiated. The states with the most stringent lockdowns had the most deaths, mostly in just 8 states. After 2020 (starting Dec 2020) the shots come in. Denis Rancourt did the homework.
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Eric F Coppolino
Jun 30
I will send some people to this comment who understand the issue better than I do, however, there is plenty to refute excess deaths overall and they only happened in 16 of the United States. This is political policy, not disease process.
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16 hr ago
I'm still waiting for someone who can confirm that the mortality and excess death numbers on my site are accurate. There have been a lot of back-handed comments calling the integrity of this data into question--but its accuracy is a question of FACT that can be independently verified by anyone, not OPINION, so let's get it resolved.
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16 hr ago
Here's the link. to the data. It covers US mortality and VAERS. https://www.virginiastoner.com/cvax-risk
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Jeffrey Strahl
13 hr ago
As i made clear, i thought, raw data can be problematic. If say one year there are 50 deaths in a certain group (say the population of a certain town) and 10 years later 500 deaths, it looks like a big rise in death numbers. If however the number of people in that group rose from 1000 the first year to 100,00 10 years later, things look different.
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13 hr ago
Also, I don't pretend to include all data on that page that could be relevant, and I don't do any analyses--I'm just showing people what the CDC data IS--which is apparently a surprisingly difficult issue to hash out, considering the underlying actual numbers are 100% fact, not opinion. You can't theorize what the data means until you know what it IS.
13 hr ago
Please explain which of the data I show is "problematic," and why.
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Jeffrey Strahl
13 hr ago
I just explained the problem of looking strictly at raw data, since you seemed to think that 2019 was higher than previous years, and as i pointed out before, this was because you failed to take demographic changes into account, as the death per capita was actually lower. Have a good day, you seem more interested in contention than in anything else.
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13 hr ago
Also, I don't "contend" that deaths in 2019 were the highest in the last 20 years--that's what the data indicates, shown in the first chart at this link. It is NOT a matter of demographic changes (population changes) -- THERE WAS A REAL AND DRAMATIC INCREASE IN THE DEATH RATE IN EVERY STATE. https://www.virginiastoner.com/cvax-risk/#excess-deaths-by-age-group
13 hr ago
You didn't explain anything. Let's take an example--mortality data by age group, at this link. Do you agree the number of deaths in age group, as shown, accurately reflects the data in the CDC WONDER database? https://www.virginiastoner.com/cvax-risk/#deaths-from-all-causes-by-age-group
Also, please explain specifically how sharing the number of deaths in each age group is misleading, if you think it is.
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Jeffrey Strahl
12 hr ago
Have a good day.
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12 hr ago
So you weren't telling people that deaths only increased in 16 states because you sincerely mistakenly believed it--you were telling people that to deceive them, and you intend to continue.
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Jeffrey Strahl
11 hr ago
No mistake whatsoever, when talking about April 2020, your own data showed a concentration of such an increase in only 2 states, in fact. Since you won't take "have a good day" as a hint, how about "have a bad day"?
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11 hr ago
No worries, I am putting together a summary of deaths by state from 1999-present, which should be ready soon, and all shall be settled. You know how they say, "Be careful what you ask for."
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Jeffrey Strahl
11 hr ago
Raw numbers mean shit, and you now know that. Have fun.
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10 hr ago
BTW, if the fact that deaths increased "means shit," then why are you promoting the fake fact that only 16 states had an increase in deaths? Then when you find out you're 'mistaken', you attack the messenger (me) and claim excess deaths don't mean anything. I think that's known as moving the goal post.
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Jeffrey Strahl
10 hr ago
Someone forgot their meds today. :-)
10 hr ago
Do you take the same position on vaccine injury reports to VAERS? Because the numbers are even more horrific there. https://www.virginiastoner.com/cvax-risk/#covid19-vaccines-compared-to-others
11 hr ago
So your claim is that the massive increase in deaths in the US from 2020-2022 "means shit"--aka NOTHING?! And you are serious? Seriously?
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Jeffrey Strahl
10 hr ago
Dec 2020 on is all shots. I have said that. Congratulations, you are the first person i am pre banning from my Substack before i've even started it.
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10 hr ago
Of course--you can't have anyone calling out your BS.
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Jeffrey Strahl
10 hr ago
·edited 10 hr ago
Can't take yes for an answer, it's been clear for days that Eric and i both say the shots have been very deadly. But no, you came here to argue. Putting you on "block," and am pre-banning you from my coming Substack. Have a fun life, bot troll.
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10 hr ago
You are the one who has been trying to turn that into an argument from minute 1. Only reason I can think of is you are trying to hide something--just like the author of that Johns Hopkins paper you were promoting.
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Eric F Coppolino
6 hr ago
Ginny, We work with a lot of people who have reviewed this data a diversity of ways.
In any event, increased deaths do not mean there was a virus or an outbreak.
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Jeffrey Strahl
6 hr ago
She's taking what we said about no excess deaths in April 2020 aside from 16 states (even fewer, in fact) to mean that there were no excess deaths 2020-2022, and will not listen, just determined to argue.
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6 hr ago
Do you have any actual evidence that the mortality or excess death numbers I provided are incorrect?
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Eric F Coppolino
6 hr ago
·edited 6 hr ago
If you are asking me, no, but as an editor, before I take your word (and treat you as a reporter) we would need to have a series of in-depth conversations and I would need to ask you all of my questions. It seems your bottom line is that there was evidence of excess all-cause mortality in 2020 and beyond in the United States, above average, to a statistically significant measure. Are you saying that, and are you saying anything else?
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Jeffrey Strahl
6 hr ago
She keeps saying excess deaths 2020-2022, whereas we are talking about Spring 2020. She keeps thinking we're denying mass deaths due to the shots. Our record on that matter is quite clear, i'd think, both in general as well as what we've said here.
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Eric F Coppolino
5 hr ago
OK. I see. I am accustomed to a little more dialog before even seriously considering someone's conclusions. As you know :-)
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5 hr ago
As I explained above,, I don't do analyses, I simply post data from the WONDER database and VAERS that ANYONE can verify for themselves. I even provide direct links to run searches automatically. You're supposed to be an investigative reporter and you can't figure it out?
thank you B
Chiron Return, Inc
PO Box 4141
Kingston NY 12402
I have listened to / followed EFC for maybe 12 years now and reveled in his insights, abilities , and objectivity. However the diatribe on JFK Jr. has reached a point where I have a difficult time listening to more. My opinion is that because of one particular point of focus (Kennedy’s refusal to acknowledge the “non-existence” of the Covid Virus, which I have no issue with it’s fictionality) however the now reaching over into what I see as basically a character assassination, encompassing his entire existence. Where’ the characteristic objectivity? Ad hominem...?
BULLSHIT! You have not listened to the program. Eric and i take apart Bobby Jr's entire appearance with Rogen. The man lies, and in particular lies about his family's imperialist legacy and US imperialist legacy starting with FDR. I lived through the '60s, so please don't even try to bullshit me about it. Re the science, Bobby Jr maintains the fiction "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” narrative, covering up the mega fraud, tyranny and mass murder we've been subjected to, and enables future operations.
I do not utter one mean or negative word about RFK Jr the person. I stick to the issues.
RFK does not acknowledge that since 23 December 1913 that a small class of parasites create the money supply allowing the parasitic class to build their industrial complexes (Media, military, medical...etc...) to the detriment of mankind.
Remove the ability of the 1% of the 1% to create the money supply in what amounts to "USURY" and all their industrial complexes that suck the life out of the non parasites will go away.
RFK jr is not about that. He wants to fight the good fight on a gameboard owned by the bankers....it is their system of control, their media, their money, their pharma, their medical, their wars be it war on covid, terrorism, communism, obesity, inflation, drugs...etc.... in the end it is a war on the common people.....there is no winning with RFK jr and if RFK jr was about winning he would attack the 1% of the 1% and their financial vehicle that makes it all work for them.... a private central bank chartered (protected) by government and if RFK jr is not going to even speak of this, not even to the smallest degree then he should be excoritated, charachter assasinated and basically lit up like a x-mas tree. See the head of the snake COULD be cut off to the benefit of the common man but RFK jr won't be doing it...no one will do it....That is the purpose of government.
Govern = Control
Ment/mental/mentis (latin) = the mind
by partaking in the scam of government the mind is controled with those notions, ideas...etc.... none of it originating in ones own mind.
I am ready to have the discussion of the abolishment of Mind Control by a Few (Govern_Ment)
That is the discussion that is needed...
Agreed. At this point, it is beginning to look like professional jealousy or a personal vendetta of some kind. It is one thing to take issue with specific claims (or omissions) made by RFK, but the constant harping on about him "not being a good guy" is revealing of something else .
What's worse is that the unprecedented opportunity that the medical freedom movement finally has with RFK's candidacy is being squandered by Eric with these personalistic attacks Was that answer REALLY "the most absurd answer" Eric has ever heard in his journalistic career? I seriously doubt it.
There are obvious strategic reasons why RFK cannot embrace any critique of the "virus". Because he has to meet people where they're at. He cannot address a largely scientifically illiterate population with the "no virus" position., because the germ theory ideology is too firmly entrenched in the popular culture. Just to question the efficacy of the vaccine - any vaccine - already places RFK on the lunatic fringe for a huge swath of the country. To go any further would torpedo his political chances entirely. And it is only from a position of power that policy changes can be made. RFK is the best chance (and probably the only chance) for this to happen in the foreseeable future. This is why i say that some in the no-virus movement are allowing "perfect" to be the enemy of "good".
Professional jealousy? Like I want to be president? I would be happy with more time to play guitar.
where is your "not being a good guy" quote coming from? That is personal. I am sticking to the issues.
The movement has attacked the likes of Fauci for treating us like kids, and now you're advocating that people be treated as kids because they can't handle the truth.
And there is a LOT more wrong with RFK Jrr than the virus matter (BTW, my position and that of Eric is "no proof of virus," not "no virus," can't prove a negative, anyone with science sense knows that) . Bobby Jr lies about his family's imperialist legacy, and about US history. And he is pushing 4IR on behalf of wealthy investors like Steve Kirsch.
So a lie is entranched so leave it intact and not challenge it?
There are zero reason preventing one from speaking against something that is closer to the truth than not. To not do so only aids that which you already detest. Gotta start somewhere...... or just let the lie lay???
Once the history of the allopathic capitalisitic system of medicine is learned it becomes apparent that Gilded Age Robber Barons created the WHOLE ENTIRE SYSTEM of MEDICINE for profit not HEALth. No one speaks against this let alone speaks of it at all.
It is the nature of capitalism that creates a fundemental problem for doctors, "a patient cured is a customer lost". Robber Barons created this whole system of money and medicine to keep you coming back even to the point of lying, deceiving about viruses, vaccines, medicines, germs, illness......and money......
All Pharma mfg pre covid had committed Felony Fraud and have been fined in the 100's of millions some in the billions with rap sheets that look like a RICO indictment against a crime family, but the same make life saving drugs, vaccines to stop viruses, illness, sickness is legit, necessary or we will all die OMG.....right? and the Government that supposedly protects you allows these Fraudsters to stay in business by paying fines/money attained by keeping a sick society sick with pharmaceuticals when they should be abolished, liquidated and pay claims to the injured while jailing those responsible.
RFK jr has a place in the Allopathic Capitalistic System of Medicine and i do not want anything to do with 'Rockefeller Medicine Men' and their system or anything that resembles it. RFK jr is playing a part whether he knows it or not.... for if it is about the survival of mankind running for and becoming president is not and will never be a solution for your HEALth.
BTW I like a doc that can sew a wound, set a bone....etc.... tell you how to attain and keep good HEALth and Well Being, stay chemical and toxing free.
Visiting the doc because one have been consuming chemicals, toxins. carcinogens in their food, medicines, vaccines, water...etc... that manifest in symptoms for which the Doc prescribes more chemicals, toxins...etc...is the business model, it is not going away and JFK jr is working within it no matter how you want to look at it.
That smirk we often seen on W's face? It's called "duper's delight." I've noticed Bill Gates doing also.
How's that related to this topic?
Eric mentioned W's smirking.
No, this was not a "delightful" smirk. That is called a sincere smile. I take it you remain a partisan? Comparing him to Gates is not a good reference.
I didn't use the word "delightful." It's called duper's' delight, where someone is tricking you and they can not help but to smile about it. http://changingminds.org/explanations/behaviors/lying/dupers_delight.htm
Gates displays duper's delight as well. That's the only comparison I've made. Sheesh.
OK. Thanks. When I write it takes all day and several people check for readability. It's easy to misunderstand things when in short comments or not fleshed out. I had never heard the term "duper's delight." Now I understand what you mean...
As "sincere" as W can get. :-)
I appreciate that Kennedy is farther down the road than most and that he essentially pleads ignorance on the issue of virus existence. He says that he’s not a scientist but that he’s really good at reading data. His words. There’s a lot of data regarding the issue that’s available to him. I think he may have mentioned Tom Cowan (the transcript might have misspelled his name). I don’t say this to disparage Kennedy but, I think it takes a lot of cajones to venture into the deep end of the pool and that, politically, it’s even worse than being an antivaxer. I can only sit back and watch to see where this goes.
RFK Jr is dragging the ragtag remnants of the "health freedom movement" back to March 2020. Last time I checked my watch, that was back, not forward.
You are wrong in a certain fundamental way. Bobby Jr is not further down the road, he isn't et all headed in the right direction. It's the "lesser of two (or more) evils" narrative, which assumes that the mainstream is merely a part of a fixed spectrum and some of us go further on the same spectrum. What i and Eric and our friends put forth is a fundamental critique of the entire system of thought which Bobby Jr is a part of. He regurgitates the mega fraud "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” narrative, which enables a cover up of the last 3+ years of tyranny and mass murder, indeed enables the operation to proceed, and potentiates future such operations.
And beyond it, he covers up an imperialist US historical legacy (including the part played by his father and his uncle JFK) and pushes some really ugly stuff, fronting for people who wish to implement the 4IR/Great Reset/Agenda 2030/UN SDGs program. https://wrenchinthegears.com/2023/05/26/camelot-corner-with-operation-snow-white-and-charles-eisenstein-as-troubadour/
I have listened to / followed EFC for maybe 12 years now and reveled in his insights, abilities , and objectivity. However the diatribe on JFK Jr. has reached a point where I have a difficult time listening to more. My opinion is that because of one particular point of focus (Kennedy’s refusal to acknowledge the “non-existence” of the Covid Virus, which I have no issue with it’s fictionality) however the now reaching over into what I see as basically a character assassination, encompassing his entire existence. Where’ the characteristic objectivity? Ad hominem...?
Phoenix, take away the virus concept for a second and substitute space aliens. What if the government had claimed that there was an alien invasion and locked everyone at home and all that. Would it matter if there were not any aliens? No flying saucers?
btw I'm saying he won't acknowledge the VIRUS FOIs. That is the problem. Without 215 governments/agencies/institutions agreeing they never had proof or evidence of a virus, there would be a big hole in the story.
But RFK has shown that he understands the importance of "no records" FOIs in this article.
If Bobby is for space aliens, i'm for space aliens. :-)
finally we all have a little something in common.
BULLSHIT! You have not listened to the program. Eric and i take apart Bobby Jr's entire appearance with Rogen. The man lies, and in particular lies about his family's imperialist legacy and US imperialist legacy starting with FDR. I lived through the '60s, so please don't even try to bullshit me about it. Re the science, Bobby Jr maintains the fiction "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” narrative, covering up the mega fraud, tyranny and mass murder we've been subjected to, and enables future operations.
Yes, this could all be construed as the “calming the Marks” phase of the boondoggle.
However, at this stage, my highest priority is not to grasp on any ‘answers’ just yet. There are dozens of ways this situation could spin and being responsible for the creativity that all of us humans are gifted with, my challenge right now is to be curious and hold the space for the best outcomes for all of us.
Peace, brothers and sisters.
WTH is going on here? I don't purchase subscriptions from people who delete my comments and ban me fro commenting--not intentionally anyway.
Ginny, if you have a question about my reporting, write to me and we will discuss it. We are certainly not covering up vaccine deaths. If we are going to evaluate all-cause mortality data, we do that in a calm and objective fashion -- and we would get to know one another a little in the process. If you would like to speak, let's do so. You've made your point about your perception of an increase in all-cause mortality. Now if you are serious about getting to the bottom of the matter, we need to work it out. Let me know if you're available for a call and i will connect my phone and be ready to discuss this with you. That is how I handle matters of claimed factual discrepancy.
For starters, are you accusing me or any of my reporters of intentional concealment of the facts, or of bad faith in any respect?
I looked for a direct contact for you and couldn't find one., so just send me an email if you want a private discussion. These events all occurred publicly here so this seemed like a reasonable forum. I don't have any particular desire to make the conversation private, because excess deaths are a matter of great public importance, and all my evidence is available online specifically so anyone can evaluate it for themselves.
All I came here to do was provide a link to mortality data maintained by the CDC in the WONDER database. DATA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY OPINIONS. There are citations for all the data, and even direct links to run the search automatically in WONDER.. So why the attack?
No reason for it. All that is required for a civil discussion--and a definitive resolution--about this issue is located on this page--including the new state-by-state breakdown you said you were interested in. https://www.virginiastoner.com/cvax-risk
That said, I don't subscribe to forums that delete my comments and ban me from discussions, and I wouldn't have subbed if I'd know that kind of thing happened here.
Did you accuse me and my team of covering up vaccine deaths, or imply that we were doing so?
Where are you getting that question from?
I posted a link to data that is totally free from conclusions and opinions--i.e., just data from public databases, for public information. You deleted the link and deleted me, and JS basically treated me like a POS from minute 1 after I posted it. Maybe y'all have some perfectly legit reason for doing that, or maybe you both just tired and hungry, but I didn't ask. Certainly nothing final has occurred and you might take another look at the link I provided and understand it is purely data (for what it's worth).
I take a lighter touch than most moderators. And far from being tired and hungry, I was enjoying a couple of days back from the fray.
Data itself is irrelevant. Data is only useful when placed in context and parsed carefully; its sources checked; and other reports considered in the context of what someone is saying. So I need to question you on your assessment of Rancourt's data and others.
To me whether there were excess deaths is only a matter of how many people were murdered.
Also my program is not in any way about excess mortality. It's about how Junior is handling being told that 215 governments do not have any science on a virus from 2020. But they all said they did.
The numbers speak for themselves, insofar as telling us what they ARE. We haven't been able to unequivocally agree on that, ,so it's a full stop to any further resolution. Seeing what the numbers ARE is the FIRST STEP for any subsequent analyses or conclusions of any kind--and it guides research, by helping identify possible issues.
You say data is irrelevant, yet you have repeatedly made claims about excess deaths--that's a data question. Only thing that changes is what group you use for the baseline comparison. It's a math question, not an opinion question.
I publish my email and my phone numbers in contact info on every website.
All business on this and any Planet Waves or Chiron Return publication or broadcast is conducted following our editorial policy:
I added a new intro on my page that maybe will clarify why there's no reason for contention. Naturally what the data MEANS is a much more complicated question, but we can't get to that discussion before we agree on what the data IS. Is there any data on my CVax Risk Page you dispute? If not we are set and good to go on this subject.
"This page is for anyone looking for accurate, easy-to-understand US mortality (death) and VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data. Most of the data can be independently verified by anyone, simply by using the automatic search links provided. Please note, there are no analyses or conclusions on this page — it is solely for the objective documentation of US mortality and VAERS data and related calculations."
Hey I just wanted to clarify that the mortality and VAERS data on my CVax Risk page can be understood and verified by the average 12-year-old, including the basic math involved. This makes "peer review" irrelevant.
Like I said the CVax Risk page is just a public service so anyone can go to that page and see recent mortality and VAERS numbers without having to bother with using the WONDER database. And I put the data together in useful ways that the gov't system does not.
I had no idea that would be controversial here.
Those data in themselves are not controversial. The only problem has been your continued combative and confrontational behavior and seeking publicity on someone else's page, on a blog entry where the entire matter is not really directly pertinent. You may have well have posted about umbrellas, regarding any relevancy to our discussion of the Bobby Jr/Rogen conversation.
Seriously, dude, I've encountered more reasonable people in a pro-vax forum occupied primarily by trolls.
You have been an a-hole from minute one--I have not..