The question is, what leaked?

There is no (scientific or experimental) evidence of isolation, purification, or existence of the virus, its RNA, or the spike protein. So, nothing is leaked. It was a deliberate attempt to confuse people, to promote and maintain the fake story of the virus and pandemic.

This is similar to the Gain of Function Research story – distraction (https://bioanalyticx.com/gain-of-function-research-as-fake-as-the-virus/).

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Feb 6, 2023
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Yes Dr. Palmer is to the fake nuke story what Dr. Lanka, et al are to the fake virus story.

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Sorry for being dumb but do you mean Stefan Lanka is lying?

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It's an analogy. Both are fake as posited by Palmer (nukes in Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and Lanka (no proof of any pathogenic viruses).

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I think Eric Dubay the Flat Earther has said that Nukes are not real.

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Have you got a link for Dr Palmer?

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I now have doubts that there was any virus----just propaganda. And it was all driven by "tests" that couldn't test specifically for ANY disease.

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their own "test" paperwork admits that finding "viral specific nucleotides" (which don't exist) are not evidence of infection.

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This is not rocket science folks. Pretty plain to see y'all don't know nothing about how lab leaks happen.

Fauci, Daszak, Baric and Barda Boy Bright are sittin' around in Wuhan Lab 23X5-A playing with their lab toys when Bancel comes crashing in screaming about $19/share and total bankruptcy demanding they come up with some shit or heads will roll.

Baric takes a piece of scratch paper and writes, "Here's the virus. Covee-2 baby. Deadliest germ in town."

Bancel puts the paper up his ass gets on a plane for NYC via Milan taking a crap at both places along the way claiming lab leak to potential investors via Zoom meetings from the 'little office'.

Investors call the media tell 'em death is near and as they say the rest is history.

Now we can argue leak via corporate memo or leak via sulphuric emanation but one thing's for sure- Lab Leak.

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To a recent post about facemasks on another site a commenter complained "not another post about facemasks !"...The person was tired of the issue, felt it was "time to move on" to other things...I sometimes get that way, get tired of going over the same ground again and again, but...

To withdraw from the battlefield is to cede Victory to The Other Side, without a fight !

The Other Side aint ceding...Some are still insisting folks wear masks....

There appears to be misunderstandings about 'Terrain Theory"...Many commenters seem to think it's a theory about being affected by contaminents, pollutions from the outer enviroment, not about ones inner terrain and state of health....

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Feb 6, 2023
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Cosmos, I agree with you on the mask issue. It's a point of both fascination and disdain for me. They are disgusting, toxic, dusty, allergenic and unbearably stupid...and a whole lot of people love them to death. Some are in fact laced with graphene, which is supposed to be a selling point.

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Masks are very useful. They are like an IQ test.

However, if I'm going to get beat up on a Chinese train my mask is going on! (good story here in the chat by John Calvin Jones)

I guess another useful thing about masks is that the people who are wearing them still are the ones who will turn you in to the authorities for wrong-think.

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Feb 6, 2023
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Cosmos they SELL masks advertising the graphene. I don't care if they have it in there, you can buy them on Amazon.

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Are we to accept that a virus, which is purported to be inert, which is purported to need the machinery of a "cell" in order to come alive (i.e. to replicate), is able to mysteriously escape the confines of a lab and travel great distances through the air while maintaining it's (latent) potency to infect people? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha GTFOH

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also it escaped from a freezer where it was kept "alive" at Zero degrees kelvin.

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Feb 6, 2023
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Also the air is cold and dry, which in itself causes problems.

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They said that they had found a virus in Wuhan, not far from the lab, to make us believe there is a virus that caused the pandemic. They want to keep us ignorant in many fields. For example, even some economists do not know that banks create money by issuing loans. My physics professor thinks that electrons move in the wire. I tried to explain to him that electrons are theoretical models for carriers of electric charge, which is something we do not understand.

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which pandemic exactly?

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Dear EFC,

The "pandemic" of the MIND!!! lol.

Literally pan (all) demic (people) were screwed by thugs in uniforms who forced locked downs, shuttered businesses and school, and stopped international flights.

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Can you please point out a resource or a website for further information on the idea that there is no such thing as a physical electron but alternatively only a probabilistically bounded region carrying an electrical charge.

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There are many experiments that support the existence of electrons but describing electricity as a flow of electrons along a wire, as most engineers do, is perhaps not the best way. It may be better to say that we do not understand electricity. Electrical energy can be transferred between separate coils even WITHOUT a CONNECTION between the two circuits. Faraday's law of induction describes the induced voltage effect in any coil due to a changing magnetic flux encircled by the coil. So, if electricity is a flow of electrons, these electrons are able to fly between coils. I prefer when concepts of electric and magnetic fields are used.

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OK, thanks.

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There is no evidence whatsoever, despite assertions to the contrary that anything leaked from a lab in Wuhan or anywhere else.

There are toxic substances in all labs. And those toxic substances could in theory be misplaced or be taken out of the lab, intentionally or otherwise. Again, there is no evidence of that.

By the way, what virus?

I did, however, hear of a unicorn on the loose in Wuhan. Could that be related?

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I trust the Chinese researchers. (and the Egyptians. And the Indians. And the Greeks. And all the other little third-world country actual scientists who extract the samples from infected people, process them as described, and either sequence or PCR-test the samples.

I don't trust clever wordsmiths like Mike Donio or Christine Massey. And neither should you. Don't trust people who make you stupid. Who tell you the earth is flat. That flu and colds are caused by 5G. That self-replicating hydras are in the vaccines. Who spin their sophisticated sophistries. Trust instead the electron scanning microscopes, the various sequencing machines, the guys in the trenches trying to save lives. Not the guys selling bizarre supplements or $1500/hour "health consultations". Or anybody connected with Stew Peters.

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Lisa trusts Mike Donio and Christine Massey, TODD!

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Poor Todd. Three years later and you are still fighting tooth and nail to hold onto your past. It’s ok to let go.

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Sorry but do you mean that the scientists mentioned by you were funded by their own governments and not by the pharmaceutical industry. Do you truly believe the Chinese, ever? Am I right in saying that the spread of the disease didn't happen in China, why?

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The act of war, China v the West, is not admitted. And the whole Fauci Gates Schwab Redfield Ferguson WHO tyrant are a bunch of CCP assets.

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Have you ever visited Brendon O'Connells' Channel on YouTube? If not you might find his views interesting. If you have would you like to comment?

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Feb 12, 2023
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Christine Massey is a "clever wordsmith"? She outfoxes the attorneys at CDC? Have you heard my interviews with her? She speaks in the simplest, most unassuming plain English possible

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Feb 12, 2023
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so should a lot of others :-)

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Dear Mike,

Do you have access to more data on the mRNA flu vaccine trials around the world before 2020? The excess deaths make sense if the seasonal flu jabs were slowly swapped to the new technology as early as 2015. See the attached aper:

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31079849/ (mRNA vaccines against H10N8 and H7N9 influenza viruses of pandemic potential are immunogenic and well tolerated in healthy adults in phase 1 randomized clinical trials)

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The little particles (bits) from which the virus grew in silica, managed to sneak through a network interface onto the internet where it spread rapidly infecting the whole world!

Seriously: the only "virus" I see is an imaginary bogey man that exists in peoples' minds. It's name is "Fear."

Lastly a huge pile of kudos and a big well done to Christine Massey whose FOIA project should be solid forensic evidence to put the B@st@rds away for good (if we can find an honest court).

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I think the lack of specifics speaks to the function of the story. People are looking for something to fill the void of explanation for the last 3 years, and rather than look at any options that would necessarily make them question their whole world view, a vague story is accepted with open arms and complete credulity. Who cares how? The overton window now says lab leak!

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I have asked this question to other analysts. None will comment.

Hollywood has preprogrammed people to thinking a lab-leak corresponds to some vial that was broken and aerosolized like they see in movies such as Resident Evil.

Another suggested it was aerolized from the window.

It is so ridiculous when they claim you can only grow viruses from a cell line.

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ohhhhhh which window? They have those in BSL3 or BSL4 facilities?

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It managed to hack a computer and wenr viral online

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Lab-leak or anything mentioning a biolab is somehow conflated with lab-leak or "bioweapon", ie. The Ukraine biolabs. These are mantras that are repeated as slogans for indoctrination purposes.

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In these facilities/laboratories, toxic substances are juggled or perhaps produced (e.g. for these toxic "vaccine"-substances, which are NOT vaccines!!), but THAT has NOTHING to do with a so-called "virus"!

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If you never read this comment made by Dr Tom Cowan in an email to the Terrain filmmaker, Marcy Cravat on June 28, 2021: "They invented the lab-created or "engineered virus" to give the anti-vaxx community something to get excited about. 'They caught the bad guys red-handed.' The bad guys are smarter than them and suckered them into promoting the 'Oh my god there is a deadly engineered virus circulating' story. Keeps the virus story going and scares people even worse. They are grand masters in chess; most people are playing checkers or don't even know there is a game."

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yes Tom and I had this conversation in person in early 2021

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Nothing leaked except possibly some common sense out of those who believe there was a leak. I asked someone two days ago how did the bioweaponized virus he believes made him sick get from China to Central Mexico. He looked at me puzzled and said, "I don't know. But it did." This fella fancies himself a truther researcher but can't kick the "lab leak" out of his consciousness.

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Millions saved from viruses and bacteria - are you one of those? 30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill:

Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards.

Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only - job done. 3 minutes idea to job done - simple.

No virus, no Covid or Long Covid in your head possible.

You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let it become Covid in the nasal passages of your head, later transported down into your body in the one liter of snot, or mucus, we each produce daily - the engine oil of the body.

Vaccines - what for - I never have any. My method is like using a fire hose to put out a fire. It takes 3 minutes to prepare and do with salt and clean water and over the 30 years I and others have been doing it, it has NOT killed or injured ONE PERSON, unlike those synthetic mRNA vaccines.

ALSO verified by Alberta Medical University - Canada.

Do it - you will be amazed at how quickly it destroys colds and flu in the nasal passages of your head. No infection, no Covid possible.

Spread the word to everyone please. Neti pots are like using a garden sprinkler to put out a house fire. your life, your choice!! AND free!!

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You can only be saved from a virus if it exists. Do you have scientific evidence of any existing?

You can only be saved from pathogenic bacteria if said bacteria are pathogenic. Do you have scientific evidence of any bacteria being pathogenic?

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I think the other Christine (Christine's Newsletter) has beat it on down the line. She wasn't counting on encountering informed people. :-)

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She is a well-meaning and informed in her own right. She recommended a method for strengthening immunity. She did not use the preferred terminology of the people writing on this page, but in substance-- she is right.

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Immunity ... to what?

She was asked questions regarding repeated assertions that she has made, and she has refused to answer any. How can she be right in her "substance" when she repeatedly assets the existence of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses?

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Immunity to illnesses, whatever they are and however they are caused. It is good for you. It strengthens your terrain, if you want. That is the substance. There is a great story by Tolstoy about the dangers of pedantry: https://www.online-literature.com/tolstoy/2896/

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There is resistance to falling ill, which is nothing more than maintaining good terrain. The very term "immunity" assumes external invading pathogenic organisms, of which there is ZERO evidence. Again, what is the main susbstance of this Christine. if it's not virus, COVIO, pandemic? Didn't she post right here as to how to "cure COVID"?

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Feb 7, 2023
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Any evidence that bacteria are infectious pathogens, via a procedure which satisfies Koch's Postulates?

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Feb 7, 2023
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Viruses were invented because these "scientists" could not find any evidence for bacteria acting as pathogens, so they invented a new class of alleged organisms which were deemed too small to observe in order to justify their contagion theory. That's an historical fact.

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Feb 7, 2023
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Again, where is your evidence of this alleged virus called SARS-CoV-2 which causes the alleged disease called "COVID" ("COVID-19") And where is your evidence that there is a disease called "COVID-19" with unique symptoms, aside from the results of tests which are at the very best highly inaccurate, at worst a sick joke in this application?

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If as terrain theory says the so called infections are the debris not the cause of illness. What you are doing is clearing out not curing.

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I believe that is correct. "The flu" is not a disease. It is the body preventing disease by cleansing. The healing process is incorrectly labeled a disease process and treated as such (usually by suppression) and this compounds the buildup of toxins and therefore disease. We were given this backwards.

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your body can be clearing out many things, not just cellular debris

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Is your name Christine Sassey, cause you sure are?

Going against the grain and flushing your sinuses out every day for thirty years to “Wash that virus right out of your nose”.

You’re a true pioneer, although I’m not sure you’ll ever be able to “Round up those wagons”.

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Are you anything to do with the Brian Root which has been rooted by a transgender male, like Elton John's hubby, for example?

No I am not Christine Sassey funny man.

No, the salt water wash does not wash the virus out of anybody's nose - you need to put your spectacles on and try again.

Look, I don't give a blind fuck if you are vaccinated and die, from your vaccine shot, by 50 years old, if not by 2025, which are your two options currently, or anyone else in the same predicament as you, you brought it on yourself, don't expect any sympathy from me.

When you are on your death bed, assuming you make it alive to one, think of my 77 plus still going strong, when you are just another rotten, but not mine, memory.

I don't live in America so "rounding up those wagons" does not apply to me and never did - we drive cars here with rubber wheels, not the iron ones you are accustomed to along with your horses - like Duh!!.

You want to "dance with me" in "clever Text", bring it on little man - I will tear you up and shit you out of your remaining asshole and then you will be the the subject of ridicule, by the people who look up to you for your humor - I live for idiots like you, who want to test my mettle.

Enjoy your remaining life, Rooted Dick-Witt.

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One thing is clear — you certainly don't have a "blind fuck" to give.

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Feb 6, 2023
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If you think of it as strengthening the sinuses, you will get an answer.

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Listen to the oppositional "experts":


These people are desperately seeking to "believe in the virus" using the most absurd logical inconsistencies.

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Dear Mr. Coppolino,

well, I would suggest to talk to Dr. Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D.

https://www.pharmacomechanics.com/expertise.html - https://bioanalyticx.com/gain-of-function-research-as-fake-as-the-virus/

and because they are always looking for these so-called "sequences" which are parts of the human, mouse, rat or plants genome (nucleic acids/nucleotide sequences)



and which will always be found, depending on which dead cells the human being just excretes


and because they admit it themselves



in the examinations which "virologists" carry out, there is already a dehydration and a CPE through the addition of fluorescent agents and other foreign substances, which they then pass off as a "virus", which is of course an absolute fraud


so when you see those numbers in a study, those are


and the letter salad in the gene bank are amino acids, which are again NOT a so-called "virus" and are thus also a fraud!!!


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Dr Qureshi weighed in, earlier. See above.

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Yes I know, but I only saw it after I had already commented - I appreciate Dr. Qureshi very much and I am glad that he also commented on it!!

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It looks like nobody wants to answer the question! As yet, I see no plausible evidence of a contagion, (germ, synthetic or otherwise) in winter 2019-2020, causing disease, so the question isn't something I can answer, tho I would really like to see legitimate evidence of a "lab leak' from those who promote it ... innuendo and suspicions do not cut it. A description of.ingredients and controlled confirmed transmission outside of other influences (flu vaccines, electromagnetics, air/water pollution)

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Word of mouth, cough, cough....

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Lab release - from Fort Detrick a few weeks after Bill Gates Event 201 where he had a computer model showing how effective the Covid virus would be in murdering us all. His wife left him about the same time, I seem to recall, there was talk of a divorce, but she is back with Bill again now, i think. Probably she was so horrified at what Bill intended she distanced herself from him and then when nothing happened she went back to him again. The weak link in the Covid chain is her - get her to fess up and the truth will out.

Shortly after the Covid-19 neucloid virus was let out, the level 4 bio-lab was dismantled and shipped out in a fleet of trucks at night, according to locals and then the American's accused the Chinese as being responsible for the leak - typical smoke and mirrors by the US DOD and US government.

The thing to bear in mind is that Bill and friends intended to release a virus in 2025 to bring humanity to its knees by 2030 - 5 years - then you will own nothing and you will be happy - but Bill advanced the timetable to 2019/2020 and 5 years later is 2025 and it is 2023 now - you get where I am going with this - tell 'em one thing do another.

Was this intended - No!! - YES!!: FDA assigned Pfizer's COVID vaccine a license number months prior to actually licensing it | 6 Jan 2023 | Back in July 2020, when the U.S. Government committed to purchasing millions of doses of Pfizer's Covid vaccines prior to the vaccines actually being authorized for use in the American public, some wondered whether the FDA's "review" process for granting Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) was just a mere formality... Based on an FDA document that ICAN's (Informed Consent Action Network) attorneys recently obtained, it appears we can now say that the FDA's post-EUA procedure for determining whether to formally license Pfizer's Covid vaccine was indeed just that - a mere formality. On June 17, 2021, the FDA drafted a memo announcing that it was issuing a license number for Pfizer's Covid vaccine. But the FDA didn't actually license the Pfizer's Covid vaccine until several months later on August 23, 2021. In the document, the FDA makes the stunning admission that, while granting a BLA license number prior to actual licensing was a "deviation from [the FDA's] normal practice," it was doing so to "facilitate product labeling and distribution" because it had reviewed "much" of the information in Pfizer's licensing application.

There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines. It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion. BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: https://www.ibtimes.sg/fact-check-biontech-ceo-ugur-sahin-refuses-take-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-due-safety-concerns-61652

In 2020, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin proudly announced, "...we chose lipid nanoparticles that promote migration from the muscle cells into the lymph nodes." - https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/6XrY4yTa8JQ/m/qFqqyvFJBQAJ

But by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added (increases in deaths and injuries beyond the initial contracts)

The Contracts 23 00099 General Dynamics Information Te..https://substack.com/redirect/dac78dc8-9d2d-4280-a390-218d47bb331d?j=eyJ1IjoibjFlaXcifQ.OkComRnvTz45cW2ospKdwvhGbhkMepFwvepUF91fYF023 00099 Eagle Health Analytics, Llhttps://substack.com/redirect/bcba05ff-1dce-4b15-a6a7-0f59f3cb115a j=eyJ1IjoibjFlaXcifQ.OkComRnvTz45cW2ospKdwvhGbhkMepFwvepUF91fYF0 Grand total? $35,425,642 The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) records 1% of all reports:

VAERS updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41 to arrive at December 2022 numbers) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022. ...The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow

BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: https://www.ibtimes.sg/fact-check-biontech-ceo-ugur-sahin-refuses-take-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-due-safety-concerns-61652 but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher, (bearing in mind that VAERS represents only 1% of all injuries and deaths recorded and multiplying the numbers given by 41 (x41) gives a much better appreciation of just how many American’s were being injured or had died, after vaccinations began in early 2021), on a daily basis: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Friday updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022, so for 100% x41 = 60,730,266 dead or injured Americans so far and it does not include the numbers your governments are inflicting on you, if you don't live in America.

See Electron Microscope studies of blood at cellular level and the nanotechnology to be found there: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-mindset-of-dr-robert-young-on-blood-clots-pleomorphism-the-jibby-jab-t-cruzi-h-vulgaris?postId=3704e561-ae34-4a1b-98f5-ded468531d93&utm_campaign=5003d1c8-c42a-4ec7-837d-42a0d74c29a2&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&utm_content=ca364f20-ac6e-41bf-9814-33ce0b02ff77&cid=8bec1d4c-3773-415a-83c2-1694daa095a4

The US Department of Defense (US DoD) has had a dominant role in the response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the US DoD took charge of the Covid vaccine funding, development and testing from the very start of the perceived threat in early 2020 and in the development, and distribution of the Covid 19 vaccines, a fact hidden from the general public. In those processes many standard steps and procedures, otherwise required for pharmaceutical products, were omitted or circumvented.  

The US FDA’s website (FDA, 2020) reveals that the United States Department of Defence (DoD) has been in full control of the Covid Vaccine development program since its beginning. The DoD has been responsible for development, manufacturing, clinical trials, quality assurance, distribution and administration, since that time (FDA, 2020; Rees and Latypova, 2022; KEI, 2022; Medical Defense Consortium, 2022; Rees, 2022). The major pharmaceutical companies have been involved as “Project Coordination Teams” effectively performing as subcontractors to the DoD. The Chief Operating Officer for (Trump's) Warp Speed vaccine program is the US Department of Defence, and the Chief Science Advisor is the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). 

Definition of these vaccines as “countermeasures” rather than therapeutic agents has permitted their expedited progression to emergency use authorisation and widespread rollouts. Many adverse consequences have been the outcome of this secret military response to a public health matter. Excepts From: Phillip Altman's Essay he is Pharmacologist and Clinical trial and drug regulatory affairs consultant in Melbourne, Australia and Brownstone Institute

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what was actually released from Fort Detrick? a computer model?

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I say that the evidence points to the Covid-19 neucloids virus being released from Fort Detrick and then after the bio 4 lab was dismantled and removed at night, the Chinese were blamed for it

BioNTech and Pfizer’s BNT162 Vaccine Patent Landscape

By Mario Gaviria and Burcu Kilic November 16, 2020

BNT162 Vx patent landscape

Safe and effective vaccines are key to combating the Covid-19 pandemic; however, patents and other intellectual property claims directed at vaccine technologies create legal barriers for equitable access and fair allocation. No corporation produces at scale to supply the world. Providing timely global access will depend in significant part on increasing supply, including by transferring technology to qualified manufacturers. Much of this technology is claimed as patented, proprietary, or confidential in nature.

German company BioNTech and its U.S. partner Pfizer’s[1] vaccine candidate, BNT162 SARS-CoV-2, employs the use of lipid nanoparticle (NP) technology to deliver mRNA to cells. Once the lipid nanoparticle is injected into a patient, it travels into the cells and instructs them to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The presence of this corona virus protein is thought to trigger an immune response leading to the production of antibodies.[2]  If the patient is infected with coronavirus, the antibodies will identify and bind to the virus, which triggers a series of events resulting in the elimination of the virus.

BNT162 is in Phase 3 clinical trials. Pfizer announced promising but preliminary trial results on November 9th.[3]

We identified several patents claimed by BioNTech relating to the pertinent vaccine technologies.[4] We placed them in three groups based on their description and their primary independent claim:

· Patents directed at RNABelow is our non-exhaustive list.

· Patents directed at Lipids/NP + mRNA

· Patents specifically directed at pharmaceutical compositions involving lipid NP + mRNA

Below is our non-exhaustive list. In a recent financial statement, BioNTech suggested that its patent claims extend to mRNA structure, formulations, and manufacturing, and relies on trade secrets and confidential know-how to protect aspects of mRNA manufacturing technologies.[5]

Patent/Published Application Applicant/Assignee Filing Date Status Invention Type

US 10,576,146BioNTechMarch 15, 2018ActiveLipids/NP + mRNAUS 10,485,884BioNTechMarch 5, 2013ActiveLipids/NP + mRNAUS 9,950,065BioNTechSeptember 26, 2013ActiveLipids/NP + mRNAUS2020/0155671BioNTechJanuary 22, 2020PendingLipids/NP + mRNAUS2020/0197508BioNTechMarch 21, 2018PendingRNA immune responseUS2019/0153428BioNTechAugust 24, 2016PendingRNA immunogenicityUS2019/0321458BioNTechJuly 14, 2017PendingPC: Lipids/NP + mRNAUS2018/0263907BioNTechMarch 30,2016PendingLipids/NP + mRNAUS2017/0273907BioNTechSeptember 17, 2015PendingLipids/NP + mRNAUS2014/0030808BioNTechDecember 2, 2011PendingRNA expressionWO2016/156398BioNTechMarch 30,2016PublishedLipids/NP + mRNAWO2015/043613BioNTechSeptember 26, 2013PublishedLipids/NP + mRNAWO2013/087083BioNTechDecember 15, 2011PublishedLipids/NP + mRNA[1] All patents and patent applications identified in this study were claimed by BioNTech indicating that they are the inventor of the relevant vaccine technology, while Pfizer is acting as the innovator and leading the large-scale manufacturing, development, and regulatory approval process.

[2] https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMoa2027906

[3] https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-announce-vaccine-candidate-against

[4] Pharmaceutical companies are not the only claimants of key technology. The U.S. government claims a patent on a key technology which may be relevant for BioNTech and Pfizer to stabilize the spike protein.  See Public Citizen, Leading COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates Depend on NIH Technology (Nov. 10, 2020), https://www.citizen.org/article/leading-covid-19-vaccines-depend-on-nih-technology/.

[5] “Certain of our technologies, including in particular certain proprietary manufacturing processes or technologies and/or neoantigen prediction technologies, are protected as trade secrets”,.BioNTech SE, SEC Filing (July 21 2020), https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1776985/000119312520195911/d939702df1.htm.

Public Citizen

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What Covid-19 virus? What Covid-19 pandemic? The links you provide are about quackcines, they contain no scientific evidence of a virus.

Your first link: Safety and Immunogenicity of Two RNA-Based Covid-19 Vaccine Candidates - no evidence of a virus.

2nd link - Pfizer press release - no evidence of a virus.

3rd link - article titled Leading COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates Depend on NIH Technology - no evidence of a virus.

Last link - legal filing re a fake vaccine - no evidence of a virus.

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The last bruhaha regarding "leaks" from Fort Detrick was around 2003 with the so-called anthrax scare. The scare is based on the same myth as the "pathogenic virus" which is why the dogma of this kind of science must end. In this case, it was meant to scare a couple of senators into passing the mass surveillance act known as the Patriot Act. It was white powder in an envelop - this is not even possible in the phony science notion of "anthrax".

It's a delusion on steroids.

There's no pathogenic virus lab leak because there's no such proven thing as a pathogenic virus. It's a psychological operation, run in large part by the US military and it's global cohorts.

Regarding the content of the vials, no one really knows what these contain. First these products lack any sort of quality assurance. Multiple supply chains aren't checked for content - it's all speed and quantity. No one knows if anything resembling mRNA and spike protein exists (certainly nothing in nature in the case of the latter). Even the labs that say they produce mRNA say it can't scale up.

Beyond the pseudoscience, it's fair to say these shots have nothing to do with health, just the opposite. This is a 5,000 year effort to control the planet by a few, and reduce the population through war and programs such as Operation COVID. It's not a new effort. It's been going on since the "dawn of civilization". So far the elites have won these battles. The people march off to war after war and millions die in wars the elite plotted.

Read John Zerzan's "A People's History of Civilization" for starts.

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Hi Art. I agree with you in principal. This is the same as the purpose of wars, to decimate the populations. The people who create those wars, don't go off and fight them, they send the innocents to fight them instead and stay behind where it is safe and secure and they don't get theirs delivered in the form of a bullet.

According to Berenson, Trump avoided Call Up Papers for Vietnam once and Biden FIVE times and neither went, or "fought for America" and now they are or have been Presidents - you have to be joking!!

With sophisticated technology now fighting the wars for humans the humans are not dying fast enough so help them along a lot with Moderna's Covid-19 Neucloids and these synthetic genetic experimental mRNA test bomb vaccines - so win/win especially if humans can be converted to bio/robots since mechanical robots were a practical impossibility - what could possibly go wrong?

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My point, which I didn't explain Christine, regarding the likeness to wars is that many (and primarily the large wars) are orchestrated by non-elected elites going back to the early 20th Century (and before).

Heads of state are the fronts men/women.

The wars are fought because they're lucrative for a few, and they open up markets and clear resources....and they reduce populations.

I think we're seeing that in Ukraine, and throughout the developing world. It's a land and resource grab as much as anything else; and thousands are dying as a result.

Regarding the shots, I don't think many if any really know exactly what's in each vial. Perhaps the military command running the operation does. Scaling up the production at warp speed creates all kinds hits and misses (I have some manufacturing background - not pharma). I think these concoctions have been killing countless numbers of people. Those running this just keep going. That leaves one to conclude murder is part of the mission. CDC and FDA and HHS are co-conspirators, and just go through the motions. I do think CAF is right that much of this is about a global reset.

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I would add that my sense is that at least in the US, the Office of President has been captured. That's were some exceptional power resides (proclamations, executive orders and commander-in-chief), not so much with the person who occupies the White House. Much of what happened post-1913 Federal Reserve act and in 1963 appears to have lead to this situation.

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If the work of Katherine Watt is as valid as it certainly appears, there was no need for testing for FDA approval or any of the other exercises to make it look as if these injections were "vaccines". Instead she argues these are not experiments but weapons under laws passed over time to allow the DoD to attack the population at large with complete impunity.

It explains why the agencies have never stopped the killing.

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I don't know of Katherine Watt so I can't comment there, however, I just copied a rather large text copied here: Leaked Emails from EMA Revisited

Sasha Latypova Feb 6

In late 2020 a collection of documents - approximately 900 pages from Pfizer’s “vaccine” Chemistry Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) section of the regulatory submission to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) were leaked and sent to a number of journalists. The documents also included email exchanges from some of the reviewers and senior executives at the EMA. The leak was covered (https://www.bmj.com/content/372/bmj.n627) in the British Medical Journal who were able to confirm that the documents were authentic. I received these documents from a colleague about a year later, at the end of 2021, and I read and used a lot of them in my analyses. I have seen many R&D related documents from Pfizer in my professional work, so I can also confirm that these leaked ones were highly consistent with typical Pfizer documentation. The EMA did not deny the authenticity, and only stated that the headers of some of the emails were changed.

I have a much larger number of followers now and a much clearer understanding of the organization and pseudo-legal structure of the criminal cartel driving the global atrocity colloquially known as the “covid pandemic response”. I am revisiting the leaked emails as I believe that they provide some highly significant evidence.

The EMA email files that I have read contain 14 screenshots of emails from mid to late November 2020. The exchanges are from the EMA staff and senior executives. In my opinion these emails demonstrate that:

1. The EMA reviewers were under a massive political pressure to invent new ways of approving the unapprovable dangerous products. The pressure was emanating from the very top of the US, UK and EU governments.

2. EU Commissioner, Ursula vonden Leyen made promises to the Member States she was never intending to fulfill in order to tie them all in a single pact for vaccine contracts and thus pre-empt any independent decisions in their own countries.

3. There were severe and unresolvable - given the purposefully unrealistic timeline - issues with quality of the product the EMA staff were pressured to ok. Some were uncomfortable with doing so and voicing their concerns. Others “overlooked” clearly made-up data.

Ultimately, the regulatory review itself and the concerns raised did not matter - the product was going to be marketed regardless. We now know exactly why - the regulatory authorities did not have the regulatory power over it. The pharmaceutical regulators do not oversee military materials known as “countermeasures” and “manufacturing demonstrations” (coy language covering up the biowarfare agents made by the captured US Government and its global partners). The emails show that the majority of the EMA staff were unwitting actors in this play.

Confirmation of this for the UK came out recently:

bad cattitude

And for America: In a new hour-long presentation – watch it here: https://sensereceptornews.com/?p=15980 – Latypova lays out the copious evidence she has compiled – including “receipts” – to show that covid injections are nothing more than a bioweapon that was unleashed on the world by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) via the corrupt U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Latypova, who worked with 60 different pharmaceutical companies throughout her 25-year industry career, says that any alleged benefits associated with the shots pales in comparison to the many adverse events they cause, sudden death being one of the most prominent.

It turns out that covid jabs are not pharmaceutical products at all, Latypova found. Instead, they are military bioweapons. (Related: Last year, Latypova’s “Team Enigma” spoke with Dr. Jane Ruby about Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed scam and how it was used to unleash these bioweapons.)

The shots have never been properly tested for safety, either – obviously because they are not safe and were designed to kill. They produce negative efficacy, meaning a person is much better off not getting injected if he or she wants to live.

While the world has been led to believe that the likes of Pfizer and Moderna are responsible for these deadly shots, the head of the snake looks to be the DoD and other military-industrial complex actors who made them “toxic by design.”

Covid jabs were also a long time in the making, it turns out. Latypova uncovered evidence dating back to 1997 when Congress passed two new laws: the FDA Modernization Act and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Together, these bills allowed for the implementation of “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA), which is what the FDA used to fast-track the shots onto the market at warp speed.

Changes were also made to 10 U.S. Code § 4021 that amended the Other Transaction Authority (OTA) of the DoD. Here is how Cornell’s Legal Information Institute describes what that accomplished:

“The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of each military department [the ability to] enter into transactions (other than contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants) [in order to carry] out basic, applied, and advanced research projects. The authority under this subsection is in addition to the authority provided in section 4001 of this title to use contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants in carrying out such projects.”

In short, the changes made to 10 U.S. Code § 4021, implemented by the Obama regime in 2015, allow the DoD to order the production of “undisclosed military prototypes” from private manufacturers like pharmaceutical companies – be sure to watch the full video presentation from Latypova.

Covid jabs are a death sentence for many.


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Katherine and Sasha collaborate. Katherine provides the legal discovery and Sasha the experience with pharma manufacturing and the overall process. Together they render this a US military operation circumventing the US Constitution. Other nations have followed the legal maneuvers to due likewise.

They along with Katherine Austin Fitts have provided a cogent understanding of who and why.

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Katherine Watt believes in viruses in general, including SARS-CoV-2, despite ZERO evidence that they exist.

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I can't refute she said it because she's on so many video sites she may have been explicit. My take has been, in general as long as someone who hasn't done the research and sticks to their "lane" I'm ok. It's when they emphatically state the virus exists (and worse still, has been proven; or even worse when they repeat that to be on the inside of the RFK, Jr. cabal, or all of the above) than I question their cred.

I think CAF has a thorough understanding of the system and a fair approach to a local alternative.

I do think she, like so many, still think things were once different and somehow the US Constitution was once holy writ, until it got dirtied in the 20th C. That's ignorance of history.

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Right here.


" genetically-modified living organisms and modified genetic material, and government-ordered mRNA and DNA spike protein Covid injections that reverse-transcribed genetic material into human genome of recipients. " And other comments in that entry.

CAF totally believes things changed fundementally in the 20th Century. She is indeed ignorant of history. And she told people who question the virus proof to basically SRFU


From notes someone sent to a list i am on,

“At about 33 min the topic of 'does a virus exist' was raised by [ CHD interviewer] Polly T. and CA Fitts knows Asher [Tom] Cowan who she said brought this up at some event, as in "dont you think it is important to decide if viruses exist or not, and her response was “NO."

"lf you want to be a slave who is clear about whether viruses exist or not, then go ahead and spend your valuable time on that debate, but" -- and she uses the book "the Moth in the Iron Lung" as a source for history on how viruses have been used a a cover story, "but wasting our time on this debate will not stop the fraudulent use of viruses."

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OK- must be something local to you- I have all of the blurb to show that both America and the UK were in this together and it is a military operation, well DOD and DARPA against all of us.

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Asking again. Show us evidence that SARS-CoV-2 has been proven to exist. Military operation with a non-existent "virus"? Good one. Just like people who claim they saw a virus move by looking through an electron microscope. :-)

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The military operation, and I would point to the extensive work by Katherine Watt regarding lots of evidence, is not about the virus existence or lab leak.

According to Watt it's about the weaponization of the jab, which she claims is not a therapeutic, is under military command from R&D to administration, and as such it doesn't require any of the pharma test regulations.

There is no pathogenic virus as described by those who claim otherwise.

What is problematic is that those who see only the economic reset (CAF) - motive - as all important, cannot allow for the biologic argument that no pathogenic virus has ever been proven to exist; and thus the pandemic is null and void.

Why can't CAF simply state, I've heard that there is a debate within science that the germ theory has never been proven, but I focus on the financial collapse that we're confronted with, and simply leave it at that.

None of the "no virus" people that I'm familiar with disputes the elite obsession with control of planet Earth.

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Feb 6, 2023
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Does CAF still claim that she hasn't yet figured out who "Mr. Global" is, despite all her years of research?

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There was NEVER and is NOT a so-called "virus"!!!! And these so-called "vaccinations" NONE, but a chemical and toxic mixture!!!!

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Yes. Chemicals/toxins are what they have, and have had for a very long time.

I think the same is and is true with nuclear weapons. I mention it because there are threats such as the mythical virus which are smoke and mirrors which are weaponized through communications over the years. People come to deeply believe in these fabricated stories never questioning the veracity or motive behind the myth. TNT and dynamite exist and the delivery systems have been hugely improved.

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You got proof that SARS-CoV-2 exists?

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???? Did you read my comment?? !!There was NEVER and is NOT a so-called "virus"!!!!

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This was in response to "Christine" (who has her newsletter) who has been carpet bombing here with comments about the "virus." Sorry for the confusion.

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Oh, okay... I had this as a reply to my comment in my e-mail

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Feb 6, 2023
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Hi Cosmos Agent Roger 23 - I wrote a long and complex reply to Brownstone and when I lodged it, it came back that comments were closed and i lost the whole bloody thing and I got nothing published to Brownstone - so now I brown nose them instead.

In my opinion Moderna's 2013 Covid-19 Neucloid virus patent (which I have just published on my free substack) was the first part of the bio weapon and the second part is the genetic vaccine bombs which destroy some immediately and others at intervals forwards, so that it can't all be pinned to the one genetic Covid injection - spread on and out by sexual activities, just like AIDS was.

The mass fear campaign and the masks were nudging to get everyone to comply to having the genetic bomb vaccines and that is more or less what happened.

There are a few of us who have refused vaccines outright and I at least will continue to do so, but that is the way these things go and there are always a few who don't give up easily in any fight.

At the same time, I am posting a few other choice bits of scientific shit about these vaccines - I originally collected them for a paper I wrote and published on my substack starting off with AIDS, then I promptly forgot all about them, because after a particularly total consuming effort, my mind tends to shut down completely and I go to sleep for a few hours, as happened here.

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Patents prove things exist? Have you any proof that HIV has been proven to exist? SARS-CoV-2?

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Feb 6, 2023
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Bill Gates had his Event 201 and shortly afterwards Moderna's Covid-19 was released. Scuttlebutt from the residents around Fort Detrick said that a fleet of trucks removed the level 4 bio-lab at night shortly before the Chinese were blamed for the Covid-19 virus

The problem of it being the Chinese is that Moderna patented the Covid-19 neucloid virus in 2013 and again in 2016 - the patents can't lie - so as Moderna has the patents, how then can the Chinese be responsible

So not Covid-2019 but Covid -19 neucloids, a different fish entirely and with off US shore certainty that Moderna created Covid-19 at 3 billion to 1 that they did, that is even greater odd that the police use for DNA to arrest people for past murders.

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Covid is a criminal conspiracy. Anyone who portrays it as a medical emergency is misleading people.

Wittingly or not is irrelevant.

It’s imperative that everyone stop ceding ground to these fascists by reifying the Big Lie that "Covid" is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic.

"Covid" the disease is pure fiction.

All the rest of it (biolabs / batsoup / bioweapons / lableaks) is political theatre and bread and circuses.

Covid is a global conspiracy by the Worlds transnational ruling class which was planned out and war-gamed at the WEF, the central bankers summit in Jackson Hole, and at Event 201.

99% of people falsely certified as having ‘died from covid’ actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and ‘public health’ despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.

From the CDC itself 7/16/21: “Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021). A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record.

Most patients who "died from COVID" had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten pre-existing conditions.”

Translation: No one has "died from Covid" as “Covid” is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, “flu” and many other disease conditions.

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Great compilation of stats in one place. Thanks!

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Covid-19 is the allegedly new disease allegedly caused by the alleged virus. Where is the proof of a virus?

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Hi Christine. We can play this game until the cows come home (for milking) There is a virus, no there isn't, yes there is, no there isn't - meanwhile people are dying and being injured by the vaccines which is what this is all about - no virus, no Civi-19 neucloids possible - happy now?

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COVID-19 is an alleged disease, not a virus. The alleged virus causing it is SARS-CoV-2. It has never been proven to physically exist. COVID-19 has never been demonstrated to be a unique disease, distinguishable by anything except bogus tests. Just like AIDS, an alleged disease caused by an alleged virus called HIV. If i recall, you claimed at one point to have seen a virus move, via an electron microscope.

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Show us the patent of any alleged virus, that actually contains/cites evidence of said virus? And yes patents can lie. It's called fraud.

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The only thing that leaked from a lab (or leaped from human to human) was fear.

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The propaganda construct of "Covid" is all based on "AIDS" - so if you remember AIDS was bushmeat in a bathhouse, and Covid is "batsoup in a wet market" - So anybody in US intelligence knows about "the lab" which is the basement of the gay club Berhain in Berlin close to the CIA station, where there are piss parties (aka a "leak") at a Tea Party. Patient Zero was Jeffrey Epstein (he had "AIDS in dying" because it was the Epstein-Barr Virus, which is an AIDS-defining condition). So my "Lab Leak" theory is it's just a big intelligence joke - or a "Red Herring" (Wuhan can mean herring in Chinese if you change the tones, and Red is the color of communism).

Or to do the homophone on a homocide: "Russiagate Hoax" .... "Rush! A gay Tea. O! KS!" (rush is a brand of poppers and KS is aids-defining).

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Dear Eric Francis Coppolino,

C'mon, dude. You know that they believe in magic. So they say things like: (a) "the virus infected a worker at a lab and ..."; or (b) "viruses escape from bio-weapons labs, ALL the time ..."

When I was at the Univ. of Florida, a crazy Christian said that god was 3-in-1, just like an apple. He explained that an apple has THREE parts: the skin, the meat, and the core.

I then highlighted that apples have stems and flowers too! So I asked him if god were thus, "5-in-1"?

No amount of proof, counterfactuals, myocarditis, break through infection, or retelling of the "Emperor's New Clothes" can get them to see the light. I am just delighted to listen to and read your wisdom and information.


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From one of the "Covid dissident geniuses."

"I am saying that at this point we do not have a valid explanation for the suddenness of the coordinated spikes in death around the world. A respiratory disease was present and came out of season. The deaths were exacerbated by protocol changes.

But how did the disease appear?"

Organized F-R-A-_-D aka criminal conspiracy.

Time to buy a vowel.

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Eric, I'll get back to you tonight. Going to be quoting mainly Yoichi Shimatsu and Ron Unz.

As you can see from the majority of your commenters, the situation is very similar to the people that deny there is such a thing as outer space. (flat earth etc) They are rendered incapable of understanding satellite communications, missiles, missile control. And then that shit comes raining down on their own country. When you deny viruses exist (corona not isolated), then you are rendered incapable of comprehending that niche of biowarfare. And then you don't understand actual historical usage of biowarfare techniques (against Korea, against China, against Jack Ruby) Or for example, Liberals who deny that there are people who hate them, and then a young couple goes on a bike tour of the Arabian peninsula and gets hacked to death on a mountain.

The creeps don't necessarily have to kill you, if they can render you stupid. I'll come back later this evening.

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Who is denying that viruses exist?

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The same techniques of isolation of all viruses, the same people even, who isolate viruses day in day out, isolated sars cov-2. Therefore, it is simply weasel words to say, "oh, I'm only talking about sars cov-2. No, if you deny sars cov-2 has been isolated, you deny any virus has been isolated.

Isolation is very tied to proof of existence. In the early days, all they could do was centrifuge the heavy particles down, siphon off the lighter particles, and confirm cell damage. Back in 1905. In fact, during the development of the polio virus, they kept having batches that killed cell cultures, and they called it a "vacuolizing agent" because it would kill cells in these circular patterns. (and that shit was proven to cause cancer in about 100 research papers and still the heroes of the polio vaccine pushed their methods and refused to change from manufacturing virus for the vaccines in ground up monkey kidnes that contained the SV-40, and injected it into 100 million people).

So, if you deny isolation, you deny existence.

If you agree oxygen exists, but deny its effect in breathing, you deny an essential, definitional attribute of oxygen. Similarly, though Lanka may agree that a viral particle exists, to deny its effect is to deny a definitional attribute, and thus to deny its existence. To say otherwise is to play a weak semantic game, and I hope we all have the courage of our convictions not to play word games at this stage.

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Dear Todd Harvey,

I read the papers of Flexner and Lewis on polio "virus." They never isolated anything. They even injected monkeys with blood that they supposed to be tainted with polio virus. But not until the men at the Rockefeller Institute injected material directly into the skulls of the monkeys, could the "scientists" cause monkeys to become lame and or die (from polio).

Can you point me to a study where anyone isolated "poliomyelitis virus"? Maybe I misread or overlooked something.


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For the future reader - I am from an agricultural part of Tennessee, and big swaths of the rich Duck river bottom are used for seed research. At no point of this research is the corn seed "isolated" from soil, from the microbes, from the molds, from the insects. They make a good effort to bag the tassels at the right time so only the pollen they desire fertilizes the next crop.

Similarly, in the process of isolating viruses, which are bits of dna or rna encapsulated in a shell, they use live cells and the replication machinery of those cells There is an incidental amount of antibiotics to keep down the nasties and molds from turning it all into a mess. Similar to corn, they get about a thousand new virions for each infected cell until it lyses, or bursts. I gave a video of a cell actually bursting at the SophiaSnippets site you can find linked in this chat.

So to specifically answer Mr. Jones' question, any of the following: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C43&q=poliomyelitis+virus+isolation&btnG=&oq=poliomyelitis+virus+is

But the one I scanned to see their isolation process described in detail was near the top, Dulbecco and Vogt, click through to the pdf.

In addition to cultivating polio virus in kidney cells, then also did it in testes cells and spinal cord suspension cells. (and that way I believe they avoided the sv-40 coinfection problem). Back in those days they didn't have the capability to sequence the genome of the virus as they did at Wuhan in the very first paper, so they visually inspected the regions of their culture where cells had burst or lysed, and measured the number and size of those plaques in order to calculate the amount of virus that had been produced.

Corn, on the other hand, was much easier to count, and the fact you might have a bit of fertilizer in the field, or some molds in the dirt just never came up. This is biology, after all.

There are several classes of people who deny the existence of viruses (and there are people who deny that germs like staph or strep cause disease).

To my mind, the most insidious are those like Andrew Kaufman , Christine Massey, Jane Ruby who were signal boosted massively by search engines, social media, cable shows, and I bet at this point, no one in this thread believes that there are self-replicating hydras in the vaccines. What is insidious is that while the Dark Side imposes mandates on everybody to get their gene transfection, the Dark Side also injects confusion, fear, uncertainty, disbelief, distrust, disunity and promotes the virus denying superstars. While good guys are getting fired from their jobs left and right.

The people with credible scientific chops who opposed the Dark Side were not only deplatformed, but debanked and hounded. While the virus denying stars literally drive Porsches and fly private planes. I wish this were a joke.

Another group of virus deniers sells some kind of supplement or alternative medical treatment, and they need believers for what functions as a cult, in order to keep the business going. So for example, Tom Cowan has a conflict of interest in tearing down medicine.

Mr Jones seems to be in a different category, and I'll cover that in the next response.

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From the 1st study at that link:

Solutions and Media

Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS).--(a) NaC1 8.0 gm., KC1 0.2 gm., Na~-IPO4 1.15 gin. KH~PO4 0.2 gr., water 800 ml.; (b) CaC12 0.1 gin., water 100 ml.; (c) MgCI2.6H20 0.1 gm.. water 100 ml. Autoclave (a), (b), and (c) separately; mix when cooled. Trypsin (Nutritiona; Biochemical Co.) 0.25 per cent in PBS, sterilized by filtration.

Tissue Culture Fluid.--Earle's saline (ES) (3), 8 parts, horse serum, 6 parts, chicken embryo extract (1:1 in ES), 3 parts; Earle's saline and horse serum were sterilized by pressure filtration through a Selas falter of porosity 03; the embryo extract was prepared under sterile conditions. An amount of 100/~g. of streptomycin and 100 units of penicillin per ml. were added to the saline solutions.

Lol. And this is supposed to help them "isolate" something from a host.

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wait a second how did you get my recipe for chocolate chip cookies?

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Here's a chunk of Mr Jones work:


and the most relevant to this discussion: https://vaxxter.com/acute-lymphoblastic-leukemia-vaccines/ which is about the possibility of vaccines causing acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He essentially proved his case with statistics and history.

However, what I'm saying is, had he also dug more into what viruses are, then he'd be a much more effective anti-vaxer. Because almost all vaxes are chemically somewhat altered wild viruses, and the history is full of vaxes re-wilding themselves and causing polio and measles. That's what got Wakefield banned - he innocently included the info that the measles he found and sequenced from the disturbed guts of his autism victim children shared the genome of the vaccine. And that was a bridge too far for big Pharma and he was unmercifully kicked out of medicine and has been vilified for years.

But my point is that he had the technical understanding to look into the genome of the sequenced virus from the diarrhea plagued bowels of the children he was helping, and it was measles from the vaccine, not wild measles.

In the case of sars cov-2, part of the genome looks like actual snake venom. And that's why the kook Brian Ardis was all over the internet saying Fauci had put venom in the water supply. The sars cov-2 critics had published he issue two years prior, and at some point a disinfo discrediting agent was needed to make it appear foolish.

Part of the genome looks like what causes protein misfolding, similar to prions, and we've had people die of creutzfeldt-jakob disease symptoms a month after vaccination, as well as people with major brain issues after viral infection.

(This fulfills a type of Koch's postulates - where the genome of the virus is taken, a portion of it goes to the vax, is injected, and then causes the same symptoms or worse, because it is amplified greatly and put straight into the blood and not having to battle through the body's immune system.

So if Mr Jones studied the biochemistry of the viruses, he'd be a much better advocate for the victims of the vaccines that are made from the viruses.

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Dear Todd Harvey,

I am not sure that I understand you. You wrote "that niche of biowarfare." Please recall that the supposed release of ricin, in an underground Japanese train station, during rush hour, had limited effect. All of Pasteur's experiments and demonstrations with anthrax were fake or fraudulent.

Then again, bacteria are not "virus." But where is the evidence of exogenous, contagion of pathogenic virus?

Please share any evidence you have.


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Also, Sherry Tenpenny, who publishes you, believes viruses exist. Also, Suzanne Humphries believes viruses exist. The people who made the virus-denying arguments you parrot are playing for the Dark Side. And getting rich and famous.

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Dear Todd Harvey,

I dearly love Sherri Tenpenny. She has helped hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, with her messages and information about the harms of "vaccination." I have not spoken to her lately. I am not sure if she has been able to review the work of Lanka, Cowan, and Kaufman.

I have never spoken to Dr. Humphries. Hopefully, she too, will advance her thinking and understanding with more information. Unlike other allopaths, Dr. Humphries has demonstrated a willingness to look beyond dogma.

But I do not parrot the works of those who show that virology is unscientific, and filled with unfalsifiable claims and empty rhetoric. Rather, I have reviewed the original works of Iwanowski, Flexner, Enders, Rivers, Koch, Jenner, and more. Once a person reads the disgusting practices wherein they torture animals, or just poison chicken embryos, or humans, it is easy to see that germ theory, and claims about exogenous viruses and the efficacy of vaccines are silly and or dangerous.

Lastly, I wish nothing but the best for Cowan, and the Baileys, Lanka, et alia. Better that they get money, than Pfizer, Gates, Fauci, and others who promote death and poisoning.

Then again, you can always take the Offit challenge: 10,000 vaccines at one time (Pediatrics 2002, volume 109: 124-129). Please prove how good the shots are. We will wait for your press conference and demonstration.


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Again, viruses exist; vaccines are made from viruses. The so-called denatured viruses are re-vivifying in the wild. If viruses don't exist, where does polio vaccine come from? Why does it re-vivify and paralyze children?

The portion of the sars cov-2 virus used as the pattern for the mRNA vaccines produces the same pathologies of the wild virus. Thus fulfilling Koch's postulate, but in an amplified way. Just a portion, isolated, amplified, transfected - and you get 20+ victims dead of a mad-cow like disease within a month. CJD typically takes years.

In general, best to disbelieve Cowan and believe the CIA. They've put their money into making hellish weapons.

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Dear Todd Harvey,

Here is some of the science [sic] of polio virus (and note, these men presupposed that they had found some mythical virus - even though they could not see it or filter it):

From Flexner and Lewis (1912):

"The precise manner in which microorganisms enter the body through mucous membranes is difficult to establish."

(Note, they defined poliomyelitis virus as microorganisms, i.e., living things, akin to bacteria. Such is NOT the present-day, post 1955, definition)

"In experimental poliomyelitis produced by any method of injection, it is well known that the virus [sic] is present throughout the central nervous system."

(Here they use the term "experimental poliomyelitis" to mean paralysis and or death. Thus, the men could inject matter into monkeys and harm the animals. Such is NOT evidence of natural transmission of a pathogen.

Because the animals went lame, post injection, Flexner and Lewis declared that the paralysis was due to some mythical virus, in the central nervous system. The only obvious thing was that the humans poisoned the animals, via injection - hardly proof of a contagious virus),

Now they get more graphic about their cruelty.

"the nasal mucous membrane of a Macacus rhesus monkey was swabbed lightly with a portion of ground cord from a recently paralyzed monkey. The monkey was killed at the end of 48 hours and the [various] portions of the central nervous system were removed ... These different portions were injected separately, as suspensions, into the brain and peritoneal cavity of three other Macacus rhesus monkeys.

The monkey injected with the suspension of the olfactory lobes came down in a manner typical of poliomyelitis in monkeys, with definite prodromal symptoms on the ninth day, paralysis on the tenth and death on the twelfth day. At autopsy, lesions characteristic of the disease were observed throughout the [spinal] cord. The two other monkeys remained entirely well and have never shown any symptoms of paralysis. The result of this experiment is definite."

(So those butchers ground up spinal cords and brains of monkeys, and then INJECTED that material into other monkeys - one of which became paralyzed. Yet as two others were not paralyzed, Flexner and Lewis concluded that they knew where to find polio "virus." None of these torture practices proved the existence of virus. Nothing was isolated. They injected foreign proteins directly into the brains or upper abdominal areas of monkeys.)

"Vaccines" are not made from viruses. Wait, are you "taking the piss", again?


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In banking, this would be fraud. If an EMT did this, they would get arrested. If a cop did the equivalent, it would be national news. This virology shit is a work of total fraud, and worse, it covers up how the real issues all involve toxins.


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Re: Polio; Symptoms & timeline coincide with comprehensive DDT & Lead Arsenic spraying - a virus is the cover story to protect the liable state agencies, regulators & industrialists, they stopped spraying at the same time the vaccine was released - bingo, the cure!.

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Who cares what people say? Cite a valid scientific study.

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For the future reader - Christine actually clicked on at least one of the links to a study and responded in a separate post. This reply here must be an old post.

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Not a valid, scientific study, Todd. Don't mislead people.

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Here is what Christine says is not a valid study. Dulbecco and Vogt, (copied from above, and the reader can scroll up and judge her reply there)


But the one I scanned to see their isolation process described in detail was near the top, Dulbecco and Vogt, click through to the pdf.

IMHO Christine responded to the study with derision above, and since the study elaborated their process in great detail, Christine responded inappropriately here.

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Aum Shinri Kyo used sarin. They had PhD chemist cult members who made it. Killed 14, injured 5500. I guess it could have been worse. Happened on a sunday afternoon, as I recall. I was en route with my wife from Narita to Shinjuku. A friend was held up for hours in the chaos of stopped trains. The husband of a friend was on that exact train, but got off at the previous stop to buy gum. You've got me wondering what they did with viruses. They owned a tank and were negotiating to buy an atom bomb, I think. Some of them lived near me. Saw them on the interstate.

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Holy shit, Shoko Asahara sent 40 members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult to Zaire to harvest Ebola to use it for a terror attack! https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/weaponized-ebola-is-it-really-a-bioterror-threat/ That's a quick and dirty proof of the existence of viruses for you - the uber smart demonic world destroyers believe in them!

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You know nothing about Ebola if that is your story.

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Scientific American? Aum's PhD's?

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Dear Todd Harvey,

Do you have a reference to an article in Scientific American about Ebola?

What is "Aum's PhD's"?


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Dear Allen,

Did you direct your statement about "Ebola" to me? If so, please note, that I wrote an article about Ebola a few years back. Ebola, according to the WHO is NOT very contagious. In fact, it looks just like scurvy. People are malnourished, lacking vitamin C, and the soils, where "Ebola" is found, are deficient in selenium.


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C'mon dude.

Yesterday, I harvested the fairy dust ... in my plan to turn rats into unicorns. That is MY proof that fairy dust exists, and that unicorns exist.

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Cite a valid scientific study.

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Dear Todd Harvey,

Thank you for the correction, sarin, not ricin. Nevertheless, looks like an inefficient weapon.

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The Chinese at Wuhan took a lavage (sample) from the lungs of dying covid victims in their hospital. They published the first photos of the "classy lung" - where each alveoli was filled with fluid. Their deaths and those lungs are evidence of the contagion. That does not include the death-by-doctor that unfortunately was so common in the US. I don't believe that in Japan they are by policy forcing remdesevir on people or intubating with a slight oxygen deficiency as was described in the Erin Olshewski video linked elsewhere in this chat. And the process of death is not entirely virus - it causes a massive immune response, and in many people it is their own immune response that kills them

But a super simple common sense proof of the existence of pathogenic virus is the defenses your own body has against them. Your immune system and the antibodies you have developed are proof in several ways:

1) the existence of your immune system proves that there are enemies attempting to gain a foothold and colonize your body

2) each antibody you develop is like a fossilized track of each predator that invaded your body, and we can see what you have been exposed to by the memory cells your body produces.

3) the dna and rna sensing capacity possessed by infants and small children protected them better aginst covid than all the machinations of man , and prove that there are environmental pathogens containing non-self dna and rna that invade the body (i.e. viruses)

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"Their deaths and those lungs are evidence of the contagion." How so? Where's the paper that shows transmission? I mean proof of so called natural transfer through aerosolized droplets, not invasive methods such as injecting toxins into a rodent brain. Could not the fluid on the lungs be from other causes? Incorrect medical procedure/treatment, heart problems, high blood pressure, kidney disease, trauma, exposure to environmental pollution or toxins, smoking, radiation, drugs or medication?

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Dear Eric,

This is slightly off the topic.

This CGTN interview(April, 2020) of the "official whistleblower", Pulmonology doctor Zhang, convinced me that the whole Chinese medical system sincerely believes in the germ theory. it is a real shame for the staffs with some traditional medicine training, which does not have the concept of contagion.

- The initial 7 suspicious cases in December (Drosten's PCR test only reached Wuhan in January, 2020) were all treated successfully.

- The 'COVID emergency operation' is identical to that of any Western ones.

- I wonder what the Baileys would say if they could read the medical records of the early 'cases' (at 24m20s) in 2020.


1. CGTN interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkyi7h4LHY4 (Dr. Li Wenliang was not the whistleblower, Zhang Jixian was! Here is why!)

2. The "official whistleblower": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Jixian

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Dear BB David:

I have lived in China since August 2017. By February 2020, I read reports from Chinese doctors - as a general rule, patients were receiving IVs with vitamin B-complex, and vitamin C. Though Chinese hospitals also administer so-called "anti-virals" and antibiotics, I trust that the hydration and vitamin infusions helped patients recover from pneumonia. (Recall, Chinese hospitals defined "Covid-19" solely as pneumonia - measured via chest x-ray).

More recently, Chinese hospitals are giving suspected Covid patients oxygen and breathing treatments with humidity, and tinctures to help expectorate phlegm. The hospitals in Shanghai and Hangzhou are NOT giving IV vitamin C (unfortunately).

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Dear John,

According to your experience in China, do you think the authority knew it was a plandemic from the get-go?

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Dear BB_David,

Well, 99% of the people think that viruses are real, and the pandemic is real. Most people I see on the street are still wearing masks. I had to go to a hospital, and even though my lungs were clear, and I had NO fever, and my oxygen was 99%, they diagnosed me as "positive" for SARS-CoV-2. Before that, I over the period April 2020-Dec 2022, I had been throat swabbed about 80 times - all negative.

In Feb 2020, the public hospital in Xian, advised that patients with pneumonia be given IV vitamin C, but by May 2020, no hospitals were following that suggestion. In December 2022, saw old people who needed hydration and vitamin C, and the public hospital was NOT giving that.

So, I am inclined to think that a message came down from the Chinese CDC, that IV vitamin C should not be given. However, people working at the hospital knew that if they "came in contact" with positive cases, that they TOO would be forced into lockdown. So, while they believed in PCR, they still defined nearly every sample as negative. I even met a few people, here in Shanghai, who were coughing and ill (with what we would usually call a mild cold or flu), and they were evaluated as "negative" for "Covid."

As far as I can tell, most of the so-called positive cases in China were found in THREE groups: (a) old people, who presented at a hospital, with pneumonia; (b) people who were in urban apartment complexes (with populations from 2,000-10,000 residents), whereby the entire compound was ALREADY locked down; and (c) any foreign travelers, arriving at an international airport (Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, etc.)

With the apartment complexes, any reports of "positive" cases, in the lockdown area, would be a win-win, politically. It would let the frightened public know that local government was tracking the disease and keeping them safe.

About the flights, it boils down to the fact that Chinese people are really xenophobic. (They call us outsiders/other country people; and call Africans "Black" - which is a demeaning term, for it is associated with the notion of being a dumb day-laborer, who has to work in the sun all day).

Chinese blame the outsider for brining in "virus." On the other hand, I find that such a notion is nearly universal, after all, that is what the word "epidemic" implies, "outside of the people" or "outside of the city walls."

I hope this helps.


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Dear John,

What was the reason for the policy U turn in Shanghai around April, 2022 according to you?

I hope you are keeping well.

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Sorry man,

I have no idea why local Chinese authorities went all shut down, and did not push D3 and vitamin C. The masses were so crazy that in November 2021, I was attacked on the train, by passengers, because I was not wearing a mask. This was at a time when we had to show neg PCR just to enter the train station!

Ironically, once we arrived in the Shanghai train station, the cops informed their countrymen that it was NOT a crime to go without a mask!!!


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The 1918 plandemic did not happen in China, either:


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Well, let's take a look at an example:


"He was immediately admitted to the isolation ward and received supplemental oxygen through a face mask. He was given interferon alfa-2b (5 million units twice daily, atomisation inhalation) and lopinavir plus ritonavir (500 mg twice daily, orally) as antiviral therapy, and moxifloxacin (0·4 g once daily, intravenously) to prevent secondary infection. Given the serious shortness of breath and hypoxaemia, methylprednisolone (80 mg twice daily, intravenously) was administered to attenuate lung inflammation. Laboratory tests results are listed in the appendix (p 4). After receiving medication, his body temperature reduced from 39·0 to 36·4 °C. However, his cough, dyspnoea, and fatigue did not improve. On day 12 of illness, after initial presentation, chest x-ray showed progressive infiltrate and diffuse gridding shadow in both lungs. He refused ventilator support in the intensive

care unit repeatedly because he suffered from claustrophobia; therefore, he received high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy (60% concentration, flow rate 40 L/min). On day 13 of illness, the patient’s symptoms had still not improved, but oxygen saturation remained

above 95%. In the afternoon of day 14 of illness, his

hypoxaemia and shortness of breath worsened. Despite receiving HFNC oxygen therapy (100% concentration, flow rate 40 L/min), oxygen saturation values decreased to 60%, and the patient had sudden cardiac arrest."

well, if you consider all the toxins that were fed to this poor man, you should not be surprised that he died - and that you can kill people with aggressive ventilation, you apparently do not know


by the way, people were constantly suggested fear, which alone is a disease


which as a result can cause clinical pictures such as: dizziness, nausea, increased pulse, sweating,❗rapid breathing❗, trouble sleeping etc.

and provides stress in the cells(ROS), then stigmatized by an absolute idiot test with a disease that does not exist, to then kill them with ventilators!!!

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Moderna is suing Pfizer for patent infringement is that Moderna helped to create the Covid-19 virus as early as 2013 during gain of function research and then patented parts of the virus. This means Moderna essentially owns SARS-CoV-2.

Moderna has filed patent infringement lawsuits in the U.S. and Germany accusing Pfizer and its partner BioNTech of stepping on patents that Moderna says it filed between 2010 and 2016.

But official documents and evidence suggest the patent infringement may be due to Moderna helping to create the Covid-19 virus in a lab during gain of function research.

Moderna then patented parts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus as early as 2013. And this may explain why further official documents prove Moderna had a Covid-19 vaccine candidate months before Covid-19 was known to exist officially. The 2013 Patent here: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2013143555A1/en

Let’s start by looking at the confidential agreement proving Moderna had a Coronavirus vaccine candidate at least nineteen days before the alleged emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China.

The confidential agreement which can be viewed here states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.


There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines.

It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion.

BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: https://www.ibtimes.sg/fact-check-biontech-ceo-ugur-sahin-refuses-take-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-due-safety-concerns-61652 (If he dies from his own vaccines, he won't be able to make any more, to save all of you?)

In 2020, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin proudly announced, "...we chose lipid nanoparticles that promote migration from the muscle cells into the lymph nodes." - https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/6XrY4yTa8JQ/m/qFqqyvFJBQAJ

But by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase),

The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added (increases in deaths and injuries beyond the initial contracts)

The Contracts 23 00099 General Dynamics Information Te.. https://substack.com/redirect/dac78dc8-9d2d-4280-a390-218d47bb331d?j=eyJ1IjoibjFlaXcifQ.OkComRnvTz45cW2ospKdwvhGbhkMepFwvepUF91fYF023 00099

Eagle Health Analytics, Ll

https://substack.com/redirect/bcba05ff-1dce-4b15-a6a7-0f59f3cb115a j=eyJ1IjoibjFlaXcifQ.OkComRnvTz45cW2ospKdwvhGbhkMepFwvepUF91fYF0

Grand total? $35,425,642 The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) records 1% of all reports: VAERS updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41 to arrive at December 2022 numbers) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022. ...The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow

FDA assigned Pfizer's COVID vaccine a license number months prior to actually licensing it | 6 Jan 2023 | Back in July 2020, when the U.S. Government committed to purchasing millions of doses of Pfizer's Covid vaccines prior to the vaccines actually being authorized for use in the American public, some wondered whether the FDA's "review" process for granting Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) was just a mere formality...

Based on an FDA document that ICAN's (Informed Consent Action Network) attorneys recently obtained, it appears we can now say that the FDA's post-EUA procedure for determining whether to formally license Pfizer's Covid vaccine was indeed just that - a mere formality.

On June 17, 2021, the FDA drafted a memo announcing that it was issuing a license number for Pfizer's Covid vaccine. But the FDA didn't actually license the Pfizer's Covid vaccine until several months later on August 23, 2021. In the document, the FDA makes the stunning admission that, while granting a BLA license number prior to actual licensing was a "deviation from [the FDA's] normal practice," it was doing so to "facilitate product labeling and distribution" because it had reviewed "much" of the information in Pfizer's licensing application.

So Moderna and Pfizer (etc) have reinvented the wheel with their Scientific Frankenstein Monstrosity and that is called progress - the original wheel being this:

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You got proof that SARS-CoV-2 exists?

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RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Scientists have discovered genetic material in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which was patented by vaccine manufacturer Moderna in 2016. The researchers’ discovery again supports the hypothesis that the Coronavirus originated in the laboratory.

The identified genetic code snippet was found at the furin cleavage site of the virus: The part of SARS-CoV-2 in which it differs significantly from other coronaviruses and thanks to which the virus can so successfully infect humans.

Even before that, because of this structure, it had been repeatedly argued that the virus must have originated in the laboratory: Some scientists doubted that it could have evolved naturally in this way.

The critical physicist Roland Wiesendanger also sees the unique furin cleavage site of SARS-CoV-2 as an important indication that the virus was produced artificially.

Moderna filed the patent as part of its cancer research. According to the researchers’ analysis, the virus shares a sequence of 19 nucleotides in total with the said Moderna genome, twelve of which form the structure of the furin cleavage site. The sequence is part of a gene called MSH3, which affects how damaged cells in the body repair themselves. Link here: https://twitter.com/CuriousCanuckle/status/1496189358621458433

Moderna filed a patent application in February 2016. Researchers say the discovery cannot be a coincidence – "the chance that it arose this way through natural evolution is one in three trillion".


In a new hour-long presentation – watch it here: https://sensereceptornews.com/?p=15980 – Latypova lays out the copious evidence she has compiled – including “receipts” – to show that covid injections are nothing more than a bioweapon that was unleashed on the world by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) via the corrupt U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

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Again, show us proof that SARS-CoV-2 exists, And how are injections bio-weapons, unless they contain a biological entity, something capable of self replication which acts as a transmission agent?

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The US FDA’s website (FDA, 2020) reveals that the United States Department of Defence (DoD) has been in full control of the Covid Vaccine development program since its beginning. The DoD has been responsible for development, manufacturing, clinical trials, quality assurance, distribution and administration, since that time (FDA, 2020; Rees and Latypova, 2022; KEI, 2022; Medical Defense Consortium, 2022; Rees, 2022). The major pharmaceutical companies have been involved as “Project Coordination Teams” effectively performing as subcontractors to the DoD. The Chief Operating Officer for (Trump's) Warp Speed vaccine program is the US Department of Defence, and the Chief Science Advisor is the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). 

Up to the end of World War 2 (1939-1945) all aircraft were powered by piston engine technology and it was only towards the end of World War 2 (1944) that the jet engine was invented, in its infancy and because it delivered more thrust, provided faster speeds, took up less space, than piston engine aircraft - it eventually became our main mode of aircraft propulsion.

So with the nanotechnology in 2023 - we are at the beginning of World War 2 as above and the vaccines are to become jet engines, way beyond our understanding or mechanical ability to create in now, because we didn't have the specialized equipment, or the engineering capability to create them and won't reach that level of capability for at least 10 years forwards from today, let's see 2033 and here we have them being injected with the Pfizer's (and other vaccines) from January 2021 - do you see the conundrum?

See Electron Microscope studies of blood at cellular level and the nanotechnology to be found there: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-mindset-of-dr-robert-young-on-blood-clots-pleomorphism-the-jibby-jab-t-cruzi-h-vulgaris?postId=3704e561-ae34-4a1b-98f5-ded468531d93&utm_campaign=5003d1c8-c42a-4ec7-837d-42a0d74c29a2&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&utm_content=ca364f20-ac6e-41bf-9814-33ce0b02ff77&cid=8bec1d4c-3773-415a-83c2-1694daa095a4

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I don't know how it leaked but it clearly did.

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how do you know?

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I don't....I don't know anything anymore...I don't trust anything anymore...but i know what makes sense. I know we are involved and i know China is involved....(side note) How do we know that the balloon was even from China.? Seems we have a debt ceiling coming up and a military industrial complex that wants a hefty budget increase to beef up our depleted military.....get my drift....just a hypothesis.

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who the fuck uses a spy balloon in the age of satellites? Even in the 1950s the satellites were so good they could read a newspaper headline in a photo taken from the atmosphere. it's a load of bullshit to think China sent a fucking spy balloon. What a joke. This is a stupidity test.

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Who shoots missiles at balloons?

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Common sense

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How do you know 'it' leaked from a lab?

And more importantly, how do you know what 'it' is?

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Obviously nuclear energy does not need to function, nor can it, as an explosive, a weapon. In a nutshell, it is claimed that it is that enriched uranium is the source of energy to produce the steam to generate turbines for electricity.

Most of science is theoretical and recently constructed as models. Things like genes, DNA, atoms, molecules are postulated long before any proof. In a word these are human constructs. Science emerged out of philosophy and the method when used is very rigorous. Instruments to provide aid since much of this is beyond normal perception, distorts what is viewed. This is largely due to the preparation.

I take the approach, as does real science, that we should question, even doubt these theories. Rupert Sheldrake's "Science Set Free" provides some insights into the dynamics which are always changing.

TNT and dynamite and of course chemicals are the potent weapons. I think beyond that there are questions. Microwave devices are more likely the latest weapons.

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I've been wondering about this theory, but I don't know enough to understand.


It speculates that the "immortal" HELA cells were used to create the virus and because blacks share mitochondrial DNA with Henrietta Lacks that they were more vulnerable to Covid. I understand that theory, but they also said the use of HELA cells could be to blame for the lab leak. Is there a way HELA cells could be why it escaped?

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It is pointless me arguing my point - you either believe, or you don't believe in my free salt water cure - by now, it won't matter anyway, because you are vaccinated, or you are not and your ending has been predetermined for you, or it has not.

I have done my bit and you have to do whatever you are going to do based on your preconception of what is actually happening here - and frankly, I've got better ways to spend my time, than justify anything with you.

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To be honest it seems that the truther community may be being played. I have been bombarded with differing opinions especially in the last three years and it doesn’t help my sanity. I think the people who are orchestrating the narrative are highly intelligent and well informed with all the resources at their disposal so we have to be wise and not be swayed by suggestion and so called evidence until just like a so called virus we should look for it’s isolation and the effect it has on the world.

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I’ve read that ornery people live longer than most.

I predict a long life for you.

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Hi Eric. Came across this yesterday and wanted to share as this is potentially a powerful tool for research of scientific papers:


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Hey, this is Eric's question, and I'm probably illegitimate to make ground rules for it, but were I to make a ground rule, I'd like the answers be one of the following:

1) hard physical evidence it happened (somewhere) or some military tech you can substantiate

2) a physical precedent in history (smallpox blankets don't count)

3) a movie, especially a James Bond movie.

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Dear Todd Harvey,

Despite the stories about "smallpox blankets", we do not see proof or confirmation. To the contrary, in the 1950s, virologists [sic] mixed human scabs (from smallpox sores) with various liquids, then injected that "soup" into developing chick embryos. After the developing chicks suffered poisoning, Helbert (1957) writing in the Lancet claimed that such proved that there was a virus in the scabs (crust) and that such stayed ACTIVE up to 9 years!

Ironically, Downie and Dumbell (1947) using this same method found that one batch of egg cultures did not produce lesions. Hmm. No matter. I think that my chicken eggs will be fine so long as no one cracks the shell, and injects foreign material.

Then again, human scabs might possess virus ... even after nine years.


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Check Mongol on this , above.

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Slightly off topic, but will throw it into the mix. From a lady in Lombardy (the Italian epicenter where they initially had a lot of deaths).

She pointed out that the rest of the country shared airplane communication with China with similar numbers of Chinese immigrant laborers, but the rest of the country did not suffer the catastrophic deaths as Lombardy did.

The key difference was their previous year's flu vaccination. It rendered the old people fatally susceptible to sars cov-2 , while the elderly in southern Italy suffered no such loss. (search for Cathleen and Laura: https://arkmedic.substack.com/p/the-killing-fields-of-samoa/comments#comment-12501258 ) So this is not on Eric's topic, but it just shows the immune system is quite complex, and you can't exclude the certainty that it's possible to pre-dispose a segment of the population to die from the new virus. And that is also the theme of the arkmedic post - that many children in Samoa were literally killed by measles because they had been previously vaccinated for measles. So, weird attack mechanism #1, vaccinate for a variant that no longer is prevalent, then introduce a new one and see all the primed people pass away. (that did not happen in Wuhan, IMHO) )

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Your comment illustrates you know next-to-nothing about what happened in Lombardy.

Why don't you actually do some research on what happened before spouting such sophistry?

What you wrote here is beyond idiotic:

"From a lady in Lombardy (the Italian epicenter where they initially had a lot of deaths).

She pointed out that the rest of the country shared airplane communication..."

You heard some shit and then shoe-horned it into your presupposition.

I think you're lazy. You're just repeating esoteric nonsense and making conflations based on this.

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Don't ignore the so-called vaping deaths across the country, the unexplained virus deaths across the street from a Bill Gates facility in Seattle, and the outbreak in Virginia in the spring of 2019. Surely those were all accidental and not practice runs for how to disperse virus, or to test how virulent it was.

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Let's get some science/mechanics out of the way.

1) this thing does not spread by subway handholds. Or spitting. Or incidental contact.

2) it is aerosol spread

This discussion establishes that point: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1728599665?t=4h9m21s

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Transmission: I've looked on & off for 3 years, I can't find a study that demonstrates the natural transfer of a malady via aerosol droplets. This would be a simple experiment...

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So, how was it spread in Teheran in March 2020 to infect 10% of the Iranian parliament and kill dozens? ( https://www.unz.com/page/covid-biowarfare-articles/ ) Beats the hell out of me. maybe something like this: https://www.cdc.gov/legionella/about/causes-transmission.html

Israel has thoroughly penetrated Iran. Maybe they have some capability beyond all our imaginations.

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Maybe this, maybe that...

More speculative gibberish sans evidence.

Can you speak to US sanctions in Iran and how this has impacted the type of "homemade" fuel that has become widespread out of necessity due to those sanctions.

Can you speak to how that has impacted Tehran's air quality and the change in particulate matter?

Can you speak to how that has led to an increase in upper respiratory illnesses over the past decade in Iran?

Of course you can't- you haven't looked into it.

They just caught a "bug" in your historically, socially and ecologically illiterate world.

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Just to be clear, I'm not saying "lab leak". I'm saying "intentional release". For your perusal: https://www.unz.com/runz/why-the-lab-leak-theory-is-almost-certainly-false/

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Yoichi Shimatsu is great on previous biowarfare attacks on Chinese agriculture with viruses, causing huge destruction of pigs. On Sars Cov-2 I'm not as much of a fan, but he says that a lake where Tilapia are raised was also used for military training (think seals) and played a role in the wuhan military games, and even played a role in Korea because the cult that started a super spreader event in Seoul also had a lot of people at this same lake, which supplied Tilapia to the Wuhan market. IMHO Mr Shimatsu is a way better author to read than Ian Fleming, even if he's writing non-fiction.

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Do you have a few hours? .... https://indexterity.blogspot.com/2023/01/lab-257-michael-carroll-sprouted-30.html ... biolabs in ukraine ..now swarming to other parts of the world [i've seen maps already]

Jan 4 Office Hours, with Audible reading of Lab 257 (Michael Carroll)

Housatonic Live

6.84K subscribers

361 views Streamed live 6 hours ago


Ep 189.1: Audible narration, Lab 257 (2003) by Michael Carroll, Chapters 1-5


3 hours ago


31/1------------------------------ 11mirror --- k258 ---- 22-resonant


vvh-tv on plum island

i couldn't find anything on Mark's website but perpaps this is his version: audiobobb .... 378Mb [an hour long dwnld via rapidgator gets you a free copy ... and 2 hours pause time before you may dip into their catalogue again

for the mp3 version, easier on your system and/or data allowance, go here: https://audiobb.com/lab-257/

Lab 257 --- Posted on August 9, 2022 by admin

Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Germ Laboratory ------------ English | March 21, 2017 | ASIN: B06XHRSKYR| MP3@64 kbps | 13h 43m | 377.6 MB

Author: Michael Christopher Carroll

Narrator: Kirby Heyborne

Strictly off limits to the public, Plum Island is home to virginal beaches, cliffs, forests, ponds – and the deadliest germs that have ever roamed the planet.

the file numbers in the zip folder [via rapidgator with a slow/free option which takes an hour] are one too high each [should have started with 0 or intro i guess]



best warning against race intertanglement thus far

this book went straight to the top of my list illustrating what happens when whities insist on remaining turtle isle side ..... instead of following my urgent counsel .... spread around for nearly 25 years now ......


VVH-TV News Special Report on PLUM ISLAND --- VVHTV ---- 2.94K subscribers ------ 48,530 views Jul 8, 2007

VVH-TV News Chief Investigative Reporter Karl Grossman interviews author Long Island native and lawyer Michael Christopher Carroll about his work "Lab 257". This work takes us on a shocking journey inside the notorious Plum Island biological research facility. Carroll spent five years researching this highly detailed and powerful account of the secretive government installation that sits just off the coast of some of New York's prime real estate, an installation that has had its share of meltdowns, mishaps and downright scary security breaches, including two known releases of deadly viruses into the air.

Owned by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Plum Island lies just off the coast of the North Fork of Long Island. This otherwise uninhabited, woodsy island has a long history of controversy and secrecy, as Carroll so intricately details, and just may have put the millions of residents of the Tri-State area in utter danger of exposure to fatal animal diseases, including Rift Valley fever, West Nile virus, and even anthrax, time and time again.

Lab 257 is a wake-up call to people to be more aware of what goes on in their own backyards. Labs like these exist all over the country, some more visible than others. Shoring up our crumbling biological research labs and accounting for the hundreds of vials of deadly viruses and microbes might be a better use of our time, our taxes and our energy. Plum Island, and its history of danger to millions of citizens, is proof of that indeed.

VVH-TV News attempted to have an interview with officials from the Department of Homeland Security but were denied.





fiction = 9thou ::: fantasy = 3thou

Peter Dale Scott JFK book


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what deadly viruses and microbes?

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tick-borne encephalitis virus

solicitation of Russian synovial fluid to develop arthritis causing viruses targeted to Russians

Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever



Hunt virus

work has been carried out on the causative agents of plague, anthrax and brucellosis in the Lviv biolab

Pathogens of diphtheria, salmonellosis and dysentery in the laboratory of Kharkiv and Poltava.

In Lviv alone, 232 containers with the causative agent of leptospirosis, 30 with tularemia and 10 with brucellosis and 5 with plague were destroyed. There are more than 320 containers in total.


African swine fever

Odessa, which conducts research with pathogens of plague, anthrax, cholera, tularemia.

dirofilariasis in Kherson in 2019, a disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes

I'm summarizing a guy who is summarizing a number of articles here: https://discord.com/channels/872999209182322719/875718936442863667/997723922344726619

Ukrainians were getting sick and dying around these 45 labs: In addition, attention is drawn to the fact of a sharp increase in cases of tuberculosis caused by a new multi-resistant strain among citizens living in the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics in 2018. These data are confirmed by specialists of Rospotrebnadzor. During the mass outbreak recorded in the area of the village of Peski, more than 70 cases of the disease were detected, which ended in a rapid fatal outcome. This may indicate a deliberate infection, or an accidental leakage of the pathogen from one of the Ukrainian biological laboratories.

And the US was discovered to have a similar smorgasbord of labs in Kazakhistan.

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Wow Dude,

A simple list of diseases and or "viruses" does not a unicorn make.

"West Nile virus" is a phrase, but where is the "thing"? Show us virus, please.

Meningitis means inflammation of the meninges. Where is the causal agent, in the form of an exogenous, contagious, pathogenic virus?


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Mercola believes viruses exist.

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Mercola thinks there was a pandemic and refuses to debate this. He has been challenged on this multiple times and walks away.

That is because he is savvy and knows he would get demolished in such a debate against the likes of myself. He would then have three years worth of work discredited by a relative nobody.

Would I get to live in his mansion then?

You forgot Ebola- that's a baddie.

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Feb 10, 2023
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Mercola has lost it, and his website is edited by lawyers, not by him. He is the figurehead. I know this from Erin, his girlfriend. If the lawyers say kosher then a BLT it is. When he had JEREMY FRICKIN HAMMOND on to argue for viruses, I knew that the bottom fell out and he was taking a bath in the septic system.

Gary Null not only believes in viruses, he is a full-on germophobe...I mean he has his floor at a retreat center bleached TWICE before he goes in; he wears gloves at a barbecue; he has lost whatever mind he had. And to be fair, Null was berry berry good to me on the PCB story -- he had me on the show not once but twice at Noon on WBAI....big time, back then...

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This is a partial list of the research the CIA affiliates were doing in Ukraine.

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Yes, we've heard of all those alleged viruses. But we are looking for the scientific evidence that they actually exist. No one seems to have any; virologists don't adhere to the scientific method. They rely on circular reasoning and wild leaps of illogic.

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Eat a rabid bat.

Prove us wrong.

That will be the ultimate scientific proof, and you will get the Nobel Prize for Medicine. Or perhaps you don't really believe your own message. https://sophiasnippets.wordpress.com/2021/02/07/yes-dolores-the-sars-cov-2-virus-has-certainly-been-isolated/

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You're trying to reverse the burden of proof. The burden is on those making the positive claim. And under no circumstances would me eating a rabid bat even have the potential to prove anything to do with a virus, no matter what the outcome. Logic please.

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Wuhan original paper. Exhaustively sequenced virus from samples from lungs of dying victims. Equals proof. And repeated thousands of times over, by this point.

Lady sends crafted letters to government agency guaranteed to get a noncommittal response, claims it proves sars cov-2 never sequenced. Equals unethical.

Jessica Rose called you out. She's great. Stop the scam, Christine. Your letters were a crafted lie.

We give the virus deniers opportunity to bring science , data, experiment to the table. All they do is make videos. Why? Because they do no experiments, they validate no hypotheses, they have no data. Because they are nothing but a TV show. There is no science there. They play games with words.

Example #1, Christine Masseys's 95 FOIA letters. Never corroborated. Why? Because everyone recognizes they are a scam, designed to fool a hapless public, who is suckered to believe that if you go to a health office the secretaries and bureaucrats there are going to show you a set of research papers. That's not what bureaucracies do, and you knew that in advance, Christine, and everybody knows you knew it.

Why you chose the path of notoriety and fame - your name on all the alt sites, the interviews, the videos - why you chose that instead of helping people baffles me. So many chose to battle the system - Claire Craig, Jessica Rose, Simone Gold, Kulvinder Kaur, Lidiya Angelova, and they took hits and damage to their careers. Why pursue fame and sacrifice your neighbors and countrymen who if they said on their mandate exemption form "Christine Massey says viruses don't exist therefore I shouldn't be compelled to be vaxed" - you're literally sacrificing your neighbors when these mandates come back.

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Feb 8, 2023
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What viruses and microbes?

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Great question. So somebody was carrying files in a briefcase from Canada to China once upon a time. Right? Who knows what was in the vials because there is no V. But there could be something in the vials that causes symptoms/death. So if this was a movie, perhaps someone was trying to steal or deliver similar vials from the Wuhan lab and got into trouble somehow. 

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The mass media pushed the story at the very start, and have repeatedly come back to it. What are the odds that anything they push is factual?

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I vacillate with China vs USA 🇺🇸 so today I say it leaked intentionally from China research Lab (Wuhan) paid for with USA 🇺🇸 taxpayer $$

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How do you know anything leaked, specifically a virus, and a specific virus at that? Where is there physical proof that this virus exists?

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I don't have an opinion one way or another about the existence or nonexistence of the covid virus but people were and are certainly getting sick with something

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Yeah they were getting sick, but not from a new 'virus'.. COVID is just a relabeled disease, people sick with flu and other respiratory illnesses were branded as having 'COVID-19'

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That's bullshit. People didn't get sick before "Covid." At least noone I knew.

My great grandfather would still be alive if it weren't for that nasty little novel virii- he was pushing 156 and stil running 10 or 11 miles a day, depending on the weather and his gallstones, and then BLAM! this Faucified GoF little bastard killed off Granpa'.

Are you a doctor? If not STFU I lost a family member here. I know a new sickness when I see one even when it's invisible.

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I had the worst flu symptoms of my life, sought medical treatment 3x including going to hospital ER in an ambulance…had to go live with my parents for 3 weeks, was weak for 6 weeks…in 2018! People have always had symptoms

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Ro that happened to me too! In March 1995. I've never been so sick; it was like nothing I've ever experienced. Lasted three weeks.

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Proof that they were testing out the lab leak back then!

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Only those of us who know what to look for are able to see invisible entities. (<)

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"Are you a doctor? If not STFU I lost a family member here. I know a new sickness when I see one even when it's invisible."

I am not a doctor, and reckon you're not one either. So you STFU, you clueless braindead zombie.

COVID exists in the TV alone if it wasn't for the fake PCR tests you wouldn't even know it existed.

And don't tell me you can spot invisible 'viruses', when no one has isolated them according to the scientific method.

Now go fuck yourself.

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No but I play one on TV. That's exactly where I first saw The Covid. You don't think TV is real? I think we've found your problem.

I don't need no stinkin' PCR or isolation or scientific method to tell me about no virus. I know a damn virus when I feel and smell one. I was standin' right on one of those safety dots in Wal-Mart and the damn thing swooshed right past me. It's real man.

Had I not been standin' right there on that dot and walking in the direction of the safety arrows I wouldn't be here to tell the tale.

And BTW I first learned about these safety measures ON my TeeVee so don't tell me TV isn't real. Saved my life.

Did you say brains? Yum.

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"My great grandfather would still be alive if it weren't for that nasty little novel virii- he was pushing 156 and stil running 10 or 11 miles a day, depending on the weather and his gallstones, and then BLAM! this Faucified GoF little bastard killed off Granpa'."

Are you sure that COVID killed your old man, and it was not the hospital protocols? Remdesivir, forced intubations and the like?

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"That's bullshit. People didn't get sick before "Covid." At least noone I knew."

LFMAO. Tell that to the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands dead of regular flu in the US alone..

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Yes it seems like March 2020 is when everyone realized that people get sick. Until then, they thought American society was the paragon of health,wellness and fitness

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Methinks that comment is tongue in cheek. Great grandfather pushing 156? :-)

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Dear Marius,

If you look at the American data, flu and pneumonia are grouped in the mortality numbers. Since 2020, the category was "flu, pneumonia, and Covid." Please recall the investigation by Peter Doshi (2005). The CDC data of 2001, reported 61,777 pneumonia deaths, and 257 flu deaths. Yet even with PCR, the number of "positive flu" cases amongst flu deaths was only 18. So ... not really worrisome. Unless you are deficient in D3, vitamin C, selenium, zinc, water, magnesium, are obese, do not exercise ...


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My friends and family reported illnesses that felt like a very bad flu. I am wondering whether some toxins have been sprayed on us.

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I am pretty sure they spray us like bugs.. that's a possibility for sure

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People getting "sick with something" doesn't prove a virus has anything to do with it, let alone a specific virus. In the early 1980s, in one case after another, people living by (or even on) toxic waste sites reporting getting sick in large numbers. The EPA routinely attributed this to "a viral flu." Guess what happened subsequently, which is why the toxic waste fund was created.

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Don’t forget that people still got their usual flu shots in the fall prior to “wuflu” scamdemic. These are bioweapons and who knows how long they’ve been “vaccinating” for sterilization, depop, $$, I mean “health”.

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Well, weapons they are, though chemical weapons, not bio, there is no biological pathogen acting as the transmission agent. Shots are like any other injection o ingestion of toxic chemicals, e.g. drinking lead and the like by drinking tap water from a polluted water system like Flint, Michigan.

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Feb 8, 2023
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Here is your "Wuhan original" - Fan Wu, in truth the second claimed sequence.


This is MN908947, a fraudulent claimed partial in silico sequencing of the N-gene. This is not a virus, it's a bad joke.

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Feb 8, 2023
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I researched this and found a source. There is an answer. And the answer is not "real virus."

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Feb 8, 2023
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Also you are misunderstanding something about Christine's work. She is not trying to establish the existence of the virus. Follow me here, all caps: SHE IS WORKING TO ASCERTAIN THE BASIS BY WHICH PUBLIC HEALTH AUTHORITIES DECLARED THE EMERGENCY OF A CONTAGIOUS VIRUS. Period. Neither she nor I care if the virus exists as some kind of abstract entity. We care about the reason that the governments SHUT DOWN THE WORLD but cannot provide evidence supporting THE CLAIM THAT THEY MADE -- OF A VIRUS THAT INFECTS PEOPLE. AND IF THE VIRUS CANNOT BE FOUND INTACT IN A PERSON, AND IT CANNOT THEREFORE BE TESTED FOR, THEN WHY WERE 4.4 BILLION PEOPLE PUT UNDER MARTIAL LAW?

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I am putting the onus on these institutions to prove their claims! They can't, and the virus is clearly made-up and imaginary :)

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It's the answer I give when I'm writing two articles on a short deadline. The databases are spiked. Of course they are going to tell you it's "SARS-CoV-2." The question we are asking is: where is the original? Where is the actual virus against which you can compare and say: this is the master copy? It does not exist. And this is the problem. A very serious one at that.

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and Lanka is correct; the metagenomics programs are assembling garbage and calling it a "coronavirus." but when you read the story of how the Ren team assembled 402123, the actual first sequence published, you will see what a heap of corporate garbage this all is.

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An in silico database search cannot provide scientific evidence of a virus, lol. Read the Methods in a "virus sequencing" paper. Virologists don't apply scientific method and they don't sequence viruses. They make wild ridiculous assumptions, declare they have a "virus", and assemble genetic fragments of unknown provenance into a longer sequence, fraudulently labelling it a "virus genome", and upload those meaningless codes into your trusted databases.

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Feb 9, 2023
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Feb 6, 2023
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OK Cosmos, you're not so bad in this post. A lot of true stuff. Especially calling out the bullshit in New York. (and Elmhurst especially)

Why there's never been any sort of trial. Just unbelievable. Erin Marie Olszewski

Undercover nurse exposes what is REALLY happening with ‘Covid-19 pandemic’ - 'it's murder' (bitchute.com) https://www.bitchute.com/video/gDnQVKekJLpT/

At least listen up to the part where she described her only survivor. A fentanyl addict, the drugs didn't knock him out, he pulled the tubes out and staggered out of the hospital himself.

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But back to Cosmos - I'm saying Cosmos (and Jeff Strahl) are saying that this is "War of the Worlds" redux. (the famous psy op where Orson Welles read the book on the radio and scared thousands of people in New Jersey half to death. But it was totally fake.) A common sense argument that we have a real virus going on here is that the fake only could last a few hours, and this psy op has been going on for several years. So that implies there is a degree of reality to it. Not the whole agenda - the powerful are greatly increasing their power through it. Pretty difficult to attribute all the hospitalizations to "mass formation psychosis". People are just making it up. It's all in their head. People are just gullible, I suppose. Do you all actually believe that? Do you not know anyone who has died? Should you believe your own eyes, or scum-sucking grifters who tell you viruses don't exist?

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