and because they are always looking for these so-called "sequences" which are parts of the human, mouse, rat or plants genome (nucleic acids/nucleotide sequences)
in the examinations which "virologists" carry out, there is already a dehydration and a CPE through the addition of fluorescent agents and other foreign substances, which they then pass off as a "virus", which is of course an absolute fraud
Dear Mr. Coppolino,
well, I would suggest to talk to Dr. Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D. -
and because they are always looking for these so-called "sequences" which are parts of the human, mouse, rat or plants genome (nucleic acids/nucleotide sequences)
and which will always be found, depending on which dead cells the human being just excretes
and because they admit it themselves
in the examinations which "virologists" carry out, there is already a dehydration and a CPE through the addition of fluorescent agents and other foreign substances, which they then pass off as a "virus", which is of course an absolute fraud
so when you see those numbers in a study, those are
and the letter salad in the gene bank are amino acids, which are again NOT a so-called "virus" and are thus also a fraud!!!
Dr Qureshi weighed in, earlier. See above.
Yes I know, but I only saw it after I had already commented - I appreciate Dr. Qureshi very much and I am glad that he also commented on it!!