At least listen up to the part where she described her only survivor. A fentanyl addict, the drugs didn't knock him out, he pulled the tubes out and staggered out of the hospital himself.
But back to Cosmos - I'm saying Cosmos (and Jeff Strahl) are saying that this is "War of the Worlds" redux. (the famous psy op where Orson Welles read the book on the radio and scared thousands of people in New Jersey half to death. But it was totally fake.) A common sense argument that we have a real virus going on here is that the fake only could last a few hours, and this psy op has been going on for several years. So that implies there is a degree of reality to it. Not the whole agenda - the powerful are greatly increasing their power through it. Pretty difficult to attribute all the hospitalizations to "mass formation psychosis". People are just making it up. It's all in their head. People are just gullible, I suppose. Do you all actually believe that? Do you not know anyone who has died? Should you believe your own eyes, or scum-sucking grifters who tell you viruses don't exist?
OK Cosmos, you're not so bad in this post. A lot of true stuff. Especially calling out the bullshit in New York. (and Elmhurst especially)
Why there's never been any sort of trial. Just unbelievable. Erin Marie Olszewski
Undercover nurse exposes what is REALLY happening with ‘Covid-19 pandemic’ - 'it's murder' (
At least listen up to the part where she described her only survivor. A fentanyl addict, the drugs didn't knock him out, he pulled the tubes out and staggered out of the hospital himself.
But back to Cosmos - I'm saying Cosmos (and Jeff Strahl) are saying that this is "War of the Worlds" redux. (the famous psy op where Orson Welles read the book on the radio and scared thousands of people in New Jersey half to death. But it was totally fake.) A common sense argument that we have a real virus going on here is that the fake only could last a few hours, and this psy op has been going on for several years. So that implies there is a degree of reality to it. Not the whole agenda - the powerful are greatly increasing their power through it. Pretty difficult to attribute all the hospitalizations to "mass formation psychosis". People are just making it up. It's all in their head. People are just gullible, I suppose. Do you all actually believe that? Do you not know anyone who has died? Should you believe your own eyes, or scum-sucking grifters who tell you viruses don't exist?